"Bidenomics" ??
The Biden administration and the media whores who cater to liberals every whim have coined a new term, "Bidenomics". They are all thrilled by their clever terminology. But what is "Bidenomics"?
Bidenomics is a like a pyramid sales scheme. Bidenomics followers think that if we can just find enough people to loan us money, we can borrow our way to prosperity. Why balance a budget if the Chinese are willing to buy our bonds with the money that they have made selling cheap stuff in the United States? Instead of just an American disaster, Bidenomics aims to destroy the world's economy.
During the recent "fight" over raising the debt limit, there were several so-called economists claiming that the federal government should not even bother to pay the government debt. Let's deport these guys to some other planet!
Bidenomics is based on "F.E.A.R.". I learned this from a Zig Ziglar seminar many years ago. "FEAR" is an acronym for "False Evidence Appears Real". This is the backbone of the Biden Administration economic plan. The government tells us that inflation is now around 5%. Figures don't lie, but liars can figure. The government surveys the prices of a handful of selected products in selected areas of the nation. They don't go price everything in a grocery store and then check it again the next month. That would be beyond the skill level of government economists. Actually, I am sure that grocery chains actually have that data if the government really wanted to know. So instead, they pick and choose what to measure.
The price of the average fast-food meal has doubled in the last three years. How could this be a 5% increase? A few years ago, at Bojangles, we would run a special on Country Ham Biscuits a couple of times a year. The sale price was 2 for $3. A couple of months ago they ran that same special at the sale price of 2 for $5. In what demented mathematical system is that 5%?
One of the biggest price increases is in vegetable oil and the products made from it. The store brand vegetable oil has gone from $1.99 to $5.29. The tubs of whipped spread or "faux margarine" have gone up at a rate greater than the rapidly diminishing vegetable oil that they contain. It's so bad that I switched to using real butter. Of course, that price is up too as the Biden Administration seeks to put cows out of business to save the earth. Liberals don't want us to raise crops or animals. They want to save the earth by starving people. Only a Democrat would buy that plan.
If you need further proof, go to the Dollar Tree. They are now the $1.25 tree. If we wait another three years, that will be down to an average of 5% a year. Of course, that is predicated on the hope that they won't become the $1.50 Tree by then.
The Biden "No energy" Plan has raised gas prices by 50%. Memo to economists/morons in DC: If you cut the supply, you raise the sales price.
Have you priced a new car lately? Have you priced an electric car lately? It's either groceries or a new car in the Bidenomics world.
Bidenomics tells us that unemployment is at record lows. What they don't tell us is the number of people who have chosen to stop looking for work and live off of government programs. There are ten million jobs open, and people are getting unemployment benefits. WHY?? Some people have chosen to just go steal their groceries and other needs rather than work. We will explore that on another post.
Like everything else he is or has done, "Bidenomics" is a fraud. Actually, it is just a misspelling. The phrase that they should use is "Bad Economics" or "Badenomics".