Thursday, March 31, 2022

Thursday Thoughts

 My late brother-in-law was wounded while serving in Southeast Asia. He didn't get a Purple Heart because his unit was in a country that was not Vietnam when it happened. Despite government statements at the time, American troops also fought in Cambodia and Laos. Remember that when Biden says that American troops are not in Ukraine.

We are told that Americans are training Ukranian troops in Poland. Let me make sure that I understand this. Your country is under attack, and you are fighting for survival.  So naturally enough, you send your troops to a neighboring country for training? But you are training your civilians to fight right where they live. Yes, everyone sends their troops out of country for training during a war. 

In the ninth grade, Mrs. Jane Ward taught us how to diagram sentences. I thought that there was no practical use for that until Bill Clinton became President. "It depends on what the meaning of is is." Or my personal favorite, "I did not have sex with that woman." But Slick Willie was a piker compared to Kameltoe Harris. It's almost impossible to determine where her sentences stop or start. It's just a jumble of words. You will need a highway billboard sized piece of paper to diagram a Kameltoe sentence. Mrs. Ward, where are you now?

Sleepy Joe is blaming the price of gas on Putin. Who was responsible for all of the increases before he invaded Ukraine? Hint: He is most often seen on television getting ice cream cones or flirting with little girls.

Bored, looking for an entertaining video to watch?  I haven't ordered the product but I loved the video.

In 1967 to help Disney develop the Magic Kingdom, the state legislature created two cities or governmental districts that are in reality the Disney Corporation. The head of each government is a Disney executive. This made it easier for Disney to develop that swampland and turn it into a money-making machine. Now that Disney has decided that they want to tell the state government how to operate, DeSantis today suggested that it may be time for the legislature to revisit that setup. I told you yesterday it wouldn't take long for Florida to strike back.

No word from the FBI on what is going on in the Hunter Biden case. Merrick Garland was overheard telling a subordinate, "If only he had yelled at a school board member, we could have already charged him."

It is time to end lifetime jobs for federal judges. Maybe they can study biology after they leave the bench.

It bothers me to see so much support for Ukraine. The United States has a habit/tradition of supporting corrupt regimes in struggles against communist takeovers. Meanwhile here in our country, we inch closer to communism everyday. Communism, monarchies, socialist states and the United States all have one thing in common. They all have a ruling class. Only the monarchists are honest about it.

Susan Collins announced that she will vote for the affirmative action nominee for the Supreme Court. The media describes this as "bi-partisan support". When Joe Manchin announced that he would not support the Build Back Better plan, the media did not use the "bi-partisan" term.

Despite all of the sexual hysteria we are dealing with in this country, there are a few simple facts to remember. You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, you may even be able to pick your friend's nose, but you can't pick your gender. There are only two. It will take more than a surgeon to play on the other team. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. 

Brittney Griner, who I had never heard of before the Russians arrested her, might want to consider standing the next time she hears the Star Spangled Banner. That is if she ever gets out of Russia and back to this country she hates. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Wednesday Words of Wow

 Cleaned up my e-mail program last night and deleted 21,418 unread e-mails. It seems to be running a little quicker now. If you sent something that I failed to answer, you probably need to try again.

After they finish with Hunter's laptop maybe the Department of Non-Justice can tell us about Ashley Biden's diary. Did she really shower with her father?  Probably just some water saving practice to help the environment. However, I don't recall ever hearing about water shortages in Delaware.

Democrats think that Clarence Thomas is responsible for what his wife believes and does. I am guessing that none of those Democrats are actually married to a woman. Or have ever been married to a woman. 

Some idiot wrote a headline claiming that the affirmative action Supreme Court Justice, who could not define what a woman is, was right because science says that it isn't easy to explain. I have seen larger piles of pure bullshit, but not recently. How can a woman not be able to define what a woman is? 

What does Kamala Harris do when she is not traveling the world demonstrating the stupidity of American voters? 

Democrats want to impeach Thomas for what his wife is alleged to have done or said. No mention from them about impeaching Joe "The Big Guy" Biden for what his son Hunter has done. Just another double standard for Democrats. They think that no one notices.

The Disney Company has declared war on the Florida Legislature and Governor DeSantis. Does anyone believe that Disney will shut down their cash machine in Florida?  Wait until the state legislature fires back with bills regulating amusement parks. How about raising taxes on those admission tickets? Sheriff Grady Judd keeps arresting Disney employees in "sex stings". How long does Disney want to see that on the news? 

About ten years ago, I heard the Rev. Alex McFarland speak about the "gay agenda". It took a few years, but he was absolutely right. 

