Saturday, August 29, 2020

Saturday Morning Confusion

 Black leaders from the march on Washington are demanding that we stop killing them. The fact that they are slaughtering each other has not dawned on them yet. 

The NBA, Major League Baseball, and a couple of other sports cancelled games on Wednesday and Thursday to protest the shooting of the Blake felon in Kenosha, WI earlier this week. When these guys all have to get real jobs or move to foreign countries to find people willing to pay to watch their shit, maybe the lights will come on in their heads. Owners are working to satisfy their employees while pissing off their customers. It might be time to go back to business school or look for a bankruptcy attorney for owners. In my hierarchy of needs, making sure that LeBron James is happy isn't even showing up on the screen. Who is looking to guys who throw balls through a hoop for leadership in this nation?

Why do all of these media created saints being shot by police have criminal records? Why are they all resisting arrest? Why do so many of these cases involve drugs and/or alcohol?

Eighty per cent of NFL players are black. Ninety per cent of NBA players are black. These are the guys calling for racial diversity? You're shitting me, right?

"If you don't quit killing our criminals, we aren't going to play sports."  Oh, the humanity!! Reeling from this threat, Americans are confused about which sport to ignore first. Get used to playing in those empty stadiums guys! Don't look now, but I am sure there is some relationship between TV ratings and money received.  People are watching less on television every time you open your mouths. Stand up, shut up and play the game.

Business analysts are stilled stunned by NASCAR's announcements which basically labeled their fan base as racists. What moron attacks people who are giving him their money? Quick, how many Bubba Wallace hats and shirts have you seen? Did he get a rope endorsement deal?

Roy Cooper has a new commercial showing someone alleged to be a health professional telling us that if she can wear a mask and a face shield for forty hours a week, we can wear one for thirty minutes in a grocery store. A few notes here, honey. First, you get paid to wear that mask, I don't. Beyond that, you are free to leave that job. Did the governor order you to wear that mask?  Obviously, you have that same pompous, holier than thou, attitude that affects Roy Cooper. Why don't you both just go bite a hog in the ass?

Cal Cunningham, because the name Karl Marx, is already in use.

If you don't believe that Americans are tired of all this rioting, looting, and burning, just watch!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Thoughts for a Thursday

 Melania Trump spoke to the Republican national Convention last night. While many thought she delivered a great message, the alleged comedian Kath Griffin disagreed. She tweeted "Fuck this bitch". Ah! Is this what passes for humor from Ms. Griffin?  Do people actually pay to watch her perform? Save your money honey!! I will cuss at you for free. Normally one would need to frequent a truck stop or a bordello to find a woman of Ms. Griffin's talents, Now with the magic of cable television, she is in your living room. Save yourself!! Shoot your television!

Jeff Flake has announced that he will not support Trump. In other startling news, the sun came up in the east this morning. Flake should take his band of Romney Republicans and join the Democrats. Please!!

Three people were shot and two of them died in Kenosha, Wisconsin last night. You are safer in Afghanistan than at a Black Lives Matter march. So more people have died in the protest, two, than died in the incident being protested, none.

If Black Lives Matter, why do they keep killing each other?

The Republicans are attacking the programs that the Democrats want to implement. The Democrats tell us that Trump is a bad man and won't wear a mask. WOW!!

Biden wants to implement a national mask mandate. No one under 21 can buy tobacco. Ever see a teenager smoking? Same story on alcohol. And except for a couple of states, the same thing on marijuana. Government orders work so well.

If Governor Roy Cooper doesn't start reopening businesses soon, he may as well call the movers to start packing at the Executive Mansion. 

I love all these cities and states declaring racism to be a public health issue. You could be a little more stupid, but it would be tough. The real public health issue is stupid people and the government isn't working to change that.

I grew up in Florida. Thank God that we didn't have the Weather Channel then! It's bad enough that you have hurricanes, but the minute by minute, play by play, reports on the Weather Channel are just more than anyone should have to tolerate. Life was easier when you just looked outside and thought, "It looks like a storm today." You didn't need Jim Cantore to be in your front yard.

