Friday, January 22, 2021

Free Fire Zone Friday

 Joe Biden talks about unity as Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are working on impeaching Trump, who is no longer an elected official. Yeah, pissing off the 74 million live Americans who voted for Trump will bring us all closer together.  What is it about Trump that drives Democrats crazy? Could it be his shoes? I swear that I saw Pelosi waving a broom and screaming something about "ruby slippers". Maybe a house will fall on her?

Larry Thornberry of The American Spectator wrote that Biden read his inaugural address from a "large print teleprompter". Larry also believes that Joe "studied condescension on a Barack Obama scholarship"

Congress issued a waiver for Lloyd Austin to be the new Secretary of Defense. They issued a waiver to James Mattis in the Trump administration for the same thing. The law requires that military retirees must be retired for seven years before holding that post. Why not just go ahead and change the law?

Maybe we should get a civilian to be the Secretary of Defense? Some fresh ideas and new faces might change the efficiency level at the Pentagon. Wasn't it Eisenhower who warned us about the military-industrial complex? Maybe an outsider could traverse the swamp into the Pentagon and clean house.

In Greensboro, NC, the Communist held city near my home, the City Council reauthorized a discrimination ordinance. They also banned discrimination based on hair styles claiming that those of African descent have trouble meeting standards set by other races. In 2020, Greensboro set a new record for murders in the city. Over 90% of victims and perpetrators are black. So naturally, the City Council thinks that this will cut the murder rate. If nothing else, it should flush out some hair bigots. I have heard so much about this problem. Yeah, right!

George Bush claimed that the brawl at the Capitol looked like a banana republic action. Now the Democrats seek to ban the leader of the opposition party. Just curious W, is this banana republic or Communist nation technique? I doubt that he will quit buddying up to Michelle Obama long enough to answer that question.

My nine year old granddaughter asked my son if they could move to a place where Donald Trump was still President. Thanks Alice!! "And a child shall lead them."

CNN and other leftist media (that may be redundant?) groups are reportedly cutting staff after Biden's election Over 95% of "fact checkers" have been laid off.  Most are going back to their jobs working the door at Wal-Mart.

Joe Biden? The media was fascinated by Trump's appearance. They must have been, they spent 5 years attacking it. The skin on Biden's face is tighter than a drum.  At 78, how long ago was that face lift?  Compare a picture of Biden from the 1980's and one from today. Can you say hair plugs? Hair Club for Men? He probably started with that Ronco spray-on hair and upgraded to the plugs.

Tuesday or Wednesday is my "outreach ministry" day next week. Working on some new material to piss off liberals.

A friend contacted me about Biden's choice of a "transgender woman" to be Assistant Health Secretary. After a heated discussion, we agreed that "person' looks like Phil Silvers in drag. Yes, Sgt. Bilko, coming to a health department near you. 

Heading to the Flea Market tomorrow to torment some liberals. It's just too easy.

Monday, January 18, 2021

History at the Flea Market??

 I spent Saturday and Sunday at the Raleigh market, the flea market at the North Carolina State fairgrounds. I might have the most photographed signs at the market. I could probably double my income by asking for a dollar when someone asks if they can take a picture of my signs. 

My signs are on poster board and usually in an upright sign frame that I purchase at grocery store auctions. I usually take three or four of these frames and spread them around my spaces. My most popular sign reads "This is Day  309 of Cooper's 15 day program to stop COVID". I update the number to reflect the time passed since Cooper closed the schools on March 14 last year. I always have one of those signs posted. The subject of the others is dependent upon what's happening in the world, my mood, and the level of sarcasm available that day. 

Here are a few messages from the last few weeks:

Will Cooper's Carry Out Cocktails kill COVID?

Curfews stop freedom, not COVID.

Show me the science in Carryout Cocktails.

Carolina's Commies: Cooper and Cohen

Has your doctor ever prescribed a curfew?

Cooper hasn't missed a paycheck, have you?

However, this weekend I finally got a reaction worthy of a story on this blog. I had purchased some Civil War books at an auction last week. I sorted out the ones that I wanted and took the rest to sell at the market. I put the books on a table and put a sign up that read "Civil War Books. Buy them before they are banned, burned, or cancelled." I had dozens of people comment positively on this sign, but that's not the story that I want to share.

