Friday, September 27, 2024

Morons For Mamala??

 Just when you think that the loons on the left could not get any dumber, they pull a dumbass wild card from the bottom of the deck. Several online sources are reporting that Mike Lindell of My Pillow fame and fortune is sending a secret message to Nazis by pricing a pillow at $14.88. They claim that 14 and 88 are both Nazi symbols. Would $14.69 be a price aimed at Nazis with an interest in oral sex? WOW!! Conservatives are no longer the kings of conspiracy theorists. Those boys and girls on the left need to check into some type of mental health facility. Soon.

Moving on to Morons for Mamala. Is there anyone on the planet who can tell you what Kameltoe's policies are? She can't even tell you. Nobody knows, but that is not going to keep them from pulling the Mamala lever on the voting machines. It's a good thing that she's on the ballot, as writing in "Mamala" might be more than her voters could do.

Mamala discovered that she doesn't have the IQ needed for membership in Mensa, the international high IQ society. The Harris campaign is fighting back by creating a low IQ group called Densa. Mamala was awarded the first honorary lifetime membership.

Evidently, the Mamala campaign strategy is to secure all of the lawn care workers votes. She is the only candidate in my lifetime to give so much attention to peoples' lawns. Has she ever made a speech without talking about lawns?  Most of her ideas are fit for fertilizer so I guess that might account for the lawn obsession.

The US Marshals Service has still not located Nathan Wade to serve him with a Congressional subpoena. A friend of Wade's has been questioned by the Marshals Service. The friend said that he last saw Wade at the Atlanta airport last night getting on a plane to D.C. It was reported that Wade was clutching a Mamala campaign poster and mumbling, "Un Huh. Gotta gets me some of that." The Atlanta police have notified the Secret Service.

This is only speculation, but Mamala is probably thanking God that she didn't pick Josh Shapiro as her running mate. This was after Shapiro stopped his ammunition plant tour with Zelensky so that he could autograph a 155MM howitzer round. Thank God that Democrats want peace.

Mamala learned a new word this week. It was "holistic". Her usage showed that she doesn't have a frigging clue as to what it means. She claims to have "aspirations" to learn the meaning of "holistic". That will just be another thing to add "joy" to her existence.

While Mamala prattles on endlessly about the significance of the passage of time, she failed the test on calendars. It has been the Biden-Harris administration for the last four years, but she tries to convince Americans that Trump is responsible for everything that has happened the last four years. Maybe "incumbent" will turn up on her vocab list before the election.

Mamala doesn't need that handgun that she confessed to Oprah to possess. If somebody breaks into her house, she's just going to bore them to death.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Crackdown or Blackdown??

 New York Mayor Eric Adams announced that he is being indicted by the Department of Justice. He claims that he is being indicted for speaking out against the Biden Administration's immigration policy and the burden that it is placing on local governments.

Also in New York, Sean Combs or P. Diddy or whatever name he is using this year, sits in a jail in New York City after having been denied release on bail. The federal government decided to suddenly investigate Comba after hearing allegations about his behavior for the last ten or fifteen years. What prompted the sudden interest this year, other than it being an election year?

Meanwhile in Georgia, the United States House of Representatives had to get the aid of the US Marshals Service to serve a subpoena on Nathan Wade. Why not just stake out Phony Fani's home and wait for Wade to show up? Maybe if the FBI could pull a few agents away from taking names and photos at Trump rallies, they could help the Marshals Service find Nathan Wade for the House.

What is the level of coincidence that in the history of New York City, the first mayor to be indicted is the black guy who criticized the Biden Administration? Adams should thank God that he is a Democrat, if he were a black Republican they would have dragged him out of City Hall in shackles. Corruption in the New York City government is the stuff of legends, but the DOJ ignored it all until Adams criticized Dementia Joe. 

In Chicago, the city famous for corruption, Communist Democratic Mayor Brandon Johnson continues his campaign to turn Chicago into Dodge City. He opposes the use of the shots fired spotting system and is going to eliminate it despite the City Council vote to keep it. Why does a mayor oppose knowing where crimes are taking place? But Johnson sides with Uncle Joe and Kameltoe so the DOJ doesn't even acknowledge that crime exists in Chicago.

Here in North Carolina, the NC DOJ is helping Attorney General Josh Stein in his campaign for governor. The other day CNN broke a story about Mark Robinson that they claim came from an "unidentified source". How hard came it be to attribute that to the NCDOJ? It's only five letters. The NC DOJ is advertising online to help the Stein campaign. I have never seen an ad for the NC DOJ online until recently. I guess that is how we know that it is an election year. The NC DOJ is violating the law to support the guy who runs the NC DOJ. If Stein were a Republican, that would be a crime. He's a Democrat, so cheating in an election is just expected. I guess that Robinson being a black man criticizing a Democratic administration is just a coincidence.

Is the Democratic Party actually that racist lynch mob that they have been warning black people about for all of my life? It sure looks that way. Democrats are busy disciplining the blacks who have chosen to step off the Democratic plantation. It's just another reason for blacks to support Donald Trump.

I am not a fan of Mitch McConnell, but I thank God that Mitch kept that sneaky little leftist bastard Merrick Garland off of the US Supreme Court. Thanks, Mitch!!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Polls, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy

 Yes, that is the list of the top three things that I do not believe in. They are in order of the least believable to the most believable. 

The biggest piece of "misinformation" mentioned online, on television and on the telephone is the term "polls". If you don't believe that, turn on MSNBC.

There are more polls than there are actual votes that counted for Kameltoe Harris so far this year. I did a poll recently and the results were that 100% of those polled did not believe that Kameltoe could spell "cat" if you spotted her the "c" and the "a". 

Have you ever looked at the size of the sampling in most polls? They tend to poll between 800 and 1400 people. Not counting the last surge of Biden-Harris illegals, there are probably about 350 million people in the United States. No one actually knows because like all other data from the government, it's just a number that they made up. 

Let's be generous and say that they poll 2,000 people. That's an average of forty people per state in the Union. Are you telling me that there are only forty different types of voters in North Carolina? Hell, there are more than forty types of voters within rifle range of my house.

Let me put this into polite terms for you. Pollsters are using an insufficient sampling to get their results. They are taking the data they gather from less than fifty people per state and extrapolating it to claim that they know what a nation of 350 million thinks. Put me down as skeptical!

I am trying to avoid a stroke, so we won't even go into the way that pollsters phrase their questions. Suffice it to say that not everyone gets the question phrased the exact same way.

In a few days I will be 71 years old, I have been a registered voter since I was 18, and I have NEVER been asked to participate in a poll. I am not sure that there is even a pollster with the balls to ask me if I want to participate in a poll. Even over the phone.

So, what good are polls? Polls are not an attempt to show what the public actually thinks. Long ago and far away when we only had males and females, they may have worked. Sampling forty people today is not enough of a sampling to even cover all of the genders that liberals claim there are today. 

No, polls are not used to reflect what people think. The media uses polls to shape public opinion. They use polls to try to shame people into voting for something that they don't believe. They are trying to get the election results they desire by shaming people who don't share those same beliefs. They stop just short of screaming, "How can you believe that? Don't you see what EVERYBODY else thinks?" But on some days, they don't stop short.