I saw an article today about what millennials hate about baby boomers. One thing that stuck out was that they hate for boomers to leave voice mails. I don't even have a smart phone, but here's a thought on that matter for all you genius millennials. Even I could figure out how to turn that feature off so that I didn't get any voicemails. But rather than go full Kathy Griffin on a generation of dorks, here's a thought for the millennials. There is more to life than a smartphone and a collection of apps.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Random Thoughts Version 8.25

 Biden-Harris? Rowan and Martin? Lewis and Martin? The Smothers Brothers? Bert and Ernie? Which of these pairs will get the most laughs on television?

The Democrats half ass everything they touch. They ran Obama, claiming that he was the first black President. Of course, he was only half black as his father was black and his mother was white. Kamala Harris is less black than Obama. She's not a vice presidential candidate, she's a project for researchers at Surely, she has had her DNA checked. If not, somebody can scrape some off of Willie Brown's bed sheets and submit it.

A story "leaked" the other day that said the Secret Service code name for Kamala is "pioneer". I guess they didn't want to use Willie Brown's code name for her, "Kameltoe".

Since the George Floyd overdose death, we haven't heard a word about any white people being killed by police. Did they stop dying after Floyd or is the media just failing to report them? Has anyone bothered to report that more whites are killed than blacks? 

Quick!! Name a city where white people rioted, looted, and burned after a white guy was killed by police. I will wait!

In North Carolina, we grow tobacco and manufacture cigarettes. The state of North Carolina controls the sale and distribution of alcohol. Let's ban forever the use of the phrase, "If we can save just one life". Roy "Call me Commie" Cooper is terrified that someone will die from Covid before we can sell them enough alcohol and cigarettes to do them in.

In 1987 Jerry Falwell went down the "Typhoon" waterslide at Heritage USA in a suit. In 2020, Jerry Falwell Jr. couldn't zip up his pants. Not everything is passed down to your children.

Apparently, the fairy tale romance of how Joe Biden met his wife Jill, is just another fantasy created by the guy who can't remember the office that he is running for this year. They actually met a couple of years before he claims to have seen her picture in an airport. By next week, the story will be that he saw her picture on a milk carton and rescued her.

Roy Cooper, Carolina's Communist

 Roy Cooper is still refusing to debate challenger Dan Forest. Cooper claims that he is too busy destroying the state to debate Forest. At a recent event that Cooper purports to be a "press conference", an unscreened question about the debate was asked by a reporter who will probably never be allowed to phone in again. Cooper said that he would not answer "political questions". His entire existence is a political question.

The state employees who dominate the population of Raleigh are pushing to have the city's name changed. Their claim is that Sir Walter Raleigh was one of those horrible colonists who helped the English settle this land. In a nod to one of  Cooper's heroes, the leftists want to rename the city Coopergrad.

As Cooper struggles to keep the corona virus relevant, his chief medical advisor is Mandy Cohen. The political hack, Ms. Cohen, is not licensed to practice medicine in North Carolina. There is no evidence that after completing her resident training, Ms. Cohen has actually practiced medicine. The same woman who pushed Obamacare is heading up the North Carolina Corona virus response. There's a confidence builder.

Cooper has regularly left the state to go raise funds in another state, yet has consistently failed to inform the Lt. Governor of this, as required by law. Why hasn't the NC Attorney General acted on this? He is too busy working with California and New York Attorneys General on suing Donald Trump every time he issues an order. Someone needs to give AG Josh Stein directions to North Carolina.

Cooper has failed to release public records about the Corona virus to a media group suing him for the records. His plan is to tie up everything in court until the virus just goes away or he loses the election in November.

In Cooper's Carolina, you can't drink in a bar. You can drink alcohol in a restaurant, but not after 11:00 PM. There's some kind of virus magic that happens at 11:00. You can't have a group outside larger than 25 people unless you are marching in a BLM protest. Then Cooper will actually join you. This is Cooper logic on Covid-19.

