Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Election Interference??

 Ma Garland was on the news today announcing that the Department of Injustice has indicted two Russians with election interference charges. No one has been charged in this country for claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation". By making that false claim, were those people not trying to interfere with the 2020 election? Has anyone in the Biden administration been charged with attempting to censor social media to affect elections in this country? Why not? Is it because the Department of Injustice actually has authority in this case?

Let's just put this into perspective for a minute. Do you believe that the United States government has never conspired to affect the outcome of elections in other countries? I will give you a hint. Nothing says "hypocrisy" like the United States government accusing some other country of election interference.

Have you heard of Iran? In 1953, the CIA and the British MI6 staged a coup to overthrow the government of a popularly elected Prime Minister and returned the Shah as the absolute ruler of Iran. Let me repeat that, we overthrew the popularly elected Prime Minister and replaced him with the Shah. Why didn't Allen Dulles consider any of this while he was flying back to Tehran from Rome with the Shah to resume power? How did that work out for us?   Why not ask one of those hostages held at the US embassy in Tehran for months until Reagan was inaugurated? Our actions helped the Ayatollahs come to power. The mess in Iran today is the result of the actions of the CIA interfering with elections.

Was Iran the only country where we tried to change the leadership? Do you think that those Cubans who landed at the Bay of Pigs were just looking for a good place to surf? How about Manuel Noriega in Panama? What gives us the right to decide who will lead other countries? 

How did that "nation building" work out for us in Afghanistan? Alexander the Great, the British Empire and the USSR all thought that they could bring rational government to Afghanistan. They all failed. What the hell made us believe that we could pull one out of our asses in Afghanistan? It took twenty years and billions of dollars, but we failed spectacularly. Biden couldn't even pull off pulling out successfully. 

Do you think that all of this is ancient history? Have you heard Biden and Harris attacking Netanyahu's decisions? Are they trying to change the government in Israel? Why are we propping up a government in Ukraine which has delayed any elections until after the war with Russia is over? Didn't we have a couple of elections during World War 2? Yes, but we don't worry about our elections like we sweat about Ukraine holding elections and voting out the "chosen one".

Is sending our troops to foreign countries election interference? How many times have the Marines been to Haiti? How about Nicaragua? In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, how many times did the Marines go to China? 

How long will we have to wait for the Department of Justice to take action against those in the federal government trying to interfere with our own elections? Are Ma Garland, Chris Wray and the Department of Justice capable of ending the corruption in their own Department of Justice? I doubt it. Let's vote the bastards out in November!!


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