Wednesday, September 27, 2023

My Weekly Reader

 When I was in elementary school, I always looked forward to getting my copy of My Weekly Reader. According to an online source, the Weekly Reader was always distributed on Friday afternoon. I honestly don't remember. I do remember reading it as I walked home from school. 

So, here is this week's edition of Not Your Weekly Reader.

The only suitable response to Democrats chanting "Four More Years" is a simple "Of This?" 

In another four years like the past two and a half, you will have to speak Spanish to buy a croissant at a French bakery in New York City. 

Biden is preparing for an even larger onslaught of illegals. The Secret Service is currently making test runs with Joe to the nearest Taco Bell so he can sniff little girls there. Killing two birds with one stone?

In four years, Cassidy Hutchinson will replace Joy Behar on The View. Same stupid statements, but a younger face.

In four years, they will still be trying to convict Trump of something in New York. They will monitor the Presidential limousine for seatbelt violations.

It won't take another four years for a merchant to take a gun to a "Flash Mob" trying to loot his store. This will serve as a live demo to law enforcement everywhere on how to enforce the law. It will also end the Flash Mob fad.

Four Words: You loot, we shoot!

In four years, Nancy Pelosi will be proclaiming the Capitol is our "Temple of Our Democracy" as her last set of breast implants lie in state in the Rotunda.

In another four years Special Counsel Weiss will finally indict Hunter Biden. He will nail Hunter for parking his Dad's Corvette in a handicap space while visiting Joe in the dementia care unit.

With any luck, in the next four years we will vote to expel California, Oregon and Washington from the Union. California, Oregon and Washington will form the Peoples Republic of COW (California, Oregon, Washington). By now, even the slow among you can grasp the COW acronym. If not, leave a note in the comments section.

Rest assured that we will close the western border between the US and the People's Republic of COW. If you are living there now, get out while you can.

I am fascinated about the reporting of Uncle Fester's latest proclamation. The media is reporting that Fester said that "if those jagoffs will pass a spending bill, I will put on a suit." It sounded more like "If I could jack off past the spending bill, I would put on a suit."  Send comments to #SLOBSOB.

Someone at Fox hit the nail on the head tonight. They pointed out that the FBI had Sen. Menendez's fingerprints identified on the gold bars and the cash in his home. That could do that but couldn't find a fingerprint on a bag of cocaine delivered to the White House. How does that work? 

Speaking of Biden's Gestapo/FBI, they staged pictures of the cash and the gold bars at the Menendez house just like they did the documents at Mar-A-Lago. They do this and then complain that the other side is poisoning the jury pool.

Ford is losing more than four (4) billion dollars this year trying to convert to the production of electric vehicles. Electric vehicles will require about 40% fewer workers to assemble than gas vehicles. Yet the Unite Auto Workers are supporting the guy who is putting them out of work. Really? Hell, they are dumber than I thought.

Gotta Go!! The second Republican Candidate Presidential Debate will be on soon. The problem with television having so many stations is that I thought I was watching the first debate a few weeks ago and it turned out that I was watching an old "Family Feud" rerun with Richard Dawson hosting. I thought everything sounded too simple.

Needing Nehemiah?

 I keep books and other reading materials in the bathroom. The older I get, the more time I have to read.

The latest thing that I read was "10 Minutes to knowing the Men and Women of the Bible" which is part of the "Bare Bones Bible Bios" series, and I thought that I liked alliteration.

The other day I read the chapter about Nehemiah. Given my belief that history is circular, and that the future is in the past, I was compelled to read the Book of Nehemiah after reading the "10 Minutes Book". The Book of Nehemiah is not one of the longer books of the Bible, but it still took a little longer than the few minutes the chapter in "10 Minutes" took. 

So, what did I learn? Nehemiah was a Jew who was serving in the government of Persia as a Cupbearer to the king. As Jews were allowed to return to Jerusalem from Persia, Nehemiah found that the city of Jerusalem was in terrible shape. The walls of Jerusalem had been in ruins for more than 125 years. Because Jerusalem had no walls, it was held in contempt by other cities and nations. 

The conditions of 450 B.C. were much like those of the world today. If your nation has no borders, it has no respect from other nations who vigorously enforce their borders. If you can't define your territory, you have no territory. To help his people, Nehemiah gets the Persian king to let him go to Jerusalem as governor. 

Nehemiah convinces the people of Jerusalem that they have God's support and that they can rebuild the walls. The people around Jerusalem were opposed to the walls being rebuilt. They threatened to attack the Jews as they rebuilt the walls. Nehemiah armed the workers, and they took turns guarding each other as they rebuilt the walls. Led by Nehemiah they are able to rebuild the city's walls in only 52 days.

In addition to the rebuilding of the walls, Nehemiah led a spiritual revitalization of the nation. He made the rich give back land that they had taken from others and brought back the ban on interest on loans. Nehemiah's trust in God spread among the people of Jerusalem and brought back the residents' pride in their city.

So, what can we take away from all of this today? First, we need borders to define our country. In the last three years, more than 7 million people have illegally entered our country.  We are fighting a proxy war in the Ukraine to keep Russians out of the Ukraine, but we allow millions of illegals into our country. How can this make sense? Second, our nation needs a spiritual revival. We need to admit that we have taken the wrong road. People abhor organized religion but celebrate a life without any moral standards. It is not working.

It's time to secure our borders. If we are willing to use military force to secure the border in the Ukraine, we need to do the same thing here. We need to stop importing drugs and the criminals who deal in them. It's time to restore our nation to the glory of the past. 

Joe Biden is NOT our Nehemiah. We need leaders who want to restore the greatness of America. It's time to send those who don't believe packing. Maybe Coach Prime has the right question/slogan. "Do you believe?"


