Friday, September 25, 2020

Jordan, Bubba, and NASCAR

 Big news this week in NASCAR was that Michael Jordan is starting a NASCAR team. Jordan will be the majority partner and NASCAR driver Denny Hamlin is a minority partner.

Jordan and Hamlin quickly announced that Bubba "Winless" Wallace would be their driver. Anyone shocked by this news should have their pulse checked for signs of life. The sports "reporters" are all talking about how the Jordan team is going to be wildly successful in NASCAR. According to the "experts", Bubba Wallace, who has been winless at Richard Petty Motorsports, is going to take NASCAR by storm and will soon be more popular than Jimmy Johnson. 

Hold the phone, Sloan!! Michael Jordan was a basketball player. He is currently the majority owner of the Charlotte Hornets. Jordan was a great basketball player. How's he doing as a basketball team owner? In his ten years, the Hornets have never won a divisional championship. They haven't made the playoffs since 2016. So in a sport where he was the top of the heap, his team hasn't been able to even seriously contend for a championship. If you can't make it in a sport that you know, how will your racing team compete in a sport where you don't have any expertise?

The question that begs asking is "Did Jordan pick the best driver available or did he pick a driver based on skin color?" 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Roy Cooper- Idiot at Large

 Gov Roy AssBerry Cooper held his weekly "press conference" today. In case you have not watched a Cooper "press conference", here's how the press conference works. Cooper and his security detail go to the Emergency Management Headquarters "bunker" in Raleigh. There he appears on UNC-TV with the unlicensed Dr. Mandy Cohen and Chief Ass Kisser Mike Sprayberry.  The only involvement with the press is allowing a few  media members to call in with prescreened questions for the Idiot-At-Large.

Today, Cooper announced that they were likely going to allow large outdoor arenas to open with 7% of their occupancy. WOW!! 7% of their capacity? How far into into his ass did Cooper reach to get that number? What is the science behind a 7% occupancy rate? How did he and the alleged Dr. Cohen come up with 7%? Did they cut a deck of cards and draw a seven? Did they roll a pair of dice and get seven? Did they add their IQ's?

Is Roy Cooper drawing 7% of his salary? Is the unlicensed Dr. Cohen getting 7% of her salary? Have we cut the staff at the executive mansion by 93% to stop the spread of the virus? Can the state survive on 7% of the normal tax revenue? So, how can private businesses survive on 7% of their revenue? Have we made enough cuts in state employee staffing levels to reach 7% of the pre virus levels? Of course not. The state does not follow the policies that it compels those in the public and those operating small businesses to follow. 

Cooper is obviously a Communist bent on destroying private enterprise in North Carolina. It is time to vote the socialist bastard out of office!

White privilege??


Monday, September 21, 2020

Monday Morning Quarterback

 In the song Monday Morning Quarterback, Frank Sinatra sang that the Monday Morning Quarterback has never lost a game. Maybe, this explains Joe Biden's comments on Donald Trump?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg assumed room temperature a few days ago. It's interesting to compare the media coverage of justice Ginsburg's passing with that of Justice Scalia a few years ago. Was it MSNBC that called her St. Ruth?

I watched a couple of minutes of the "news" om NBC the other evening. As I felt my bullshit detector sounding the alarm, I quickly switched to American Pickers. At least they are honest about what "reality" actually is. 

I am so old that I remember when NBC used model rocket motors to start fires on General Motors truck gas tanks that they claimed were a safety problem. I just don't know anyone who stores rocket motors on their gas tanks. They just left that detail out of their reporting.

I tried to watch PBS tonight, but it just didn't work out. In the time slot formerly occupied by "Chef's Life" and then its social justice cooking sequel "Somewhere South", is "Black Issues Forum". Another show dedicated to spreading diversity by refusing to discuss white people. Way to go, UNC-TV! There's not even a "Brown Issues Forum". "Asian Issue Forum" ?  

So I waited until 8:00 and tried again with Antiques Roadshow. Just my luck, it was a show of Latino cultural items. According to the announcer, it was showing products of the Latin diaspora. Caucasians have been scattered around the world as well, but no one ever seems to mention that unless they are lamenting our settling in North and South America.