Comrade Cooper wants the federal government to keep up the $600 weekly unemployment bonus or for the state legislature to increase what they pay. It would be quicker and cheaper if he just let people open their businesses.

Cooper keeps bragging about what he is doing for education. Students who have Internet access and a computer are now learning in their living rooms. Those without Internet access and a computer are just screwed. Yet, these are the people who Cooper claims that he is helping. They just don't realize it!

The head of a teacher's union is involved in a lawsuit to prevent the state from giving scholarships to charter school students. Let's  compare the performance of charter schools to public schools. Cooper is unwilling to do that comparison. Why?

The only thing that you need to remember in November is ABC, Anyone But Cooper.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Post Market Monday Moans

 I was at the Raleigh market at the NC State Fairgrounds on Saturday and Sunday. I sold a lot of "stuff" and had a good time.

The flea market is still operating at a fraction of capacity since they rent space from the state and must comply with King Cooper's mindless edicts. Interestingly enough, the State Farmers Markets do not have similar restrictions as the state fairgrounds. Cooper hates consistency in rules.

Anyone who thinks "freak shows" are a thing of the past should just spend a day at the flea market watching the crowd. I am fascinated that "progressives" are regressing to things that primitive people did hundreds of tears ago. Once again, "Tattoos are permanent reminders of temporary insanity." 

From a neighboring vendor, I purchased a small book of quotes titled "Screw Calm and Get Angry". From that source, this Mark Twain quote. "In certain trying circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity furnishes a relief denied even to prayer."

I am so old, I remember when it was only little old women who had blue hair. Now, people have hair of many colors, some all on the same head.

People who are always complaining about how animals are treated are putting rings in their noses and scores of other sites on their bodies. It's it is flesh, they want to pierce it. 

Watching the crowd some days reminds me of reading National Geographic in the 1950's and 1960's. To be honest, the folks in Geographic may have been better dressed.

I sell old issues of Life magazine and a couple of other magazines. I had a 1963 issue of Look magazine that I was reading while waiting for a customer. Two headlines on the cover were "Washington, DC, City of Crime" and "50 Years of anti-Semitism". Fifty seven years later and nothing has changed. 

The great thing about selling old "stuff' is to watch the looks on the faces of young people when they look at some old object and find out that civilization did NOT start in the year 2000. We actually knew things before smart phones. WOW!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Just tired of liberal shit?

Last night was the start of the Democratic National Convention. Overheard at the gas station this morning, "That thing on TV last night was the dullest telethon that I have ever watched".

Liberals impose rules on the rest of us that they don't bother to follow. For the last four years, Democrats have obsessed with President Trump's sex life. Where are the liberals attacking Kamala Harris for having an affair with Willie Brown? How about Joe and Jill Biden's personal life? Her first husband has some pretty serious accusations about how and why Jill left him. Hint: They all involve Joe Biden. Where is all of the media scrutiny of this?

Liberals are terrified of Trump. They hate Trump because he defeated the first woman President in 2016. Why do so many laws apply only to Trump? They have not applied to any previous President and will not apply to any future Presidents.

If Trump loses, what will all of those liberal state attorneys-general do to stay busy? Right now, they just file lawsuits to hinder everything that Trump wants to do. Where were these assholes when Obama created his "Dreamer" program? 

Who is paying and bailing out all of these demonstrators? In 1838, Lincoln spoke about the danger of "mob rule". Before they tear down the Lincoln Memorial and start melting down all of the pennies, they might want to read about this.

I have checked the Constitution and there is no right to not be offended by things. Get a grip, libs!

In Wilson, NC a 5 year old white boy, Cannon Hinnant, was shot and killed by a young black man. Media coverage has been scant in this case. Maybe if Cannon had been black, a career criminal, high on drugs, and been shot by a cop or white guy with a flag, the media would have noticed. 

The other night I tried to watch the news on WGHP, Fox 8 in Greensboro/High Point. Neil McNeil spoke about Trump supporters trying to prop up his "wobbly campaign". Maybe Neil should spend more time propping up his "wobbly, leftist, sack of shit, news broadcast". Thanks for that explanation Neil.  I will watch "Last Man Standing" next time.