Monday, September 25, 2023

I'm so old......

 My birthday rolls around in a few days, and I thought that I would share a few thoughts with readers on this relatively insignificant occasion.

I so old that I remember when we only had men and women. 

I am so old that I remember when we only had two genders. Of course, that was only a minute ago. There are still only two genders. Any other claims are "only make believe", Sing it with me!!

I am so old that when I was in school pronouns were discussed in English class and not Phys Ed.

I am sold I remember when they kept trying to make hearing aids smaller so that no one would see that you were wearing them. Now people are walking around with ear buds crammed into their ears and no one notices anyone with a hearing aid.

I am so old that I used to be able to spot the crazy people who were walking around talking to themselves. Now you have to see if they are talking on their "smartphone" before deciding that they are crazy. If you phone is really smart, why don't you just let it hold the conversation with the caller?

I am so old and intolerant that when I am talking to someone and they say, "I have to take this call", I just walk away. People confuse "I have to" with "I want to". Don't waste your time telling me that I am rude if you ditch a personal conversation for a phone call.

I am so old that I still believe that only men have penises and testicles. There are no women with those appendages. Period. End of discussion.

I am so old that I still believe in mental illness. Asking me to play along with someone's mental illness is not going to be a winning strategy. Sorry, I am not feeding a kid Gaines Burgers because he thinks that he is a dog. That's not a healing program.

I am so old that I still believe that "they" is a plural pronoun. 

I am so old that I still hate other drivers who think that I want to hear some "Crap Music" at 120 decibels. Just remember, the "C" in crap is silent. If you are reading this at the traffic light, I will listen to rap when you are willing to listen to David Allan Coe at 120 decibels. 

I am so old that I still believe that doctors and pharmaceutical companies started believing that transgenderism was not a mental illness when they realized how profitable that it could be for them.

I am so old that I remember when there were still some reasonable Democrats. What happened to "Southern Democrats?"

In a completely unrelated incident, yesterday near Plant City, Florida, six members of a family were killed, and one critically injured when a train hit their Cadillac Escalade at a private rail crossing marked by a stop sign and a railroad crossing sign. If you can't hear a train whistle and the noise of a train coming at you at 55 miles per hour, take the ear buds out and/or turn the music down.  It's just so sad.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

We live in a country where.......

 We live in a country where there are night vision cameras in a Colorado theater to film Lauren Boebert vaping and fondling her date. There has never been video released from this theater before, but I am sure that is just a coincidence.  In a similar event, the Secret Service claims that there were no cameras in the White House to film a cocaine delivery for the First Son.

We live in a country where thousands of people illegally cross our borders every day and the head of Homeland Security tells us that the border is actually closed. 

We live in a country where we learned on Wednesday that the Attorney General, the head of the Department of Justice, knows absolutely nothing about what is happening in the Department of Justice. He "cannot recollect" anything about the actions of the KGB FBI. But don't worry that he is ignorant about his only purpose, he assures us that everything is going well.

We live in a country where half of the population cannot define what a "woman" is. The other half is ridiculed because they know what a woman is and can define "woman".

We live in a country where a Republican Congresswoman who was born in the USSR, explained to the above-mentioned Attorney General that the FBI is operating like the KGB. By the time she finished, the AG was left stunned, but still stupid. Don't worry about her hurting his feelings, he won't be able to recall the incident today.

We live in a country where the national joke lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and poses as the President. 

We live in a country where the President and the Attorney General and others are all just figureheads. The decisions are all being made by unelected and unknown people. 

We live in a country where the Border Patrol acts as travel agents for the illegal immigrants that Mayorkas claims are NOT coming across the border. Thanks to RFK Jr. for that one.

We live in a country where the national debt is growing at a trillion and a half dollars a year. This is the road to an economic disaster whether it is a nation, a business or a family is to keep spending more money than you have. It just can't keep going on.

We live in a country where we will soon be discussing the end of the American Empire.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Free Kick Friday

 Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin said that Chuck Schumer's discarding the Senate dress code was a mistake and he wants Schumer to change that decision. Give it up Dick! Chuck The Schmuck has his head firmly up Uncle Fester's ass, and he can't hear anything you are saying. It is slightly comforting to hear a Democrat actually voice an opinion that breaks from the party line. 

Susan Collins from Maine made a joke about wearing a bikini to the Senate floor as a protest. I think that Susan should actually do that. First, that sight will make Chuck The Schmuck change that policy. Second, C-Span will pull their cameras out from the Senate chamber.

Merrick Garland proved yesterday with his testimony that he is either the biggest liar in the land or the most incompetent Attorney General in the nation's history. Judging by his answers, he has no idea of what is happening at the Department of Justice. Asked about whether the leaders who originated the memo wanting to infiltrate Catholic churches had been disciplined, he knew nothing. Asked if anyone had been fired for that, he failed to respond.  Why bother showing up if you aren't going to answer questions? It's time to cut funding at the DOJ and their Gestapo-wannabees in the FBI leadership.

Merrick Garland believes that he reports to no one. It's time to cut funding at the DOJ and get his attention. Let's start by cutting his pay to $1 a year. Step 2: Defund all of his staff.

My personal favorite moment in the Wednesday Circus of the DOJ Dumbass was when Rep. Victori Spartz of Indiana questioned him. She is a native of Ukraine but sounds like real Republicans used to sound. You can watch that five-minute video at this link.   (15) 'It's Like KGB!': Victoria Spartz Explodes At AG Merrick Garland Over His Handling Of Justice Dept - YouTube

Nixon AG John Mitchell went to prison in 1973 for less perjury than Merrick Garland committed in Congress on Wednesday.

