Friday, December 30, 2022

End of Year Odds and Ends

 Someone accused me of "being the kind of person who would yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater". My response was simple, "If the crowded theater is on fire, what should I yell?" Memo to Americans: The theater is on fire.

Some people say that I criticize Zelensky of the Ukraine too much. WOW!! Who knew that I would object to a guy running a corrupt government that can suck billions out of the United States Treasury just because they hired Hunter Biden and paid off his father, the Big Guy. Why don't we pay Ukraine in Hunter Biden art?

I would like to see some DNA work on both Zelensky and his fellow dictator Justin Trudeau in Canada. Is it possible that they are half-brothers? There are stories that Margaret Trudeau had an affair with Fidel Castro and gave birth to Justin. Maybe Zelensky's mother met Castro at some Communist Party function when he visited the USSR? It would explain a lot about both dictators.

If you don't think that Justin Trudeau qualifies as a dictator, check out his gun control programs. He wants to outlaw hunting rifles that people who are subsistence hunters use. Now those folks won't have to worry about getting robbed out in the wild. All they have to fear now is starvation. 

Just for "shits and grins", let's put Justin Trudeau into a cage with a polar bear. We can give him a Swiss army knife and a single shot .22 caliber rifle to defend himself. The winner is whoever is still alive at the thirty-minute mark. This could be "must see TV" in Canada. My money is on the bear!

Biden and family flew to the US Virgin Islands during a storm that paralyzed parts of the United States and the entire transportation system. It's that old saying, "When the going gets tough, the crooks and braindead go to St. Croix". I guess that Epstein's island was not open. Maybe Joe's daughter wasn't available for showers?

The Air Force had to fly the more than 4,000-page omnibus bill to St. Croix for Biden to sign to keep the government from partially closing down. News Flash!! The federal government has been partially shut down since the COVID thing started. Who can forget "15 days to slow the spread"? The problem with that slogan is that government workers can't count to 15.

A President who wants to outlaw fossil fuels had the United States Air Force fly a 4,000-page book to the U.S. Virgin Islands for him to sign. How many tons of emissions did that plane generate on that round trip? Why didn't he just have John Kerry pick up the budget book and put it in his plane? Kerry was probably going to fly over that area anyway as he flies around the world burning gas to preach about pollution. Liberals are silent about Kerry polluting!! He's the climate czar. That's like me being the "tactful conversation czar".

Let's build a new Capitol somewhere out on the prairies of Kansas or Nebraska. It would be more in the center of the nation. We could probably get twenty or thirty good years of work accomplished before all of the whores, thieves, drug dealers, and other Congressional officials showed up.

To the sounds of Jim Nabors or Robert Goulet singing "The Impossible Dream", I offer these ten New Year's resolutions for the new Congress.

1. Write an actual budget and pass it. We have had enough of the omnibus "pot o'gold" funding system.

2. Compel the President to seal the southern border. Don't fund anything else until he does.

3. Don't bother with a "Pathway to citizenship". We already have a pathway to citizenship and the border jumpers won't follow it.

4. Before wasting anymore of our tax money investigating the sins of the Washington Commanders Redskins, investigate the monopolistic practices of the major sports leagues and the NCAA. 

5. If Black Lives Matter, please find out why they keep murdering each other.

6. Dismantle the FBI. They are way past their prime. They serve only as the Democratic Party KGB. 

7. Impeach and remove Merrick Garland, Pete Butt-Gig and Alejandro Mayorkas. Maybe that will get the attention of Biden's other dumbass picks.

8. Pass a law compelling the Joint Chiefs of Staff to focus on combat readiness and not "wokeness". I don't care if Marines "misgender" a drill instructor. Write this down! The military is a fighting force that exists to wage war, not to satisfy liberal social standards. Those goals are incompatible.

9. It's the Department of Justice, not the Department of Liberal Causes. Cut funding until they get the message.

10.  Last, but actually first in the public interest. Hold hearings to find out who is the actual "President of the United States". Tell us who is actually in charge at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Who is making the decisions there? Is this really Obama's third term? I will save you some time on this. Eliminate Kamala Harris from the list of suspects. She's the only one in D.C dumber than Biden.