All of these polls may influence the room-temperature IQ voters who make up the Democratic Party, but pollsters are fighting above their weight trying to bullshit me into believing in poll results. 

One of the basic steps in making good decision is to ignore the tone and volume of the arguments being made and to just concentrate on the facts. Pollsters aren't putting out any real data. If that doesn't help with a decision, check with the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. Warning: They are both Democrats.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Double Standards and Dems

 For those of you who are under thirty or attended college, I want to discuss Ted Kennedy and Mark Robinson with you. Go ahead and open "Google" on your phone. In my column a couple of days ago, I wrote about how Dems criticize Robinson but are silent about what their folks do.

In July 1969 Ted Kennedy became the only man in the history to drive off of the Dike Bridge on Chappaquiddick Island. He left the scene and returned to his hotel. Several hours later, he reported the accident to authorities. Meanwhile, Mary Jo Kopechne drowned while trapped in Kennedy's car. Authorities estimated that she had enough air to have lived two or three hours. Had he gone for help immediately, Mary Jo may have still been alive today and living well on her settlement from Ted. But Kennedy was more concerned about his public image than about Mary Jo's life. So, she died in that car. He received what was basically a legal slap on the wrist from the justice system and made a settlement with the Kopechne family. 

A year later, in November 1970 Massuchusetts voters elected Kennedy to a new six-year term in the United States Senate. They repeated this process in 1976,1982, 1988, 1994, 2000, and 2006. This process finally ended when Kennedy died in 2009. He served 46 years in the United States Senate. In 1980, he was a Presidential candidate. His Presidential campaign slogan was "Teddy is Ready". WOW!! Ready for what?

A United States Senator, Ted Kennedy, was responsible for the death of an innocent young woman and he continued to serve for 39 more years. Meanwhile, today in North Carolina Democrats are accusing Republican Mark Robinson of posting comments on a porn site and claiming that this makes him unfit to be governor. Are you shitting me? The party that kept putting Ted Kennedy in office is trying to defeat Mark Robinson. Who did Robinson kill? What laws did Robinson break? I realize that NC AG Josh Stein was a small child in 1969 but maybe he needs to check a history book. He's a lawyer, he should at least reference a law book.

If Democrats want to discuss aberrant behavior by politicians, let's talk about Clinton and Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office. Google objects to my using a term that rhymes with snow jobs, but even the slow among you know what happened. Those weren't beer stains on that blue dress of hers.  Do we need to talk about Gary Hart, Donna Rice and the boat Monkey Business? How about John F. Kennedy's sexual exploits and preferences? The stories about government agents sneaking women in and out of the White House are just too numerous to ignore, but Democrats do ignore them. Have you read about JFK and RFK passing around Marilyn Monroe like after-dinner mints? Were the Kennedy brothers to blame for Marilyn's death? It's time to talk about what the Democrats have done. The media is mute about anything involving Democratic wrongdoing.

Democrats support homosexuality, transgenderism, and almost every other deviant behavior known to man but want us to believe that looking at porn is somehow disqualifying a black Republican from holding elective office. In what alternate universe does this make sense? If saying stupid stuff disqualified you from politics, the halls of Congress would be empty.

Here's a news flash for the liberal media with their rants about pornography. First and foremost, it is the liberal media that is always screaming about the freedom of the press. Beyond that. men have been looking at naked women since the beginning of time. Have you heard of Adam and Eve? No, not the sex toy store for adult Democrats. I am talking about the Biblical Adam and Eve. Democrats claim that your sexual preferences are your own private business, unless of course, you are a black Republican running for NC Governor. 

If this slanderous attack doesn't work, Democrats are so desperate to defeat Robinson that now they are also putting together a campaign to show that he has actually smoked menthol cigarettes. If that doesn't work, they are going to bring up the subject of malt liquor. I overheard a couple of Dems at the grocery store talking and one said that he heard that Robinson is an avowed heterosexual. We can't have somebody like that!

Write this down! Democrats are trying to keep a black Republican from being elected as the first black governor of North Carolina. Would they do this if he were a Democrat? Of course not! The same party that tells us that we need to get more blacks involved in politics are opposed to Robinson running for governor.

Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia is the pastor of MLK's old church in Atlanta, Ebenezer Baptist. He attacked Robinson on Jen Suckey's show on MSNBC. Memo to Warnock: You need to quit thumping that Bible and actually read it. Then try practicing Christianity instead of whatever religion you are currently practicing. Normally I avoid the word "hypocrite". but it seems to fit Warnock so well in this case.

The State of North Carolina needs a new governor. Poor black Republicans need not apply. The same folks who scream for diversity keep electing rich, liberal white lawyers as their governor and we keep getting the same lousy results. It's time for real change!

A few days ago, in New York Donald Trump said this about New York and it applies to North Carolina as well, “I say to the people of New York, with crime at record levels, with terrorists and criminals pouring in and with inflation eating your hearts out, vote for Donald Trump,” he said. “What the hell do you have to lose?” That should be Robinson's line as well.

Mark Robinson has not led the same life as many of us. He has experienced things in his life that most of us have never even imagined. He has been to places where we will never go. He has survived all of these things and has come back to tell us about them. Maybe we should listen to his obviously diverse experiences and opinions.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sunday Evening Wrapup

 I gave up watching 60 Minutes on Sunday evenings long ago due to my fears of brain damage caused by exposure to liberal swill. 

On the news today was a report that a union of IRS employees has endorsed Kamala Harris. I can only assume that the Communist Party is sitting this one out.

Liberals are trying to blame Trump for the latest attempt to assassinate him. WOW!! And these are the same people who originated the "victim shaming" concept.

Biden is always at the beach, but I have heard no criticism of his activities by the liberal news media. I think that the reason that no one has tried to assassinate Biden is that no one actually believes that he is really alive.

Why does the media keep playing reports of Hillary Clinton attacking Donald Trump? Isn't there some kind of statute of limitations on stupidity? It's been eight years; how long do we have to listen to her bitch and moan. It's bad enough that she has spent eight years attacking Trump, she is still attacking his supporters. Memo to Hilla the Hun: Bitch, we have heard enough.

The only alleged human who is worse than Hillary is Nancy Pelosi. I am still going with the theory that silicone is leaking from her massive breast implants and is poisoning her brain. You would think that someone who has been in politics as long as Pelosi would understand that criticizing the supporters of your opposition is not a good idea. Since Hillary also specializes in that, it is obviously some basic tenet of Democratic politics. 

In world shattering news today, the Carolina Panthers actually won a football game today. That pretty well ends my plan to sell "Go For O" t-shirts at the next Panther home game.

My beloved and I visited Appomattox Court House on Saturday. The weather was beautiful. The young man who performed as a Union soldier in October of 1865 gave a great performance. 

At Appomattox, there is a Sweeney Trail. This commemorates Joel Sweeney who popularized the five-string banjo. Joel died before the war in 1860, but his brother Sam served in the Confederate Army as General Jeb Stuart's personal musician. There's always something left to learn.