The nation's capital is located in Washington, D.C. because when the Constitution was written that was near the center of the country. Now the center of the nation is closer to Kansas or Nebraska. Let's move the government to the plains of Kansas! Build dormitories for the Congress to live in while they are in town. All rooms must be identical. I think that we should start with a mandatory curfew for members so that they are rested for those long workdays ahead.

Put the DOJ's new headquarters in Nebraska. They need to reduce their staff. The new DOJ building should be a doublewide mobile home. That should motivate them to adjust staffing levels. The FBI should be headquartered in one of those sod homes that they used to build on the prairies years ago. That should get their staff down to a level that Merrick "Ma" Garland can supervise.

Merrick Garland, the Little Louse on the Prairie. 

I actually heard someone suggest that Gavin "Gruesome" Newsome would make a good President. I told him that it was obviously time for him to get a drug test or just go ahead and get into a treatment program. 

Look at the cluster f**K that California has turned into and tell me that you want to turn the nation over to the guy who brought all of that to life. 

I love how liberals are playing word games to hide their efforts at destroying the United States. In California and Chicago, we don't have gangs and gangsters anymore. Now we have "Flash Mobs". They make it sound like a dance group just looted your jewelry store. 

The City Council in New York City wants to remove statues of George Washington and Christopher Columbus. I sent them an e-mail offering to take that Washington statue off their hands. No response yet.

I saw a report where a female Republican Senator asked about the end of the Senate Dress Code used the word "slob" three times. Don't forget! Uncle Fester is on social media at #SLOBSOB.

We live in a world where liberals tell us that college graduates didn't understand the whole idea of debt when they took out loans for college. The fly in the ointment is that the same folks tell us that a six-year-old should be able to decide if he or she wants a sex change operation. 

Biden has got to get some better writers. His latest stupid decision was to announce that he had a new nickname for Donald Trump. Biden referred to him as Donald "Hoover" Trump. WOW!! He should have given it more thought. Like Hoover, Trump was followed by a Democrat who had help from the media in hiding his disabilities. Like Trump, Hoover's successor was able to keep the economy in a depressed state until he could get us into a war to break the depression. Like Trump, Hoover's successor was treated by his doctors with cocaine to help with some of his medical issues. 

Nothing like watching Joe Brain-dead Biden walk into a Brazilian flag while greeting the President of Brazil. "Biden" is just a synonym for "Buffoon."

Thursday, September 21, 2023

F-35B, Where are you?

 First, I waited until the Marines located their missing F-35 before writing anything about it. Why? Because I didn't want to write some humorous piece and then have the fighter jet crash into a large building in a city somewhere in the South and cause some casualties.  Now with the fighter jet having been located in South Carolina and no casualties reported, we can go on.

How does one lose an $100 million piece of high-tech warmaking equipment? What caused the pilot to eject from the plane? Was there any communication before he left the plane? Let's face it, the plane flew for more than 60 miles before it crashed, so what was the emergency? If the transponder was off, why not turn it back on before leaving the plane? Did the Marines or the Navy issue a warning to people in South Carolina that a plane might crash into their homes? Or did it crash into a home? The government is not providing a lot of details in this case.

Is there anything more ridiculous than the military announcing that they have lost a fighter jet and to call if you have seen it? I loved the ads that popped up online offering F-35s for sale.

On a technical note, the F-35B version used by the Marines is designed to take off and land vertically as well as to be able to hover. The ejection seat in the F-35B is also able to operate automatically if the sensors decide the pilot is in danger. So basically, a faulty sensor on a $100 million airplane can decide to eject the guy flying it. Sounds like something out of an old movie. That didn't end well either.

Final note on the F-35B model. The Marine Corps is also the main user of the V-22 Osprey which like the F-35B can take off and land vertically. It can also hover. I think that there are some serious technological issues that need to be addressed in both of these aircraft before sacrificing any more service member lives in crashes. 

In other military related news, Dementia Joe is attacking Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama because he is still blocking confirmation of Generals and Admirals. The Democrats all want Tuberville to change his stand, but no one is advocating that The Defense Department change their policy of subsidizing abortions for service members. That policy is what started the whole thing. The Defense Department is trying to tap dance around the Hyde Amendment and Tuberville doesn't think that is right. 

I'm only surprised that Biden didn't try to blame the missing F-35 on Tuberville.

In other news Zelensky is in our country begging for more money to guarantee that the Ukraine can keep a corrupt government. Politicians who won't allocate money to defend our borders want to protect the borders in the Ukraine. 

There are more illegal immigrants in North Carolina than there are Russians in the Ukraine. Which one does Biden want to control?  Hint: North Carolina didn't vote for Biden, and we haven't sent any money to Hunter's secret accounts.

If the countries that border the Ukraine are not borrowing money from China to give the Ukraine, why is the United States doing that? We are broke, we don't have any money to give them! Stop the stupidity!!

Let's track this down. There is ample evidence that Hunter Biden, through a web of shell companies took millions of dollars from the Ukraine. Now Joe Biden, father of Hunter Biden, wants to give billions of dollars to keep the Ukraine free. Is that "free" to send Hunter more money? Are Joe and Hunter getting a cut of what we send the Ukraine? 

I don't want to single out Dementia Joe and Cocaine Hunter for special attention here. How many Senators and Congressmen are getting a cut from what we send to the Ukraine? 

Senator Lindsey Graham is a big supporter of the Ukraine. Before saying anything critical about South Carolina, my mother's family has been in South Carolina for more than 300 years. With that disclosure out of the way, I just don't believe that 90% of South Carolinians are able to find the Ukraine on a world map. I don't believe that the average South Carolinian cares about Ukraine. My brother lives in South Carolina and his biggest concern is the electric bill in the coming winter. Why is Sen. Graham so concerned? The same reason that the Bidens are concerned, $.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Another Eyewitless Wednesday?