Liberals are like golfers. We have spent 244 years building the greatest nation on earth. Now the liberals want to take a bunch of mulligans and try to do it all over again using different methods. 

Why is it that liberals want everyone to be free to express their opinions except those who disagree with them?

Is BLM really just Biden's Brown Shirts?

By the way libs, Karl Marx was a racist, anti Semite, but you are okay with that??

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Yahoo, the most worthless site on the Internet?

 For lo these many years, I have suffered with Internet service from BellSouth/ATT. First it was dialup, then it was DSL. That was where it stopped. I live in a rural county where almost no one has anything like cable. It's DSL or dialup. You can bet your as that if Spectrum cable comes to my neighborhood, ATT can pull out their lines.

The ATT website uses Yahoo for their homepage. Yahoo purports to have news stories on this site. This site is to the left of socialism. For political news they use websites like Esquire, Harper's Bazaar, Elle, and the world's biggest liberal rag, the Huff Post. Esquire used to be about men's lifestyles, clothing, and some good pieces of fiction. Now it is just leftist political rants and badly written fiction posing as political news stories. Hell, Esquire has gone so far down the shitter that I find myself missing Norman Mailer. The Huff Post is enough for me to question why we have freedom of the press. Harper's Bazaar and Elle need to go back to whatever they did before Trump was elected. 

Since my e-mail is ATT and they use Yahoo mail to do that, Yahoo pops up whenever I turn on the computer. It may be a dead heat between Yahoo and MSN news on who has the worst news.. Microsoft is based near Seattle, so my expectations are pretty low. They are even worse than I expected. I just blocked that page rather than risk my head exploding.

Friends have suggested that I try satellite service. I already have Dish network and I am not interested in that level of service for Internet access. This is North Carolina. Snow, rain, and ice in the winter and thunderstorms in the summer all affect satellite services. I am looking for "better" service. 

The best thing about ATT is what they started their business to provide. Yes, it is telephone service. We have a "land line". Why? Because when I need the Sheriff to come check out whatever I have just put several rounds into and is now motionless in my front yard, I don't want that "out of service area" message from my cell phone. So we keep what I consider to be a real telephone. Those pocket computers can make a phone call, but that is not their prime function. My granddaughter was at our house last month and we had to explain what the telephone in the kitchen was.

I had an iPhone for four years. After retiring from abusing people for money, I ditched the iPhone and returned to a flip phone. It won't connect to the Internet, but it works better as a telephone than your iPhone. 

Last month, I went to Harbor Freight for something. I asked a cashier about the item that I was looking for that day. He told me that I could look that info up on my phone. I told him that I didn't know how to do that. He told me to give him my phone and he would show me how to do that. I put my flip phone down on the counter and said, "Show me!". He's probably still standing there with that blank look on his face. 

Call on line 1, Mr. Jones. It's long distance! 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tuesday Target Time

 Joe Biden has announced that Kamala Harris will be his VP choice. Enthralled by his choice, a media outlet announced that Harris was the first black, South Asian American woman to be a major party's candidate. They left out Jamaican. When she loses, she can do commercials for Ancestry and their DNA testing. She can replace Elizabeth Warren in that capacity.

Gov. Roy Cooper is running commercials about his opponent, Dan Forest making appearances without a mask and social distancing. This is your best shot, Roy?? If Forest has any balls, he will run the video of Roy marching with BLM protesters with his mask hanging from his ears and no one "social distancing". Forest, put me down for a donation if you run that ad!

Someone questioned me about a recent post where I gave Cooper's name as Ass-Berry. Just to clarify, Cooper's middle name is actually Asberry. I just have trouble with the spelling. It's that damn Common Core spelling class!

Biden is operating from his basement and Cooper is holed up at the Emergency Management Services bunker doing his scripted press conferences with hand selected reporters asking questions by telephone. These two clowns are staying off the streets so that they won't be confused with rich white guys by the rioting Democrats. Even Hitler got out and walked through crowds.

