Sunday, February 27, 2022

Mix and Match Sunday

 According to the media in the last election, Biden's expertise is foreign policy. Given the current situation, what was his worst point?

The Surgeon General and his entire family tested positive for COVID last week. The entire COVID campaign has been a sham. What else have they lied to us about?

Fauci's probably had COVID but won't admit it. Or he may have admitted it but was wearing five masks at the time and no one could understand him. 

There are 11 million job openings in this country and still the government pays people not to work. November will be the chance for the voters to call "Bullshit" on this entire circus. Can we last that long?

Biden the Buffoon wants us to pay more for gas to hurt the Russians. I don't want to sound skeptical, but won't that hurt us more than Putin? If the Russians can't export their oil, they will just have to keep it and use it themselves. This might cause their gasoline prices to go down and help their economy. I might need a better explanation on this than the current song the liberals are singing.

The Russians invaded Afghanistan years ago. Not learning from seeing how badly that war went for the Russians, we invaded Afghanistan a few years later. Now the Russians have invaded Ukraine. How long before we invade Ukraine? Will the Bidens and the Vindmans all land in the first wave?

Pentagon and CIA computers can be hacked. Democrats tell us that voting machine computer systems cannot be hacked. 

In this country, we have become obsessed with "animal rights". Ringling Brothers shut down due to pressure from these groups. Dog tracks are on the endangered species list as they have been phased out in Florida. Carl Icahn wants two seats on the board at McDonalds so that he can fight for rules regulating pork production. Icahn has made billions of dollars on investments and has destroyed more businesses than Joe Biden and governors have during the COVID crisis. He was also born Jewish. Just pointing that out with his interest in pork.  In his corporate raiding, Icahn had caused the elimination of thousands of jobs, but now he's worried about whether sows have enough leg room? Give me a break! Icahn is working an angle that we just don't know about yet.

Now to see a circus, just visit a local college campus. It's the same freak show that Barnum had more than a century ago. If that's not enough for you, California is still open. Or the Democratic Convention every four years should satisfy your need to see curiosities. 

The animal rights activists are rabid about the poor treatment of animals but are silent about humans. They are okay with a couple of boxers (many of whom are minorities) beating each other in the ring until one is unconscious. They don't complain about all of the injuries to children and adults who participate in sports. Are there pro football players without knee injuries? Are there baseball players who haven't been hit by a fastball?  What about the Ultimate Fighting guys? How about all those basketball players who flop on the floor at the slightest contact? Is that bad acting or balance issues? Football players and concussions? How many reruns per game show a hard hit that knocked somebody down? How often did a racing greyhound take a shot to the head? People go to car races to watch the accidents. People go to football games to watch people get hit hard. NASCAR has guys driving at 200 MPH slamming into each other. What's the crash count at Talladega or Daytona? You can watch two guys try to beat each other to death and pay hundreds of dollars for ringside seats but watching two roosters fight sends you to jail.  How are these sports different from dog fighting and cockfighting? Do we not care about humans as much as we care about dogs or chickens? Before you answer, check that abortion rate and the support for it.

Let's Go Brandon!!

Patton, Putin, and PendeJoe

 In the movie Patton, there is a scene at the end of the movie where Patton tells Bradley, "The politicians always leave us with another war to fight." Whether Patton actually said that or not is debatable, but the accuracy of the statement is not debatable. 

When World War I ended, it was just an intermission, and twenty years later the War resumed. When World War II ended, the Cold War started soon afterwards. The Cold War ended in the late 1980's with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the opening of the Iron Curtain. But did it really end or was it just another intermission? Apparently, Russia thinks that the intermission is over.

Will the Russians take the Ukraine? Does any American outside the Bidens and the Vindmans even care?

Putin longs for the days of the Russian Empire. At the end of the day, he's not Vlad the Impaler or Bad Vlad, but Vlad the Politician. While Biden seeks to import criminals into our country, Putin wants to take over countries and their low-grade criminals. Maybe Putin seeks to employ the Biden family directly rather than working through the Ukranian government? Maybe Putin wants the Vindman colonels to report to him? Maybe he just needs a good cabbage recipe?

Pendejoe Biden seeks to destroy the United States and replace it with a shining example of socialism. As this is an impossible task, he has chosen to just screw up the nation so badly that we have to start all over. Jeff Blanco, who writes for the Hayride, calls Biden "Pendejoe". You can look up "pendejoe" and work from there. 

Fortunately for the Ukrainians, Justin "Fidelita" Trudeau, has not committed to sending any Canadian troops to help defend the Ukraine. Apparently, they are too busy keeping the streets of Ottawa free from large trucks. Fidelita thinks that truck drivers blowing their horns are destroying Canadian civilization. 

Biden wants Europe to depend on us for their energy needs while we don't have  enough for our own needs. He seeks to stop drilling here and run up gas prices so that we will all have to buy electric cars. He can't explain how cars can be powered by electric plants that are already operating at full capacity. The socialists seek to have us all live in large cities, where we will be easier to control. Pendejoe is not interested in war on Russia, he is making war on suburban and rural America, where he sees his real enemies.