 The Biden administration has released six billion dollars in frozen Iranian assets in exchange for five hostages who were American citizens. The administration claims that Iran will only be allowed to use the money for certain things. The moment that the United States transferred that money we lost control of how it will be spent. Anyone who believes otherwise is in the dementia gang with Biden.

When questioned about this obviously insane deal, the plagiarist-in-chief, Lying Joe Biden replied, "You can read all of the real details in my new book, "The Art of the Deal." (Note: If this shot was over your head, search for "The Art of the Deal")

There are people going to prison for breaking laws about protesting and blocking access to abortion clinics. Yet not a single pro-abortion protester who violated the law by protesting at the homes of Supreme Court Justices has even been arrested, much less convicted. Equal justice requires equal enforcement of the law. This is a foreign concept to the leftists at the Department of Justice.

I sent a message to both Sen. Budd and Sen. Tillis about the Uncle Fester fiasco and the Senate dress code mentioned in yesterday's post. The odds are 50-50 that I will get a response from Sen. Budd's office. The odds on a reply from Sen. Tillis's office are about one in a thousand.  It's not an election year so Thom Tillis just doesn't care what voters think.

In entering my comments on Tillis's website, there was a note that you cannot "cut and paste" something into your message for "security reasons". What security reasons? Security of what? Do they not have an anti-virus program? Will a picture of a bomb harm them? Does a dog have to sniff the emails before they are read? I am not at all surprised by a system that prohibits me from doing a cut and paste, yet allows them to send me a form letter in response. I keep waiting for something in Congress to make sense. I will die still waiting.

I dress better to take the trash to the dump than Fetterman dresses to go to the Senate Chamber. Nancy Pelosi ranted about the January 6 protesters not respecting the Capitol. Other than the guy with the horns, they were all better dressed than Fetterman.

If you hire a lawyer to represent you in Traffic Court and he shows up in a tank top, shorts and sandals, are you feeling good about your chances?

Deion Sanders won't let his football players go to classes dressed like John Fetterman goes to work in the Senate. Maybe Coach Prime can talk to Fetterman?

If Chuck The Schmuck Schumer thought that his decision about allowing Uncle Fester to dress like the class clown was a good idea, why didn't he make a public announcement about it? Instead, he just emailed the new rules to the Senate Sergeant of Arms. 

Uncle Fester's new social media handle is "#SLOBSOB".  Try it, you will like it.

Since I have already brought up Pelosi, I don't think that I have previously mentioned the quart sized breast implants she had added to her chest. On Saturday at the Lions Club Flea Market in Dublin, I was talking to a customer when a young lady walked by. He looked at her and said, "Wow! She has a pair of Pelosis". And with that, this post is concluded.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Uncle Fester's Follies

 Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer has a ended the Senate dress code for U.S. Senators.  While visitors and Senate staffers still need to comply with the Senate dress code, Senators do not.

This is a blatant attempt to normalize Senator John Fetterman's attire. Fetterman prefers hoodies and gym shorts to coats and ties. Rather than meet the dress code, Fetterman has chosen to vote by standing in the doorway rather than dressing and entering the Senate chamber. 

With this move, Chuck The Schmuck is not just kissing Uncle Fester's ass, he is licking it dry. The Schmuck's actions are enough to cause us to have to redefine "kowtow".  This will forever be the standard by which "kowtow" is measured. Chuck has no spine, but most of us knew that already. 

Why can't Uncle Fester just put on a coat and tie? Why do athletes wear uniforms? Why do they have a dress code at Augusta National for the Masters? Why do restaurant employees wear uniforms? Why do soldiers and sailors wear uniforms? Why do some nightclubs and restaurants have dress codes? Why do visitors and staff have to meet the dress code, but US Senators do not?

This is just another example of the fraud of government rules and regulations. Chuck The Schmuck is now forever the King of the "Rules for thee but not for me" government. 

When I was in school back in the Stone Age, about once a month we had "Dress-Up Day." One day, I asked the dean of boys why we had "Dress Up Day"? He told me that on those days we had fewer conduct issues than on regular days. He told me that when people were dressed up and wearing their better clothes, they were better behaved and less likely to cause problems. It worked for high school students; it will work for U.S. Senators. 

The world will not end because John Fetterman shows up for work in shorts and a hoodie, but the diminished respect for the Senators who tolerate this will be an issue for them. If anybody in the Senate had any courage, they would introduce a resolution condemning both Fetterman's attire and The Schmuck's actions in response. 

Is there anyone in the U.S. Senate willing to stand up for standards of appearance for public employees?  Surely there is a U.S. Senator with the spine to stand up for standards for the Senate. Bonnie Tyler sang it best with "Looking for a Hero".

Monday, September 18, 2023

Reflections From the Road VER 9.18

 I returned last evening from my semi-annual excursion to Dublin, Virginia for the Lions Club Flea Market. I love southwest Virginia politics, it's the only place where Trump is considered a moderate. But I won't get into politics in this post, maybe.

My younger son accompanied me on this trip as my wife thinks that I need some help with my "Stuff for Sale" enterprise at the flea market. Or maybe she just wants someone to keep me from slaying liberals?

On the weather front, setup day on Friday was a beautiful day as was the first business day on Saturday. Sunday, it started raining around 10:00 AM and killed the day's business.

As we traveled home last night on I-77 there was heavy fog on the mountain as we passed from Hillsville to the North Carolina state line. It took 45 minutes to travel 14 miles. Do the math!! 

So, I offer this medley of thoughts from the weekend.