If you are a regular reader and I am not sure that anyone is, I spend my spare time selling "stuff" at flea markets, car shows, antique shows, and anywhere else that a crowd may gather. I sell a lot of old Life magazines. This week I acquired a collection of more than 350 magazines.   As I was sorting and scanning through them today, I noticed that in issues from 1969-1971, there was little mention of the war in Vietnam. Was this because Nixon was then President and to discuss the war would be to criticize his Democratic predecessor? Just saying.

If you are listening to some leftist praise Ruth Ginsburg and want to end the monologue, this tip. Ask them to cite a single important Supreme Court decision where Ginsburg wrote the majority opinion. I will wait. She was just another ACLU leftist (Is that redundant?) lawyer who made it to the Supreme Court. Ginsburg was a case for term limits for federal judges!!  

Washington really can change people. Take Kamala Harris for example. A few years ago, she was the first person of Indian descent to be a US Senator. Now she's the first black woman to be a Vice-Presidential candidate. If Biden wins and then dies, she may become the first Asian woman to be President?

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Random Ravings?


Today is Constitution Day. There is still time to e-mail your Congressman, your Senator, your governor, or even a Democrat a copy. Then you just hope that they can read.

NBA team owners are the largest collection of eunuchs in this country. NFL owners are hot on their heels. In the real world, we don't allow employees to ridicule, criticize, and attack our paying customers. What we have here is a need to redefine the business-customer relationship.

Biden ads are claiming that Trump is lying about Biden raising taxes. Apparently, Biden now claims that he will not raise taxes for people making less than $400,000 a year. In his remarks shown on video, Biden says clearly, "I am going to raise your taxes." No mention of a $4000,000 floor in that remark.

Liberals live to tell us all that everyone should pay their "fair share". One assumes that a "fair share" means that we all pay the same rate. Not in Demo Land! In Demo Land, we have to penalize people for being successful and celebrate those who will not work. It is all about leftists buying votes by promising to give loafers everything that others have to work to get.

The Greensboro City Council is still trying to limit anything that the police can do to protect themselves and innocent citizens. Studies have shown that regardless of race and ethnic group, people who obey the law are less likely to be shot by the police. Why doesn't the City Council just compel their constituents to obey the law?

By July 7 of this year, there had been 29 homicides in Greensboro. The victims were 26 blacks, 2 Hispanics , and 1 white person. Yet the City Council is worried about how the police treat criminals? Attention Greensboro City Council members: Remove your heads from your asses and look at what is happening. How long will elected officials ignore the facts that are right in front of them?

Bob Woodward? Troubled so badly by Trump that he could only wait until less than two months before the election to speak out. He was busy on vacation for the six months before that.

Inquiring minds ask:

Is Kamala Harris really black?

Is Elizabeth Warren Native American?

Is Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner a woman?

Does Joe Biden know what today is?

Has Gov. Roy Cooper called the movers to the Executive Mansion yet?

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Adios, Popular Mechanics!!

 Sixty years ago, while waiting to get a haircut at the Tampa Barber College in downtown Tampa, I discovered Popular Mechanics in the magazine rack. I read as much as I could while waiting my turn for a haircut and then grabbed the magazine out of my brother's hand when it was his turn for a trim. I thought that it was the greatest magazine that I had ever read and at age seven, it probably was.

Over the next sixty years, I read Popular Mechanics as regularly as I could. I read it at the barber shop, at the Tampa public library, at the school library, anywhere I found a copy. For many years, as an adult, I subscribed to Popular Mechanics. I saved many of the issues and read them year after year. I still buy old copies from the 1950's and the 1960's to read. 

However, a few years ago, the magazine started to "evolve". The magazine joined the cultural worship of technology. When I was in junior high, a kid at school build a mini-bike that folded up and fit into his locker at school. Yes, it was inspired and adapted from an article in Popular Mechanics. Popular Mechanics had projects and solutions for people at all skill levels. I built a chair for my mother from plans in Popular Mechanics. There was information in there that was "user friendly".  You didn't need to be an engineer to appreciate Popular Mechanics, but they may have inspired a bunch of kids to study engineering.

A couple of years ago, I decided to re-subscribe to Popular Mechanics. Alas, Thomas Wolfe may have been right. Maybe, you can't go home again. It's just not the Popular Mechanics that I have spent most of my life reading. 