What does all of this mean? When the Ukranian crisis is over in the next few days or weeks, there will still be another war left to fight.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Troubled Tuesday

It's time to do those "man on the street" interviews and ask people to show you where Ukraine is on a map. I bet that 40% won't even get the right continent.

If Europe is dismayed by the Russian moves, where are all of the European troops?

Trump was right. European nations don't want to invest in their own defense. Why should we care?

Is Hunter Biden reporting for duty with the Ukrainian army? Is he hustling crack pipes to throw the Russian troops off-guard? Will the "Big Guy" get a cut of this action? 

Maybe Justin Trudeau will volunteer to lead the Ukrainian army. Having outlawed bounce houses at political rallies, he's primed to take on the Russians.

There are many Democrats who say that we should do whatever it takes to stop the Russians. I will point out that we have not won a war since 1945 and we have had several opportunities. The only bright side is that the Russians also failed in Afghanistan. That may have actually been a factor in the USSR dissolving. But no one here wants to talk about that. 

Are Americans willing to pay $5 a gallon for gas to keep Russia out of a country historically dominated by Russia?

Biden's Cabinet meetings make the cast of Cheers look like a Mensa meeting.

If Trump were still President, he would have recalled our ambassador to Canada by now. Eh?

Why aren't blacks charged with hate crimes for their attacks on Asian-Americans? Axing for a friend. 

Is Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, the most worthless sack of crap to ever hold that job?  Open minds, open borders, open your checkbooks, the Democrats are here.

Republican Senators are calling for Mayorkas to resign. I guess that Biden has neither the brains, nor the spine to fire Mayorkas. Maybe Jill can do that?

Someone is going to have to fire Mayorkas, he's not smart enough to quit.

After the ratings disaster of the Winter Olympics, NBC says that they are starting their comeback to the top with the State of the Union Address on March 5. They are hoping that Biden will be coherent for the entire hour that night. 

As mask mandates drop like autumn leaves on a windy day, "Two Mask Tony" Fauci hasn't been seen on television in days. Rand Paul wins by default.

You don't hear much out of the Senate while they wait for their Democrat margin to recover from a stroke. Mitch McConnell has yet to take advantage of the situation. It's time for Mitch to let a real conservative lead.

I saw that San Francisco Mayor London Breed had at one point been an intern in Willie Brown's office. Apparently, Kamala is just one of a line of female politicians who came out of Willie's office?

Roy Cooper is out speaking against mask mandates after the science of political polls showed that Dems are going to get their asses kicked in November. Bad news Roy, we will remember in November.

When I was young, we told "Little Moron" jokes. As a teen, we told "Polok" jokes. Now we have met Joe Biden and all of the jokes make sense.

Democrats just can't help it. Mayor LaToya Cantrell of New Orleans reinstated a mask mandate a couple of weeks ago. She was photographed at a party she held where almost no one was wearing a mask. Maybe, like the Los Angeles mayor at a football game, she held her breath for the whole party. Have these folks not heard of cameras?

In September of 2020, I went back to work part time. They told me they needed me to work two or three months. Eighteen months later, March 21 will mark my last day at work and the end of the longest "three months" of my life. This will be my third try at retirement. I am optimistic that this one will take.

My wife and I have invested in a travel trailer and a new truck to pull it. The antique show, car show, flea market season starts on March 24. I am taking my "Sounds of Sarcasm" tour out on the road. Stuff for Sale!!!

Friday, February 18, 2022

Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin

 These words are from the Book of Daniel in the Bible. This is the story of Daniel reading the handwriting on the wall for King Belshazzar of Babylon. They first appear in Daniel 5:25-5:28. In Sunday School in the 1960's, I had a Revised Standard Version of the Bible. In the RSV at that time, it appeared as "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Peres". In today's world with a multitude of versions available, Peres has been replaced in Verse 25 in most versions by "Upharsin, Pharsin, Phares, or Parsin. Don't obsess on that detail, the meaning doesn't change.  Besides that, Peres starts Verse 28. 

The King of Babylon called Daniel in to read the writing on the wall that had appeared during some party he was having. Daniel announced that the words were "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin". In simple English that is "Number, Number, Weight, Division."  It translates as "God has measured the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end. You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting. Your kingdom will be divided among the Medes and the Persians."  That night the King was killed.

What does all of this mean? I am glad that you asked. Last night I was reading the news and saw that Gov. Roy Cooper was urging local governments to end mask mandates and urging school systems to do the same.  What happened? A few hours later, Guilford County ended their mask mandate. This just hours after the county commission chairman said that it was too early to end it. The vote to end it was unanimous. Why? The handwriting is on the wall and even the Democrats can see it.