Memo to motoring morons: There's a switch on your car that turns on those big "light things" on the front and the back of your car. I can't emphasize this strongly enough but when the visibility is less than 100 feet on the Interstate, turn that damn switch ON!! Those little running lights or courtesy lights that come on automatically don't help other drivers see the back of your vehicle. Those little lights aren't enough to help you see through the fog either. Your brain and thought processes may be dim, but your lights need to be bright enough to see.

I rant about tattoos on a regular basis, so I will tread lightly on this one. Maybe if God could put an "Etch a Sketch" option on babies, it could change lives. Someone could draw all over themselves and then their parents could just pick them up and shake them and all of the drawings would disappear. I like it!!

I am working on not insulting people as much as in the past. I have price signs on most of my merchandise, so when people miss the large sign that reads, "Craftsman sockets $1 each" I just point to the sign and offer them my glasses. 

Some Gen Zero asked me, "Why did they call it Life magazine?" I responded, "There was already a Death magazine."

Good parents should not let their children wear crocs.

If you think that public education works, set up a space at a flea market and answer stupid question after stupid question.

My son and I ate dinner at a Cracker Barrel on Saturday night. The couple at a nearby table sat and ate their entire meal without speaking to each other. They each were using their "smart" phones while eating. Who can watch porn while eating chicken and dumplings?

Wait! I almost forgot the rest of the story. I happened to look down at the floor when I dropped a napkin and saw the feet of the guy burning up phone. He was wearing sandals, and his toes were as long as my fingers. In the old days this guy would have been in a P.T. Barnum sideshow as the guy who could pick his nose with his feet.

I had a bunch of old JROTC uniform shirts and pants for sale. They were the old army green color from the 1970's. There were all small and medium sizes. I told any full-sized adult who looked at them that there were no large sizes. Despite the warning, one older fat schmuck insisted on trying one on. I told him that if I had to cut the shirt to get him out of it, he owned the shirt. He finally stopped trying. 

At the Bojangles in Dublin on Saturday morning at 6:15 AM, I watched as one woman tried to be both the drive through cashier and the dining room cashier. A female manager was in the back walking around with some kind of poster that had evidently fallen off the wall. I was there ten minutes, and she never came up front to help the struggling cashier. I may be going out on a limb here, but I don't think that she (the manager) has a bright future at Bojangles. 

I should have known not to go to Bojangles. On Labor Day as I came home from Hillsville, I stopped at the Bojangles in Mt. Airy. As I walked across the parking lot, I saw a large woman wearing a manager's uniform sitting on the window ledge by the front door smoking a cigarette and talking on her "smart" phone. I went inside and ordered. It took 5 minutes to get a two-piece dinner. I was the only customer. Then when I noticed that the dining room napkin dispensers were empty, I asked for some napkins. "We are out of napkins until the truck gets here tomorrow" was the reply. They are in the parking lot in front of a Food Lion grocery store. Could a manager talking out front on her phone, not walk the 100 yards to the Food Lion and buy some napkins? Cut they not cut up some rolls of paper towels?  Who sells fried chicken and doesn't give people something to wipe the grease off of their faces? When I got home, I entered a comment on the Bojangles comment site and asked for a response. Two weeks later, still no response. 

This was the first flea market in years where no one told me, "I'm a picker." I guess that the word has gotten out about my responses to that statement. 

Biden and the Demoncraps have inflation under control. That's why funnel cakes at the flea market are $10. Thanks Joe!! 

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Biden's Bizarro World?

"Biden's Bizarro World" comes from an old comic book series about Bizarro Superman and the Seinfeld episode "Bizarro Jerry". "Bizarro World" is where everything becomes the exact opposite of the normal world.

How does this work? Tall is short, in is out, black is white, ugly is pretty. By now, even the Democrats among you should be able to figure this out.

Let me give you the best example. The other day White House Press Secretary "Jiffy Pop Hair" claimed that Biden has done a better job than anyone else of securing the border. Homeland Security Chief Mayorkas claims that the border is closed. They are all in "Biden's Bizarro World". In the real world, record numbers of illegal immigrants are flooding the country. If you don't believe me, ask Mayor Adams in New York. Adams is a Democrat who has been forced to leave "Biden's Bizarro World" and return to reality due to his city being flooded with illegal immigrants.

Biden keeps claiming that the price of gas is down due to actions he has taken.  In 2019, gas here in North Carolina was around $2.00 per gallon. Today it ranges from $3.40 to $3.80 per gallon. How is this price down? It's down because we are living in "Biden's Bizarro World".

Biden keeps claiming that the Ukrainians are pushing the Russians out of the Ukraine. Yet the Russians remain there. Is this another case of "Biden's Bizarro World"? The other day, General Milli Vanilli said that the Ukrainians have 30 to 45 days to complete their offensive campaign before the weather changes for the winter. The Ukrainians say that they will continue their campaign into the winter. What does this mean? It means that General Milli Vanilli has dropped out of "Biden's Bizarro World" as he approaches retirement and the real world. The Ukrainian Army is just going to join the list of nations who could not defeat General Winter. Hitler and Napoleon both had their asses handed to them by the Russians in the winter. History is circular.

The government keeps telling us that inflation is under control and prices are dropping. On Saturday in Hartwell, Georgia, my wife and I ate lunch at Popeye's. She had a two-piece platter (two sides and a drink) and I had a three-piece platter. Our bill totaled $30.53. If this is inflation under control, then Hartwell is in "Biden's Bizarro World". I don't know about the rest of the universe, but thirty bucks for fast food fried chicken for two is a bit pricey in my world.

Democrats scream for fair elections while trying to jail their political opponents. They want to indict everyone who challenges their elections process. Welcome to "Biden's Bizarro World". 

