Sunday, October 13, 2024

"No Mo Fo Mo"

 Maurice "Mo" Green is the Democratic candidate for Superintendent of Public Education in North Carolina this year. If you don't live in North Carolina, be thankful. At least you are not being exposed to an avalanche of signs calling for you to support "Mo". 

About fifteen years ago, Mo was appointed as the Superintendent of Schools for Guilford County. His first major act was to divide the school district into four sub-districts with an executive in charge of each. He's not an educator, he's a bureaucrat. His first big act was to enlarge the bureaucracy. Then he told us that it would take a few years to see if it worked.

While Mo's campaign website claims that the school system made major progress during his term, the reality is that the quality of the product produced, educated students, failed to improve. They spent millions of taxpayer dollars on new programs, but the quality of learning did not improve. "Educators" keep telling us about all of these fabulous programs that we have in schools, but Billy still can't read at a high school level. Hell, they can't even read at a junior high school level.

We keep dumbing down standardized tests, but the teachers' unions are failing to educate our children at record rates. If you don't believe me, check out the literacy rates in Chicago. No one there knows enough about math to tell you what percentage of the kids can't add or subtract. It's a safe bet that no one in Chicago will read this and complain because no one there can read. I am not worried about an angry response from Chicago. If I do get one in the mail, it will be the one in an envelope with my address scrawled in crayon and a notice from the Post Office of "postage due" because they couldn't figure the postage.

There are billboards across the state telling us that we need to pay North Carolina teachers more. They also tell us that "public education works". Memo to billboard writers, it doesn't work. Every business is judged by the quality of the products that they produce. Public education is failing. It is failing at warp speed. 

People are confused about "public education". People think that church schools and home schooling are experiments. Sorry, but we have been using those methods for hundreds, if not thousands, of years to educate our children. Public education is the experiment. It is failing badly. It may soon be time to end the experiment. Look at all of the money we could save. I am not sure that there is actually a downside to that idea. 

How do you spot a public-school student? If you give a cashier a penny or two after they enter the amount tendered on the cash register, the public-school student is the one who pulls out their smartphone and uses the calculator to determine the amount of change that you receive. 

Of course, some state governments are starting to use schools to house the flood of illegal immigrants being flown in by Dims. Readers are left to decide if this will affect the quality of public education.

We need more education, not more bureaucracy. So, in November I will vote for whoever is running against Mo and bureaucracy. I don't care if it is Atilla the Frigging Hun, there's No Mo Fo Mo from this guy.


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