Thursday, October 10, 2024

More on Morons?

 There is no one with less credibility than a news broadcaster sitting in New York telling me what is happening in North Carolina. I actually live in Piedmont North Carolina. We were not affected by the flooding Helene caused in the mountains. However, I have several friends who live in the mountains. No one who I have talked to has the same story that the federal government is hustling, and their media accomplices are broadcasting.

Let's start with the planning and leadership of the North Carolina state government. Less than 48 hours before Helene hit North Carolina, Governor Roy Cooper was at some kind of climate conference that I believe Time magazine was holding in New York. His aides and his media butt buddies insist that he was back in Raleigh by 3:00 PM that day. How does one focus on preparing your state for a hurricane when you are in New York? This is reminiscent of his trip to Tampa for an election year fundraiser in 2020 just as COVID-19 was a breaking crisis. That was where his aide tried to block a reporter's cameraman from getting Cooper on camera. Another camera caught all of that on film. Leaders lead. Cooper's not a leader, he's a politician.

So, was North Carolina ready for Hurricane Helene? There was nothing in the government's reaction that indicated they were ready. In fact, the only group less prepared than the NC state government was the United States federal government. Cooper and his band of bandits not only failed the preparation test, but they also failed the reaction test. It wasn't enough that they couldn't get ready, they didn't know what to do after the event.

If you have a storm of "Biblical proportions", you should react in "Biblical proportions." They didn't. Two weeks later, they still haven't reacted adequately.

If this is not your first visit to this blog, you probably know that I spent my life in the restaurant business or as one set of my business cards proclaims, "Foodservice Industry". Allow me to share some wisdom from the restaurant business with you.

The problem we have with people like Biden, Harris, Kerry, Pelosi, Cooper and that piece of crap come lately, Josh Stein is that they don't understand the "public service" concept. They are supposed to be in the business of serving the public, but they think that the public is supposed to serve them.

If you turn on the television, you can see some of these clowns telling you that we should be grateful for all that the government is doing. They keep telling us what a great job that they are doing. They tell us that we should understand how hard they are working.

In the restaurant business, if the soup is cold, it does us no good to tell you how hard we are working and how much we are spending on getting you your soup, the soup is still cold. The person receiving the product, or the service is the one who makes the judgment on the quality of whatever is provided. If your steak is tough, it doesn't matter what I think or the cook thinks, the steak is still tough. If the waiter doesn't check on the customers, it doesn't matter how many waiters we have or how much we pay them. The only thing that matters is whether or not they gave the customers the service that they expected. In the restaurant business we operate in the real world. The government is doing time in some kind of Twilight Zone.

The government needs to quit telling us what great service we are getting and actually serve the people. People in government operate in some kind of fantasy land. There isn't anything at Disney that tops the illusions and delusions of those folks in government. We need to start reminding those in government that they exist to serve us. We do not live to provide for them.

When there was an earthquake in Haiti in 2010, the U.S. Air Force 1st Special Operations Wing (my brother-in-law's old unit) restored service to the Port Au Prince airport within 48 hours. Within that same period, United States military helicopters arrived in Haiti to start rescue operations. Contrast that with western North Carolina last week where it took more than seven days for Army helicopters to show up and they were only a two-hour flight away.  Is the US Army's prime mission to protect Haiti or the United States? Inquiring minds want to know. If Obama can get helicopters to Haiti in two days, what should be Biden's reaction time in North Carolina?

Finally, the woman in charge at FEMA has set their first goal as "instill equity as a foundation of emergency management". Bad news Bozo! Natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes don't discriminate on race, gender or income.  Hurricanes are color blind. Your reaction should also be colorblind. That woman needs to be gone tomorrow. Biden needs to start the recovery process by firing her. 

Fifty years ago, at the Waffle House on Dale Mabry in Tampa, we had a customer who was a captain in the Tampa Fire Department. He used to tell us that almost everyone in the Fire Department was a captain. Late one night, he went on a rant about how the city wasn't hiring based on ability and performance. He said something that I remember so vividly that I can close my eyes and still see it. He said, "Affirmative action won't carry Grandma's ass down the ladder at three o'clock in the morning."  Thanks, Kelsey.

If you are a public servant, you are here to serve us. It's not about us serving you. Somebody go tell Biden!



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