Happy New Year!!

Thursday, December 29, 2022

George Santos, Joe Biden wannabee?

 Recently elected Republican George Santos of New York is being attacked for fabricating his resume. WOW!! That hasn't happened in American politics in hours. Democrats are outraged about Santos, mainly because he defeated a Democrat. 

Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal claimed that he had served in Vietnam. He had not. The closest that he came to a war zone was running the Toys for Tots Christmas drive in Washington, DC.

Sen. Elizabeth Faux-Cohontas  Warren claimed to be of Native American heritage. How did that work out, Kemosabe?

For six months during every election year Sen. Thom Tillis claims to be a conservative. The week after the election, he is back to voting with Democrats. His latest votes should make this obvious to even the slow among North Carolina voters. Does he lie in his campaign? Do bears take a book to the woods?

Did George Santos tell us that his wife had been killed by a truck driver who was drunk? When the facts showed the truck driver was not drunk, did George fail to issue a retraction? Oh wait! That was Joe Biden.

Did Santos claim that he had attended an historically black college, but in fact had not? Again, that was Joe Biden.

Did Santos claim that he had three college degrees when he did not have three degrees? Once again, that was Biden.

Did Santos claim to have received an appointment to the US Naval Academy after graduating from the University of Delaware?  Once again, it was Joe Biden. Next week, Biden will claim that he served in McHale's Navy.

Did Santos claim that he graduated in the top half of his class in law school when he was 76th out of 85? You guessed it! Joe Biden, again. I may have to give Biden a break here. Maybe he just sucks at math.

Did Santos have a dead parent urging him to give his dead uncle a Purple Heart? No, No, No. It was Joe, Joe and Joe. They also serve who only stand and tell lies.

Did Santos claim that he tangled with a gang leader named Corn Pop? That was Captain Crunch. No, that was Joe "Lyin Biden" again.

The problem is obvious. Santos is being attacked because he is a Republican. It's okay for Dimocrats to lie. I think that it is a bigger issue than that. Santos did not run for a high enough office. If he had run for President and won, these stories would not even be published. Of course, that assumes that he switches parties to the Dims.

When will Merrick Garland charge Joe Biden with spreading "misinformation"? Never. Those rules are only for Republicans.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Statues and Stupid People

 I subscribe to the American Spectator. I started reading it in the 1990's with their coverage of the Whitewater Development and what was called "Troopergate". It went on with their coverage of the Clinton-Lewinsky and Clinton-Paula Jones affairs. They publish a quarterly print issue which I normally read about six months after I receive it. I get most of my entertainment from their website which is updated every day during the week. I also subscribe to the A.M. Spectator, a newsletter which arrives in my e-mail every morning on "business days". Not the restaurant business days but that Monday to Friday schedule cult business days. The A.M. Spectator is written by Daniel Flynn.

On December 16, Mr. Flynn had in the newsletter the story below. A Ross Kaminsky responded and that was published on December 19. On December 20, I submitted a response to Mr. Kaminsky's letter, but that will obviously never be published. So, I have published it here. "Murder the Statues" and "Letter: No to Taney" were published in the AM Spectator.

Murder the Statues 

Roger Taney emancipated his own slaves even as he authored the dreadful Dred Scott decision. Accentuate-the-negative members of Taney’s political party focus on the latter in passing legislation to remove a bust of the former chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court from the Capitol. “The bust of Roger B. Taney, the nation's fifth chief justice, sits inside the entrance to the Old Supreme Court Chamber in the U.S. Capitol,” the Associated Press explains. “The chamber is where the high court met from 1810 until 1860. Taney led the court in that period, from 1836 to 1864.” So, it makes sense, from a historical perspective, to include a bust of Taney in the very place where he led a branch of the federal government. But Democrats, now the party of Talibanning statuary, do not like such unpleasant reminders of their history as Bull Connor, Franklin Roosevelt appointing a former Klansman to the Supreme Court, and Roger Taney.  

