Saturday, March 28, 2020

Cuomo for President??

if you think that Andrew Cuomo is running for President on a platform of dead New Yorkers.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday Feeding Frenzy??

Before we place the fate of the world with doctors and pharmaceutical companies, try to remember who we were attacking a few weeks ago for the opioid epidemic. It's amazing how quickly things change, isn't it? Your doctor tells you to exercise, lose weight, quit smoking, and you ignore it. They say "Corona" and you go hide in a closet. Why? Because the "crisis" is being driven by "news sources" determined to bring the country down. Like other tyrants, they keep hitting you with the same message over and over until everyone believes. Joseph Goebbels is somewhere wishing that he could have been on CNN. If you don't believe they are doing that, ask yourself when you last saw a headline about opioids.  Heard anything bad about "Big Pharma" this week? Your mind is being manipulated by the media. You might want to ask why.
About forty years ago, Dr. Hector Rivera told me, "If you think that you are sick, you are. If you think that you are well, you are." I have decided to pass on getting  this illness.
Make it a good day!!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thoughtful Thursday

The media darling COVID-19 rages through the nation on your television set. Here's few thoughts to regain your grip on reality.

More people have STDs than Corona and they are still spreading them. Please direct me to the government ban on sex.

I am in favor of televised floggings of any public official who says "If we can just save one life."

The three most liberal states in the Union are the epicenters of the COVID-19 out break. Is this Sodom and Gomorrah, The Sequel?? Will Nancy Pelosi become a pillar of salt? Is there a price to pay for the culture of liberalism?

There have been two deaths in North Carolina from the Corona Virus. How many people have been killed by criminals in the same span? How many people have died in traffic accidents?

I haven't seen any commercials from lawyers about the virus thing yet. They are probably waiting for Congress to pass the relief bill so there will be some money to get.

Speaking of lawyers, I keep seeing ads for suing 3M about the military earplugs. 3M has already agreed to establish a $9 million fund to pay claims. Lawyers have spent more than that on advertising.

I have friends who marvel about how I have never been censored by Facebook.

"The cure cannot be worse than the disease."  Donald Trump
"If we can just save one life." Liberals

In the United States, we had about 700,000 abortions last year. Will the death toll from COVID-19 reach that level?

Reflections from the Roadside

I ventured out this morning into a world inhabited by cowards who are hiding in their homes from a media induced panic over a virus which has killed fewer people than the seasonal flu. The lead coward in this state is Governor Roy "King" Cooper.

I went out today as part of my "outreach ministry". This is my effort to share my views with my fellow earthlings. I post a lot of  "stuff" on Facebook, but the exposure to strangers is very limited there. Regardless of your number of "Friends", there are only a couple of dozen folks who see your posts and fewer who actually read them. There are even fewer who understand and appreciate the wisdom in those posts. So I have a Plan B. I'm bringing my message to you as you drive.

Anyway, I have a couple of busy intersections where I prefer to set up. Today I set up at the intersection of US 29 and US 158. I like the on ramp to US 29 heading south to Greensboro. I parked the truck well off of the road and put a couple of signs on the back of it. "Shoot your TV" and "Remove Roy Cooper" were taped there. I held a sign that read "Open Churches, Close Cooper".

The good part of this activity is you get some pretty immediate feedback. The driver of the second car that passed blew his horn and gave me a thumbs up. Several people just look annoyed, as if you are forcing them to read your sign. I love the puzzled looks on many faces. Then there are the people who are too cool to be seen looking so they are trying to take a half look. I am holding a sign with four (4) words on it. How long can it take to read it?? Then there are those who are moving their lips while reading the sign. School system superintendents should be compelled to hang out with me so they can see the products of their work.

A lot of people are on their phones while driving. What did we do before we could talk on the phone while driving?? A guy in a semi pulling a 14' wide mobile home was steering with one hand and holding his phone with the other hand while turning the corner. I moved back a few feet.

There were a couple of people who stopped to talk and take pictures. So if this shows up somewhere online, you have been warned. Most of those pictures are probably posted with a caption that starts "I saw this nut on the side of the road".