If the Olympic Committee decides to make "flip-flopping" an Olympic Event, there's a gold medal in Kameltoe's future.

Best remark of the week came from an acquaintance who I promised not to identify. He speculated about whether Kameltoe has a teleprompter on the ceiling in her bedroom. That's a picture that I don't want to bring into view.

Have you noticed that Joe Biden has become more honest since being forced out of the election? The other day he held the first Cabinet meeting in eleven months. Jill Biden was sitting at the head of the table, and he turned the meeting over to her. The only thing more amazing was that this scene was shown on the news. After four years of denials?

Out in Communist California, Greasy Gavin Gruesome and the legislature are trying to ban free speech. Why does that always happen in those liberal states? Maybe we can get a new phone for Gruesome from a dealer in Lebanon?

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Martin, Mark and Josh

 CNN published a story this week claiming that Lt. Governor of North Carolina Mark Robinson had made offensive remarks on some online porn site. They report that he called himself a "black Nazi" and also labeled himself as a "perv". These comments were reportedly made more than ten years ago. Robinson's opponent, NC Attorney General Josh Stein announced that he will not debate Robinson because he doesn't want to expose North Carolinians to Robinson's language. Alleged national journalists are attacking Trump because he referred to Robinson as "MLK on steroids".

Ahh, where to start with this swill? Democrats are always calling Republicans "Nazis" and now they are upset because they claim that one admitted it? Take a few deep breaths, Dems!!

CNN claimed that they received this story from an unidentified source. Is there anyone in the Milky Way who thinks that this story came from anywhere other than the Stein campaign? In his position as Attorney General, Josh Stein is using the resources and funds of the NC DOJ in his campaign. Why isn't CNN doing a story on that? Wait, he's a Democrat. I forgot about the mainstream media's allegiance to Democrats.

Nothing says, "This is BS" like "I found this on the Internet". Since you are reading this online, you should be familiar with this concept.  CNN believes anything that a liberal says. Is there anything that you can't find on the Internet? 

But just for the sake of fairness, let's assume that the Internet post is real. The only reason that the Internet actually exists is porn. The Internet help ruin the sales of Polaroid cameras. When Polaroids first came out, the biggest use was taking nude pictures. The Internet and digital cameras built the promised land for people interested in sex. That may be everybody but Hillary Clinton. Do you think that Robinson is the only politician to look at porn? Years ago, someone said that we needed to cut out the tongues of all the adulterers until they realized how quiet it would be in Washington. There are thousands of porn sites because people look at them. Nobody stays in business without customers. If Robinson really did post "I'm a perv", he's the first and most honest SOB in politics. 

If you want to talk about politicians and sex, let's drag Bill Clinton out of hiding. Andrew Cuomo strike any nerves? Shall we investigate Barack and Big Mike?

Democrats are all over Trump for describing Robinson as "MLK on steroids". People are screaming about this comparison because they don't know enough about MLK.  He had a string of mistresses and participated in drunken orgies. Pardon me, participated in group sex after consuming large amounts of alcohol. He is also alleged to have watched as a friend raped a woman. He offered encouragement and advice to the alleged rapist. This information is all in documents that were released by the National Archives several years ago and have been completely ignored by the media. David Garrow wrote "Bearing the Cross", a book about King's life years ago. Here's a link to an article he wrote about the King information released by the National Archives.

What does all that about MLK mean in regard to Robinson? It means that even if Robinson posted on that porn site, it was nothing compared to MLK's sexual activities.

Josh Stein is an angry little man. On the evening of the primary elections, he accepted the party's nomination with a speech attacking Robinson. Stein went to Chapel Hill High School when blacks were a very small minority there. He went to Dartmouth College where 5% of the students were black. Then he went to Harvard Law School. Why didn't he attend a school here in North Carolina? Why didn't he attend a more diverse school? If a Republican attacked a black man like Stein is attacking Robinson, the media would be going wild. A Democrat is attacking a black Republican and the media is actually helping him. Tell me again that Republicans are the racists! 

The North Carolina Attorney General is using the NCDOJ's resources to attack a black Republican. I can only assume that Gov. Roy Cooper is dead somewhere as I can find no public statements from him about this.

I realize that Stein is Jewish, but I am taking up a collection to buy him a New Testament. I will highlight John 8, 7-11 for him. Let he who is without sin , cast the first stone.

Friday, September 20, 2024

I was a middle class kid?

 I was a middle-class kid.  My neighbors were all proud of their lawns. Vote for me for President.

Having read that, you know the entire contents of Kameltoe Harris' resume for the Presidency. You also know all that she appears to know. 

Sitting in Mrs. Anne Ayala's English class in the 1970-1971 school year, I learned lots of new words. I would have never guessed that the words "vapid" and "vacuous" would ever be used as widely in a Presidential race as they are today. Thanks for that heads up, Mrs. Ayala.

Kameltoe Harris is so dumb that she thinks "vapid" is the past tense of "vape". She says that she is against it.

I would pay to hear a reporter ask her about why the government is trying to ban menthol cigarettes. Since she purports to be "black", this should be a topic of interest for her.

How long will it before some alleged journalist asks Kameltoe to explain how her "opportunity economy" will actually operate? Does it involve lottery tickets? Does it involve a leprechaun and a four-leaf clover? Do we all need to check our well-maintained lawns for four leaf clovers? Do they still make that cereal that uses a leprechaun in the ads? 

Who writes her campaign speeches? George Santos?

I am not going to say that Kameltoe is not disclosing any details about her "opportunity economy", but Amway would have been gone in about a week if they had not given out more info than she has.

This whole "opportunity economy" is the 2024 edition of Glenn Turner's Koscot Interplanetary sales pitch. Basically, she is telling us that life is going to be great, but no details are available for viewing. Somewhere, there's a truckload of snake oil waiting for Kameltoe to get there.

Bill needs to get Hillary Clinton to get into some kind of counseling and treatment situation. She is still mad at Americans for her losing the election eight years ago. She wants to ban free speech and put people in jail for using humor. Of course, that is actually what she accuses conservatives of wanting to do. As she is the butt of so many jokes, I can almost understand her frustration. Her only qualification for the Presidency was that she had slept with Bill Clinton. Unfortunately, that's a pretty big pool of potential Presidents. 

The good news about Hillary Clinton is that those who described her as a "power hungry bitch" were correct. She could succeed now by starting a twelve-step program for losers. I can hear it now. "I am Hillary Clinton. I am a loser."

Donald Trump is a much more disciplined campaigner than I had previously thought. It has been several weeks since Kameltoe ascended to the candidacy, and he has still not referred to her as "The ditz with the tits". There's some self-control!

This has absolutely no connection with anything here, but sometimes I like to misspell words just to see what the spelling function suggests instead.