Letter: No to Taney

When I visited the Capitol with about 40 show listeners in July, we had the opportunity to see the Old Supreme Court Chamber. Upon walking into the opening vestibule, I noted Roger Taney’s bust and said to those around me something like, “He does not deserve to be here.” It is not an example of cancel culture, which I disdain, to suggest that a man who authored one of the worst and most egregiously racist decisions in Supreme Court history need not be given that particular place of honor. This is not the same as saying he should be removed entirely from display as he is an important historical figure. But as the main statue greeting you when you enter such a lovely and important room? Not just no, but hell no.

It’s worth noting that I also told my listeners that I was surprised to see the statue of John C. Calhoun in statuary hall. Calhoun is a very interesting historical figure as well. Brilliant man but functioned as the philosophical underpinning of the Confederacy as he attempted to put an intellectual and “natural order of things” gloss on slavery. Again, a very important guy and I did not say that his statue shouldn’t be there as much as I was surprised that it still was given the times we live in and given the evil he also perpetrated. Finally, I note that like so many statues of major figures of the Confederacy, the Calhoun statue was put in place well after the Civil War (1910 in this case), most likely to remind blacks that they were still thought of as below—far below—whites by a certain segment of our population. Given that, I understand why legislation was proposed to remove that statue as well as Taney. But they couldn’t get enough support to get rid of Calhoun so they’re just dispensing with Taney. Again, the Calhoun statue is a tougher call than the Taney one since it is, and always will be, important to remind people to study and think about unpleasant things in our history in an effort to avoid repeating them.

Ross Kaminsky   Denver, Colorado

RMOL Response, (unpublished by the American Spectator)

Mr. Kaminsky's comments about the reasons for the statue of John C. Calhoun being placed in 1910 are just another episode of the "Big Lie" story about American history. It worked for Hitler, maybe it will work for liberals.

In American culture, we have traditionally erected statues and created memorials long after people die. However, this is changing as we now erect statues to living movie stars, sports heroes and fictional characters (E.g., Rocky Balboa). 

Just for comparison, the Washington Monument was not completed until 1884. Why so long? The Lincoln Memorial was not even started until 1914. Did this have some racial overtones? The Lincoln cent was first issued in 1909. Was Calhoun's statue a response to this? The Jefferson Memorial was completed in 1943. Was this a WW 2 era response to fascism? The WW 2 Memorial opened in 2004, almost sixty years after the war ended. WW2 was the biggest war in history and yet we waited sixty years to build a memorial? The Korean War Memorial was opened in 1995, more than forty years after the fighting stopped. There is no national World War 1 monument. There is a clear pattern here and even leftists trying to rewrite history should be able to see it.

There are two lessons here for those who seek to change history. First, if you want to honor your heroes, you have to let other people honor their heroes. Second, Freud was correct. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


Gilbert Jones

And furthermore!

I submitted the "Readers Digest" version of my letter to the AM Spectator for (non)publication. Here are other comments that I culled hoping for publication.

Roger Taney freed his slaves and even provided funds to assist the older ones. Yes, he did write the Dred Scott decision. Unlike many justices, Taney did not allow his personal feelings on a subject to interfere with his ruling. While freeing his slaves indicated his personal feeling that slavery was immoral, he did not let that affect his judicial decision. As a judge, his job was to decide what the law said. Obviously, he and a majority on the court decided that the Constitution did not outlaw slavery. 

It was a 7-2 vote on the Dred Scott verdict. Quick, name a justice other than Taney on that court. Are all of the six others who voted with Taney being attacked by the left?

Mr. Kaminsky vacillates on whether John C. Calhoun's statue should be there. John Calhoun served in the House of Representatives, served in the Senate, served as the Secretary of War, served as the Secretary of State, and served two terms as Vice President of the United States under two different Presidents.  In today's world, a radio host thinks that he has the right to decide whether or not there can be a statue of Calhoun in the U.S. Capitol. Really? How low can we go?

The Communists on the left like to claim that the South erected statues around the same time to support the Jim Crow laws. They also claim that there were more memorials erected during the Civil Rights struggle to demoralize the civil rights activists. 