Roy and other Democrats have all suddenly seen the handwriting on the wall. There is an election in eight months, and they have to start changing their stories. Will lockdowns and mask mandates play in Peoria? Apparently not, as they are falling faster than Bill Clinton's pants at the sight of an intern. Frankly, I thought that Glenn Youngkin's win in November would have opened their eyes. But no, they are actually even dumber than we thought.

Liberals can thank their friends in the media for this turnaround. For the last three weeks, the American news media has been trying to portray a bunch of truck drivers sitting in their trucks in Ottawa as some kind of terrorist group. Outside of Trudeau and his leftist friends in Parliament, nobody's buying this story. 

People are starting to see the light. It was never about a disease; it was about power. It was about power-hungry politicians and bureaucrats who wanted to control every aspect of our lives. American liberals can thank Justin "Little Fidel" Trudeau for this sudden enlightenment. While Americans watch, Trudeau wants to impose martial law on Canada to stop horn blowing truck drivers. You're shitting me, right? Trudeau has not even met with these folks. He just knows that they are a threat to his rule and his time in office.

How stupid is Justin Trudeau?  Speaking yesterday in Parliament. he linked a Jewish member to a flag with a swastika. There's a good move, dumbass. Joe Biden and Circle Back Psaki have been saying that Trudeau needs to use his federal powers to end the protests. These are the same people who praised BLM for "mostly peaceful protests" where cities were burned and looted. Bad news for Biden and Little Fidel, the truckers are a much more diverse group than you are accustomed to dealing with normally.

Americans are smart enough to see that if this can happen in Canada, it can happen here. Democrats have blown their cover by supporting Trudeau. They can't produce any stories about truck drivers in Ottawa burning, looting, or pillaging. All the liberals want is to shut down everyone with opposing views and suddenly everyone can see that. Nancy Pelosi and the Jan 6 Committee might want to take note of this.

In San Francisco, they recalled three school board members who were too liberal. Gasoline prices jumped another ten cents yesterday. Biden is saying that gasoline will go over $4 a gallon if Russia invades Ukraine. You can't find crackers on the shelves at the grocery store, and you need to arrange financing before buying a chuck roast. Used cars are selling for more than they did as new cars. The Dems dream wage of $15 an hour won't buy what $10 would before Democrats took control in Washington. The handwriting is on the wall and Democrats don't even have to call in Daniel to read it.

AS Martin Luther King once said, America and the media have about a ten-day attention span. Democrats have got to work to get America to forget their attempts to regulate every aspect of Americans' lives. Meanwhile, conservatives have all the evidence of the Democrats motives and actions. We can't let anyone forget. 


Thursday, February 17, 2022

Cheap shots and random slams

 In San Francisco the other day, three school board members were recalled in an election for spending too much time and money on racial equity and not enough on getting schools open after pandemic closings. Liberals in San Francisco losing? Somebody needs to mark this date in history.

Only God can make a true random selection.

Over at CNN, Jeff Zucker's girlfriend resigned the other day. They are just cutting payroll to adjust for their still dropping ratings. How long before they can the famed flamer Don Lemon. Soon they will have to pay cable companies to carry their crap. 

In Canada, Justin Trudeau continues his drive to be Canada's first dictator. He has imposed a national state of emergency to stop a non-violent protest. This is an actual nonviolent protest involving a multi-cultural group of truckers. It is not to be confused with a "mostly peaceful" BLM protest where they loot and then burn entire city blocks.

There is a rumor that Justin Trudeau is the love child of Fidel Castro and Margaret Trudeau. If this is true, Fidel Castro is somewhere in hell today wishing that he had spent a quarter for a condom that night.

Biden has announced that if Russia invades the Ukraine, energy prices will go up some more. Pelosi better go ahead and reserve a moving van for November. 

How are we going to supply Europe with gas and oil when Biden has cut production here? Biden is the answer to the question, how stupid can one man be?

Obama was right when he said, "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

Do news "reporters" all live in some kind of cloistered communities where they only talk to other reporters and anchors?  I actually watched about five minutes of local news the other day. I was torn between using the remote or the Ruger to turn off the set.

For all of the renewable energy advocates, the sun does not always shine, the river does not always flow, the wind does not always blow. However, coal and oil always burn. When your windmill freezes in an ice storm, you will understand.

A report yesterday said that the oceans will rise 12" by the year 2050. The polar ice cap was going to all melt by 2010. People who can't tell me if it will rain on Friday pretend to know the weather for the next thirty years. Put me down as a skeptic. 

Just to confirm my reputation as a curmudgeon, how do we know that the sea is rising? Maybe the land is sinking under the weight of development. Maybe we need lighter buildings? Are you not familiar with the Johnson theory? Nobody laughed when Congressman Hank Johnson asked about whether the island of Guam would tip over with too many people on it. That's actually incorrect. I laughed my ass off.

On the radio yesterday, some caller claimed that this year's halftime show was the best Super Bowl halftime show in history. That's like being the smartest guy at a Biden family reunion.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Pages about Wages

 I have been entertained by all of the liberals who have spent the last several years pushing a $15 an hour minimum wage. They call it a "living wage".  Now it's my turn to rant.