Despite being a middle-class kid, I never worked at a McDonalds. In high school I worked for Biff-Burger, which actually originated in Florida. Just for the record, we called it Barf-Burger. Anyway, I have been telling people that I worked at Biff-Burger since 1971. Nobody had heard of Kameltoe Harris working at McDonalds until a couple of months ago. What is it about running for political office that seems to fire up a candidate's memory? Or is Kameltoe just imitating Joe Biden's recollections of events that never happened? Will she soon tell us about her encounters with a "mean dude" named Frosted Flake? When did she drive an 18-wheeler?

I guess that Hezbollah will not be buying any more pagers or radios from the Saul Rubenstein Communications Company. I heard that Saul got their business when he announced, "blowout prices". It won't be at any of the anti-Semitic Ivy League schools, but one day that will be taught in business schools as the world's best example of "targeted marketing". 

I am waiting for the day when every terrorist's last words are, "Let me check my messages."

Time to hit the "Publish" button and see if the Google gods are okay with this post.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Home Depot Republicans?

 I voted in my first Presidential election in 1972. Yes, I along with most of the country voted for Richard Nixon. Fifty-two years later, I will be voting for Donald Trump. In reflection, I have changed some over the last fifty or so years. But the Republican party has changed more than I have.

One of my uncles gave me my start in politics in 1964 when he took me out to help him put up "Goldwater for President" signs. I look back upon those times as my "liberal" days. 

Back in those days, I would hear Republicans described as "Country Club Republicans". Then Ronald Reagan showed up in 1980 and showed the world that the Republicans were a party that the middle class could support. In 1988 came George H.W. Bush who took us back to the "country club Republican" image. We made a little comeback during the Clinton years when Clinton tried to tell us that blowjobs were NOT sex. We finally got a toehold back in the White House with George W. Bush. You didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know that George W. wasn't a rocket scientist. While he did great at responding to the 9/11 attacks, he shifted from revenge to nation building and the nation's attention span expired. We seemed to be fading into the weeds during the Obama Administration when we ran McCain and then Romney. How did we lose to a half black gay guy like Obama and his transgender wife, Big Mike? Inquiring minds.........?

Then in 2016 the Democrats rolled out Hillary Clinton for President. Looking at Hillary for about ten seconds would make you understand why Bill was getting his knob polished by some young Jewish girl in the Oval Office area. Listening to her for the same ten seconds would lead you to a deeper understanding of the term, "bitchy broad". This led to Donald Trump taking up the Republican party banner and carrying it to a win over Hilla the Hun. 

Donald Trump changed the Republican Party in America. The billionaire and reality television star had an appeal to the American middle class that had never been seen before by the Republican Party. Here was a rich guy who ate Big Macs and drank Diet Coke. He was blunt to the point of being crude but working Americans loved him. The "professional government people" hated him. The middle-class folks who had spent their lives hating the IRS, the Post Office and the DMV loved Trump. They saw in him the champion they had been waiting on for so long. 

Trump Republicans aren't Country Club Republicans, they are Home Depot Republicans. They aren't waiting for the government to solve all of their problems. They understand that government is actually the source of all of their problems. Left alone, we can solve most of our problems without "help" from an overbearing government. But sometimes we all need someone to give us a  a pointer. Tim the Tool Man had Al Borland, Bob Vila had Norm, and Home Depot Republicans have Donald Trump. With Trump pointing us in the right direction, we can save this nation.

Those in the mainstream media despise Home Depot Republicans. Yesterday I read that Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney and several other country club Republicans were voting for Kameltoe. Others like George W and Mike Pence are not willing to support Trump. I can't even feign concern about what this cast of clowns thinks. Liz Cheney sold her soul to Nancy Pelosi because she and her father hate Trump. Memo to Liz: The Republican Party has changed, and we don't care what you and your doddering dad do or say. I will give credit to Liz for being smarter than some Country Club Republicans. She doesn't go hunting with her father.

Unwilling or unable to actually tell us what they will do if elected, Democrats are running on a message of hate for those they oppose politically. Their candidate has memorized about five lines and with 45 days to go before the election, that's all she knows how to say. If she were on a Political Wheel of Fortune game show, the crowd would be screaming "Buy a verb!" There's no actions in her statements. She doesn't know what she will do. Barack hasn't told her yet. But I digress.

More than 180 years ago Abraham Lincoln said, "As a nation of freemen, we must exist forever or die by suicide." It's time for the Home Depot Republicans to elect a builder as President.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Lemme hold a Kool?

 "Lemme hold a Kool" There's a phrase that goes back more than 55 years for me. I first heard that from a black student at Leto High School in 1969. It was the start of my junior year at Leto. In my sophomore year, I never heard that phrase. That is because in my sophomore year, the designated "smoking area" was at the dumpster out behind the cafeteria. In my junior year, the administration ended the "smoking area", so the student smokers moved the "smoking area" to the restrooms.

As one might expect, the restrooms became unusable in just a couple of days after school started. This is where a black student asked me on the third day of school, "Lemme hold a Kool." I responded, "What the hell are you talking about?" He shot back, "Cigarette, man. Do you have a cigarette?" "No, I am here to take a leak. I don't smoke." He laughed and said, "Thanks anyway, homes" and moved on. I quickly realized that the only restrooms that you could use without choking on cigarette smoke were those down near the main office.

"Lemme hold a Kool" was my first thought when I saw that the federal government is seeking to ban menthol cigarettes. Smoking data indicates that more than 90% of menthol cigarettes are smoked by blacks. In my part of North Carolina, the preferred brand is Newport because they are made in this area.

After all these years, why is the federal government suddenly interested in banning menthol cigarettes? Is it about their concern for the health of black people? Did they just suddenly realize that menthols were the preferred smoke for blacks? Why take this action now? Why do the same folks who want to legalize smoking marijuana want to ban smoking menthol cigarettes?

At places where cigarettes are still sold, a federal court has ordered RJ Reynolds and Phillip Morris to post signs about the dangers of smoking. Did the same court order the federal government to post signs about their involvement in the cigarette business?

Why didn't the court order the federal government to disclose that for many years it had subsidized and regulated the raising of tobacco in this country? Did the feds disclose that for years they had provided soldiers with cigarettes in their daily rations? What about the trillions of dollars in tax money that the federal, state and local governments have reaped from the sale of cigarettes? What about all of the jobs that the manufacture, distribution and sale of tobacco products have created? If not for cigarettes, Winston-Salem would be a wide spot in the road to the mountains and Durham would be a four way stop sign on the way to Raleigh. Duke University would still be Trinity College in Randolph County and Wake Forest University would still be a little school actually in Wake Forest. 

I am not defending smoking. I think that it is a stupid habit. I just don't understand why people raise weeds, cure them, process them into cigarettes and then light them and suck the smoke into their lungs. That just doesn't make sense to me, but that's just me. I have never smoked, I never even tried. I have never actually set my ass on fire either, but I am pretty sure that I wouldn't like it. My father was a heavy smoker, he died at 39. He was a slow learner about smoking. He and his second wife were both smokers. They were both smoking in bed one night and only he was able to wake up and escape the resulting fire. Did that cause him to quit smoking? Of course not. He smoked until he died a few years later.