In fact, the first wave of statues came around the start of the 20th century when the economy of the South had recovered, and the old veterans were starting to die off. The peak of the Civil Rights struggle occurred during the time of the Civil War Centennial. Those on the left who claim that all memorials are racist have not read a history book and certainly can't read a calendar.

What was the actual cause of Jim Crow laws? The Jim Crow laws were a result of "Reconstruction". The North's "Reconstruction" policies caused the Jim Crow laws just like the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 caused Adolf Hitler's rise to power and WW 2.  Follow the science, for every action there is a reaction.

It's time for us to stop judging people from the past by the moral standards of 21st century leftists in America. You can bet your ass that Roger Taney knew there were only two genders. A Supreme Court justice today claims that she cannot define what a "woman" is. What will the left do when people in the future talk about Roe V. Wade and Warren Burger the way they talk about Dred Scott and Roger Taney now?

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Did I hear the bells on Christmas Day?

 I am not ranting in this space today. Give this a read instead.

The Birth of Jesus

2 In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. 2 (This was the first census that took place while[a] Quirinius was governor of Syria.) 3 And everyone went to their own town to register.4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. 6 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”

16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. 19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

Friday, December 23, 2022

The Magnificent Seven?

 It's not the old movie. It's actually a group of Congressional Republicans who came close to doing the right thing but caved at the end to peer pressure.

Newsweek, which at one time was an almost mediocre magazine, ran a story about seven Republicans who did not stand and applaud "Fidel" Zelensky in his joint Congressional session debut the other night. They did not stand in the early parts of speech to applaud but succumbed to peer pressure in the latter parts of the speech and stood with the other sheep to applaud the comedian-turned-dictator. The writer at Newsweek was outraged that people would not stand and applaud Fidel's every word.

Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia took the best approach and just did not attend. Maybe if there were more people in Washington worried more about the future of our nation than the future of the Ukraine, life would be better for us.

The elected members of the United States Congress stood to applaud a man who came here to ask us for almost fifty billion dollars in handouts. What next? Will we give a standing ovation for the guy begging at the traffic light? At least the guy on the corner always writes "God Bless" on his signs. 

"Fidel" Zelensky did not have a "Please help" sign. He brought a Ukrainian flag, signed by soldiers, and gave it to Kameltoe Harris and Nancy Pelosi. Is there anyone who really believes that he took this flag to the front and had soldiers sign it? The media reports all show Pelosi and Harris holding up the flag. Have you ever seen a photo of those two holding a United States flag at a joint session of Congress? I don't think so.

The Nancy Pelosi holding the Ukrainian flag at the podium is the same Nancy Pelosi who stood in that same spot and tore up a copy of Trump's State of the Union speech a few years ago. Memo to Nancy, your ass sucks wind.

The alleged freedom fighter Zelensky is the same dictator who has shut down many churches in the Ukraine. He jails his opposition. I can't tell whether he is a Ukrainian fighting Russia or a Democrat claiming to fight COVID. The techniques are similar. Maybe he's just a young Comrade Roy Cooper?

At the end of the day, a Congress of spineless politicians will vote to send this money to the Ukraine. The legislation will be signed by a brain-dead, senile, old fart who will set his ice cream cone aside to sign the legislation. He will probably tell us that his dead uncle is going to win another Purple Heart in this war. 

What's in it for our nation? We are going to have to borrow this money from the Chinese and the Arabs to send our weapons and troops to Europe to defend a dictatorship from another dictatorship. By the time that our grandchildren pay this debt, it will have cost us 150 billion dollars or more. 

The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Korea, Iran, Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and now Ukraine. The key to success in the future is to learn from your mistakes in the past. Our leaders show no sign of doing that. 

I am going to end this rant with a note from the past. In 1915, Theodore MacManus was in charge of Cadillac's advertising. He ran an ad in The Saturday Evening Post that was more editorial than ad. It was called "The Penalty of Leadership". The last line was everything we need to know about all of our policies. Even the slow among us can understand this.