A couple of months ago, they had an article about how to tear down a statue without getting hurt in their online edition. I sent an email comment which received no reply. Today, I saw an article from Popular Mechanics titled "Was Trump's Indoor Rally a Superspreader Event?" I read the article and like many other headlines in the news now, there was not a scrap of real evidence presented to validate the headline. The writer wrote extensively about a wedding in Maine earlier this year. This is not the Popular Mechanics that I loved. This is some kind of "Hoodlum's Handbook". 

It's been a hell of a ride. I hope that your new direction works out for you guys at Popular Mechanics.. I am heading out to a storage building to get some of those 1970's issues of the real Popular Mechanics to read. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Monday Moans Ver. 9.14

 American Spectator , among many others, is predicting that Biden will drop out of any debates with Trump. Here in North Carolina, Gov. Roy AssBerry Cooper, is refusing to answer his opponent's calls for a debate. Why won't Democrats debate? It's been too long for them to still be reeling from the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Maybe Mondale-Reagan? Maybe their positions are indefensible?

Here's a question for the nation to ponder. Why do we keep looking back and trying to alter what has happened? Don't look back, that's not the direction that we are headed.

I loved the PBS show "Chef's Life". It was entertaining and insightful. I was sorry to see it end. Vivian Howard's new show is titled "Somewhere South". Mercifully, the initial run was only six episodes that were each an hour long and seemed even longer. It was social commentary and social justice meeting a cook book. I kept waiting for it to get better. It didn't. Thank God for those small things.

It's been more than seven months and my Bible Study group is still not meeting. It really doesn't matter if they restart, I have already decided not to return. Frankly, you either believe in the power of God or you don't. If you are unwilling to rise up to preserve your freedom of religion, than I would rate you as a non-believer. Or a fair weather follower of Christ.

Racism is a two way street and traffic is heavy going both directions. 

The Great Society was an incredible failure. The New Deal needed World War 2 to get the economy going again. The War on Drugs is a failure. Prohibition was a failure. What was the last government social program to work?

There is a new Bojangles opening in Mebane next week. They called me because they needed a token angry old guy to help on a part time basis. I will be entertaining there for the next several weeks.

I am not a trained political scientist like many in the media purport to be, but my grass roots outreach at the flea market is telling me that Roy AssBerry Cooper may be a one term governor. I frankly think that his only chance is to get school restarted before the election. When his bootlicking friends in the media are running headlines about parents and children angry about "virtual" school, it's not looking good for AssBerry.

A day after I posted here about The Lincoln Project, the mailman delivered a flyer from the same group. There have been no alterations to my work. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Lincoln Project

 Recently, I received an email from The Lincoln Project. First, if you are from the Lincoln Project, get your money back from whoever sold you my name and address. Second, this is without a doubt one of the most absurd things that I have seen from liberals this year.

It purports to be from Republicans who want us to vote for Democrats who will follow the Constitution instead of Republicans who don't obey the Constitution. What planet do these folks inhabit? There is no evidence that today's Democrats have actually read  the Constitution. They couldn't pick the Constitution out of a police lineup of comic books. Hell, half of them can't pronounce "Constitution" and most of them can't even spell it!!

The most insane part is where they describe Trump as "polarizing" and praise Lincoln for trying to bring the nation back together at the end of the war. The level of ignorance in these statements is breathtaking. Here is a group of people who have never read a history book. 

As a Southerner, I should have more than a casual disdain for the famed rail-splitter Lincoln. However, I am actually fascinated by Lincoln's story. I have read several books about Lincoln, the best being Lincoln the Unknown by Dale Carnegie. Yes, that Dale Carnegie. Carnegie's work was published in 1932. At the time that Carnegie was researching his book, there were still people alive who had known Lincoln. Another excellent book is Lincoln the President, Midstream by J.G. Randall, who was a history professor at the University of Illinois. Favored chapters in this book are Prisoners of State, Democracy and the War power, and  the Vallandigham Case. Randall's book was published in 1953 and it is doubtful that many in the "woke generation" have read this work.

So for whining leftists like the alleged Republican George Conway, here are a few facts about Abraham Lincoln.

The election of Lincoln caused several states to secede from the Union. 

The war began in earnest when Lincoln sent federal troops to invade the South.

Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus during the war. Interestingly enough, neither Wilson nor FDR used this policy during the two World Wars.