You may have guessed by now, but I don't think that the ban on menthol cigarettes is about smoking at all. It's about the changing face of the voting pool in the United States. Blacks are no longer the monolithic voting block for Democrats that they have been since the 1960's. Trump actually has a large degree of support among black men. So how do the liberals who dominate the government respond? They are going to punish black men by taking away their menthol cigarettes. Let's face it, they knew many years ago that smoking cigarettes was bad. Why target the cigarettes favored by blacks? There are only two possibilities, and neither is good. First, they don't think that blacks are smart enough to decide to quit smoking on their own. Or they are punishing blacks for stepping off the Democratic plantation. What's next? A ban on malt liquor?

If the liberal government establishment gets their way, brothers will soon be reduced to asking, "Lemme hold one of those cowboy killers." That's a Marlboro for those who don't know.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

God 2- Democrats 0

 Democrats in America are reeling after the second attempt in two months to assassinate Donald Trump went down the shitter in Florida on Sunday. One prominent liberal was heard to remark, "Where is John Wilkes Booth when you need him?" I was personally stunned by this remark because I was pretty sure that Democrats had no grasp of history. But I digress.

I live near Greensboro, North Carolina where the alleged assassin lived and went to college.  He was a graduate of North Carolina A&T. North Carolina A&T was the school of the Greensboro Four, who started the sit-ins at Woolworth's years ago. A&T also produced failed presidential candidate Jesse Jackson and Challenger astronaut Ron McNair. Now they own a failed Presidential assassin, Ryan Routh. Memo to A&T: you should have listened when they told you not to let crazy ass white boys into an HBCU. But that's the price of multi-culturalism.

Like everything else that the federal government's law enforcement agencies touch, the assassination attempt is filled with unanswered questions. Assassin wannabe Routh was recorded by cell phone tracking data to have been in that spot for around twelve hours before a Secret Service agent opened fire on him. He was at a fence that bordered the Trump golf course and was on a street in front of the Palm Beach County jail. How is a guy parked near a jail for twelve hours and wandering around with a rifle and nobody notices? Wait! I forgot that Palm Beach County is run by Democrats. Routh's mistake was to flee through Martin County, which is run by Republicans.

Our history is filled with poor assassins who liked to travel. Lee Harvey Oswald went to Russia and denounced his American citizenship. Later he changed his mind, married a Russian woman and returned to the United States. The State Department actually gave him money to buy his plane tickets to return to the United States. James Earl Ray traveled to Toronto and on to London after shooting MLK. They caught him as he waited to catch a flight to Rhodesia from Heathrow Airport. Ray had jobs such as a busboy. Most of the busboys who worked for me struggled with bus fare. How did a guy like Ryan Routh, who they claim had about $3,000 a month in income fly from Hawaii to the East Coast? How did he afford a trip to the Ukraine? 

At the press conference yesterday, we were told by several law enforcement agencies that everything had worked as it was designed. If you believe this, I still have that oceanfront property in West Virginia available.

How long will it be before the FBI announces that "he was on our radar"? A guy tries to recruit Americans to go fight in Ukraine and actually makes trip to there and nobody notices. Meanwhile, some poor bastard posts a meme about Haitians eating cats and the media universe explodes. What are their priorities?

Monday on X, nee Twitter, Time magazine posted "Ryan Routh—a 58-year-old with unclear political ideology, a criminal record, and a history of praising Iran and supporting Ukraine". Apparently, they paid no attention to the "Biden-Harris" bumper sticker on the picture of his truck. What is the standard for "unclear political ideology"?

I am going to check around with former Tex & Shirley's staff members and see if anyone remembers this guy with the unclear political ideology as a customer. 

I will close by tossing a little gas on the fire. What would be the media reaction be like if someone had tried to assassinate Taylor Swift or Kamala Harris? 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Reply All?

 I just saw a clip from Kameltoe Harris's speech happening in Charlotte right now. I had turned on Fox News and they were showing the speech. Since she gives exactly the same speech with the same gestures at almost every rally, you would think that someone might have asked a question by now. How about some details on her "opportunity economy"? What is she going to do to create that? Democrats aren't big on details.

We lived in Charlotte more than sixty years ago before it became the liberal shithole that it is today. Today it is just a Yankee dominated crime scene where Yankees think that drinking Cheerwine makes you a Southerner. Charlotte is such a hovel that if Lincoln comes back to life and is elected Mayor of Charlotte, it will be an improvement. You do know that Lincoln was actually born in North Carolina, right?

Did you see Joe Biden wearing that guy's MAGA hat in Shanksville, PA yesterday? Memo to Dems: There's an element of risk in removing an incumbent President from your ticket. Biden traded hats with the guy and left with the MAGA hat. Where will he wear it next? The Trump campaign replaced the guy's MAGA hat for him.

Ma Garland made a speech today claiming that the Department of Justice does nothing based on political motives. Somewhere in hell, Lyndon Johnson is laughing his ass off!

The head cop in New York resigned today a few minutes after Ma Garland spoke. The FBI is investigating the city government in New York because Mayor Adams and his administration have criticized the Biden Administration's massive influx of illegal immigrants that the Feds are shipping to New York. If you believe that the FBI investigation has no political basis, I still have that oceanfront property in Kansas available for purchase.

Who knew that childless cat ladies in Springfield, Ohio would be up in arms about Haitian refugees and their dietary preferences? Maybe Taylor Swift can put that to music? Who knew that when the old beatniks were talking about "cool cats" in the 1950's, they were talking about dinner leftovers?

You probably won't believe this but many years ago I took a class on effective listening. Yes, my employer sent me to that class. What did I learn? When you are listening to someone, ignore the tone and the volume. Concentrate on the facts. Kameltoe is not putting out any data. It's all emotions.

Admiral John Kirby, the Biden lackey functioning as Slow Joe's national security spokesperson responded to an e-mail by criticizing veterans who are unhappy with Biden. No one would have known had he not hit "Reply All" and it went to Fox News. Open mouth, insert foot.

Here's a pointer for Admiral Kirby. I keep this on my computer desk but according to those who admit to knowing me, I don't actually put the concept into practice.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Life after debate?

What do you call a Haitian with a cat? A vegetarian.

What do you call a Haitian with two cats? A rancher.

I am so old that I remember when Donna Brazile gave Hillary Clinton questions and topics for an upcoming debate. So, tell me again that Kamala didn't have any idea about the questions in this year's debate. 

Was anyone with more than a room temperature IQ surprised that Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala after the debate? If you were sitting at home by the television waiting for Tay Tay to offer her endorsement of Kameltoe, you don't have the brains to fill out the ballot anyway. Wait until she breaks up with the Democrats and puts out an album about it. 

I read several articles about "conspiracy theorists" who claim that Harris was wired, based on the earrings she was wearing. That they resembled advertised audio equipment is surely just a coincidence. I don't know enough about earrings or hearing devices to comment but I do know that after 61 years, no one believes the Warren Report. Conspiracy theories thrive where facts are few and denials are plentiful.

The two moderating buffoons were so exhausted by challenging every statement that Trump made that they had no energy to "fact check" Kameltoe.  At least, that's their story.