Here's what happened. A young man, probably about 20, and a much older man, probably his grandfather, came by in the early afternoon. The old guy looked at the sign and said, "That's right. they are trying to destroy our history." The young man responded, "They shouldn't put history out in public spaces. They should have it in museums where it won't offend people so easily and they can decide whether or not to see it." The old guy said "Why should people have to pay to see their history?" The boy replied "State museums are free. People should not have to see something that might offend them." At this point, the old man's face was about to explode as he spoke. "What the f*ck have you been learning at Chapel Hill? Are you telling me that it is wrong to display our history as every other civilization has done?" Within a few seconds they were out of range, but I think the kid had met his match.

It's sad that so many young people believe the swill that liberal teachers spread in the schools and universities. But it's always good to hear another curmudgeon bark back at some Communist trained punk.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Just thinking on Thursday

 What's the difference between Joe Biden and Joe Stalin? The mustache

What's the difference between Kamala Harris and a hooker? The hooker only takes cash.

What's the difference between a "social justice warrior" and a "terrorist"?  The CNN moron doing the story.

Roy Cooper is activating the NC National Guard to protect Raleigh and help in DC. Just for the record, when there was rioting, looting, burning, and civil disorder last summer in major NC cities, Cooper failed to call out the Guard. 

Not only did Cooper fail to call out the Guard, when rioters in Raleigh started tearing down monuments, Cooper had the Capitol Police stand down.

Cooper only wants to stop conservative protesters. His folks are free to loot and burn.

I considered labeling Mayor Nancy Vaughn a cunt, but my insult coordinator told me that would demean the word cunt. Bitch?

There's  a rumor that Cooper will run for Senate in 2022. This is why we need a "resign to run" law in North Carolina. 

We need to amend the NC Constitution and limit executive power. Not that Cooper has read the state constitution?

I still want Roy Cooper to show me the science in his "Carry out Cocktails" order. Does this cut the rate of COVID spread or does it just kill more people from DUI's?

I was at the cardiologist on Tuesday and contrary to what many believe, I not only have a heart, but it is still working. At least it was yesterday. 

I was at my "primary Care" doctor on Wednesday and asked him why COVID is spreading more as more people wear masks. His response, "Don't you have anything else to ask me?". "No."

Next year's illness will be respiratory issues caused by mask wearing. The Democrats will need some issue to change all the laws for the 2022 elections. 

As the COVID rages in California, they are lining up to recall their governor, Gruesome Newsome.

In today's news, Nancy Pelosi has worn the same dress for both Trump impeachment votes. This is the best the media could find??

I can hardly wait to hear Lady Gaga sing the national anthem at Biden's inauguration. The elites from Hollywood and the Left Coast will fill DC for the event. Maybe an asteroid will strike? Doesn't matter, I am not watching anyway. 

Uganda has banned and blocked Twitter until after their national election. Finally, some nation gets it right. Twitter is claiming that an open and free Internet is essential. Yet, they don't follow their own standards. The irony escapes them.

Apparently, only conservatives can stage an insurrection. Liberals are just struggling for social change when they steal, loot, rob, attack, and burn. 

After the inauguration next week, we can start on that autonomous zone project over in Raleigh. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Rush to Judgment???

 I read the American Spectator daily. I don't always agree with everything they write, but we are pretty close. One of my favorite writers there is Dov Fischer. Dov is an attorney and a Rabbi, so he may be a practicing schizophrenic. In a column today he wrote this gem. "Since Trump Impeachment now is an annual American social event like Georgia’s Vidalia Onion Festival and reminiscent of the former annual Great Steamboat Race on the Ohio River between Cincinnati’s Delta Queen and the Belle of Louisville, we now all know that impeachment conviction requires a two-thirds Senate vote."

To no sane person's surprise, the liberal maniacs in the House today voted to impeach President Donald Trump. Ten of the "Country Club Republicans" voted with them. Remember them when the Revolution comes.

Did the House investigate these charges carefully? Did they take any statements from witnesses? Did they hold hearings on the matter? Of course not. they just drew up Articles of Impeachment and voted. Will the Senate bother with a trial or will they just vote so they can return to working on "The Great Society, The Encore". Is this a Rush to Judgment?