Yesterday at the White House, spokesman John Kirby was asked by a reporter about why President Biden keeps telling stories that are false and are easily checked. For example, on September 11 while speaking in Alaska, Biden said that he had gone to the World Trade Center the day after and witnessed the scene. He did not go to New York and in fact was in the Senate chamber that day. Instead of answering that question, Kirby rambled on about something else. Asked again by the same reporter, he went on to talk about some other subject. This is "Biden's Bizarro World"! The answers don't have anything to do with the questions. Ask anything you want; the answers won't be responses to your questions.

In "Biden's Bizarro World", failed male athletes compete as women and win in women's sports. In "Biden's Bizarro World" we want to put porn into elementary school libraries. They won't let you read this porn aloud at school board meetings, but your kids can read it in class or bring it home. Liberals were offended by Sen. John Kennedy reading passages from a couple of library books at a Senate hearing the other day but want librarians to decide what your kids can read. The 71-year-old Senator shouldn't read that aloud, but your kid can check it out of the school library. Only in "Biden's Bizarro World". The Illinois Secretary of State thinks that one parent doesn't have the right to challenge what books can be in the library. The Secretary of State needs to check out a history book instead of porn. All movements start with a single person looking for change.

I am heading out to the grocery store which is Ground Zero for measuring "Biden's Bizarro World".

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Which Biden is Dumber?

 Attorneys for Hunter Biden filed a suit against former Trump aide Garrett Ziegler today for publishing material from the now famous Hunter Biden laptop. In the campaign of 2020, we were told that the laptop was "Russian disinformation" and that none of it was true. Today, with his father ensconced in the White House and the Secret Service protecting Hunter's cocaine deliveries to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, things have changed.

ABC News(?) reported this: "Attorneys for Hunter Biden on Wednesday filed suit against a former Trump White House aide over his alleged role in publishing online a trove of emails and embarrassing images purportedly belonging to the president's son." Allow me to direct your attention to the word "purportedly".

If the laptop and all of the files published did not actually belong to Hunter Biden, then his case has no legal foundation. Either it all belongs to Hunter Biden or Hunter has no basis for a lawsuit. Hunter cannot be the owner and author of "Russian disinformation". The Bidenites have labeled everyone who talked about the laptop as liars trying to destroy Hunter. More than three years after the laptop story first broke, Hunter has suddenly remembered that the laptop is/was his. How can this be? Has he been lying? Do bears shit in the woods? Do liberals hate Trump? Does Joe Biden have dementia? Does Hunter Biden lie as well as the Big Guy?

Hunter has only himself to blame for this. If he had not been hooked on drugs, shaking down foreign companies and countries for kickbacks and balling strippers, he could have picked up his laptop at the repair shop and avoided all of this.

In a previous paragraph, I mentioned the Bidenites. Before Joe tells the story, allow me. Joe learned about the Bidenites when he stopped by the synagogue on Saturday after having his hairy legs rubbed by the black kids at the pool and fighting with the famed gangster Corn Pop. He would get up early on Sunday to study the Book of Biden before spending most of Sunday attending Mass at the Catholic Church and a service at the black church. Apparently the Bidenites were the thirteenth tribe of Israel. They lied their way from Egypt almost to the promised land. The son of their leader traded their birthright for a ten-dollar bag of crack and an evening with a harlot. They ended up in the Ukraine instead of the promised land. Suddenly, it all makes sense!!

Joe Biden spent September 11 in Alaska rather than attending any type of ceremony at a 9/11 site. The White House Pres Secretary, she with the Jiffy Pop hair, claims that they spent the time in Alaska because they needed to let Biden rest and to refuel Air Force One after the long trip from Vietnam. There are only a couple of issues with this story. First, Air Force One has the capability to be refueled in mid-air. If they didn't want to do this, they could have just landed, refueled and taken off again. Second, there are more than adequate facilities on Air Force One to allow the President to rest. They could have easily returned a rested Joe to Washinton, D.C. or New York in plenty of time for a 9/11 ceremony. Finally, don't waste your time worrying about the flight crew. Rest assured there is a backup crew on Air Force One in case anything happens.

So why did Joe spend the day in Alaska? Because they didn't want him to make a massive faux pas in New York City. Instead, standing in Alaska, Joe claimed that he had been at the World Trade Center site the day after the attack and recalled the scene. The only problem was that Senate records and videotapes reveal that Joe was in the Capitol that day and didn't go to New York until the next week. I can only surmise that the fact checkers for the mainstream media were all off because Joe was in Alaska and India. Hell, let's be honest. They would not have written about it anyway. Fact checkers are for Republicans and Democrats like RFK Jr.

Why doesn't the media tell us when Biden lies? How do you kill eleven million people? You lie to them.

Friday, September 08, 2023

How do you kill 11 million people?

 I love books. I am also endowed with a genetic tendency to be cheap, so I tend to buy books on the cheap. I like to buy books at auction. If there is one book in a box at an auction that I want, I will buy the whole box just to get that one. Of course, that is all dependent on the whole box selling cheaply.

Having explained the purchasing process, I will tell you that I frequently find other good books in the box full of books purchased for the one that I wanted. It's probably the excitement of digging through the other books to see what a bargain I got that keeps me buying this way.

I recently acquired a couple of boxes of books in an auction. In one of the boxes was a small book titled "How do you kill 11 million people?" by Andy Edwards. It was published by Thomas Nelson. It's not a very big book so I thought that I could read it before dinner. So, I sat down and started reading the book.

It's a fascinating read. It explores how Hitler was able to achieve his Holocaust plan. But it is more than a history of the Holocaust, it shows how this could happen again today. My copy is the 2011 edition. I checked online and there is a newer, updated and larger edition that was published in 2020. In a rare moment of free spending, I went online to Thrift Books and ordered a copy of the newer version. I will read the updated version when it gets here.

