Thursday, October 17, 2024

Mid-Week Wit, Wisdom and Worse

 Since this is already all over the Internet, let me add it here. Someone said that this year's election is an IQ test for the masses. If you vote for Kamala, you have failed.

I am amused by all of the liberals in the media who refer to Nancy Pelosi as the "Speaker Emerita". I questioned someone who used that label, and they told me that it was done by an act of Congress. I looked it up. They are almost half right. The "House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee" voted to do that. There is no record of the actual complete House or even the complete Democratic Caucus voting on that motion. If the Republican Steering Committee voted to name Trump as President Emeritus, would those in the news media fawn over him and the title? 

Why doesn't anyone talk about Pelosi and her husband Paul's skills in trading stocks? She claims that she doesn't own any stocks, they are all her husband's. I will believe that when I start believing that guy who broke into their home and hammered Paul was his stockbroker.

More than fifty years ago, Bob Woodward peaked with All the President's Men, and he is just living on the fumes of that success today. He is basically a Democratic Party spokesman now. His most recent book, War, is not even worth reading the whole review. Pack it in Bob!! 

While people are trying to restart Three Mile Island to produce electrical power for AI and other high tech, high electrical power users, the Biden administration keeps pushing EVs that no one wants. Batteries are an electrical storage system, not an electrical production system. There's a test coming up on that fact. 

If there is one reason to vote for Trump, here it is. Donald Trump understands that the cost of energy affects the cost of everything else in the United States. Until you bring that cost down, we are screwed. Right now, oil makes the world go around. Reality doesn't care what Democrats think. Wind and solar are bit players in the Big Energy Show.

If there were no government tax credits, how many solar panels and electric vehicles would actually be sold? 

Just for the record, a lot of the dams that were built to control the rivers and generate power are getting old. Hurricane Helene demonstrated the potential problems of dams failing. I haven't read anything about planning to replace older dams.

The Hoover Dam is almost ninety years old. If it fails, Las Vegas and the more than two million people who live in the area are screwed. Cities without water aren't very big. Remember, nothing last forever and those dams were all built by the low bidder. 

I saw a story about all of the military leaders who oppose Donald Trump and will not be voting for him. Gen. Mark Milley was about three years old when Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex. All of these liberal schmucks celebrating the military leaders who oppose Trump should go back and study Eisenhower's words. Milley is the poster boy for the military in the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about. 

I love ads that claim that intelligence experts and foreign policy experts all oppose Trump. When was that collection of schmucks last right about anything? Like Biden, they have been on the wrong side of every issue in the last fifty years. The British, the Russians, Alexander the Great and the Greeks all failed in Afghanistan, yet our experts had us move on into Afghanistan.  Who knew that the Russians might invade the Ukraine? Everyone, but the United States intelligence agencies.

In 1832-33 we had the Nullification Crisis with South Carolina. South Carolina believed that they had the right to declare federal tariffs null and void in South Carolina. They were eventually able to come to an agreement that delayed the War Between the States for seventeen years. 

Why did I mention the Nullification Crisis? Because I love pissing liberals off with logical questions. What's the difference between South Carolina declaring tariffs null and void and sanctuary cities like San Francisco declaring that they will not recognize the enforcement of United States immigration laws? How can states declare themselves sanctuary states? What gives those liberal cities and states the right to say that they will not enforce the laws? Or are they just delaying the next civil war? We in the South have spent the last 160 years listening to liberals telling us that the supremacy of the federal government on these issues had been settled by the Civil War. Does that only apply to the South?

Trump has said that he will end sanctuary cities. The Civil War showed us that he has that power. Sure, I hate making gender-based statements BUT, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.


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