I saw a picture of Biden with cue cards the other day with answers to tough questions. Who is actually the President? Is this the Woodrow and Edith Wilson story all over again? 

There have been more Mexicans cross the border into the United States in the last year than there have been Russian soldiers cross the border into Ukraine. And our government is worried about the Russians? We are being invaded and Democrats don't care. Remember in November!!

Let's Go Brandon!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Miss Alenius

 Nothing is better than listening to Biden or Harris speak without a teleprompter. Their pictures should be in the dictionary to define the word "incoherent".

Has anyone heard anything about the black guy in Waukesha, Wisconsin who drove through the Christmas Parade crowd killing six and injuring 65? He was black and all of the victims were white. Heard anything about hate crime charges? This story has fallen out of the news. Wonder why?

Spring in the South and the Midwest is always marked by severe weather. This is what happens when cold air and warm air collide.  The news media seems to be perpetually surprised by this. Spoiler alert: There will be hurricanes later in the year.

The Babylon Bee is in trouble with Twitter because they claim that a man is not a woman. They have been accused of "misgendering" the man. If I claim to be Jesus Christ, Napoleon, George Washington, or Santa Claus and begin to act and dress like any of those people, I am headed for a mental competency hearing. But if I claim to be a woman and dress like a woman, I am headed for the front page of the USA Today and prime time on CNN. If this makes sense to you, respond in writing immediately.

I saw a blurb in the news the other day about someone claiming that "tipping" is a legacy of slavery. A band of leftists has called for an abolition of the practice and to replace it with an increase in wages. I doubt that they have actually talked with a lot of tipped employees. 

After more than fifty years in the food service industry, my observations are more than "anecdotal". A lot of employees favor the current system. People like to have cash in their pockets. Despite the efforts of the IRS, I would estimate that 40 to 50% of tip income goes untaxed. Liberals do not want any connection between pay and performance. They want everyone to get paid the same amount. They do not want to reward exceptional performance. They want people to get paid just for getting a job. Performance, attitude, and attendance are not in liberal thoughts. I would hazard a guess that those employees favoring a guaranteed wage are mediocre to poor performers. 

In the 1980's the best-selling book was "In Search of Excellence". Almost every business leader had read that book. I keep waiting for the story of business in the 21st century to be published. I am pretty sure that the title will be "In Search of Mediocrity".

Have we seen any news stories about the Russian reasons for the war in Ukraine being told by Russians? Of course not, that might be fair and/or logical. Like the government in the COVID disaster, the leaders choose winners and losers and then set about to make that happen. This is why statues and monuments have to be torn down. These monuments tell another side of the story. For all of their wild claims about how open and understanding they are, liberals only want one side told, their side.

Heard from any of the fifty intelligence "experts" who declared the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation lately? How about a Congressional investigation into the expertise of these experts? We can watch Democrats lob softballs at them hoping not to break the chain of corruption.

Miss Alenius? In 1979, I managed a Taco Bell. A young lady named Darlene Louviere, worked for me there. Since I usually assign favored employees a nickname, hers was "Lava, Lava". She stated dating another employee, Nick Alenius. So, her nickname became Miss Alenius. Had I titled today's missive "miscellaneous", no one would have even paid attention. "Miss Alenius" on the other hand?  

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Jussie the Russkie??


Saturday Morning Confusion (with apologies to Bobby Russell)

 The New York Times only took a year and a half to admit that the Hunter Biden laptop indeed exists. The other mainstream liars such as NBC, CBS, NPR, PBS, MSNBC and others are strangely quiet about the whole subject. Confession is good for the soul?

The US House of Representatives has passed the CROWN Act to "fight" discrimination due to hair styles worn by black people. The CROWN Act overlooks things like safety regulations and health codes. It's all about catering to the people who vote overwhelmingly for Democrats.

The next bit of progressive legislation is the SAG act. This prohibits businesses and schools from disciplining employees and students who are wearing their pants with the waistband at their knees. Proponents of the bill claim that it will save time and increase productivity because those people with sagging pants will spend less time in the restroom since their pants are already down when they walk in the restroom door. Look for the House to pass the "Shit and Git" bill in the next month. It makes as much sense as permanent Daylight Saving Time.

Why do the Democrats cater to black voters? Because while blacks are only about 17% of the population, they vote Democrat at more than a 90% rate. They are the swing votes in many elections. If they divided their votes between the two parties like other ethnic groups do, there wouldn't be enough Democrats in the Senate to form a quartet. Black voters have the Democrats by the balls, and everyone knows it. 