"Progressives". This is how journalism schools taught reporters to spell "Communists"

College and pro football players are worried about catching Covid-19. I guess the chances of crippling knee injuries or concussions turning them into vegetables is not an issue. 

I haven't heard much about the NBA. A survey showed that their top concerns are paternity suits, child support payments, and forgetting to kneel for the national anthem.

In Major League Baseball, they are so desperate for viewers that  last week an outfielder attacked a carboard cutout for interfering with him trying to make a catch.

In NASCAR, they are just trying to win a race while praying that a racially diverse crowd is watching on television. That and drawing lots to see who checks Bubba Wallace's garage door for a rope tied into a noose.

Need a mob to riot, loot, and burn? Call 1-800-DEMOCRATS. Free contactless delivery is available.

Russia claims that they have developed a vaccine for the coronavirus. Many "experts" have said that this is impossible. Let's face it, if Russians know everything happening in the US government, can't they also know what all of the drug companies are doing? Besides that, when was the last malpractice suit filed in Russia?

Have anyone noticed how the Covid news is not the first story on the news now every hour? The Democrats have finally realized that Biden will have to leave his basement and campaign and they have to make that possible.

The annual Labor Day Weekend Flea market in Hillsville, VA has been cancelled due to government regulations. I was looking forward to Gov. Northam appearing there in blackface. Maybe next year?

.If you believe that people can return from the dead, did you see Timothy McVey in Beirut recently?

They used to refer to Beirut as the "Paris of the Middle East".   Now, it is the "Chicago of the Middle East".                                                   

Masks? Fact, Fiction, or Fantasy?

 Masks are the hottest fashion trend in America right now. Bandanas brought to glory by Jesse James, the Frito Bandito,  and Billy the Kid now adorn the masses. Antifa is not just a terrorist organization, it's on the cutting edge of American fashion. Governors and grocers mandate their use. The great unwashed are scorned for their reluctance to wear a mask to protect someone else. But are they working?

The "Do they work?" question is almost impossible to answer. As a right wing, redneck, reactionary I have to believe that they don't work or some scientist using a massive government grant would have already been on national television showing us the science and the data involved in their success. I don't believe that show has been aired yet.

Let's start with the most outrageous claim by North Carolina Governor Roy Ass-Berry Cooper. Cooper tells the serfs and peasants that we must wear a mask to protect others. He claims that it is patriotic to wear a mask. He says that this shows that you care about others. Naturally enough, Cooper marched around Raleigh one day with a couple of thousand BLM protesters with his mask hanging from his ear. He didn't bother with "social distancing" either. Cooper is a fountain from which bullshit and lies constantly flow. He is a veritable spring of swill. Someone smarter than I said that if your doctor tells you the best way to stay healthy is to get someone else to wear a mask, fire your doctor. Why not fire Cooper?

Ass-Berry Cooper keeps telling us that he is following the "science and data" in his decisions. He just has never bothered to share the "science" or any real data. Of course, Ass-Berry Cooper hasn't answered any real questions on this since March. His "Press Conferences" consist of him answering pre-screened questions from reporters on the telephone after he issues his decrees from his bunker at Emergency Management Services. So here's a challenge to scientists, doctors, bureaucrats, and clueless governors everywhere, show me the data from a study showing how masks actually perform when used in public. Don't give me any of that bullshit from a laboratory experiment done under controlled conditions. Give me some real world data and science. If that science and data exists, why hasn't it been made public? Why isn't it on every plea on television for us to mask up?

A quick glance at numbers the governor tosses around shows that as the number of masked patriots increases, so do the number of cases of Covid. How can this be? Is it because more people are getting tested? Could it be that masks don't work? Is it that masks are causing the spread of the virus?  If I hear that we are trying to "flatten the curve" one more time, I am going to shoot the television. A pox on your house, Dr. Fauci!!

If there is no standard on the materials of the masks, how do we know what will work? Will the Frito Bandito look with a bandana work as well as one of those masks that looks like you are spray painting cars? Most mandates prohibit lace masks, but what is the acceptable opening size in the fabric? A high school classmate had planned to make red or black fishnet masks for sexy seniors. Are those acceptable? If there is no standard, how do we know what works?