So, how do you kill 11 million people? You lie to them. Yes, it is really just that simple. By now you are probably thinking, "That couldn't happen today in the United States." Bad news, you are wrong.

This could not only happen in the United States, but it is also happening as I write this message. The government and their partners in the news media are lying to us at an incredible rate. We are told that women can become men and men can become women. It's just not true. But they have convinced thousands of people to have mutilation surgery. They want small children to have the same mutilating surgery. The nation is becoming a walking freak show. Turn on your television and see for yourself. How do you kill 11 million people? You lie to them.

The federal government is spending money that we don't have at a record rate to satisfy those who voted them into power. Who will pay that money back? They are lying to us and claiming that we don't need to worry about paying it back. They do this as they aggravate the situation by forgiving college loan debt for people who wasted their money. Just for the record, and I don't remember it being in the book, but record inflation in Germany in the 1920's was one of the factors that Hitler rode to power. As prices continue to rise, the United States government is denying that fact by giving us false information. How do you kill 11 million people? You lie to them.

The Consumer Price Index is the federal government's equivalent of Grimm's Fairy Tales. The price of fuels affects everything that is manufactured or grown. In late 2019 here in North Carolina, gas was less than $2 a gallon. Today the price of gas is between $3.50 and $4.00 a gallon here. Yet, the federal government claims that they have lowered the price of gas. How can this be true? How do you kill 11 million people? You lie to them.

Democratic prosecutors are lining up to try to put Donald Trump behind bars. The county attorney in Fulton County, Georgia has accused Trump and 18 of his associates of "racketeering" and "conspiracy".  How do you kill 11 million people? You lie to them.

The only conspiracy that most people see is that the Democrats are conspiring to destroy Donald Trump and keep him from becoming President again. Why aren't prosecutors investigating how the Obamas and the Clintons both entered the White House as middle-class people and now are very wealthy? Has the Clinton Foundation been investigated by the same New York Attorney General who spends every waking moment investigating Donald Trump?  Trump entered the White House rich and left with less money so naturally the Democrats target him for financial investigations. How do you kill 11 million people? You lie to them.

Joe Biden has three homes. One of those is a beach house in the $3 million price range. How did he afford this on a Senator's salary? Where are the investigations? There were "secret" documents in his garage. Where are the investigations? How do you kill 11 million people? You lie to them.

For more than 200 years, we have depended upon a free press to provide us with the truth. Several Presidents have tried to control the news media. They don't need to do that anymore as the news media has sacrificed their freedoms for access to the powerful. You can turn on your television and switch stations on the news and hear the same exact message on multiple channels. They all use the same phrases as if they are reading from a script. How do you kill 11 million people? You lie to them.

What's my message? Buy the book and read it. You will know what to do.

Thursday, September 07, 2023

More Than Thirteen Thursday Thoughts

 I love it when Rob Reiner weighs in on politics. Archie Bunker (Carroll O'Connor) wasn't acting when he called Reiner "Meathead".

A car passed me weaving in and out of traffic on US 29 today. He was doing more than 70 miles per hour in a 60 zone. If he gets a ticket, he will claim that it is because he is black. Regardless of skin color, he is driving to endanger other lives.

Years ago. I had a young black man working for me as an assistant manager. One day he was late for work. Of course, I asked him what had happened. He told me that he was stopped by the police for doing 60 in a 35 zone, but the only reason the police had stopped him was that he was black. I told him, "They didn't stop you because you are black. They stopped you because you are stupid. You were doing 25 miles an hour over the speed limit." He quit a couple of days later. It doesn't have anything to do with race. One of my sons had a similar experience and I told him the same thing. I don't discriminate for stupid.

There are millions of jobs open in this country. Yet, there is a beggar on every major street corner claiming that he or she can't get a job. What we have here is a failure to communicate.

Joe Biden is leaving for India today to attend a G20 conference. Is he taking Air Force One or is he taking that Trans-Pacific railroad that he said we were building? 

Has Joe Biden not gone to East Palestine, Ohio because the train tracks are still damaged there? 

Military leaders want Sen. Tommy Tuberville to change his policy on abortions to end a standoff. The idea that they should change their policy has not occurred to them.

There's a great spoof of "Rich Men North of Richmond" on You Tube. Somebody named Remy sings it on Reason TV. It's the Federal Employee Version. Here's a link: (30) Remy: Rich Men North of Richmond (Federal Employee Version) - YouTube

Word is that they are going to indict Hunter Biden for a gun charge. What about all of those unpaid taxes?

When will Fani Willis charge Al Gore and Hillary Clinton for election interference?

Just for the record, there's never been a recount that showed that Gore won Florida. Gore only wanted to recount votes in counties carried by Republicans. Sounded fair enough to Hillary?

The FBI and other law enforcement agencies have tracked down everyone who walked near the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, but can't find any of those sociopaths doing those smash and grab robberies in California. How does that work? 

California wants to make it a crime for people to resist those who seek to steal your property or the property of your business. These people have lost their minds. I will vote for the first Presidential candidate who promises to build a wall at the California border. Let's just drop a couple of nuclear bombs on the San Andreas fault and drop that state into the sea!!

Jill Biden has COVID again. I guess that Joe will be showering with his daughter until Jill gets better.

The Saudis and Russians are cutting oil production again. Of course, they aren't cutting their production as fast as Biden and the environmental whackos here are cutting our oil production. Friends don't let friends buy electric cars!