Why are extreme conservatives called "far right wing extremists" but extreme liberals are called "progressives"? Maybe Congress should look into this obvious case of discrimination in our media which purports to be unbiased.. 

There is a war raging in the Ukraine, the leftist "profits" are screaming that the world is about to end, and inflation is destroying everyone's financial situation. So the media is focused on an annual college basketball tournament and the gambling associated with it. The Seante is focused on Daylight Saving Time and the House is laser focused on black hair styles. Am I the only one who thinks that this is mre than a little crazy?

Justin Moore, the pocket cowboy, made the news the other day. He was asked about how country music awards shows could increase their viewership. He responded by saying that they need to put more country music singers on country music awards shows. Memo to the ACM awards show and the CMA awards show, nobody's watching a country music awards show to see rappers, rockers, or Lady Gaga. They want to see "country music" singers. They need to stop trying to cram "diversity" and "inclusion" down the viewers throats. This is not the place for that effort. Let's be honest, nobody sees Justin Moore performing on a rap awards show or a soul awards show. Several years ago, on their fiftieth anniversary show, the CMA featured a performance by the Dixie Chicks with Beyonce. Beyonce, really?  In the middle of it, Alan Jackson got up from his front row seat and walked out. Apparently, no one in the CMA paid attention. 

Hunter Biden? Where to even start? Jen Psaki keeps telling reporters that he is a private citizen, and she will not comment on anything about him. Jen has no problem talking about members of the Trump family. Aren't they private citizens? 

Is Biden going to "sanction" China if they do business with Russia? Go to Wal-Mart and see where everything is made. You won't need a store that size if we stop buying goods from China.  You can't restart American industry with the government paying people to stay home. Something has to give. 

"Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it." Biden can't remember what he had for breakfast, much less what happened 45 years ago. 

Somewhere in my enormous collection of "stuff", I have a "WIN" button from the 1970's. That was President Ford's 1974 anti-inflation campaign, Whip Inflation Now. They had buttons and banners. It didn't work.  Nixon had tried wage and price controls before Ford rolled out the buttons. I couldn't get a raise for several months at the Waffle House, On the subject of wage and price controls, put me down as "not a believer".  That "WIN"   button and a copy of a home mortgage at a rate of 16% are my only lasting souvenirs of the last inflation rampage. That era of inflation lasted several years into the early 1980's. Presidential administrations are "transitory", inflation will be here for a while.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Thoughtless Thursday

 The New York Times has finally acknowledged the existence of Hunter Biden's laptop. Everyone else in the country without the last name of Biden already knew the story was true.

March Madness was formerly used to describe the NCAA basketball tournament. Now it describes the onslaught of online gambling surrounding sports. The important interviews are not of players and coaches, but of bookies giving you the over and under, the point spread, or any other wagering info that you need.

By the way, for the basketball junkies out there, this tidbit. Kentucky, a number 2 seed, just lost in overtime to St. Peter's, a number 15 seed. St. Peter's is a small Jesuit school in New Jersey. I doubt that anyone without the title of "Father" had St. Peter's in their "bracket" to beat Kentucky.

I personally don't watch basketball. If James Naismith comes back from the dead to watch them play the game that he created, he won't recognize it.  Now, "traveling" requires that you tuck the ball under your arm and take at least ten steps. In junior high, I was the team scorekeeper. That was also the last time that I saw a call for "palming". In the NBA, a basketball gets more hand contact than DeShaun Watson's ass at a massage parlor. What's the athletic challenge in a guy seven feet tall cramming a basketball into a hoop only ten feet above the floor?  There are NFL running backs who don't gain as many yards as NBA players running towards the basket holding (not dribbling) the ball. It's not basketball, it's a long jump competition. 

What can be done to make basketball a real sport? Start by enforcing the rules. Then you can start handing out Emmy Awards to those guys who flop onto their backs when an opponent runs near them. This may actually be more of a college issue than it is in the pros. Are the colleges recruiting drama majors for the basketball team? Maybe if they gave two points for free throws, some of the pros would learn to make a foul shot. Finally, let's move the basket to a height of twelve feet. When Naismith started the game, a guy six feet tall was an exception. Now, six footers are small players. With the basket at twelve feet, people will have to learn how to shoot the ball again. Wasn't that how it worked originally?

Biden is expected to go to a NATO meeting next week. In the old days, only Barnum would send a clown to a meeting and expect to be taken seriously.

In New York, the governor wants to make more changes in the bail laws. Who could have guessed that eliminating cash bail would have hordes of criminals running loose on the streets? Any politician without a "D" after their name. 