Can you hold an impeachment trial for a "former" president?  Just for the record, the US Constitution says that any Civil Officer may be impeached and tried. The only problem is that after Jan. 20, Donald Trump is a private citizen and there is no provision for the Senate to try a private citizen.  If so, can we impeach Clinton again or Obama? Can we impeach FDR? Does the President even have to be alive? If not, the Democrats will go after Nixon and Reagan.

Rep. Jim Jordan pointed today out that Americans are tired of the double standard of the Democrats. American cities were burned and looted this year, while Democrats claimed that these were just "social justice warriors" looking for "equality". Maybe if conservatives rebrand ourselves as "Election Justice Warriors", we can get better treatment from the media. Yeah, when pigs fly!

I read Trump's comments and "tweets" and can find nothing that resembles "inciting an insurrection". I would not even consider the incident at the Capitol to be an "insurrection". If burning and looting cities is not an insurrection, then how could the incident at the Capitol be an insurrection? There is no firm evidence provided about what happened in the death of the police officer. Even less information has been released about the young lady shot by the Capitol Police. The three people who died of "medical emergencies" are not any part of the death toll. Let's face it, people die at sporting events in the excitement. That doesn't mean the team gets charged with an "insurrection".

Here's what I do think. In a few years, the incident at the Capitol on Jan. 6 will be regarded in this country in the same way that the French celebrate the storming of the Bastille on July 14. This will be the day that the direction of the nation changed. It won't be liberals celebrating.

With the Democrats in charge in Washington, this question bears asking: Do we have a state-owned media or a media-owned state? Asking for a friend. Thanks, John.

Friday, January 08, 2021

Free Shot Friday Ver 1.08

 Why doesn't Trump go to another social media platform instead of Twitter and Facebook?  I would think that Parler or MeWe would be happy to have him on their sites. You can bet he would be more welcome on there than on Twitter. What happens to Twitter and Facebook without the Trump traffic?

If Nancy and the Dems think that the over 70 million live people who voted for Trump are going to tolerate that impeachment crap again, she better start shopping for a new office.

Democrats are forbidding gender specific language in legislation. Is "political whore" gender specific?

I am fascinated by the idea liberals have that people can pick their gender. You guys need to cut back on the drugs and alcohol. You can mutilate your sex organs, get a plastic penis or vagina, and take a bunch of hormones, but you are still going to be the same man or woman that you were born. Mental illnesses can't be cured by chopping up body parts.

If almost al of the lawyers weren't liberals, we could sue surgeons for doing these kinds of surgery. Transgenderism was a mental illness until the medical profession realized that there was big money to be made in mutilating people. 

When the chips are down, you find out who your friends are. All of these Republican politicians jumping ship on Trump and the American people should be remembered. There's another Congressional election in 2022. Let's start today!!

Roy Cooper went on Twitter yesterday calling for Trump to resign. He waited for Trump to be banned before issuing this statement. Roy Cooper is a lifelong political piece of shit who is destroying North Carolina. Roy hasn't made a public appearance since he marched in a BLM demonstration. Wonder why?

In North Carolina, this is day 300 in Roy Cooper's 15 day plan to stop COVID-19. If what you are doing has not stopped or slowed the disease by now, it's time to shift gears. Instead Roy blames everyone else for it not working. If elections aren't rigged how did North Carolina elect both Roy Cooper and Donald Trump? Who votes for a guy who shut down their job?

I gave up on Facebook months ago. Otherwise, I would probably be in the coronary care unit at the hospital by now. My mom realized years ago, that she was wasting her time telling me what I could not say. Same things goes for those Communists at Facebook and Twitter. 

Ashli Babbitt was the woman shot and killed at the Capitol on Wednesday. Why isn't the media screaming for justice?  Why hasn't the Speaker of the House spoken about this? Where's the information about how she died? The media and liberals went wild when career criminal and drug addict George Floyd died of an overdose while in police custody? Where is their outrage today?  

Politicians are busy trying to tell us how sacred the Capitol is and how we should all act. Then they defile the building and the nation with the legislation they pass. The time for the third American Revolution appears to be getting closer.

Headline yesterday, "World leaders condemn US riots". Who gives a shit about what some idiot in a nation depending on us for aid says? Zig Ziglar said it best. "No one crossing the Straits of Florida trying to escape Cuba for the US ever met someone headed the other way." 