Just for the record, before the Republicans led by Newt Gingrich, took control of Congress in 1994 running on their "Contract with America", there were people working in the Capitol (Pelosi's temple of Democracy) who made less than the federal minimum wage.  How did this happen? The government routinely exempts itself from the laws that they pass. 

Now the Communists (or Democrats) want a $15 minimum wage. First question, do they pay everyone who works for them $15 an hour? I am not talking about just at work. Let's include the babysitter, the kid who mows their lawn, and the guy who shovels snow or rakes leaves. How much to the kid who washes your car or dates your ugly offspring?

How much are you willing to pay someone with no skills? Since Congressional representatives make $174,000 a year plus all the stock tips they can carry, that's probably not the right question to ask that group. Let's try again. As a private businessperson, what are you willing to pay someone with no skills? 

Minimum wage is an entry level wage. Most people get better at their jobs and move up on the pay charts. If you have been at a job five years and still make minimum wage, you need to examine your job performance, attendance, and attitude.

Fifteen years ago, I had a cook who told me one afternoon that he needed a raise. I told him that we would discuss it the next day. So, I looked at his timecards and attendance records and eagerly waited for the next day. When we spoke the next day, I asked "Jimmy, how would you like to make $75 more a week?"  He responded "That's what I'm talking about! When does this start?"  I told him that it could start the next day. Then I showed him his schedule and his timecard. I explained that if he actually came to work on time and worked his scheduled hours, he would make $75 more a week. He responded, "That's bullshit!"  I told him that I was not going to pay him anymore an hour until his attendance improved. He left a few weeks later to take a job making less an hour. I love stupid people!!

A friend claims that algebra is the basis for all logical thought. I just tell people that life is a math problem. Life is filled with equations. People in government ignore this fact. They pass minimum wage laws, but no minimum productivity laws. They want employees to have guaranteed leave but there is no mandatory attendance law. We have to have worker's compensation to cover employee injuries, but employees don't have to carry insurance to cover equipment that they break. Yes, I am a confirmed capitalist.

Now, Congressional staffers are considering forming a union and Democrats like Pelosi think that it is a good idea. I am opposed to any unionization of government employees. When was the last mass layoff of government employees? When did government salaries last get reduced? When did you last have an encounter with a government employee and say "Wow! What great service!"  When was the last time you spotted signs of life at the DMV office?

You would think that after Reagan fired the air traffic controllers, other employees would have paid attention. No way. we's gumment workers!

We already have unions for teachers and postal employees. As Dr. Phil says, "How's that working for you?" There hasn't been real school in two years, how many teachers have missed a paycheck? Recently, it took eleven days for a "Priority Mail" piece to reach us from Louisiana. How long would nonpriority mail take? Been to a Post Office lately? You can feed the family at Chic-Fil-A quicker than you can mail a package. 

How long before the military votes to unionize? Will wars be limited to 40-hour weeks? Will we take all of the federal holidays during a campaign? Will riflemen be allowed to throw grenades, or will we need a specialist for that?  

Back to wages. I tell people that when wages rise, the cost of goods also rise. This hurts those at the lower end of the wage scale the most. By now, even the slow among you are aware of "inflation". Businesses are having to pay higher wages to compete with the government giving people money to do nothing. As you pay more, you have to charge more. There are probably less than a dozen people in the federal government who understand this concept. None of those folks inhabit 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

With inflation raging, the person making $15 an hour has about the same buying power as he had making $8 an hour. The Consumer Price Index is not an accurate reflection of what people actually buy. Congress needs to take some field trips. They need to go to the grocery store, the Dollar Tree, the gas station, and a fast-food restaurant. Then they need to take some action based on facts.

The government is borrowing money to give it to people so they will stay home and not work. If someone is earning $30,000 a year at their job and the government is giving the unemployed $20,000 a year in benefits, who will work? They aren't going to work for $30,000 when they can do nothing and get $20,000. Why work for the extra $10,000? I hear people talking about this at my part time job. People working understand how stupid this is, Democrats in government haven't got a clue.  This program is NOT sustainable. 

Economics was the cause of the first American Revolution and the Second American Revolution (The Civil War). Will it be the cause of the Third American Revolution? We will know in the next few years. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Tuesday Topics, Taunts, and Teasers

 Is Russia about to invade Ukraine? Who knows?  However, for the first time since I started writing this swill in 2006, I had a reader from Russia stop by over the weekend. Somewhere in Russia, some poor slob is saying "I am getting shipped to the Ukranian front, let me see what Gilbert has to say before I leave." Really? Is it that dire?

Is Justin Trudeau really the illegitimate son of Fidel Castro? Does anyone outside of Canada care? The Cubans sure don't want him being a relative. Maybe he can sign up for one of those DNA tests? If he is Castro's love child, maybe he can move down there. He will be at home with the Communists.