In other news from New York, it is starting to look like Andrew Cuomo may rise from the political dead. I am amazed that New York has people in government even more inept than Cuomo. They need some bleach in the gene pool in New York.

In Florida, as Disney employees threaten to walk out over Florida's "Don't Say Gay" law, my favorite sheriff picked up four Disney employees in a "sex sting" operation. Who knew? Apparently, Sheriff Grady Judd knows that "Magic Kingdom" has many meanings.

I am going to start a "Go Fund Me" page to buy Zelensky a collared shirt. Even Castro dressed better to fight a war and it is hot in Cuba.

The USA Today named Rachel Levine as one of their Women of the Year for 2022. I'm sorry, but Rachel Levine is a man. Besides not being a woman, what has it/he/them/ they/she actually done? I will wait for an answer, I have lots of time. 

Random Moments of Lunacy has named The USA Today as one of the Outstanding Porta-Johns of 2022.  Just like an actual Porta-John, the USA Today is filled with shit and waiting to be pumped out across America. Congrats to the USA Today. It's the perfect Porta-John. It stinks, but doesn't think

Finally, thanks to whoever it is in France reading this swill. I had more pageviews from France the other day than any other country. Maybe they are looking for a reincarnation of Jerry Lewis? Maybe it was just a few missed keystrokes that brought them here? Read on, Pierre!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Search for 100 morons is over!

 I just located the 100 stupidest people in America. Yes, I am talking about the members of the United States Senate.

Today the Senate voted to make Daylight Saving Time permanent starting in 2023. 

Given the situation in the world today, how did this make anybody's list of priorities? It passed unanimously so there is no one there smart enough to answer that question. I didn't check to see if anyone abstained from voting, so maybe I only found 98 stupid people.

Inflation is skyrocketing, gasoline is liquid gold, the grocery store shelves are empty, there's a war in a country Americans can't find on a map, there are eleven million jobs open, and yet the United States Senate thinks that this is their top priority.

I like to go to sleep early in the evening, the sun still shining at 9:00 PM is not a plus for me. I get up early in the morning. A December sunrise at 8:00 AM is not something that I look forward to seeing.

The COVID 19 crisis taught me that politicians don't know anything about science, and even less about math. Just for the record guys, that big piece of rock that we are circling the sun on, rotates. What this means is that the sun rises or sets at different times in the same time zone based on your location. Will you next vote to make every county their own time zone?

The article that I read was celebrating having another hour of daylight to be outside in the evening. Who in the hell is going outside in the evening in January with the thermometer reading 10 degrees? 

In the winter, kids will be going to school with bus stops in pitch black darkness. How long before something bad happens in this situation?  Would you send your kids out to wait by a busy street in the dark?

There are other possibilities other than the Senate is the nation's prized collection of morons. Maybe dementia is contagious, and they have all been exposed too much to Joe Biden. The House members get it from exposure to Pelosi. 

Maybe I am just overreacting here. Maybe this is not as stupid as I think. Maybe this is the most important thing for the Senate to do right now. No, I don't believe any of those things. What I do believe is that the Senate should adjourn to the steps of the Capitol to enjoy that extra hour of sunlight tonight. While they are outside in that brightness, they can use that light to see how to pull their heads out of their asses and see what's important in this country today. Hint: It ain't permanent Daylight Saving Time. 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Missing that Sunday Morning Hour

 Daylight Saving Time started early this morning. This is some asinine practice where we switch to what is the Atlantic Standard Time zone time. People who don't have to get up early in the morning love this. Those who get up early think that the practice is stupid. Supporters want Daylight Saving Time year-round. This puts kids out at the bus stop or walking to school in the dark. "But they will have more time to play outside in the evening". If you know children who actually play outside, send documentation immediately. 

If you want to live on Daylight Saving Time, why not just go to work an hour earlier and leave the clock alone for the rest of us? What kind of benefits does time change bring? Will you be sitting outside in the extended daylight hours using your iPhone expanding your mind on TikTok? Taking up gardening? Here's a quick tip. Don't start raising any animals, they don't understand time change. Let's end this example of government stupidity.

Reports are that the Carolina Panthers are trying to sign quarterback DeShaun Watson. As Mr. Watson has a no-trade clause in his contract, he must approve of a team before he is traded. As I write this, Panthers team employees are out trying to assemble a list of massage parlors for Mr. Watson to frequent. The word is out that Mr. Watson was reluctant to move to Charlotte because of the city's nickname "The Queen City". He was relieved to discover that "Queen" did not describe those men frequenting massage parlors. The Panthers will soon distribute large photographs of Mr. Watson so that the young ladies at the parlors will recognize him when he stops into their establishment. I guess pro football really can impact the local economy. An acquaintance reports that there is not a bottle of massage oil left on the shelves in Charlotte. Go Panthers!

