Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Which Biden is Dumber?

 Attorneys for Hunter Biden filed a suit against former Trump aide Garrett Ziegler today for publishing material from the now famous Hunter Biden laptop. In the campaign of 2020, we were told that the laptop was "Russian disinformation" and that none of it was true. Today, with his father ensconced in the White House and the Secret Service protecting Hunter's cocaine deliveries to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, things have changed.

ABC News(?) reported this: "Attorneys for Hunter Biden on Wednesday filed suit against a former Trump White House aide over his alleged role in publishing online a trove of emails and embarrassing images purportedly belonging to the president's son." Allow me to direct your attention to the word "purportedly".

If the laptop and all of the files published did not actually belong to Hunter Biden, then his case has no legal foundation. Either it all belongs to Hunter Biden or Hunter has no basis for a lawsuit. Hunter cannot be the owner and author of "Russian disinformation". The Bidenites have labeled everyone who talked about the laptop as liars trying to destroy Hunter. More than three years after the laptop story first broke, Hunter has suddenly remembered that the laptop is/was his. How can this be? Has he been lying? Do bears shit in the woods? Do liberals hate Trump? Does Joe Biden have dementia? Does Hunter Biden lie as well as the Big Guy?

Hunter has only himself to blame for this. If he had not been hooked on drugs, shaking down foreign companies and countries for kickbacks and balling strippers, he could have picked up his laptop at the repair shop and avoided all of this.

In a previous paragraph, I mentioned the Bidenites. Before Joe tells the story, allow me. Joe learned about the Bidenites when he stopped by the synagogue on Saturday after having his hairy legs rubbed by the black kids at the pool and fighting with the famed gangster Corn Pop. He would get up early on Sunday to study the Book of Biden before spending most of Sunday attending Mass at the Catholic Church and a service at the black church. Apparently the Bidenites were the thirteenth tribe of Israel. They lied their way from Egypt almost to the promised land. The son of their leader traded their birthright for a ten-dollar bag of crack and an evening with a harlot. They ended up in the Ukraine instead of the promised land. Suddenly, it all makes sense!!

Joe Biden spent September 11 in Alaska rather than attending any type of ceremony at a 9/11 site. The White House Pres Secretary, she with the Jiffy Pop hair, claims that they spent the time in Alaska because they needed to let Biden rest and to refuel Air Force One after the long trip from Vietnam. There are only a couple of issues with this story. First, Air Force One has the capability to be refueled in mid-air. If they didn't want to do this, they could have just landed, refueled and taken off again. Second, there are more than adequate facilities on Air Force One to allow the President to rest. They could have easily returned a rested Joe to Washinton, D.C. or New York in plenty of time for a 9/11 ceremony. Finally, don't waste your time worrying about the flight crew. Rest assured there is a backup crew on Air Force One in case anything happens.

So why did Joe spend the day in Alaska? Because they didn't want him to make a massive faux pas in New York City. Instead, standing in Alaska, Joe claimed that he had been at the World Trade Center site the day after the attack and recalled the scene. The only problem was that Senate records and videotapes reveal that Joe was in the Capitol that day and didn't go to New York until the next week. I can only surmise that the fact checkers for the mainstream media were all off because Joe was in Alaska and India. Hell, let's be honest. They would not have written about it anyway. Fact checkers are for Republicans and Democrats like RFK Jr.

Why doesn't the media tell us when Biden lies? How do you kill eleven million people? You lie to them.


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