Wednesday, October 16, 2024

What's a "Fair Share"?

 Kameltoe the Krazy Kommie keeps talking about "everybody paying their fair share".  So, what exactly is your "fair share"?

If we are really going to be fair, this means that everybody needs to pay taxes on their income. Before any Communists reading this suffer from brain explosions, let me elaborate. Everyone should pay taxes on their income, regardless of the source of that income. Speaking for old farts everywhere, I will remind you that 90% of Social Security benefits are taxable. Why aren't welfare benefits taxable?  Why aren't food stamps taxed as income? Why isn't AFDC and similar handouts taxed? I thought that Kamala wants everybody to "pay their fair share".

The problem we have in the United States is that those who receive the bulk of the benefits from the government pay the least into the system. If we want to be "fair", everyone needs to pay the same percentage of their income in taxes. It's that simple, send the government a fixed percentage of your income. How much of a percentage? I will gently remind you that tithing is ten per cent of your income and if Jesus can make it on ten per cent, so can Uncle Sam.

The reality is that those who benefit the most from government social programs are not paying anything into the system.  This goes back to my point about motivation from an earlier post. What you reward, you reinforce. We are giving people all kinds of freebies without making them contribute their "fair share". For many, this is like winning the lottery without having to deal with the tax man. If they had won this amount of money in the lottery, it would be taxed. Get money by doing little or nothing and it's free and clear. WOW!! What a stupid system. At least they had to buy a lottery ticket. The government freebie system doesn't require buying a ticket.

The government is just a big business. The citizens are the stockholders. If you don't buy in to the business by paying taxes, you shouldn't be able to get anything out of the government. You shouldn't even have a vote. If you don't have any "skin in the game", you should just be a spectator. People shouldn't be able to vote on how much to give themselves if they aren't paying into the fund.

Kamala the Kommie is just fanning the flames of class warfare by talking about the rich. This is rich since she is the favored candidate among the rich, she purports to want to tax. Kamala is the one who has raised more than a billion dollars in just a few months for her Communist campaign agenda. If you don't believe that Kameltoe is a lying Commie, ask her where the McDonalds where she claims to have worked is located. Hundreds of journalists have talked about how she was a middle-class kid working at McDonalds, but no one has asked her, "Which one?" No one has surfaced who claims that they worked with Kameltoe at McDonalds. Surely, someone who worked with a potential future President of the United States would remember that.  But everyone's memory is blank on this. It may be time to redefine "selective amnesia".

This is what happens every four years. Democrats mobilize the recipients of all of their handout programs to vote a straight Democrat ticket. They keep telling their followers how much more they are going to get from the rich to do this. It just never happens, and they tax the middle class a little more instead.


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