There is a fire risk with electric cars in Florida that were exposed to salt water in the recent hurricane. As the federal government races to put us all in golf carts, one wonders if they have thought all of this through. Like, are electric cars safe? What happens when an electric car catches fire? What happens to those batteries in a collision? Are we just going with learn as they burn?

I have had a bunch of page views from Singapore recently. I am left wondering if Google is sharing this data with the FBI. I guess that I will know soon enough.

Karine Jean-Pierre is claiming that COVID vaccines actually work. There is no scientific evidence to support her claims. Will her remarks be labeled as disinformation?

Wednesday, September 06, 2023


 The Democrats are ratcheting up another COVID pandemic for the presidential election year. Apparently COVID becomes active about a year out from Election Day. God only sends plagues every seven years, but the Democrats have a four-year cycle on COVID pandemics. 

In the opening event, Dr. Jill Biden was diagnosed with her second case of COVID. Dr. Jill has been vaccinated twice and boosted twice. So, she has had four shots and still contracted another case of COVID. Exactly, what is the purpose of the shots? I am so old that I remember when vaccinations actually prevented a disease. "Vaccine" is just another word that the Democrats have redefined. Other words that have seen their definitions include recession, inflation, woman, man, gender and freedom.

In early 2020, I contracted a case of COVID-19 before it was all the rage. I survived and am here to tell you that you can survive too. I didn't get the vaccine when it became available months later and I will never get the vaccine. Look at the statistics. The shot doesn't work. It doesn't prevent you from getting the disease or from transmitting the disease. The vaccine's only accomplishments were to kill a few thousand Americans and damage the health of others. Wait! I forgot that it made the pharmaceutical companies rich and helped their stockholders in Congress and the White House.

It is obvious that the Democrats just want to change all of the voting laws so that they can steal another election. Why doesn't anyone in the Democratic Party ever talk about former Attorney General Eric Holder and his "Sue 'til Blue" campaign to change election laws before the last Presidential election?

There is already the usual cadre of liberal colleges and universities requiring students to mask up. Biden was wearing a mask at a ceremony awarding someone the Medal of Honor the other day. All of this despite the fact that there is not a single scrap of evidence that masks prevent the transmission of COVID. In the 2020 COVID debacle as rates of masking increased so did the rate of infection. But Democrats won't let the facts get in their way. Don't bother quoting Tony "Two mask" Fauci about this subject. He has less credibility than Lying Joe Biden. 

Telling me that I need to wear a mask to protect other people is like telling me that I need to wear a diaper to keep Biden from shitting in his pants. It is just not going to happen! Americans have caught their limit on masks and the government will soon discover that fact.

Democrats want to mask small children in school to finish the job of destroying their education and their lives that they started in 2020. Liberals fear anyone with a knowledge of history and the ability to put together complete sentences and thoughts. 

Is the COVID-23 strain coming from the biolab we endowed in China, or have we switched production to a biolab in the Ukraine that no one will admit exists?

COVID-19 was the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public. It altered a Presidential election, destroyed the economy, set out children back in their educational process and forever increased the public's distrust of the state and federal governments.

The government always tells us that if we will just give up a little of our freedom, we can all live a better life. The only thing that we get from giving up our rights is fewer rights. When the government calls on us to give up some of our freedom to fight COVID-23, feel free to quote my old buddy Roger Jacobs. "Not just no! Not just no way! But, no fucking way, baby!!"

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Thoughts from Thrillsville

 I spent the last five days at the Labor Day Weekend Flea Market in Hillsville, Virginia. Hillsville, Thrillsville, now do you understand the post title? There was an early fall day on Friday in Thrillsville as it was 51 degrees when I got there at 6:00 AM to start selling my collection of fine wares. Summer made a strong comeback by Monday with a high of 91. It's supposed to be cooler in the mountains, but they are closer to the sun.

The economy was good in Southwest Virginia this year. The bad news was that the guy from the Trump Store in Pennsylvania wasn't there this year. I was looking forward to making a trade for a "mugshot" tee shirt.

I had an item priced for $10. A guy asked, "Will you take two dollars for that?" I quickly suggested, "Get your ass out of my spaces!"

I saw a bumper sticker on a van in a nearby space that read, "I'm Pro Pipeline. My truck won't run on Unicorn Piss." 

Why don't I ever run into one of those "Trans Men" (Women wanting to be men?) waiting in line for a urinal?

Our civilization has deteriorated to a point where people are mutilating their bodies to attract other psychos. Are there any body parts left to be tattooed or pierced in a quest for attention?

If your thighs are big enough to have a tattoo of the United States with the 435 Congressional Districts shown, you don't need a tattoo artist. You need Weight Watchers or an exercise program.

There are novels with fewer words than some tattoos. Still waiting for someone with MLK's "I have a Dream" speech or Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" on their skin.

Last, but certainly not least, in twenty years the world's richest man will be in the tattoo removal business as the current crowd gets old. Have you ever seen a seventy-year-old with a tattoo he got at twenty and thought, "Wow! That looks great."? It looks like you labeled a prune with a Sharpie.

Pot is legal in Virginia now. There was a guy down the road a couple of blocks selling seeds. The reported price was $20 for three seeds. People were lined up to buy them. Barnum was right, there really is one born every minute. 

With pot now legal, there was a vendor a couple of rows upwind from me who smoked several times a day. It smelled so bad that I was hoping for a customer with B.O. to come in and kill the pot smell.

Gen Z talks in mostly single syllables. It is the verbal equivalent of "texting". Gen Z is evidently short for "Generation of Zeroes". A Zero walked into my space on Friday and asked, "What kind of merch do you have here?" I tried to keep it in single syllables for him and responded, "Look the f*ck around and see." I guess that no one had ever been that direct with him. He stayed and bought a couple of things. 

That's all from Thrillsville until next year!!