The "moderators" were so firmly on Kameltoe's side that the Federal Election Commission should demand that they list the cost of the debate production as a political donation to the Harris campaign.

Look for at least one of those two to get a new job if there is a Harris Administration. I would not expect Kameltoe to keep the chick with the Jiffy Pop hair as her press secretary. 

If they do another debate, Trump should only agree to participate if it is hosted by Fox News. I would like to see Tyrus and Greg Gutfeld as the moderators. Now that would be a debate that I might watch.

Harris purports to be a prosecutor. In the real world that means that she is or at one point was an attorney. She keeps claiming that Trump is going to sign a national abortion ban bill. Apparently, she does not understand or has read nothing about the Dobbs decision. The United States Supreme Court ruled that the federal government does have the power to regulate abortion. It returned that power to the states. Congress cannot pass a bill banning abortions. Neither can Congress pass a bill "codifying" Roe v. Wade. The only nationwide solution would be to pass a constitutional amendment. That requires 38 states to ratify it. They don't have 38 states willing to agree. 

She also made several claims about Trump that have been verified as false, but the fact checkers remained silent. Why? 

I know this is hard to believe, but Joe Biden has angered several families of those who died on 9/11 by telling a press gaggle yesterday that he was going to New York for a granddaughter's birthday, and he was also "going to do 9/11". Open mouth, insert foot.

Immigrant Dining Habits?


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Debating for Dummies?

 I am posting this just before the debate starts and I head to bed. I don't want to fill my mind with the images of some airhead broad talking about "joy". I am willing to take the chance that I will actually miss something.

Why am I going to skip watching the alleged debate tonight? First, it's not what I consider a real debate. Beyond that I have absolutely no confidence that ABC's moderators will give Trump a fair shake. 

Old habits really do die hard. Kamala's campaign finally posted some policy information on her campaign website. They must have thought that no one would read it. It turns out that they just "cut and pasted" policies from the Biden campaign site. They even failed to delete Biden's name from the material they posted. Obviously, Biden was not the only plagiarist in the campaign.

Maybe tonight is the night that Kamala explains to the 14 million Democrats who voted for Biden why their votes had no meaning.

Will Harris bring some of those bathtub collard greens to feed her media accomplices tonight? It reminds me of a story from a manager who worked for me at Taco Bell about a hundred years ago. She told us how her grandmother sent her and her cousins down to the creek to wash the chitlins (chitterlings). She said that hers always got out of her hands and washed away downstream. I guess that we should be glad that Kamala doesn't wash her collards in the creek. 

What will it take to get lying Nancy Pelosi off the television? She keeps saying that Biden left voluntarily. Her story changes a little every time that she tells it.

My wife and I contribute to Tunnel to Towers. They do great work. It's a shame that we have to fund a charity to do what the United States government should actually be doing. The government takes better care of illegal immigrants than it does of veterans and first responders. It's time to change that!!

The US government claims that Iran is sending ballistic missiles to Russia. I must have missed the criticism from Iran about all of the military weapons that the United States is sending to the Ukraine. Why do we believe that it is okay for us to send weapons to the Ukraine but wrong for Iran or anyone else to send weapons to Russia? Where exactly is the logic in all of this? Somebody in Washington needs to Google "hypocrisy".

We are constantly told not to base our feelings on race or gender. Then we are told to vote for someone because of their race or gender.

The Democrats have imported more than ten million people in the last four years. Why? Do we not have enough natives who are criminals?

We are told that Kamala leads among women. We are also told that Trump has a larger lead among men. Is there anyone really surprised by this? Democrats are calling for more men to support Kamala. To be fair they should urge more women to support Trump. Men are smarter than Democrats think.

Just for the record, Democrat and Depraved both have eight letters. Coincidence?


Monday, September 09, 2024

Democrats Against Democracy

 In the news this week, Liz the Loser Cheney announced that her father, famed hunter Dick Cheney would be voting Democrat this year. Hell, I didn't even know that he was dead.

George W. Bush has announced that he will not disclose who he is going to vote for in November. That's okay Georgie, most of us didn't want to admit voting for you either.

Liz Cheney denied that her father said that he can't wait to go hunting with Tampon Tim.  The rumor that I heard said that it would be a scavenger hunt, and both were looking for a pair of balls.

I am not sure how most of America missed this detail, but based on statements made by Democrats, the last four years have actually been the second term of the Trump Presidency. The Dims are blaming everything that they have screwed up on Donald Trump. Democrats apparently think that Trump is the most powerful man in politics.

In today's news there was a story blaming the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan on Trump. Trump left office on January 20 and the withdrawal was in August. What did the Biden Administration do in that eight-month period of time? Does anyone know? Or was the guy who said that Joe Biden has been on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision in his career actually correct?

I heard some hack talking about how terrible the choice of either Trump or Harris is for the American voters.  Obviously, this person was not around when the choice was Romney or Obama. How about having to choose between McCain or Obama? That was the battle of the super egos. Those guys make Trump appear modest in comparison.

Witless Joe Biden and his friends seem stunned that letting ten million or more illegal immigrants the nation would cause a housing shortage. The Trump campaign has plans to move a family of fifteen into the beach umbrella next to Joe's at Rehoboth Beach. If the Republicans had any real balls, they would open a homeless shelter in San Francisco next door to the Pelosi palace.

The Associated Press or American Pravda ran a story on Sunday about how Kameltoe Harris is a "foodie" and included such vital items like how she washes her collard greens in the bathtub. WOW! She's running for President, could they not have squeezed in a question about the economy or foreign policy? However, Town Hall writer Derek Hunter said it best. He wrote on "X", "The AP has taken up the penthouse suite in Kamala's ass, so they have more and new places to kiss."  I couldn't have said it better myself. I would have just pointed out that when Kameltoe farts, the AP is the first to know.

The Dims avoid responsibility for the actions of the Biden administration like Bill Clinton avoided the draft. 

To hear the Dims tell the story, Trump is the incumbent and Kameltoe is the insurgent seeking change. I guess that everyone has their own reality.

Judge Merchan has postponed the sentencing of Trump until after the election. My guess is that the Democrats realized that sentencing Trump would backfire spectacularly at the polls. Democrats are having enough problems with all of the protesters who Fat Alvin Bragg refuses to prosecute. 

James Earl Jones died today. I don't have the attention span for many movies, but he did great work in Field of Dreams. He was 93.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Can they fire the owner?

 My mother dragged us to Florida in 1960. I lived there until 1983 when my wife and I moved to the Greensboro area. Living in Tampa, I experienced the start of a new NFL team with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 1976. I wasn't much of a fan. 

The Bucs lost all of their 14 regular season games in the first season. In their second season in 1977, they lost their first 12 games before defeating the New Orleans Saints in New Orleans. In the final game of the season, the Bucs faced the St. Louis Cardinals at Tampa Stadium. A friend was going out of town, so he gave me his two tickets to that game. 

The Bucs actually beat the Cardinals for their second victory of the year. I watched as the fans stormed the field and tore down the goalposts to celebrate a 2-12 record for the year. The game was a sellout so there were a little more than 72,000 people in attendance. In the 47 years since that game, I have talked to about half a million people who all claim that they were there for the victory. Who knew Joe Biden was a Bucs fan?