How about the New York City draft riots of July, 1863? Or the Baltimore Riot of 1861?

Some members of the Maryland legislature were arrested in the fall of 1861 to prevent them from taking action to support the South.

Thousands of "political prisoners" were arrested and jailed. Records of the commissary general of prisoners show that there were 13,535 prisoners arrested and imprisoned in military prisons between February 1862 and the end of the war. This does not include political prisoners held by the State Department, the US Navy, and various states or those held before February of 1862.. Estimates range to a high of 38,000.

Lincoln implemented martial law throughout the North as well as conquered territory in the South..

Robert E. Lee issued a General Order telling his men "We make war only upon armed men." In contrast, Lincoln and the North introduced the total warfare doctrine when Sherman's army looted, pillaged, and plundered their way across the South. 

So, if you schmucks in the Lincoln Project read this, tell me again about how Lincoln was a unifier. You are describing Trump as polarizing as compared to Lincoln. Are you serious? Those polarizing the issues are Romney Republicans like yourselves and the news media. All this at the behest of their blood brothers, the Democrats. A pox upon all your houses!!

Thoughtless Thursday- Things that don't make sense


Biden running an ad where he says that wearing a mask is patriotic. Of course, he is not wearing a mask in the ad.

According to his released tax returns, Biden made millions of dollars after he left office by by making speeches. After watching his commercials, what would you pay to listen to him?  Those speaking payments were just deferred bribes.

Democrats failing to mention looting and burning and rioting as problems in America. Pay no attention to the mob behind the curtain!

Kamala Harris, who is now black instead of Indian, is talking about how racism is keeping blacks down. She may have forgotten, but there's one running for Vice President. Hint: It is not Mike Pence.

People comparing wearing face masks to wearing seat belts. The only difference being is that there is actual real world evidence that seat belts work. 

Cities won't arrest rioters and looters, but Biden wants a National Mask Mandate. Who will enforce that?

There are no long term studies on the effects of wearing face masks for people with other health conditions.

If the bacteria and viruses can not get out of your mask, how does your constantly breathing those things affect your health?

Biden has been working in Washington, DC for more than 45 years. Suddenly, he has a solution for all of the problems there. What other job has a 45 year orientation period?

Gov. Roy Cooper issued a mask mandate several weeks ago. He says that wearing a mask shows that you care. He is attacking his opponent for not wearing a mask. Here's a photo of Roy participating in a protest in Raleigh following the overdose death of career criminal George Floyd.. Notice the lack of social distancing. Also notice that apparently he breathes through his neck.  This is how a governor violates his own executive order.

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Wednesday Whines

 I am so old that I remember when the newspaper put their opinions on the editorial page. Now they just scatter a few facts through the entire paper and pass it off as news. The most accurate statements are in the obituary section.

Headline on today's News & Record website said "Red Hats outnumber face masks 100-1 at Trump rally". It wasn't a news report, it was an attack on everything and everyone conservative. "Balanced" is not in the N&R vocabulary. This article actually came from the Winston Salem paper, I guess the N&R could not afford to send a reporter thirty miles. Or they didn't have one bright enough to find the airport?

Gov. Roy AssBerry Cooper is running campaign ads attacking his opponent, Dan Forest, for not wearing a mask. His latest features some doctor begging Forest to wear a mask. Why doesn't he spend that money running ads to actually explain that "science" that he is always talking about, but never actually gives us?

In a commercial with some other medical professional(?), Cooper tells her, "You're doing God's work." Is there any evidence that Roy Cooper would know what God's work actually is?

Headline earlier this week, "Trump nominated for Nobel Prize by extreme right-winger". I did a Google search for "Obama gets Nobel Prize from leftist ass kissers", but came up empty. Back to that balanced thing?

I read an article about how researchers at Duke University found evidence that neck gaiters used as face masks are not very effective. The writer was excited about how inexpensive the experiment had been. Researchers had people wearing gaiters cough into a cardboard box where they had cut a hole. I can't remember the last time that I had my head in a cardboard box and someone coughed on me. How many people who aren't homeless have ever shared time in a cardboard box with another person? Could we get some real world scenarios for experiments? None of us live in labs. Get out of the labs and do some real world experiments.