With a name like Trudeau, has he read about the French Revolution? Does he know how the King's story ends?  Is Mrs. Trudeau named Marie? Does his wife suggest that people eat cake?

The People's Republic of Canada has a government filled with slow learners. I guess that they are all unfamiliar with the American Revolution. Just for your information Justin, it wasn't a large group of Americans who started the Revolution. The Boston Tea Party served as a warning to the British government. The Freedom Convoy is your Boston Tea Party. WRITE IT DOWN!!

In Canada, they are more multi-cultural than we are here in the United States. The more numerous the variety of cultures, the more likely you are to have problems. Remember Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and the USSR? 

Liberals believe that socialism/communism did not cause the failure of the USSR. They just were unlucky in having 75 straight years of bad weather. Global warming never made it to the USSR.

Justin Trudeau was terrified and claimed that he had seen a swastika and a Confederate flag in a protest. I have seen a lot of pictures and all that I saw was Canadian flags. I am assuming that with Justin's ignorance on subjects not Canadian, he may have seen a Confederate battle flag. Justin, since we couldn't get your folks on our side during the Civil War, maybe we have another chance at that. By the way, we should have confused him and sent some First National Confederate flags up there.

In this country, Trudeau would be a liberal Democrat. He's a lot like Biden, except without the hair plugs and plastic surgery. They have similar thought processes, which is to say none.

On the radio yesterday morning, they were having a contest. You could win a pair of concert tickets by naming a Stupor Boll commercial with two straight white males in it. They are trying again today to give away those tickets. 

A story online yesterday claims that people who trade in cryptocurrencies are "white supremacists".  Is there any problem on the planet not caused by white people?

In the "words that I am sick of hearing" category is "equity". Let me be brief. Life is a math problem. Equal outcomes require equal input. Reality is cruel, that's why liberals avoid it.

Monday, February 14, 2022


 "We have to do something" is the national mating cry for liberals. When enough of them get together and sing this song, the nation gets screwed.

It has been their battle song throughout the COVID-19 disaster. "We have to do something" is what brought us lockdowns that didn't stop a disease, masks that won't stop a virus, social distancing that varied from nation to nation without any explanation of how that could work, and vaccines that don't prevent you from getting a disease. While drug makers enjoy legal immunity, our leaders want to pump us all full of drugs that don't deliver as promised. There are no long-term studies of the effect of these vaccines. Actually, there is a default long-term study and if you have had the vaccine, you are a participant. "We have to do something."

We sanitized surfaces to stop a disease that isn't spread by contaminated surfaces. We put up plexiglass shields to give us something to clean and a false sense of security. None of it works, but "we have to do something".

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, I was at Tinker Elementary at MacDill AFB in Tampa. We had bomb drills in case of a nuclear attack. If I had known then what I know now, I would have sat at my desk and read a comic book. Instead, we huddled under our desks with the foolish notion that being there would protect us. Can I get a show of hands from those who believe hiding under a desk would have enabled me to survive a nuclear missile attack? But, "we have to do something"?

Liberals think that we can control every aspect of our lives. They all want to tell us how to live our lives, but they don't follow their own advice. Given their own obedience of their mask mandates, there is more than ample evidence that they don't believe what they tell us, and they don't follow their own rules. When they say, "We have to do something", they mean "YOU have to do something".

What would have happened with COVID if we had done nothing? Would the disease have swept through the country quickly and actually have killed fewer people? Did all of our efforts actually stretch out the disease?  Did lockdowns cause people to spend more time with sick people? Did banning church services affect spiritual health?  Did six year olds learn anything from "virtual learning"? Did anyone benefit from "virtual learning", other than teachers unions? Was the increase in suicides a tradeoff for a cut in COVID deaths? How many people who died after taking the vaccine would be alive today, if not for vaccine mandates? Did the media and governmental hysteria cause more deaths? How many old people just gave up because they were being told that they would probably die?  How many businesses were destroyed by governors who think that they are kings? We will never have any answers to these questions because the federal medical dictators failed to have a control group. Yes, those clowns who keep talking about "following the science", failed to follow scientific methods. There actions invalidated the data from their worldwide science experiment. "We have to do something". 

Let's look at the late 20th century history of "We have to do something".

Vietnam - we had to do something/WHTDS. We couldn't let Vietnam go Communist. More than 55 years later, guess who rules Vietnam? If you guessed Communists, go to the front of the class. We had more than 50,00 young men killed, and hundreds of thousands wounded. Not to mention the thousands who died after coming home from government WHTDS programs like Agent Orange. The only tangible result is cheap sneakers and textiles from Vietnam today. WHTDS

Afghanistan- Thousands of killed and wounded. We wasted trillions of dollars driving up the national debt and for what? The same people run Afghanistan now as in 2000. At least, the Taliban has an anti-drug policy.  WHTDS

Iraq? See Vietnam and Afghanistan above. WHTDS

Iran? In 1953, the British MI6 and our CIA engineered a coup to overthrow the elected leader of Iran and bring the Shah back to power. How did that work out for us? WHTDS

Grenada? Panama?  Same story, I don't care which political party made the decision. WHTDS

The Ukraine? How many Americans can find Ukraine on a map? No fair asking Hunter Biden or Alexander "Whistleblower" Vindman. WHTDS

If you want to do nation building, let's do it right here at home. Secure our borders like you want to secure Ukraine's borders. Send the army to "OUR" border to keep people out. If you believe that we have to do something, do this!