What we have in the United States is liberals trying to replace freedom with government tyranny. It's communism, they want to be the ruling class. They want the best that we can provide for them. We are left to make it on our own.

"Temple of Democracy"? You're kidding me, right?

 On Wednesday night, several TV talking heads and many liberals were speaking about the "rioters" and their attack on "our temple of democracy". It's amazing how all of the "news" reporters and Democrats use the same words and phrasing. It's almost like it is scripted?

Anyway, I thought that I would address this "Temple of Democracy" idea. Let's look at some facts about the "Temple". 

This is the "Temple" where Brett Kavanaugh, Ron Bork, and Clarence Thomas had their reputations savaged by Democrats trying to keep them from a seat on the Supreme Court. This is where the Democrats praised Christine Blasey Ford, who lied about a fear of flying to stretch out the hearings. You couldn't get an investigation from Andy and Barney with the evidence and statements of Ford. The biggest benefit of Ford's testimony was Ford. She received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations online. All of this in the "Temple"

This is the same "Temple" where Nancy Pelosi tore up her copy of Trump's State of the Union speech. She probably doesn't read anyway.

This is where Democrats decided last week that all language in bills must not be "gender specific". Words like man, woman, father, mother, son, daughter, and countless others are banned from legislation. These people have lost their minds. 

In this "Temple" Puerto Rican nationalists shot and wounded five Congressmen. Today, Democrats want to make Puerto Rico a state.

This is the "Temple" where Congress meets every year to decide how much deeper into debt we will go to keep buying friends from the nations of the world. It hasn't worked yet, but they keep pumping money out there. Who can forget Joe Biden telling Ukrainians to fire the guy investigating his son's employer to get their money? 

This is the same "Temple" where Democrats in the House voted to impeach Trump. Who can forget Lt. Col. Vindman' s testimony about how his homeland of the Ukraine is the keystone of American national security? How about that ambassador who complained that her office did not have a coffeemaker? How about Adam Schiff prohibiting Vindman from answering a question about a person because he feared that person might be identified as "the whistleblower"? All of this while Schiff maintained that he didn't know who the "whistleblower" was. 

In this "Temple" the liberals put Trump on trial for beating Hillary Clinton in 2016. All of the other charges were a smoke screen. 

This is the "Temple" where Democrats try constantly to take away your Second Amendment rights.

This is the "Temple" where "Tail gunner Joe" McCarthy performed.

This "Temple" is the home of Obamacare. I don't even need to elaborate.

In this "Temple",  Rep. Preston Brooks caned Sen. Charles Sumner. That may have been the last time that a Senator got what he deserved.

This is the "Temple" where the "Gulf of Tonkin" resolution started a war that cost the lives of over 50,000 Americans. Today we get cheap tennis shoes and clothing from that country. Not very cheap, considering the investment of American lives.

In this "Temple", they have voted for the last 18 years to continue the war in Afghanistan. What is our military objective there? By the way, the Taliban had an anti-drug policy in Afghanistan, we don't. The opium business is flourishing under our protection. Is this why those in the "Temple" want us to stay?

On the steps of this "Temple", Rep. John Jenrette (D-SC) of ABSCAM fame and fortune, had sex with his wife, the lovely Rita Jenrette. Details of this encounter are available in the issue of Playboy containing her nude photos.

.This "Temple" is a place of economic miracles. Representatives and Senators enter this building with average incomes and assets, and leave as millionaires. Wonder how?

To bring this to an end, I direct you to Matthew 21:12. "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the Temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves." 

We don't need to wait for Jesus this time. We need to take of this ourselves now. Wednesday was a good start.

Wednesday, January 06, 2021

George W, I have your "banana republic" hanging right here!

 Any doubt that Joe Biden is an idiot was settled today by his comments about the Capitol demonstration. Mr. Biden acted enraged by the events of the day. Maybe it was because the Capitol is dear to him as the place where he has hustled the taxpayers for the last 40 years.

Biden and his ass-licking liberal media friends were calling this an "insurrection" and a "revolution". The hyperbole from the "reporters" was breathtaking. Not since Geraldo Rivera was in one of the Iraq wars and was broadcasting from a position purported to be near the front has the media shoveled the manure at such an incredible rate.

