Friday, September 22, 2023

Free Kick Friday

 Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin said that Chuck Schumer's discarding the Senate dress code was a mistake and he wants Schumer to change that decision. Give it up Dick! Chuck The Schmuck has his head firmly up Uncle Fester's ass, and he can't hear anything you are saying. It is slightly comforting to hear a Democrat actually voice an opinion that breaks from the party line. 

Susan Collins from Maine made a joke about wearing a bikini to the Senate floor as a protest. I think that Susan should actually do that. First, that sight will make Chuck The Schmuck change that policy. Second, C-Span will pull their cameras out from the Senate chamber.

Merrick Garland proved yesterday with his testimony that he is either the biggest liar in the land or the most incompetent Attorney General in the nation's history. Judging by his answers, he has no idea of what is happening at the Department of Justice. Asked about whether the leaders who originated the memo wanting to infiltrate Catholic churches had been disciplined, he knew nothing. Asked if anyone had been fired for that, he failed to respond.  Why bother showing up if you aren't going to answer questions? It's time to cut funding at the DOJ and their Gestapo-wannabees in the FBI leadership.

Merrick Garland believes that he reports to no one. It's time to cut funding at the DOJ and get his attention. Let's start by cutting his pay to $1 a year. Step 2: Defund all of his staff.

My personal favorite moment in the Wednesday Circus of the DOJ Dumbass was when Rep. Victori Spartz of Indiana questioned him. She is a native of Ukraine but sounds like real Republicans used to sound. You can watch that five-minute video at this link.   (15) 'It's Like KGB!': Victoria Spartz Explodes At AG Merrick Garland Over His Handling Of Justice Dept - YouTube

Nixon AG John Mitchell went to prison in 1973 for less perjury than Merrick Garland committed in Congress on Wednesday.

The nation's capital is located in Washington, D.C. because when the Constitution was written that was near the center of the country. Now the center of the nation is closer to Kansas or Nebraska. Let's move the government to the plains of Kansas! Build dormitories for the Congress to live in while they are in town. All rooms must be identical. I think that we should start with a mandatory curfew for members so that they are rested for those long workdays ahead.

Put the DOJ's new headquarters in Nebraska. They need to reduce their staff. The new DOJ building should be a doublewide mobile home. That should motivate them to adjust staffing levels. The FBI should be headquartered in one of those sod homes that they used to build on the prairies years ago. That should get their staff down to a level that Merrick "Ma" Garland can supervise.

Merrick Garland, the Little Louse on the Prairie. 

I actually heard someone suggest that Gavin "Gruesome" Newsome would make a good President. I told him that it was obviously time for him to get a drug test or just go ahead and get into a treatment program. 

Look at the cluster f**K that California has turned into and tell me that you want to turn the nation over to the guy who brought all of that to life. 

I love how liberals are playing word games to hide their efforts at destroying the United States. In California and Chicago, we don't have gangs and gangsters anymore. Now we have "Flash Mobs". They make it sound like a dance group just looted your jewelry store. 

The City Council in New York City wants to remove statues of George Washington and Christopher Columbus. I sent them an e-mail offering to take that Washington statue off their hands. No response yet.

I saw a report where a female Republican Senator asked about the end of the Senate Dress Code used the word "slob" three times. Don't forget! Uncle Fester is on social media at #SLOBSOB.

We live in a world where liberals tell us that college graduates didn't understand the whole idea of debt when they took out loans for college. The fly in the ointment is that the same folks tell us that a six-year-old should be able to decide if he or she wants a sex change operation. 

Biden has got to get some better writers. His latest stupid decision was to announce that he had a new nickname for Donald Trump. Biden referred to him as Donald "Hoover" Trump. WOW!! He should have given it more thought. Like Hoover, Trump was followed by a Democrat who had help from the media in hiding his disabilities. Like Trump, Hoover's successor was able to keep the economy in a depressed state until he could get us into a war to break the depression. Like Trump, Hoover's successor was treated by his doctors with cocaine to help with some of his medical issues. 

Nothing like watching Joe Brain-dead Biden walk into a Brazilian flag while greeting the President of Brazil. "Biden" is just a synonym for "Buffoon."


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