"That which deserves to live--lives."

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Ukraine, the next Vietnam?

 Last night, "Fidel" Zelensky came to the US Capitol to raid our grandchildren's futures of more than $45 billion. Clad in his ever present pseudo-military tee shirt, he implored our low IQ government representatives to fund his ongoing dispute with Russia. Judging by their emotional overreactions as he spoke, we will soon be packing off billions of dollars in weapons systems and other military equipment to the Ukraine. 

Conveniently, he arrived in Washington the day before the Congress is set to start debating a spending bill of almost two trillion dollars. What an incredible coincidence! It's almost like it was planned. Who would have done something like this?

The spending bill is more than 4,000 pages and has been read completely by no one. There's a better chance that a Fyodor Dostoevsky novel has been read by a first grader than a U.S. Senator has read this entire spending bill. This spending bill is so long that it makes a Dostoevsky novel look like an article in Readers Digest. To his credit, Dostoevsky did write "The Idiot". But I digress.

I must admit that I am somewhat confused that many alleged conservative individuals, publications and news sources fawn over Zelensky. Ask any of them why they support Zelensky, and it is always the same response. Zelensky is "fighting the spread of communism". The problem is that all of these folks want to stop the spread of Communism in Europe but are okay with the spread of it here in the United States.

With your breathing now having hopefully returned to normal, let's look at the growth of Communism in America. The Communist Party leaders are the ruling class in Russia. The Democrat and Republican Party leaders are the ruling class in the United States. In the United States, we are still in an uproar after an outsider broke into the Presidency in 2016 and sought to change things. The Democrats sought to remove Trump from office based on testimony about him and events in Ukraine. Until the almost life-like testimony of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, few of us knew that the Ukraine was the lynchpin of our national security. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump to save the Ukraine. Unable to find 67 votes in the Senate, the Democrats temporarily gave up their attempt to turn Ukraine into a superpower. Now, they are back and their friends in the Republican party are helping them this time.

In the United States, the ruling class votes itself whatever they need. For PR purposes, they rarely make it a unanimous vote. Bernie Sanders, the avowed Socialist, owns three homes. He and his wife traveled to Moscow shortly after their wedding, but they claim this was a business trip, not a honeymoon. Readers are left to decide for themselves. Just for laughs, try to find Bernie's job history that does not involve elected office. No one leaves the Congress with a lower net worth than when they entered. See Sen. Richard Burr's financial statements for proof of this. Burr is the cautionary tale for what happens when people stay too long in Washington. Full Disclosure: Burr was both my Congressman and Senator. He will never get another vote from me.

Back in the days of the USSR, the statistic that real conservatives liked to throw around was that the turnover rate in the Soviet Politburo was higher than that in the U.S. Senate. The Senate is not a legislative body. It's a retirement home. The younger members are there to remind the old ones on how to vote.

The COVID experience of the last three years shows the power of Communism in this country. The Party mandated shots for everyone. They produced a "vaccine" that does not meet the standards for "vaccine". The vaccine did not prevent the disease and did not prevent you from spreading the disease. There was also an "unfavorable reaction" for several thousand who took that shot. The government called death an "unfavorable reaction". What a gift for understatement!

The government prohibited religious services but provided an exemption for Black Lives Matter marches, rioting and looting. They closed schools and replaced them with "remote learning". It turned out that the possibility of any learning taking place in that system was indeed "remote". Communism seems to work best on the over-educated and the under-educated. Those in the middle seem to prefer free enterprise and personal freedom.

In North Carolina, Gov. Roy "Commie" Cooper kept the state in a declared "State of Emergency" for 888 days. This is what happens when a Communist governor tells you that it will take "15 days to stop the spread". For extra discredit, Roy participated in a BLM march in Raleigh with his mask hanging from one ear. Way to lead by example, Commie Cooper!!

Democrats are the driving force in the Communism takeover of America. They are busy reworking the English language. They are so busy redefining words that no one can keep track of them. Here are a few examples of words being redefined: Woman, Man, Gender, Recession, Inflation, Tax, Education, Marriage, Income, Discrimination, Election Day, Freedom, Investment, Budget, Liberty, Rights.