Why am I writing about this? The NFL season started today, and the Carolina Panthers were in New Orleans to face the Saints. I don't watch the NFL. I aged out of that several years ago. Watching millionaires run up and down the field beating their chests when they actually do their job and make a tackle or catch a pass is just more than I can stand. 

In 2018 David Tepper bought the Panthers. They haven't had a winning season since then. I think that they have had seven people (including interims) serve as the head coach. David Tepper has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no correlation between being able to make billions with a hedge fund and successfully operating a pro sports team.

Tepper's first problem is that he is a Yankee trying to show Southerners how smart he is. Memo to Tepper: You are failing badly in this endeavor. An appropriate colloquialism would be "Dave, your ass sucks wind." 

Beyond this, Tepper needs to turn the team over to a professional and go enjoy the beauty of the Carolina mountains in the fall. He should not return until around Christmas and then just make a call and check in on the team. Maybe they can get it done without him helping. Let's be honest here. Could they do any worse?

When I turned on the computer a few minutes ago, one of the lead stories was the Panthers getting their asses handed to them by the New Orlean Saints in a score 0f 47-10. The Panthers did not score the 47 points. On the first offensive play of the season, the quarterback threw an interception. It kind of spiraled down the drain from there.

If the Panthers were winning, people might be able to tolerate the arrogance of Tepper. Only Joe Biden's circle of friends is shrinking faster than Tepper's. But there are still people who believe in the Panthers and David Tepper. As long as their Amway income is large enough, they will keep buying tickets. As for myself, I am just blocking any source that reports NFL news.

I just can't end this on a negative note. When I was in Tampa in 1977, I had a customer who started selling T-shirts in the second season after they had started 0-5. John McKay was the Bucs head coach. My friend sold T-shirts that read "Throw McKay in the bay!". The best seller was the shirt that read "Go for 0". He sold thousands before they finally beat the Saints. "When God gives you lemons, sell lemonade!"  Maybe Tepper can get in the T-shirt business? Or maybe there's a market for me selling "Yankee, go home" shirts.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Who you calling Weird, Willis?

 I saw that Liz Cheney has announced that she is supporting Kamala Harris. She also claims that her father supports Harris. When asked about this, a Trump campaign spokesman said, " Who the f*** is Liz Cheney?" Maybe Dick Cheney will take Kameltoe hunting with him?

Liz Cheney has overstayed her five minutes of fame. Pack it in, Liz! She's in that "struggling to remain relevant" thing with Sleepy Joe Biden.

The Democrats are running a campaign where their top two candidates will not, cannot and do not answer questions. If we had more than lap dogs for media reporters, someone would ask them about this. Alas, mainstream media reporters have their heads so far up the asses of Kameltoe and Tampon Tim that there is no daylight visible.

Someone in the television hierarchy needs to ask this question about them not taking questions. No one with more than a room temperature IQ is holding their breath while this develops. 

Tampon Tim shakes hands with his wife on national television and reporters call Republicans "weird". JD Vance and his wife have three children. Apparently they don't share a lot of handshakes.

Without any actual policies to talk about, the Democrats are campaigning on a "Good Vibrations" platform. They considered playing the song but abandoned that idea when they found out that it was from a group of old white guys.  

If the Republicans could just lose their fear of creativity and constructive sarcasm, they would call me for campaign advice. I would suggest that they spoof the old Wendy's ad where the old lady screams "Where's the beef?" Play a clip where Tampon Tim or Kameltoe are droning on about nothing and have Granny start yelling. "Where's the meat?" How hard can this be?

The Democrats come up with words for themselves and their media accomplices to use Do you remember when Kamala described Robert Hur's report as "gratuitous". Within a few hours the airwaves were filled with ass kissing liberals saying "gratuitous". I have ten bucks that says Kamala can neither define nor spell "gratuitous". A couple of weeks ago, the word was "weird". Everyone in the Democratic media Mafia was using the word "weird". Yesterday, I saw a billboard in Charlotte that said "JD Vance as Vice President. WEIRD". 

My wife was riding with me when I saw the billboard and asked, "What do they mean by 'weird"? I had to explain the Dims and their Word of the Day program for their butt kissing media accomplices. 

I hate to take cheap shots but no one in Charlotte is actually worried about JD Vance. They are more worried about David Tepper and his crappy Carolina Panthers. He's been through six head coaches

For me "weird" is not just a word for Democrats. It's also an acronym. In reality, it means "We Enjoy Irritating Rabid Democrats". 

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Stuff and Such

 Kameltoe Harris claims that she is at a disadvantage in her upcoming debate with Donald Trump. They are going by the rules that Joe Biden's campaign demanded that Trump accept. Why don't you blame Joe, Kameltoe?

The FBI asserted that the school shooter in Georgia was "on our radar". They had informed the local authorities who talked to the father, and he claimed that the boy could not access the weapons. If the father had tried to speak at a school board meeting, the FBI would have been all over his ass. If the kid had held a sign in front of an abortion clinic, he would have been in jail and not able to kill anyone. But because he didn't violate any of the laws that liberals hold sacred, he was free to grab some guns and kill innocent people. 

"On our radar" is the new FBI standard excuse for piss poor performance. The Trump shooter was nicknamed "school shooter" while in high school. His parents never went to a school board meeting to protest, so the FBI left the kid alone. I am not any kind of law enforcement expert, but someone who is called "school shooter" by his friends probably needs some attention.

Ma Garland is going to have "on our radar" translated into Latin and put on the FBI insignia.

In the never-ending saga of Phony Fani Willis in Atlanta, a new story came out the other day. It seems that a few days ago, Phony Fani's daughter was arrested for driving on a suspended license. While the police took Kinaya Willis away to jail, Phony Fani showed up to take her daughter's car home. In the bodycam video from the police officer, Phony showed up accompanied by the guy with whom she has no relationship, Nathan Wade. I am assuming that they were splitting the cost of the gas to get Kinaya's car. With all of that cash around the house, why didn't Phony just send a wrecker to get the kid's car? Were she and Wade just taking a breather?

Kameltoe Harris is peddling a recent story that she worked summers at McDonald's. Put me down for skeptical. There is no evidence of her ever mentioning this job at any other time in history. This is what happens when you work with Joe Biden for more than a week, you start making shit up. Kameltoe claims that she worked the ice cream machine at Mickey D's. That must have been what caused the machines to malfunction every day since then. If you want to know if Kameltoe actually worked at McDonald's, ask her to tell you what the "Seven things on a hamburger" are. Yes, I had friends at McDonald's.

We can change everything in Washington with a tall oak tree and a long piece of rope. 

Tim Walz has done what I have for years thought was impossible. Walz makes Barack Obama look like some kind of pillar of masculinity. Was Walz required to have shots to neutralize any testosterone that might be present in his body? I was surprised to see that he was married to a woman, albeit one who loves the smell of burning cities.