This week's winner in the WHTDS contest is spending $30 million to distribute "safe smoking" kits to drug addicts. The White House is now denying that the kits will contain crack pipes. It doesn't matter, they are sending out kits to help people break the law and use drugs "safely". They tell us that they are doing this for "racial equity". I guess that explains the lip balm in the kits. What kind of shit are these bureaucrats smoking? WHTDS? Really?

My personal belief is that sometimes the hardest decision is to decide to do nothing. Given a little time, many things work out on their own. Maybe what we have to do is tell someone to solve their own problems. As parents, the day eventually comes when you have to let your children make their own decisions. We can't spend our lives making decisions for others. Sometimes, we just have to do nothing. I know this concept is anathema to busy-body liberals but give it a shot guys.

If you want to do something, try praying about your problem. It is said that the most frequent answer to prayer is no answer. There's a message in that, do nothing. Try it!

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Stupor Boll Sunday

 Millionaires from across the land will gather in Los Angeles today for the Stupor Boll. This is where they will spend millions of dollars to be entertained by a group of millionaires throwing, catching, and running with a ball. The entertainers or "players" as some call them, all claim to be oppressed, despite making millions of dollars to play a game that children play for free. At halftime, the bigots in the stands will be entertained by another group of oppressed millionaires playing something that one may or may not believe is music. Trigger alert!! The group of millionaires performing in the halftime show are fairly liberal with their use of the "enword".  If you don't understand "enword", say it aloud a few times. Even the slow among you will figure it out.

If you cannot afford to go to the game, it is on television for the peasants to view. The only problem with watching it on television is that you don't get the full game experience. If you are at the game, you can walk in places where there was a homeless camp only a few days ago.  While you can't get the full homeless experience, you can probably just smell the urine and the feces and imagine the rest. I heard that they were doing patdowns for attendees to see that no one was going to smuggle a "F*ck Biden" tee shirt into the stadium. As they are checking for Confederate battle flags at the California state line, you won't have to worry about being seen next to one of those. The good thing about being there is that you won't have to watch an endless line of commercials on television as ass-licking corporate sponsors see who can be more woke than the others.  Trump said it best, "Everything woke turns to shit".

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. If you are one of the many who overindulge in alcohol during the viewing of the Stupor Bowl, here's a tip. Go ahead and apologize in advance tonight, or it's not going to be a good day for you on Valentime's Day tomorrow. 

Valentine's Day? Who came up with a day celebrating love with the initials V.D.? 

Valentine's Day is a great day in the restaurant business.  Even the Waffle House has specials for Valentine's Day. I spent 21 years running a pancake house and it was a busy day even for us. If you didn't make reservations anywhere and you have to take your sweetheart out to dinner, the pancake house is better than Mickey D's. The last few years at the pancake house, I ran a prime rib dinner special to help out those guys who failed to plan ahead. We always sold out of prime rib on Valentine's Day. If you bring your sweetheart to a pancake house, trust me, at least one of you is ordering the prime rib.

Yesterday, at the Civil War seminar, there were no protesters. The speakers all did a pretty good job. Unlike my last visit in 2020, there were no arrogant Yale Yankee professors for me to disagree with on history or current events. My wife attended with me. On the ride home, she said that she had forgotten that she was supposed to get our older son to go with me in case I had another heated discussion with a speaker. She was depending on him to drag me out of the building if it got ugly. There's always next year!

A fellow attendee asked me yesterday if I was still a Trump guy. I told him that I was. I supported Trump early in his campaign. I think that he did a great job as President. But for everything there is a season. The year 2024 is the season for President DeSantis. I want a Republican to win, and I think that DeSantis is the best choice. 

In the meantime,

Let's Go Brandon !!


Thursday, February 10, 2022

Thursday Thoughts while Thinking

 Was Hunter Biden the inspiration for the new program to distribute free crack pipes? What's next, free guns to robbers? That way there is no need to steal one. Democrats can claim that they are reducing gun crimes.

Are the free crack pipes going to bear one of those "US Government property, not for resale" labels? Isn't it illegal to distribute drug paraphernalia?

Given Hunter Biden's history, why didn't any Democrats mention the "crack pipe" to Joe Biden?

It's good to see a liberal pantywaist like Justin Trudeau up to his ass in angry truckers. 

Gas is up 20 cents a gallon in the last two weeks. Biden's energy plan at work? 

If the Europeans can't get fuels from the Russian pipelines, they will have to depend on the OPEC countries. That is like the Biden plan in the United States. Stop producing fuel here, so that we can buy it at a higher price from the Arabs. 