It's a slow news day. I saw a headline about Ivanka Trump going jogging. They didn't even bother to frame that as some kind of Russian conspiracy.

In Hernando County, Florida, some idiot called the Sheriff's Department to ask if they could test some meth that he had purchased. He was not sure if it was real. They came to his home and tested the drug. It was genuine. Then they arrested him and took him to jail. I am waiting to see his mugshot.

Kent State University needs some "hate speech" training. Their basketball team won Friday advancing to their conference championship game against their rival Akron. They celebrated in the locker room by making a video and posting it online. One player was suspended indefinitely, and three others missed the first half of their championship game Saturday. Kent State lost that game. Media reports indicate that they were suspended for chanting "Fuck Akron".  The main character was chanting "I don't like them ni__as" in reference to Akron. This wasn't mentioned in any of the mainstream media stories. If it had been four white guys chanting that they would have been thrown out of school. Find it online and judge for yourself. Even better were the responses of people online. Most thought that it was okay. One writer said that people didn't understand "how brash young black men are". Let me make sure that I have this right. If a black man says it, it is "brash". If a white man says it, it is "hate speech and racism". I am going to need an actual logical explanation of how this works.

Trying to bump Biden's War off the front pages, Barack Obama has apparently been diagnosed with COVID. Maybe it is tied to his birthday party where no one wore a mask? Maybe it was part of Putin's plan to take over the world?  

Tom Brady announced that he is coming out of retirement just to piss off Putin.

What else will be blamed on Putin this week? 

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Saturday Satire and Sarcasm

 I am not a basketball fan, but they are playing the ACC tournament in Brooklyn tonight. For a conference that started in Greensboro, there is just something wrong with playing a championship game in Brooklyn.

Biden either needs to find a stunt double with a brain and some level of language skills or stop sending Cameltoe Harris on overseas trips. I can understand him wanting to get her out of town, but I don't think that showing off our mistake is a good idea. The lights are on, but no one is at home.

We need to stop passing legislation in Congress that all members of Congress have not read. Maybe we need to require they pass a test on the content of the bill before voting. To vote on a bill that you have not read completely and understand is an abrogation of a lawmaker's responsibility to his constituents. Congressional leaders who force votes before everyone has the chance to read and study the bill should be removed from office.  The idea that "We have to pass a bill so that we can see what's in it" is the height of irresponsibility.

Our representatives in Congress all have a little ID pin that they wear to access the Capitol and other areas. Many of these same folks oppose requiring citizens to show ID to vote. Ask them to explain this contradiction.

If you believe that the price of gas has doubled because of Putin, you are on the wrong website.

An Alabama man had his personalized plate cancelled by the State of Alabama because they said it was offensive. It read "LGBFJB". The state contends that this means "Let's Go Brandon F*ck Joe Biden". There are a few issues here. First, the state is assigning their words to the letters. That's a lot to figure out as a car passes you on the highway. Second, how many people in Alabama can figure that out fast enough to be offended? It is Alabama. Third, I don't agree with the state's interpretation. I think that it stands for "Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, For Joe Biden". That is as logical as the state's claim. 

Why doesn't the State of Alabama compel the Sothern Poverty Law Center to change their name? They are awash in donated money. Let's check their financial reserves. After all, the employees refer to their office building as the "Poverty Palace". Now, that's offensive!

Why is the United States financially supporting biolabs in other countries?  Can this research not be done in this country? If not, why not? Something is wrong with this whole story. Why are we sending money to other countries? Are we out of scientists in America? How about some factual information on what our money is paying to be studied?

I read a story the other day about the many changes at Victoria's Secret. I see that they are employing Megan Rapinoe, the famous lesbian soccer player. To find out that a lesbian kicks balls for a living is hardly surprising. Her Victoria Secret deal shows that wokeness is on the rise. I figured her to be a jockstrap and cup kind of girl. Maybe the next time she kneels for the national anthem, she can show that she is wearing Victoria Secrets products.

In a speech before the Russians invaded Ukraine, Putin claimed that the Ukrainians were trying to use materials from Chernobyl to make some kind of "dirty" nuclear weapon. This was not reported until. almost two weeks later and then by primarily foreign news sources. They all said that Putin said this "without evidence". Is that like American leaders claiming that Iraq had "weapons of mass destruction" without any evidence? Why not apply the same standards to our leaders that we apply to foreigners?

Has the USS Turner Joy been in the Black Sea recently? 