We have spent the last several months watching liberal mobs proclaiming "Black Lives Matter" riot, burn, and loot several American cities. Biden went months without offering any critical comments on these events. Today, because it is the other side protesting, he suddenly came to life. He is okay with people burning and looting, but you can't enter the Capitol? So much for the idea that the people are the government.

Network Gossip spreaders spoke of how horrible this event was. Let's get the videos and compare their comments on this to their reporting on the rioting, looting, and burning of this summer. Basically, liberals are okay with your home or business being looted and burned, but don't try that with their offices.

George W. Bush said that this is how election results are protested in a "banana republic". George, first let me thank you for sobering up for the day. Beyond that, when you hold elections that look like they are in a "banana republic", you will get results like this from people who care.. 

For the people moaning about how this is the worst thing ever to happen at the Capitol, get out your history books. In the War of 1812, the British burned part of the Capitol. In 1954, four (4) Puerto Ricans, led by a woman, entered the House Chamber and opened fire. They wounded five Congressmen. Just as a reminder to how little Democrats know, they now want to make Puerto Rico a state. There have been a couple or more explosions at the Capitol. This event today is neither the worst thing that has happened there and will not be the last incident there. 

Democrats are okay when "social justice warriors" are doing the rioting, but a bunch of white, conservative, folks better not do that. Can the double standard for liberals as opposed to conservative be any more obvious?

Did you see any video of a demonstrator running from the Capitol with a big screen TV, a bottle of liquor, some jewelry, or a pair of expensive tennis shoes made in China by slave labor?

Did you see any demonstrator trying to blind law enforcement officers with laser lights?

Did anyone loot and burn as they walked to the Capitol?

Did the demonstrators declare the Capitol to be an autonomous zone? 

Did anyone burn a police station or police cars?

Did they tear down any statues? Did they drag any statues out of Statuary Hall?

Was anyone wearing one of those "pussy" hats? Other than George W. and Biden, of course. 

Relax, Congress will reconvene tonight or tomorrow and start wasting more money. They will soon be asking "What can we do to keep those people from coming here and hurting us?" Wrong Question!!! What they should be asking themselves is "What are we doing that is pissing people off so badly that they want to come down here and hurt us?"

Finally, a footnote on exactly how stupid members of Congress actually are. A Member of the House sent out a picture of himself leaving the House chamber wearing his "escape mask" or gas mask. So you think that you are under attack and  may be  injured, so you stop, take a selfie, and post it on social media? There's a new standard for stupid! 

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Kamala Biden Fairy Tale

Before his latest run for President, Joe Biden was famous as plagiarist. I got this story from the Western Journal, but as I have a distrust of all media, I did my own checking before passing this on in my blog. It has been on Fox and many other sources in the last couple of days. 

There was a story in the hard hitting news journal "Elle" back in October about Kamala "Willie's Wench" Harris. Here's the quote from Western Journal.: “Senator Kamala Harris started her life’s work young. She laughs from her gut, the way you would with family, as she remembers being wheeled through an Oakland, California, civil rights march in a stroller with no straps with her parents and her uncle,” writer Ashley C. Ford’s profile began.

“At some point, she fell from the stroller (few safety regulations existed for children’s equipment back then), and the adults, caught up in the rapture of protest, just kept on marching. By the time they noticed little Kamala was gone and doubled back, she was understandably upset. ‘My mother tells the story about how I’m fussing,’ Harris says, ‘and she’s like, “Baby, what do you want? What do you need?” And I just looked at her and I said, “Fweedom.” 

Great story, Right?? Here's the rest of the story, with apologies to Paul Harvey. I referenced a copy of the Playboy interview in 1965 with MLK. Dr. King was interviewed by Alex Haley, later the author of Roots. So here's the segment from Playboy.  MLK said, "I never will forget a moment in Birmingham when a white policeman accosted a little Negro girl, seven or eight years old, who was walking in a demonstration with her mother. “What do you want?” the policeman asked her gruffly, and the little girl looked him straight in the eye and answered, “Fee-dom.” She couldn’t even pronounce it, but she knew. It was beautiful! Many times when I have been in sorely trying situations, the memory of that little one has come into my mind, and has buoyed me."

At the risk of offending Willie's Wench, how many people of her age can remember an incident that happened when they were in a stroller? It appears that Harris has acquired the Biden gift for plagiarism. Maybe she caught it rubbing those "hairy legs" that Biden claims fascinated little kids?