We have a new Supreme Court Justice who cannot define "woman". We have a Presidential Press Secretary who cannot define anything. We have a President who talks to dead people. We have a Congress voting on a bill that not a single one of them has read. This is the fast track to Communism.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Reflections from the Road Ver 12.20

 A death in my wife's family caused me to spend most of the last couple of weeks traveling to and from assorted NC cities and then to Louisiana. Lots of open road driving, lots of random thoughts in those travels.

I am taking up a collection for a grave marker for White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. It will read simply, "I don't have..."

Last week, Joe Biden told us that in 2009, after being elected Vice-President, his father told him that he needed to help his uncle get a Purple Heart that he had never been awarded for being wounded in the Battle of the Bulge. Biden claims that he got the award for his uncle, but his uncle refused to take it. Probably because he was dead. Biden's uncle died in 1999 and his father died in 2002. Why isn't this the headline story on every television network news shows? Probably because liberals can't spell dementia.

The US House passed a resolution authorizing the Jan 6 committee. The resolution specified the number of Republicans and Democrats on the committee. Pelosi refused any Republicans who would defend Trump. So, a committee with only two alleged Republicans issued criminal referrals on Donald Trump. This from a committee that exists outside of the rules passed by the Congress. In 2022, only Republicans have to obey the laws.

Grant and Harding are widely regarded as Presidents with the most corrupt administrations. When this information was told to Joe Biden, he is said to have responded, "Hold my ice cream cone!!" Harding and Grant are finally off the hook. Biden is the King of Corruption.

I saw a great video from last year about Pete Butt-gig riding a bicycle to the White House for a Cabinet meeting. The video shows his security detail in a couple of Suburbans stopping a couple of blocks from the White House, getting a bicycle out, and Pete taking off for the final yards. Everything the Democrats do is not what it seems. They are competing for Academy Awards, not American success.

Joe Blow Biden, KJP, and the Department of Homeland Security continue to claim that the border is "secure". KJP claims that anyone that says the border is open is lying. Memo to Dims, anyone claiming that the border is secure is a blind, mindless moron. On second thought, that may actually define a Democrat.

Kevin McCarthy is having trouble getting all Republicans to support him for Speaker of the House. I think that those in the "Freedom Caucus" are the Republicans answer to the "Squad" the Democrats have. Memo to the Freedom Caucus, my mother used to tell us, "You aren't always going to get everything you want. Get over it!" Take Mom's advice and let's move forward.

We are all witnessing what is wrong with government spending as the Congress considers another "omnibus bill". That's the new name for "humongous pork barrel". Let's go back to passing budgets!

Finally, the New York Times continues to wow us with stupid things. If you haven't seen it, here is the New York Times crossword puzzle for the first day of Hannukah. Anything catch your eye? Remember proofreaders and editors? Not at the Times.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Sam They Am (with apologies to Dr. Seuss)

 Or is it a tale of two Sams?

Let's start with the famous Sam Brinton, full time federal Department of Energy official and part time luggage thief. Yesterday, a DOE spokesman said that Brinton was no longer a DOE employee. The spokesman also told Fox that this was not a Biden official. Let's look at that second claim first. Sam the Sham was appointed to his job in February of 2022. Joe Biden was President in February of 2022. How is he not a Biden official? In addition to all of his other qualities, is Sam caught is some kind of warp in that time-space continuum? No, Sam's a high IQ cross dresser, drag queen or non-binary lunatic. You may choose any of those you like, but Sam was a Biden official.

Sam has been charged in two thefts of women's luggage from airport luggage carousels. Maybe he should have just ridden a pony at a traditional carousel. But I digress. Sam likes expensive luggage and women's clothes. Keep in mind that this is the guy in charge of spent nuclear fuel. Sam claims to be "non-binary". Does this mean that he can't count to two? We are trusting a guy to make decisions about nuclear waste who can't make a decision about his gender. Of course, I don't believe that is a decision that we even get to make. Sam obviously disagrees.