I am not a globalist. I am an America First kind of guy.

"Justice for Jussie" was administered a couple of days ago. The hammer of justice came down on the alleged actor three years after he faked an assault on himself. His defense team has filed an appeal in an attempt to get him released from jail while his case goes through the appeal process. There is no one with more than a room temperature IQ who believes the Smollett "fairy" tale. Serve your time and get over it! Hire better actors and script writers next time!! "I am not suicidal!"

It is time to start getting my garden ready to start planting. While it is still a little cold, prices at the grocery store are giving me a shove toward the planting preparation process. 

I saw Ambassador William B. Taylor on the news the other night. There's another walking case for limits on the length of government service. Time to get a job in the real world, Bill!

I will be in Moultrie, Georgia on April 1 and 2 at the Spring Car Swap Meet.  Let's Go Brandon flags will be available for sale.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Lessons from Leto

 Back when I was young, thin, and had a little hair I attended A.P. Leto High School in Tampa, Florida. In those days, high school in Tampa was grades ten through twelve. Tampa was in the midst of a population explosion, and we had 714 people make it to graduation day in my class. We had a fifty-year reunion last fall that I attended and hated. More on that another day.

Education or the failure of it, has been a hot topic in the news lately. Just for full disclosure, my three years at Leto may have been the worst years of my life. I was in a "herd of nerds" program the last two years. There were about thirty of us who had advanced classes in math and science. So, I spent a couple of hours every day with my fellow geeks. 

How bad could high school be? I wouldn't do it again. I was one of the smallest kids in our class. At our recent reunion, the question I was most frequently asked was "When did you grow?" I had to explain that human growth does not end with high school graduation. Today, I am about five inches taller and a hundred pounds heavier than I was at graduation. Yeah, I had a late growth spurt. 

Despite being in the "herd of nerds" program, I was never inducted into the National Honor Society. It has been more than fifty years and I am still a little pissed about that. In fact, I may be the smartest guy who ever attended Leto who was not a member of the National Honor Society. That may be my claim to fame or at least one of my favorite things to bitch about. But let's move on.

In my junior year I was in an Algebra 2 class. It was an advanced class that I shared with my fellow nerds. The woman who taught the class has almost certainly passed away by now, but just in case she hasn't, we will refer to her as "Madame X".

One day early in the school year, Madame X started the class by returning to us a homework assignment that we had turned in the day before. She then reviewed the assignment and gave us the correct answers. This included a discussion on how to solve the problems. When she finished that she told us that she had not recorded our scores and when she called our name, we were to give her our score.

After calling all our names and recording our scores, Madame X stood up and addressed us. She said, "This was a test of honesty. I had already recorded your scores before I returned your paper to you. I am stunned that some people falsified their score. Six people changed their scores, five raised their scores and one, inexplicably, lowered their score. Does anyone have an explanation for this behavior?"

If you guessed that I raised my hand to answer her question, you are correct. Madame X looked at me and said, "What is it?" I said, "You asked a question. I was going to answer it for you." She appeared shocked but said "Go ahead!"

I told her, "First, your writing is hard to read. This would explain why someone lowered their score. Second, everyone here wants to get into a good college. This is a very competitive environment. A lot of decisions will be based on grade point averages. Last, but certainly not least, if this was indeed a test of honesty, I want to point out that you lied to us first when you said that you had not recorded the scores." I was looking directly at her as it appeared that her head was going to explode. She yelled at me, "Meet me out in the hall."

Out in the hall, she was yelling at me. I felt a little like Gomer Pyle listening to Sergeant Carter. After about a minute, she said "Go to the Dean's office!". I headed down to the office and waited for the Dean, Sam Rampello. A few minutes later, he called me into his office. His first question was "Did you change your score?" I told him that I had not. He said, "Why did you say those things to her?" I told him. "First, everything I said is true. Second, I was just answering the question that she asked. If it was a rhetorical question and she didn't want an answer, she should have told us that." He looked at me and said, "I don't think that she will ever call on you again. If she does, don't answer anything but a math question. Go to the patio for the rest of this class period, don't go back to her classroom today."

Madame X never called my name again in that school year.

What was my lesson from Leto in this? Teachers asking questions don't always want answers. 

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

The Queen Has Spoken

Somewhere in hell, Marie Antoinette is breathing a sigh of relief.

Monday, March 07, 2022

I'm no Nostradamus, but..........

 On January 24, 2021, four days after the inauguration of Pendejoe Biden, I was at the Raleigh Market selling some of my "fine" collectibles. I always put up a few signs in my space because I like for customers to be forewarned about the territory they are about to enter.