Friday, January 01, 2021

Odds and Ends for 2021

Years ago I had a guy who worked for me who would periodically blurt out something that was sure to offend or anger someone. If someone said something to him about his remarks, he would simply respond, "It had to be said". With that I offer this medley of things that just "had to be said".

We are ALL essential. Anyone who says otherwise is a Democrat.

We need to amend the Constitution to forever ban the use of the word "unprecedented".

Some businesses and every government are using COVID as an excuse for piss poor performance.

Businesses are so busy being "woke" that they have forgotten the purpose of their existence. I saw a commercial today that featured an interracial, homosexual, handicapped couple who are here illegally. I got so engrossed with the social setting that I have no idea what they were advertising.

You don't need a DNA study or to figure out how "social justice warriors" came to be. They are descendants of the people we called "pinko commie fags" in the 1960's.

The News & Observer of Raleigh named Mandy Cohen as "Tar Heel of the Year". Random Moments of Lunacy has named the News & Observer as the official publication of the Communist Party. Just for context purposes, the year before WW2 started, Time magazine named Adolf Hitler as "Man of the Year".

Nothing devalues higher education more than Jill Biden demanding to be called Dr. Biden. You can get those degrees online. For about $20 each, we can all be doctors. 

But nothing proves how confused Democrats are as the television episode where Whoopi Goldberg said that Jill Biden should be named Surgeon General. Then she doubled down by claiming that she had heard that Jill was "a helluva doctor." You can find that clip all over the Web/Net/Sewer.

Mandy Cohen has released North Carolina's plan for vaccinations against the feared COVID-19. Given the complexity of the plan with a multitude of "phases", "groups", and "sub-groups", many will die before figuring out when they get the shots.

I remember when they used to prosecute people for "practicing medicine without a license". Today they are being named "Tar Heel of the Year".

We need to restore the integrity of American elections. I think that voters should have to fill out the same form to vote that we have to fill out to buy a gun. Both are just cases of people exercising their constitutional rights.

Let's start licensing reporters to practice their craft just like we license people to carry concealed firearms. How about some background checks on reporters? Liberals are looking for safe spaces from words, let's restrict their use of those words.

The federal government needs to break up the large companies that control the majority of media outlets. 

Let's start government budget cutbacks by shutting down PBS. The few good shows on there can survive on one of the other 853 networks on television. Whatever it takes to get that whacko, liberal, Biden ass-kissing, Judy Woodruff off the air. She makes Don Lemon and Jim Acosta look like Huntley and Brinkley.

Roy Cooper? D.B. Cooper has been seen in public since Roy was last spotted. A dairy in Raleigh is going to start putting Cooper's picture on milk cartons. 

Roy Cooper wants to "rebuild the North Carolina economy". He's the worthless, dictatorial, sack of shit who destroyed it. Does anyone with more than a Joe Biden IQ level, want to have Roy do this? Do you hire the arsonist who burned your house to rebuild it for you?

How many paychecks has Roy Cooper missed during the "pandemic"? 

Joe Biden speaks in the same nonsense as Cooper. He wants to bring "peace to our nation". Just for the record Joe, it is liberals who spent the last four years protesting, rioting, disrupting, looting, and burning our nation. Maybe if you brought your Commie friends and relatives into line, things would be better.

Joe may last four years, but will the nation?  There are people in places other than The South talking about secession.

If masks work why does the infection rate continue to climb? If lockdowns work, why do prisoners get COVID? California has been in various states of lockdown for almost a year and they continue to have huge problems. Based on news reports, there is no one still alive there. Is this the biggest "misinformation campaign" in the history of Western Civilization? 

Why is COVID worse in states with Democratic governors? Just asking for a nation.

Wrapping it up, Roy Cooper issued an executive order allowing people to get "cocktails to go". This is in violation of state law as the Sheriff's Association pointed out to the halfwit governor. As the governor claims that all of his decisions are based on science, I am calling on him to show us the science on this. I was going to refer to Roy Cooper as a a "dumb son of a bitch", but I don't want to start off the new year complimenting Cooper.

It had to be said.

P.S. After posting this, my stats showed that this was Post #666. I didn't realize that beforehand. Kind of adds to the mystique, Huh?