Recently, I received an email from The Lincoln Project. First, if you are from the Lincoln Project, get your money back from whoever sold you my name and address. Second, this is without a doubt one of the most absurd things that I have seen from liberals this year.
It purports to be from Republicans who want us to vote for Democrats who will follow the Constitution instead of Republicans who don't obey the Constitution. What planet do these folks inhabit? There is no evidence that today's Democrats have actually read the Constitution. They couldn't pick the Constitution out of a police lineup of comic books. Hell, half of them can't pronounce "Constitution" and most of them can't even spell it!!
The most insane part is where they describe Trump as "polarizing" and praise Lincoln for trying to bring the nation back together at the end of the war. The level of ignorance in these statements is breathtaking. Here is a group of people who have never read a history book.
As a Southerner, I should have more than a casual disdain for the famed rail-splitter Lincoln. However, I am actually fascinated by Lincoln's story. I have read several books about Lincoln, the best being Lincoln the Unknown by Dale Carnegie. Yes, that Dale Carnegie. Carnegie's work was published in 1932. At the time that Carnegie was researching his book, there were still people alive who had known Lincoln. Another excellent book is Lincoln the President, Midstream by J.G. Randall, who was a history professor at the University of Illinois. Favored chapters in this book are Prisoners of State, Democracy and the War power, and the Vallandigham Case. Randall's book was published in 1953 and it is doubtful that many in the "woke generation" have read this work.
So for whining leftists like the alleged Republican George Conway, here are a few facts about Abraham Lincoln.
The election of Lincoln caused several states to secede from the Union.
The war began in earnest when Lincoln sent federal troops to invade the South.
Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus during the war. Interestingly enough, neither Wilson nor FDR used this policy during the two World Wars.
How about the New York City draft riots of July, 1863? Or the Baltimore Riot of 1861?
Some members of the Maryland legislature were arrested in the fall of 1861 to prevent them from taking action to support the South.
Thousands of "political prisoners" were arrested and jailed. Records of the commissary general of prisoners show that there were 13,535 prisoners arrested and imprisoned in military prisons between February 1862 and the end of the war. This does not include political prisoners held by the State Department, the US Navy, and various states or those held before February of 1862.. Estimates range to a high of 38,000.
Lincoln implemented martial law throughout the North as well as conquered territory in the South..
Robert E. Lee issued a General Order telling his men "We make war only upon armed men." In contrast, Lincoln and the North introduced the total warfare doctrine when Sherman's army looted, pillaged, and plundered their way across the South.
So, if you schmucks in the Lincoln Project read this, tell me again about how Lincoln was a unifier. You are describing Trump as polarizing as compared to Lincoln. Are you serious? Those polarizing the issues are Romney Republicans like yourselves and the news media. All this at the behest of their blood brothers, the Democrats. A pox upon all your houses!!