Friday, September 20, 2024

I was a middle class kid?

 I was a middle-class kid.  My neighbors were all proud of their lawns. Vote for me for President.

Having read that, you know the entire contents of Kameltoe Harris' resume for the Presidency. You also know all that she appears to know. 

Sitting in Mrs. Anne Ayala's English class in the 1970-1971 school year, I learned lots of new words. I would have never guessed that the words "vapid" and "vacuous" would ever be used as widely in a Presidential race as they are today. Thanks for that heads up, Mrs. Ayala.

Kameltoe Harris is so dumb that she thinks "vapid" is the past tense of "vape". She says that she is against it.

I would pay to hear a reporter ask her about why the government is trying to ban menthol cigarettes. Since she purports to be "black", this should be a topic of interest for her.

How long will it before some alleged journalist asks Kameltoe to explain how her "opportunity economy" will actually operate? Does it involve lottery tickets? Does it involve a leprechaun and a four-leaf clover? Do we all need to check our well-maintained lawns for four leaf clovers? Do they still make that cereal that uses a leprechaun in the ads? 

Who writes her campaign speeches? George Santos?

I am not going to say that Kameltoe is not disclosing any details about her "opportunity economy", but Amway would have been gone in about a week if they had not given out more info than she has.

This whole "opportunity economy" is the 2024 edition of Glenn Turner's Koscot Interplanetary sales pitch. Basically, she is telling us that life is going to be great, but no details are available for viewing. Somewhere, there's a truckload of snake oil waiting for Kameltoe to get there.

Bill needs to get Hillary Clinton to get into some kind of counseling and treatment situation. She is still mad at Americans for her losing the election eight years ago. She wants to ban free speech and put people in jail for using humor. Of course, that is actually what she accuses conservatives of wanting to do. As she is the butt of so many jokes, I can almost understand her frustration. Her only qualification for the Presidency was that she had slept with Bill Clinton. Unfortunately, that's a pretty big pool of potential Presidents. 

The good news about Hillary Clinton is that those who described her as a "power hungry bitch" were correct. She could succeed now by starting a twelve-step program for losers. I can hear it now. "I am Hillary Clinton. I am a loser."

Donald Trump is a much more disciplined campaigner than I had previously thought. It has been several weeks since Kameltoe ascended to the candidacy, and he has still not referred to her as "The ditz with the tits". There's some self-control!

This has absolutely no connection with anything here, but sometimes I like to misspell words just to see what the spelling function suggests instead.

Despite being a middle-class kid, I never worked at a McDonalds. In high school I worked for Biff-Burger, which actually originated in Florida. Just for the record, we called it Barf-Burger. Anyway, I have been telling people that I worked at Biff-Burger since 1971. Nobody had heard of Kameltoe Harris working at McDonalds until a couple of months ago. What is it about running for political office that seems to fire up a candidate's memory? Or is Kameltoe just imitating Joe Biden's recollections of events that never happened? Will she soon tell us about her encounters with a "mean dude" named Frosted Flake? When did she drive an 18-wheeler?

I guess that Hezbollah will not be buying any more pagers or radios from the Saul Rubenstein Communications Company. I heard that Saul got their business when he announced, "blowout prices". It won't be at any of the anti-Semitic Ivy League schools, but one day that will be taught in business schools as the world's best example of "targeted marketing". 

I am waiting for the day when every terrorist's last words are, "Let me check my messages."

Time to hit the "Publish" button and see if the Google gods are okay with this post.


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