Some signs are just informative, some are just sarcasm (imagine that), and some are political. Some people like them, some people don't like them, and I don't really care what they think. My purpose is to get people to slow down and look at my merchandise. It works.

A complaint from a gay rights activist about an anti-Biden sign earned me a late afternoon visit from a member of the management team. She said that my signs were political and offensive. I pointed out that within my view, there was a vendor selling Black Lives Matters flags, shirts, and stickers. There was also a vendor selling anti-Trump shirts, another selling pro-Trump stuff, a guy selling flags of all nations, and more than one person selling books. I explained that these were all "political items". She told me that the gay whiner had told them that he would put it on "social media" if my signs were not removed. It was closing time when she visited me, so I just told her that I would not be back. I may have said more than that, the reader is left to their own imagination. 

I spent $100-$120 on space rent there every weekend. I wasn't there every weekend, but at least 30 to 35 weekends a year. For the math impaired, that's more than $3000 a year in revenue for the Raleigh Market. They paid $3000 to placate a complaining gay guy.

Will I ever go back to the Raleigh Market? Every five years, the state puts up the flea market contract for bid. If a different owner gets the contract, I might go.  If not, there of plenty of other places interested in taking my money. I have managed to stay busy selling "stuff" without going to Raleigh.

So, what does all of this have to do with the "Nostradamus" in my title for this rant? Pictured below is my anti-Biden sign that upset the gay guy. It wasn't an insult; it was an economic prophecy. Call me "Nostra" for short.

Saturday, March 05, 2022

Killing the Biden Family Cash Cow?

 Our latest war does not appear to be following the script. Depending on your news source, the Russians are either being slaughtered, or they have a 50-mile-long convoy on a leisurely drive to Kiev.

For the past several years the Biden family has made a good living from their influence peddling to Ukraine. Pendojoe, his brother, and the famed crackhead Hunter have all been slopping at the Ukranian trough. Or as Sleepy Joe would say, "The Iranian" trough. Biden's dementia is so bad that he can't even remember which country is giving him payoffs. If Pendejoe can't save the Ukraine from the Russians, the cash flow to the Biden family bank accounts will dry up quickly. 

Americans have seen gas go up about fifty cents a gallon in the last ten days. Americans will spend billions more on gas so that Joe's payoffs from the Ukraine will keep flowing. Meanwhile, Biden continues to buy high priced oil from the Russians. If you understand this, reply in writing immediately. 

Donald Trump was able to keep us out of wars for his four years, but in fifteen months Biden has us almost in another war. Why?

More than 100 years ago, George Santayana wrote "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Those who doubt these words are invited to watch the news and reconsider their opinions. We have traveled this road many times before.

For some reason, American politicians would rather support a corrupt government than an average communist government. Politicians claim to hate Communism, but every day they vote to bring more socialist policies to the US. In Korea, we supported a corrupt government in their fight against a Communist government. In Vietnam, we did the same thing. In Iran in 1953, the CIA and the British MI6 overthrew a legitimately elected government to bring back our favorite dictator, the Shah. How much money was flowing to the pockets of politicians in these cases??

Americans are outraged that Putin would invade the Ukraine. They claim that we would never do this kind of thing. Have they heard of Afghanistan? There we not only invaded, but we stayed twenty years and squandered hundreds of billions of dollars. For what?  Didn't anyone in our score of intelligence agencies pay attention to what happened to the Soviet Union when they invaded Afghanistan? We invaded Iraq to affect a change in that country's leadership. Maybe if Putin claimed that Ukraine had "weapons of mass destruction", no one would have noticed the invasion. Let's not leave out our invasion of Panama to change the leadership there.  We sent troops to Grenada to rescue college students getting sunburned on the beach. We have sent troops to Haiti so often that we should just build a Marine Corps base there.  What gives us the right to do these things?

The Monroe Doctrine was about the Western Hemisphere. Now we have taken our policeman role worldwide. Did we check with any of the other large countries to get their opinions on this? If we believe that we are the world's policeman, why can't Russia believe that they also hold that role? Why not the Chinese?

Make no mistake about it, I think that the United States is the greatest country on earth. I also believe that sometimes we spend too much energy reading our press releases. Let's take care of our problems at home before telling the neighbors how to live.

I think that democracy is the best form of government for us. I also believe that democracy isn't for everyone. It has failed in several places where it has been tried. 

We talk about freedom all of the time here. But every day, our freedoms are diminished a little more. Liberals are trying to silence opposing opinions in this country. What's Pendejoe's stand on this? 