When the liberals achieve their goal of complete vaccination of everyone in the country, what happens when the virus refuses to disappear?

President DeSantis. 'Nuff said.

If I run a "Help Wanted" ad that says, "Opening for white woman", I will be in trouble. Biden announces that he will nominate only a black woman for the Supreme Court and liberals are thrilled. Sorry folks, but that racism and discrimination knife cuts both ways.

I actually pity the nominee. They will always be known as the "best black female" nominee. That's like being the "smartest Democrat in the room".

Nikki Haley has come to life and is blasting Biden and the Democrats. Is this an audition for the VP spot alongside President DeSantis?

I am going to a Civil War seminar this weekend. I am just not sure what about what kind of firearm to take. Do I go with larger caliber or high capacity? My wife is going with me, so we will just mix and match on the firearm thing. (If you are one of those leftists who abhor the concept of personal protection, this is humor, of a sort.)

Empty shelves abound in stores, despite "Lying Jen" Psaki's assertions that the shelves are 90% filled. The problem is that liberals don't work in real businesses and don't understand how commerce works. The 80/20 rule is pretty accurate. 20% of items will account for 80% of sales. What fills the shelves now is crap that people won't buy. If you go looking for chicken and the store is out, it doesn't matter if they have fifty different kinds of deodorant on the shelf.

The Border Patrol is not allowed to seal the southern border, but their aircraft guys are being used for security at the Super Bowl. Brain-dead Biden needs to explain this one. 

There is a horde of millionaires both playing in and attending the Super Bowl on Sunday. Let them and the arrogant bastards at the NFL pay for security. They can get their television broadcasters and commercial sponsors to kick in. Why should the taxpayers foot that bill?

I have had a bunch of German, French, Polish, and Romanian readers in the last couple of weeks. I guess they are all wondering why we are sending troops there to protect Ukraine. Shouldn't we actually send the troops to Ukraine? 

I still haven't received those Brigitte Bardot pictures from the French readers.

Let's Go Brandon!!

Sunday, February 06, 2022

International House of Insults?

 Life is tough in Europe right now. I just checked my readership stats and in the last couple of days, I have had readers from France, Germany, Romania, and Poland. They are probably trying to figure out why Joe Biden says that he wants to defend Ukraine and then sends troops to Poland. Bad news folks, I don't know either.

I saw some State Department clown today on television claim that if Putin moves a single tank or a single soldier into Ukraine, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline deal is over. So, Germany is going to give up using natural gas to support Ukraine. Germany's a pretty cold place in the winter. Put me down for "skeptical" on that pipeline being stopped.

Maybe the Russians could run that pipeline to us instead of Germany. President Poopy Pants is opposed to the United States being energy independent and would prefer that we get oil and gas from other nations.

More Ukrainians speak Russian than English or German. Is there a message in that? 

What kind of weapons systems are we leaving in the Ukraine for the Russians to take? 

John Paul Jones (no relation) is famous for the phrase "I have not yet begun to fight!" Joe Biden's claim to fame phrase will be "I have not yet begun to evacuate!"

My quarterly doctor appointment is Wednesday. I was there for blood work a few days ago and noticed a sign in the waiting area. If you guessed that it read "15 Days to stop the spread", you are right. Can't wait to ask about this.

"Flatten the curve", "Fifteen Days to stop the spread", "You can't get COVID if you get the vaccine", "Mask up", and all of the other CDC messages are just another reason to reduce the size of government. 

Maybe Ukraine has an actual cure for either COVID or dementia and Biden will settle for getting either cure before Russia does. 

Where are all of the European nations staging their troops to be ready to help Ukraine?

A recent RMOL poll shows that an overwhelming number of Americans want Biden to send troops to secure our southern border instead of Ukraine's border. 

Are we monitoring the late night/early morning flights out of Kiev to see what Biden is really doing? Is he flying in Russians across the border?

Biden should demand that all Russian invaders be vaccinated and wear face masks while invading Ukraine. It keeps job performance down in this country. Why not Ukraine?

Maybe the Build Back Better Buffoon Biden has a plan like that for Ukraine. That will keep Putin away. 

A tip of the hat to the truck driving demonstrators in Ottawa. C.W McCall said it best, "Looks like we got us a convoy!". Life imitates art. If nothing else, they chased the famed pantywaist, Justin Trudeau, out of town for the weekend.


Saturday, February 05, 2022

Saturday night at the morons

 The only real question tonight is where to start. I hate the NFL so, let's start there.

Former coach Brian Flores is claiming that the NFL is a racist organization with racist hiring practices. Wow!! What a revelation. In a country where blacks are 15% of the population, 70% of the millionaires playing in the NFL are black. Flores claims that blacks aren't getting enough of the head coaching jobs. Playing a sport is not the same as coaching a team in that sport. Ball fields are littered with the clipboards of people who could not turn playing a great game into coaching a great game. It is two completely different skill sets. In the restaurant business, guys who are great cooks are rarely great managers. Managing and cooking are two completely different jobs. Lots of cooks think that they can manage the restaurant, the overwhelming majority are wrong.