Hunter Biden pled guilty to several tax charges today. He's scheduled to be sentenced in December. The White House continues to claim that Joe Biden "will not pardon Hunter or commute his sentence". I learned enough about grammar during the Clinton (Bill, not Hillary) Administration to ask questions. "Will not" does not rule out "I already have". By the way, Joe also said that he was NOT going to drop out of the race. Should we ask Nancy Pelosi if Hunter is going to get pardoned?

Robert Kennedy Jr. had to sue to get onto the ballots of several states. Now, he wants to get his name off some of those ballots and the same states won't do that. I am sure that it is just a coincidence that those states have election boards run by Democrats. Nobody cheats like a liberal!!


Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Election Interference??

 Ma Garland was on the news today announcing that the Department of Injustice has indicted two Russians with election interference charges. No one has been charged in this country for claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian disinformation". By making that false claim, were those people not trying to interfere with the 2020 election? Has anyone in the Biden administration been charged with attempting to censor social media to affect elections in this country? Why not? Is it because the Department of Injustice actually has authority in this case?

Let's just put this into perspective for a minute. Do you believe that the United States government has never conspired to affect the outcome of elections in other countries? I will give you a hint. Nothing says "hypocrisy" like the United States government accusing some other country of election interference.

Have you heard of Iran? In 1953, the CIA and the British MI6 staged a coup to overthrow the government of a popularly elected Prime Minister and returned the Shah as the absolute ruler of Iran. Let me repeat that, we overthrew the popularly elected Prime Minister and replaced him with the Shah. Why didn't Allen Dulles consider any of this while he was flying back to Tehran from Rome with the Shah to resume power? How did that work out for us?   Why not ask one of those hostages held at the US embassy in Tehran for months until Reagan was inaugurated? Our actions helped the Ayatollahs come to power. The mess in Iran today is the result of the actions of the CIA interfering with elections.

Was Iran the only country where we tried to change the leadership? Do you think that those Cubans who landed at the Bay of Pigs were just looking for a good place to surf? How about Manuel Noriega in Panama? What gives us the right to decide who will lead other countries? 

How did that "nation building" work out for us in Afghanistan? Alexander the Great, the British Empire and the USSR all thought that they could bring rational government to Afghanistan. They all failed. What the hell made us believe that we could pull one out of our asses in Afghanistan? It took twenty years and billions of dollars, but we failed spectacularly. Biden couldn't even pull off pulling out successfully. 

Do you think that all of this is ancient history? Have you heard Biden and Harris attacking Netanyahu's decisions? Are they trying to change the government in Israel? Why are we propping up a government in Ukraine which has delayed any elections until after the war with Russia is over? Didn't we have a couple of elections during World War 2? Yes, but we don't worry about our elections like we sweat about Ukraine holding elections and voting out the "chosen one".

Is sending our troops to foreign countries election interference? How many times have the Marines been to Haiti? How about Nicaragua? In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, how many times did the Marines go to China? 

How long will we have to wait for the Department of Justice to take action against those in the federal government trying to interfere with our own elections? Are Ma Garland, Chris Wray and the Department of Justice capable of ending the corruption in their own Department of Justice? I doubt it. Let's vote the bastards out in November!!

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Why Do Democrats Hate Democracy?

 "Democracy" is the basis for the "Democratic" Party name. One would think that Democrats would be big proponents of democracy. In reality, they hate and avoid actual democracy.

Democrats scream shit like "Every vote Counts" and "Count every vote" and "Everyone should have a vote". In actual practice, they demonstrate that they don't believe a single word of these themes that they chant.

More than fourteen million Americans voted for Joe Biden in the Democratic Presidential primaries this year. All of these votes were counted, but in the end none of them actually counted.  The Democrats didn't give a rat's ass about what the voters wanted, they only cared about what Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and George Clooney wanted. 

Clooney had an op-ed column published by the New York Times urging Biden to drop out of the race. If you believe that Clooney actually wrote that piece, please contact me immediately about that oceanfront property in Arizona that I have for sale. Thanks to George Strait for that song. But back to my rant, did the New York Times actually believe that Clooney was the actual author of that piece? They are liberals, the actual source didn't matter, they just wanted Biden out. 

The actual choice of the Democratic candidate was made by Nervous Nancy Pelosi. She was more concerned about the Democrats having a chance to win than allowing fourteen million votes to count. Just for the appearance of some form of "democracy" she consulted with Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer before announcing her choice for the Democratic Presidential candidate. So, two Democrats agreed with a Democratic actor's opinion on the results of the primary system and decided to ignore fourteen million votes. 

The Democratic Party is ignoring the votes of those fourteen million voters while they scream that Trump will end democracy. What the hell are they yelling about? Trump can't end democracy; Democrats have already ended democracy.

Did the Dims return the millions of dollars that people had donated to the Biden campaign? Of course, not. They just moved it over to Krazy Kommie Kamala's Kampaign. WOW!! What a demonstration of "democracy". I can only guess that Jesse James and his gang were also Democrats.

"Tampon Tim" Walz must have been a creation from the Democrat's "Central Casting" department. Here's a guy who was billed as a high school football coach who turned a losing team into a state championship team. But like everything else in Dim world, it was less than true. Walz was actually an assistant coach. The Dims think that the head coach was just along for the ride. This is a guy who after 24 years in the National Guard was unsure of his actual rank when he retired. In the war in Iraq, he was deployed to Italy. He may or may not have actually carried weapons of war. Just for comparison, I have an M-1 carbine, but I don't claim to have carried weapons of war at the Waffle House.

Of course, Walz is being given a run for his money by Governor Wes Moore of Maryland who had previously claimed to have been awarded the Bronze Star. Bronze Stars are a physical item, you either have one or you don't. Check your pockets. Moore claims that he was told that he was going to be awarded a Bronze Star, so he listed it on some kind of application. Of course, Wes Moore is a Democrat. I was once told that I was going to be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. It's not on my Blogger profile.

Hollywood Democrats are ignoring all of the possibilities with Walz. Why isn't Saturday Night Life doing a skit with Tampon Tim hanging a couple of tampons hanging from his nose while yelling "I am a Walz-rus"?  If he were a Republican, that would be all over the Internet.

In 1947, Congress passed the Twenty Second Amendment and by 1951 enough states had ratified it to make it law. It limited Presidents to two terms. Today the Democrats in Congress think that they can pass a simple bill that will limit the terms of Supreme Court Justices. Give them credit for being both arrogant and ignorant. To limit the terms of federal judges, they will need to pass a constitutional amendment, but they refuse to acknowledge that simple fact. Once again, Democrats want to violate the principles of our democracy.

I was going to write about Commie California and Governor New-scum but I will save that for another rant on another day.

So where does this leave us as a nation? Democrats are the new Nazis. They are trying to take away the rights of those who oppose them.  They seek to jail their opponents. They have their followers marching in the streets in protests against Israel and Jews. They are harassing Jewish people here in America. Today at Columbia University, it's the first day of school and the protests against Jews and Israel have resumed. Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer can either do something about these protests or acknowledge that they are in fact, Nazis. If you doubt that, read a history book.

Trump in 2024!!