Freedom failed in Canada a couple of weeks ago, but we didn't invade Ontario. Did we offer to send aid to those truck drivers? Of course, Sleepy Joe didn't do that. He told Justin Fidelita Trudeau to use his "federal powers" to end the protests. Freedom died on the streets of Ottawa.

If we want to be outraged by Putin invading other countries, then we need to stop doing the exact same thing. Monkey see, monkey do. I can't believe that Putin hasn't mentioned the obvious hypocrisy of the United States.

Do you think that Russia is the only country that may do something like this?  What's our plan when China invades Taiwan? Is Mark Milley still busy trying to understand "white rage"? What are his thoughts on Asian rage? 

Here's a quick history point. In World War 2, Russians, both soldiers and civilians, died by the millions fighting Nazi Germany. They kept the pressure on the Germans, while the United States and Great Britain built up their forces in Europe and North Africa for the invasion of Europe at Normandy.  Without the sacrifices of all of those millions of Russians, we might not have won that war. Maybe we should talk the current situation out. But liberals like Biden won't do this because this is what they are doing to people in this country who disagree with them. They want to strip you of your voice, your possessions, your right to earn a living, and even your children for having a different view than they do. Those who purport to be "understanding" are only that way if you agree with them on everything.

Last, but certainly not least, the United States and other nations are taking actions against "Oligarchs". I checked the dictionary definition of oligarch. It usually refers to rich Russians who have political influence. We have the same kind of thing in the United States. We have wealthy people with tremendous political clout. They are people like Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffett, the Rockefellers, Mark Zuckenburg, the Koch Brothers, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. What happens at some time in the future if a foreign nation decides to seize their assets because the US invaded some country? 

At the end of the day, we are involved in a European war because one of the nations has the Biden Family on their payroll and the other nation knows that Joe is a demented idiot.

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Gigolo John and more

 My Russian readership has soared with the war in Ukraine. I had four visitors this week from Russia. Prior to this, I had only one Russian visitor in the last 5 years. If you are from Russia and reading this, tell me why.

 The Ukrainians are too busy to read this. They are hustling to shovel more money to Hunter Biden and the Biden Family accounts.

 I actually had several readers from European countries this week. I am trying to picture a couple of guys at a sidewalk cafe in Paris saying, "Did you read Gilbert's page this week?" 

Is "Gigolo John" Kerry the moron of the century? He's worried that the war may affect climate change. The guy who travels in private jets to climate change meetings is worried about the exhaust emissions from tanks. He must have never left the office in Vietnam.

Germany has received an award from the United Nations. They are being honored for NOT starting this potential World War. I guess two out of three is still pretty good. In baseball, that's a Hall of Fame average.

I am returning to full time retirement in a couple of weeks. I have a "to do" list the size of the old Sears catalog of stuff that I want to do at home. My friend the publisher, keeps asking when my book will be ready. You may be reading parts of it now.

Here in Hooterville, we still have AT&T DSL service for the Internet. Hopefully, the cable folks will get here soon. AT&T is not doing anything to support DSL and is actually phasing it out. In reality, they stopped supporting it about twenty years ago, they just didn't tell us. 

Gen Milli Vanilli has spent all of his time worrying about "white rage" in the United States armed forces. I guess that he forgot the Russians are mostly white. 

For tonight's State of The Union speech, Democrats are quietly praying for either a massive blackout to hit DC or a complete sentence coming from "Brain Dead" Biden's mouth. There is about an equal chance that one of those will happen.

The only real question tonight is whether Biden will drop to his knees and beg Joe Manchin to support BBB. Biden thinks that the answer to inflation is to borrow money we don't have, to spend on stuff we don't need.  for people who don't care and won't work. Sounds like a typical Democratic plan to me.

Tonight, is your chance to see Kameltoe Harris live at the State of the Union. She will go back into hibernation until the fall. This will be as close to the border as she will ever get.

 I heard that they are keeping Secretary of Homosexual Transport, Pete Buttigieg, elsewhere as the "designated survivor" in case of a nuclear strike or a Joe Biden fart. 

The same Ukrainians who lied about paying the Biden family members for political favors are now releasing body counts on Russian casualties. Suddenly they are all to be believed??

Buttigieg is leaving for Ukraine tomorrow to study whether the Russians are committing atrocities like driving on "Racist" highways. I heard that he is leading a group of volunteers called "The not so Rough Riders". The unit is sponsored by KY products.  Maybe he will teach Ukrainian homosexual soldiers how to chest feed their adopted children?

Democrats keep telling us the "inflation is transitory". The war in Afghanistan was "transitory" and we all saw how that ended.