We live in a country where.......
We live in a country where there are night vision cameras in a Colorado theater to film Lauren Boebert vaping and fondling her date. There has never been video released from this theater before, but I am sure that is just a coincidence. In a similar event, the Secret Service claims that there were no cameras in the White House to film a cocaine delivery for the First Son.
We live in a country where thousands of people illegally cross our borders every day and the head of Homeland Security tells us that the border is actually closed.
We live in a country where we learned on Wednesday that the Attorney General, the head of the Department of Justice, knows absolutely nothing about what is happening in the Department of Justice. He "cannot recollect" anything about the actions of the KGB FBI. But don't worry that he is ignorant about his only purpose, he assures us that everything is going well.
We live in a country where half of the population cannot define what a "woman" is. The other half is ridiculed because they know what a woman is and can define "woman".
We live in a country where a Republican Congresswoman who was born in the USSR, explained to the above-mentioned Attorney General that the FBI is operating like the KGB. By the time she finished, the AG was left stunned, but still stupid. Don't worry about her hurting his feelings, he won't be able to recall the incident today.
We live in a country where the national joke lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and poses as the President.
We live in a country where the President and the Attorney General and others are all just figureheads. The decisions are all being made by unelected and unknown people.
We live in a country where the Border Patrol acts as travel agents for the illegal immigrants that Mayorkas claims are NOT coming across the border. Thanks to RFK Jr. for that one.
We live in a country where the national debt is growing at a trillion and a half dollars a year. This is the road to an economic disaster whether it is a nation, a business or a family is to keep spending more money than you have. It just can't keep going on.
We live in a country where we will soon be discussing the end of the American Empire.
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