The highlight of the day happened in the last couple of minutes that I was there. A small car with two women in it slowed down as they drove by, then they stopped. The driver put down her window and yelled at me, "Honey, what are you selling?" Stunned by her stupidity, I turned my sign to where I could read it.  Yes, it still read "Open churches, Close Cooper". I yelled, " I'm not selling anything. This is free information." She responded "Oh!" and pulled away. WOW!! And she drives?

If you want to be heard, poster board is less than a buck a sheet and the street corner is free. You may have to run off a beggar for a good corner but I am okay with doing that.

Silence is consent.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Corona Questions??

Is the news media driving this crisis? Is this a manipulated crisis for political gain??

If your answer was no, answer these questions.
What happened to the opioid epidemic?
What's going on with global warning?
What happened to the Presidential election?
How many people have died of the flu?

Moving on, these thoughts.

Why are the three most liberal states in the nation the ones with the most serious outbreaks of the corona virus? Is there a cultural factor in the disease? Do liberal policies lay the ground work for an epidemic to spread?

How do the numbers of COVID-19 deaths compare to the number of those who have died from the flu? Currents estimates for flu deaths this season are around 25,000.

How does the number of deaths from COVID-19 compare to auto accidents? In 2019, the National Safety Council estimates that there were 38,800 deaths from car accidents. Also, 4.4 million people needed medical attention from accidents.

State governments are shutting down businesses and schools. How much stress can the public handle? Will there be an increase in domestic violence situations? As businesses fail and the economy falters, will there be an increase in suicides? How long before government shutdowns lead to open rebellion by an enraged population?

Before we place the fate of the nation in the hands of the CDC and other medical "experts", let's take a long look at their ability to accurately foretell the future. Let's look at the accuracy of their past forecasts. That's what any rational person would do.

The media is incensed that President Trump is not as firm a believer as they would like.  He made a statement today that is driving them crazy.

This from the AP:
In all capital letters, he tweeted: “We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself. At the end of the 15-day period, we will make a decision as to which way we want to go.” His suggestion that the remedies may be more harmful than the outbreak contradicts the advice of medical experts across the country.

Let's try something new and let the people decide. If you want to hole up at home and wait to die, go for it. Let the rest of us live.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Corona and Cowards

I may need to redefine my definition of "panic". Gov. Andrew Cuomo is the Chicken Little of The Century award winner. This guy has panicked so much and so often in the last two weeks as to eliminate anyone else from even being considered. Today he is claiming that 80% of New York state residents will get the corona virus. No other area on the planet has reached that level. Let's wait and do the Census in December, just in case he's right.

Kenny Rogers passed away Friday evening. Waiting for someone to call in to a radio station and dedicate "Coward of the County" to Andrew Cuomo.

Democrats in the Senate voted against the corona virus bailout bill. They are not afraid, they are just stupid. They will blame Trump for their actions, as they always do. Maybe, if they just could put their hatred for Trump aside for a couple of days?

If there's a God in heaven, Greta Thunberg,  Schumer, Pelosi, and The Squad will all get the corona virus.

Cuomo is upset with New York residents because they are not all cowering in a closet at home like he is. Why do politicians think that they are all so much smarter than we are? Probably because we were stupid enough to vote for them.

I don't have all of the data, but based on news reports, all of the corona victims seem to be Hollywood celebrities, politicians, and athletes. Alfred E. Neuman said it best, "What me worry?"

In the Southern society where hugs are a part of daily life, I am famous as "the man who will not hug." The day before my last aunt  died, I was at her bedside with other cousins. As one cousin  prepared to leave, she said "Gilbert, are you going to give me a hug?" My aunt sat up and said, "He's not a hugger." That was the last words that I heard her say.

The two most liberal states in the Union are the hardest hit by the corona virus. I don't think that there is a political relationship. I do believe that there is a relationship to the diverse cultures of the states that have the higher rates of the disease.

I saw a headline yesterday, "How long before you can tell jokes about Corona?" I didn't read the story, but I heard a pretty tasteless joke about the Challenger explosion the next day. I will wait another day or two.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Spring in North Coronalina??