Great coaches are leaders, most players are followers. Not to mention that coaching involves a certain amount of public relations skill, in most cases.   But let's explore this idea of racism a little further. How many players in the NFL are of Hispanic origin? How many of those are place kickers? How many Asians and/or Pacific islanders are in the NFL? How many Native Americans play in the NFL? Why are white folks a majority in the country but a minority in the NFL?  Quick, name a white defensive back.

Flores is okay with racism on the field with players but not with coaches on the sideline. Flores needs to broaden his lawsuit to include Major League Baseball and the National Basketball Association. In the NBA, more than 90% of the players are black.  Baseball isn't at that level, but they are pushing the limits as regards the racial mix in the sport. Let's integrate sports, again. 

Joe Biden is now trying to play nice with Iran. His bedtime story last night from Dr. Jill, must have involved the plane load of cash that his mentor Obummer sent to Iran in the dead of night. Why do so many Democratic programs involve unscheduled flights in the middle of the night?

While North Carolina is attacked in the media about "gerrymandering", northern states like Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey are doing some extreme "gerrymandering", but the media won't discuss it. That's because those states are trying to eliminate Republicans.

The great unspoken truth is that claims of racism in redistricting are a result of blacks voting Democrat at about 90% rate.  If you redistrict an area that is predominantly white Democrats, nobody cares. If you can't breathe without instructions and you think that Democrats don't gerrymander districts, study the history of the Twelfth Congressional District in Nort Carolina. This was at one time, the most racially gerrymandered district in the nation. And the Democrats were the ones who drew it. 

Here in North Carolina, one of the all-knowing liberals is advocating putting masks on 2 year olds to get them ready for Pre-K at age 4. Let me be blunt about this, if 4 year olds are wearing masks in two years, the government officials will be hiding from public view. The government keeps selling this mask shit and every day more people realize that it doesn't work. The jig is up! The game is over! Find some other BS to sell. 

In case you read my previous post and wondering about my French readership, I am still waiting for those Brigitte Bardot pictures. I am starting to lose hope.

Friday, February 04, 2022

Let's put another week behind us!

 Is the Whoopi Goldberg disaster this week a carefully planned event to gather some viewers for "The View?" Is anybody really that stupid? Will she read Mein Kampf over the next two weeks? Will she change her name to Whoopi White Hater? Maybe she will just spend the time studying about the involvement of Jews in the civil rights struggle in the 1950's and 1960's. Maybe she will just tour German restaurants and clubs. Who knows? Who cares?

Nothing fuels confidence in our leadership like watching Biden wander the stage before his wife takes him by the hand and leads him off of the stage. Frankly, I would have rather watched Trump grab some babe by the butt and have her lead him off the stage.  Yeah, life isn't easy as a sexist, white, chauvinist pig.  Sorry, I just have to be me, babe!!

We may or may not have killed some terrorist leader in Syria. I will wait for all of the videos to be shown. Waiting to hear the outrage Democrats expressed following some leader's killing in the Trump years.

Joe Rogan? I had to have my older son to explain to me who Rogan is and what he does. I thought he had something to do with the baldness treatment, Rogaine. 

I am thrilled that some musicians are forcing Spotify to choose between having their music and Rogan/Rogaine. First, in the interests of full disclosure, I have never listened to a podcast. For further disclosure, I can't name a single Neil Young song. I never met Neil at the Waffle House. Businesses are about revenue, apparently you can listen to Neil almost anywhere, but Rogaine is exclusively on Spotify.  I am glad that Spotify has shown Neil that his best years are behind him. As for Joni Mitchell pulling her music from Spotify, who even knew that she was still alive? Does anyone from outside New York and California even know who Mitchell is? Quick, sing your favorite Mitchell song. 

Jeff Zucker has resigned at CNN after admitting that he was having a relationship with some woman who reported to him. Interestingly enough, the woman remains at CNN despite admitting the relationship. So ends the dream of equality between the sexes. The man loses his job, and the woman keeps hers. Show me the equality! 

Biden is sending 3,000 troops to Europe. Why only 3,000? Probably because we are holding most of the transport planes near Kiev in case, we need another short notice, mass evacuation. If you don't understand this shot, Google "Kabul evacuation". 

Only 3,000 troops? This isn't even a good-sized speed bump for slowing the Russian army. Why should we protect Europe from Russia if the Europeans aren't worried about the Russians? Trump was right in trying to force Europe to pay for their own defense. If they don't care, why should we?

Speaking of Europe, I looked at my reader stats yesterday. A couple of days ago, I had 137 page views from France. I am trying to picture someone in France saying, "I wonder what Gilbert's thinking today?" So, if you are the person or persons in France reading this swill, send me a picture of yourself. I will share it. If you are Brigitte Bardot, send several pictures. 

Let's Go Brandon!!