Wednesday, September 06, 2023


 The Democrats are ratcheting up another COVID pandemic for the presidential election year. Apparently COVID becomes active about a year out from Election Day. God only sends plagues every seven years, but the Democrats have a four-year cycle on COVID pandemics. 

In the opening event, Dr. Jill Biden was diagnosed with her second case of COVID. Dr. Jill has been vaccinated twice and boosted twice. So, she has had four shots and still contracted another case of COVID. Exactly, what is the purpose of the shots? I am so old that I remember when vaccinations actually prevented a disease. "Vaccine" is just another word that the Democrats have redefined. Other words that have seen their definitions include recession, inflation, woman, man, gender and freedom.

In early 2020, I contracted a case of COVID-19 before it was all the rage. I survived and am here to tell you that you can survive too. I didn't get the vaccine when it became available months later and I will never get the vaccine. Look at the statistics. The shot doesn't work. It doesn't prevent you from getting the disease or from transmitting the disease. The vaccine's only accomplishments were to kill a few thousand Americans and damage the health of others. Wait! I forgot that it made the pharmaceutical companies rich and helped their stockholders in Congress and the White House.

It is obvious that the Democrats just want to change all of the voting laws so that they can steal another election. Why doesn't anyone in the Democratic Party ever talk about former Attorney General Eric Holder and his "Sue 'til Blue" campaign to change election laws before the last Presidential election?

There is already the usual cadre of liberal colleges and universities requiring students to mask up. Biden was wearing a mask at a ceremony awarding someone the Medal of Honor the other day. All of this despite the fact that there is not a single scrap of evidence that masks prevent the transmission of COVID. In the 2020 COVID debacle as rates of masking increased so did the rate of infection. But Democrats won't let the facts get in their way. Don't bother quoting Tony "Two mask" Fauci about this subject. He has less credibility than Lying Joe Biden. 

Telling me that I need to wear a mask to protect other people is like telling me that I need to wear a diaper to keep Biden from shitting in his pants. It is just not going to happen! Americans have caught their limit on masks and the government will soon discover that fact.

Democrats want to mask small children in school to finish the job of destroying their education and their lives that they started in 2020. Liberals fear anyone with a knowledge of history and the ability to put together complete sentences and thoughts. 

Is the COVID-23 strain coming from the biolab we endowed in China, or have we switched production to a biolab in the Ukraine that no one will admit exists?

COVID-19 was the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public. It altered a Presidential election, destroyed the economy, set out children back in their educational process and forever increased the public's distrust of the state and federal governments.

The government always tells us that if we will just give up a little of our freedom, we can all live a better life. The only thing that we get from giving up our rights is fewer rights. When the government calls on us to give up some of our freedom to fight COVID-23, feel free to quote my old buddy Roger Jacobs. "Not just no! Not just no way! But, no fucking way, baby!!"


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