Let's say that you have $100 in pennies. Someone tells you that you are going to lose all of your pennies if you don't stay home and wear a mask. So eight months later, you count your pennies. You now have $99.95 in pennies. For this 5 cents, morons have shut down the nation. Welcome to the insanity of COVID-19.

Friday, September 04, 2020

Friday at Five

 Pelosi Set Up??  Nancy Pelosi is claiming that she was "set up"  in the now infamous "Hair Gate". Pelosi or one of her staff called the hair salon to have her preferred stylist do her hair. The only way that Pelosi could have been "set up' is if the shop had called her and offered to wash and blow dry the windbag. Nancy needs to stop demanding an apology and instead offer an apology to the people of California for not obeying the law. Also, it is time for Nancy to shut the hell up about Trump not wearing a mask. 

The Greensboro News & record ran a story today about how Roy Cooper and his minions have followed "the science and data" in dealing with the virus. Of course, none of them have actually discussed "the science". They just keep telling us that they are using science. They just don't use the entire term, "political science".

Why hasn't Roy released the data that a media group is suing him for now?  What is he hiding? 

Cooper is running campaign ads attacking his opponent for not wearing masks. There's great videos of Cooper marching with a BLM group in Raleigh.  His mask is hanging from his ear and he is not social distancing as his staff is almost carrying him. maybe Forest will run that video in his ads?

Speaking of minions, I would vote for anyone who promises to fire Mandy Cohen and Mike Sprayberry. These two have taken ass kissing to heights previously unseen. If Cooper farts, one of those two people is the first to know. About one more time watching Sprayberry start his appearance by saying, "Thanks for the great leadership, Governor" and I am going to blow groceries.

The data shows that more white people are killed by police than black people. Based on media reports, there hasn't been a white person killed since George Floyd overdosed and died. Where are the stories about white people dying? Say it with me. Before starting your tirade that blacks are disproportionately killed by police, the same crime statistics show that blacks commit violent crimes in disproportion to their percentage of the population. So why doesn't the media report on white deaths at the hands of the police?  It doesn't fit the narrative the Communists are laying out.

Actually, there is a story about a white guy being killed by law enforcement. Last night, the US Marshalls Service located Michael Forest Reinoehl, who is suspected of killing a Trump supporter in Portland a few days ago. When the law enforcement task force attempted to take Reinoehl into custody, he started shooting. The police responded in kind. If you are going to shoot at the police, you better be ready to meet Jesus.

Biden isn't in a time warp or forgetful? Did he really say that he was going to appoint Dr. Jack Kevorkian as Surgeon General? I am sure that the Devil is a Democrat, so Biden can probably get Jack back.

Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Tuesday Talking Topics

 Roy Cooper continued his campaign to lose his office in November today. he announced that the state is moving to Phase 2.5. He is allowing gyms to reopen at 30% capacity after they started reopening anyway in the last few days. He will also allow museums to reopen at 50% capacity. How many museums have you been to where the crowd was an issue? Bars, movies, and indoor entertainment are forbidden by the amateur dictator. Vote the bastard out in November! 

The young man who shot three in Kenosha is awaiting extradition to Wisconsin. One of the men he shot was a convicted child molester who had also been a disciplinary problem in prison. The mainstream media is not running that part of the story. They should be giving the kid a medal instead of charging him with murder. Why isn't the media telling us everything about the people who assaulted Rittenhouse before he shot them? On e person was described as working as a medic for the protesters that night. He was the one carrying the pistol. Don't all medics? Why don't we know as much about the "victims"?

They aren't getting the press that COVID-19 victims are getting, but there seems to be an increase in the number of people "dying suddenly". For those unfamiliar with that term, "dying suddenly" is a media euphemism for "suicide". It is tragic, but it is a side effect of actions taken by governors during the corona virus "Panic of 2020". Not all who die have the virus.

In what can only be described as the new standard for stupidity, CNN did a story about a protest in Kenosha. While their reporter appeared with a backdrop of burning vehicles and property, the headline on the screen read "Fiery but mostly peaceful protest.." This is the new standard for ignorance in the media. They have taken denial to heights only previously attained by Bill Clinton and "I did not have sex with that woman."

It is an old story, but it illustrates the topic perfectly. Had CNN been around in 1865, their reporter would have been the one to ask, "Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the theater last night?"