As I have scrawled before on here, to demonstrate that your experiment is working, you must have a control group where you have not run your experiment. There is no control group in this country. So when we are told that "the curve is flattening", we should ask "Compared to what?" Sometimes, we just need to ignore the idea that man can control everything in this world, and just do nothing. It's the old story about having a cold. You can do nothing and it will last about two weeks. You can take some medication and it will be gone in 14 days.

But it is America and we have to do what they say on television. Strap on your Chinese made mask and head to Wally World. The Chinese could have saved some money if they had shipped the virus and the masks all at one time. Or would that have been too obvious?

A final closing question, if your patriotic, Chinese made, politically inspired face mask actually stops some virus cells from touching you, what happens to the virus cells? How long will they live on the mask? Will they spread from there? Will they be inhaled into your body dependent upon how long you keep that mask on? Will their ability to penetrate your mask make you regret the Frito Bandito choice? Inquiring minds want to know.

In 1962, I was attending Tinker Elementary School on MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, MacDill was a top priority target for the Russian missiles in Cuba. I think the order was White House, Pentagon, MacDill, then others. During that time, we had almost daily " nuclear bomb drills" at Tinker. If we were in the classroom, we had to get under our desks. If we were in the hall, we had to get on the floor where the wall and floor met. If I had known then what I know now, I would have sat at my desk and read a comic book. Those actions were no more going to keep me alive than a cheap Chinese mask or a bandana is going to keep me from getting Covid. The bomb drills and mask serve the same purpose, they are to keep the masses calm while the government finds something that will work. Maybe I should just make a mask from a comic book?

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Sunday Sarcasm

 As a teenager, I was sure that nothing could be more revolting than a Tampax or Kotex commercial on television. This week, I have seen several "Manscape" commercials on television. I am not sure if "tasteless" goes far enough to describe it. I rarely admit that I am wrong, but those Tampax commercials are looking pretty good right now.

Joe Biden as presidential candidate has left old Democrats longing for Michael Dukakis to make a comeback. Who can forget Snoopy posing in the tank? Maybe Biden can guarantee the gay vote by running as "Tail Gunner Joe". C'mon man, give it a try!!

I'm so old that I remember when they selected Vice-Presidential candidates based on their ability to campaign for the party's presidential candidate. Now Biden is trying to pick the best black woman to be the candidate. Can you imagine the media outrage if Trump had said that he was going to pick the best white male for the job?? Democrats, the masters of the double standard.

Biden can't shut up? At least when Hubert Humphrey was running, he actually made intelligent statements as he droned on for hours.

Anyone who thinks that the cardboard cutouts in the stands at baseball games makes it look more realistic needs mental help. All it does it stress how dull the actual game is. The sound track added to the game is like the laugh track added to other television shows. It's just as unbelievable. It's like watching the cast of Seinfeld play baseball. Somebody put MLB out of its misery. PLEASE!!

I saw a headline the other day, "Athletes push for diversity in sports". Are they recruiting white defensive backs for the NFL  or finding white guys to make  free throws in the NBA?

I am so old, I remember when people "reporting" the news knew the difference between a fact and an allegation. 

There was an earthquake in North Carolina and other southern states today. It was centered in Sparta, NC. My wife said that she felt the ground shaking. I didn't feel a thing. It's the old story. The dog appears to have ignored it. I have started a pool to see which "news" channel  will be the first to blame  Trump for the quake.

Will public schools doing "virtual learning" turn out a bumper crop of "virtual idiots"?? How will we tell these from the idiots that they have been producing?

I couldn't find it anywhere, but a friend swears that there is a picture of Joe Biden sniffing Ruth Bader  Ginsburg's hair. Gag if you have seen it.

I can't wait for the NFL season to start so that I will have something else not to watch on television. I think that people will find that they can do without pro sports. If anything has to die from the coronavirus, let it be pro sports.