Spring marks the beginning of the season for my eclectic collectibles and unique items business. Yes, I sell junk at antique shows, flea markets, and anywhere else a crowd will gather. Friends tell me that I am the white Fred Sanford.
The Charlotte Auto Fair, traditionally the kickoff of my season, has been moved from April to June. This just as I picked up a load of traffic lights from the NC State Surplus.
People tell me, "You can sell on eBay." I do sell a few things on eBay, but it is not the experience that selling face to face or "belly to belly" is for me. It's more than just the money. It's the experience of interacting with others. If you think that I am blunt or crude on Facebook, you should catch the live show.😄
My wife never goes to any of these events with me. My older son meets up with me at the Fairgrounds Flea Market in Raleigh sometimes. Nothing like some quality father-son time spent abusing potential buyers. Many years ago, he spent a couple of days with me at the Charlotte Car Show. When he got back home, my wife asked him "What's your father's sales style like?" He responded, "Heckling. He heckles thousands of people a day. But he sells a lot of stuff."
America, Let's put this corona virus thing behind us and go back to living.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Corona Virus Cure Announced

This just in!!

To combat the spread of corona virus, the Federal Virus Task Force has announced that the Internet will shut down tonight at midnight. In addition, television news programs have been banned for the next 72 hours.
The Internet will resume operation at 12:45 AM on Saturday . Television news will be allowed to resume operation at the same time.
The FBI is investigating all of the news channels and will be charging them with inciting a riot in the next few hours.
We expect that sightings of the virus should begin dropping around noon on Wednesday and disappear completely by Friday afternoon. Tune in Saturday morning for details. In the meantime, allow your brain to get some fresh air while the video pollution is suppressed.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Pick Your Fantasy Monday

Pick Your Fantasy Monday
1. The polar ice caps will melt by 2014
2. We only have 12 years to save the planet
3. The corona virus will be like the plague.
4. We will all be shot and killed by AR-15's
5. Hillary Clinton will be President.
6. Russian collusion
7. Greta Thunberg
8. David Hogg
9. President Beto O'Rourke
10. President Pete
11. The "Affordable" Healthcare Act
12. Obstruction of Congress
13. Lt. Col. Vindman
15. The View
16. Morning Joe
17. Joe Biden packing an AR-14
18. James Comey
19. Nancy Pelosi sober
20. Government efficiency

Sunday, March 15, 2020

North Carolina COVID-19 Test info

North Carolina COVID-19 Test Info

WOW!! North Carolina has really gotten serious about the corona virus. Researchers in the Research Triangle Park have come up with a testing method that does not even require you to leave your house. There is no doctor or hospital visit required! All you have to do is mail your stool sample to:
Gov. Roy Cooper
1 East Edenton Street
Raleigh, NC 27601
You can save time if you can send samples from your entire family at the same time. Don't forget the cats and dogs, cows and horses if you have them.
If you don't have a mailing container, use the contact address to request a postage paid Ziploc bag for mailing

Roy Cooper Executive Order

Spring is only a few days away. The CDC is concerned that some people will confuse allergy symptoms with the Corona virus.
To prevent this situation, Governor Roy "Idiot Boy" Cooper has issued an executive order banning pollen in the state of North Carolina. In issuing this order, Cooper stated that if this order is violated, he will charge God with a Class 2 Misdemeanor. The Lord has not responded at this time.

Got them toilet paper blues??

Finger Lickin' Good??

Whiners are complaining about the KFC "finger licking good" ads. They claim that the ads encourage bad behavior in people while eating, such as touching their faces.
I spent more than 45 years watching people eat in restaurants, allow me to enlighten you. The Readers Digest version is this, People are Pigs. Touching their faces? That may be the body part least touched while dining. People pick their noses while eating. People run their hands through their hair and then use those hands to pick up food. I have seen people change a child's diaper on a restaurant table and then eat at that table. People will put a paper towel on their hand to open a restroom door, but won't flush a toilet. I always wonder what their bathroom looks like at home? Don't even get me started about how people behave when out on a date. They handle body parts that can transmit STDs and then use their hands to eat. If you want the complete experience, you should watch people feed small children from their plate of food. I am surprised that kids get old. I spent a lifetime cleaning restaurant restrooms, you people are swine. If the health department inspected home kitchens and bathrooms, many of you would be "closed".
So if you are one who finds KFC ads offensive, find something serious to whine about. Those ads are just art imitating life.
Rant Over!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Corona Virus Blues??

Thirty five years ago, I was attacked by an employee wielding a 10" chef's knife who announced "I am going to cut your white ass up".
An hour later, I was at the golf course and he was at the emergency room on his way to jail.
I am just not worried about the corona virus.