Worse than Sam's choice of how to acquire women's clothing is the media pandering to his insanity. If you want to play make believe, that's okay with me. If you demand that I go along with the game, it's not happening. The media and the lunatic activists tell us that Sam's pronouns are "they/them". I guess that is because "crazy/shit" was already taken. 

In 1967 at Pierce Junior High School, I spent 180 days in an English class taught by Mrs. Jane Ward. Mrs. Ward was very attractive. She never discussed her personal pronouns. They were obvious. I guess that the human race had not advanced to our current level of insanity and stupidity at that point.

Anyway, Mrs. Ward taught us about the proper use of pronouns. They/them are plural pronouns. They are used to describe more than one person at a time. There is no evidence that Sam is more than one human. So, Sam's pronouns are HE/HIM. If you want to call him "them", you are as crazy as he is. You don't treat insanity by playing along. If he thinks that he is Jesus, are you willing to nail him to a cross? Of course not.

Let's take a quick look at the second Sam. Sam Bankman-Fried is now in custody of the Bahamian police. They arrested him after federal charges were filed against the famously generous Sam. 

Like in all good con games, people talk about what a great guy Sam was. The financial news media morons talked about how he was a big believer in effective altruism. Of course, it is very easy to give away money when it's not really yours. 

Here's a guy who was a billionaire before he was thirty. Look at a picture of this guy and ask yourself, "Am I going to give this guy all of my money to invest?" If so, stop reading immediately and call me for some stock tips. He made and lost a fortune in cryptocurrency because there are only three or four people on the planet who understand that whole scam.

In the 2022 election cycle Sam donated almost $38 million to Democrats. He donated $150,000 to Republicans, probably Mitt Romney. So, 99.6% of his political contributions went to Democrats. Will anyone return that money? Surprisingly, one campaign did. Four days before the election, Beto O'Rourke (the Wetback Wannabe) returned a check for $1 million. They kept it more than 3 weeks before returning it. The campaign claimed that it was returned because it was "unsolicited". Yeah, right. Sam sent them a check earlier in the year for $1 million that they kept. Somewhere in the liberal grapevine, I think Beto got a hint that the bottom was about to fall out on Sam.

Sam was involved with lots of businesses. His firm, FTX advertised with Major League Baseball. There was an FTX logo on umpire uniforms. I am trying to picture some Phillies fan drinking a beer in the cheap seats, looking at that logo and thinking "When I get home, I am going to invest in some of that cryptocurrency."

The insiders in this whole affair referred to Sam as "SBF" because that hyphenated name was just too cumbersome for all of the altruistic people. If only they had realized that SBF did not stand for Sam Bankman-Fried. Instead, it was a warning to those who couldn't see the whole thing was a scam. SBF? "Somebody's Being F*cked"

Monday, December 12, 2022

Monday Maniacal Moments

 Crazy days and Mondays always get me down. That wasn't from the Carpenters, maybe it was the Plumbers?

I saw that Thom Tillis, the North Carolina Idiot-in-Residence, is proposing a "pathway to citizenship" for the Million Man Mexican Mob that has invaded our country since the communists installed Joe Biden in the White House. Liberals long to change the name of that building to the People of Color House. They will probably start with some "street art" on the front walls. But back to Thom Two Face and his "pathway to citizenship". Thom, write this down! There is already a "pathway to citizenship"!! The people who he is trying to help have chosen to ignore that pathway and try to force themselves on us instead. 

Pelosi and others on the Left keep telling us that we need workers. We need workers because we are paying our citizens to stay home and create more non-workers. The loafers in our nation are "reproductive warriors". They are going to stay unemployed and fornicate like rabbits until they are in the majority. The bad news for them is that when they become the majority, the pyramid will collapse and there will be no economy to reward them for pumping Ethel.

There are more Mexicans and other illegal immigrants in the United States than there are Russians in Ukraine. So naturally, we have sent troops and billions of dollars in equipment to Ukraine. Why don't we just "process" the Russians entering Ukraine like we do the illegals entering our nation? Just give them a date to show up in court and transport them to rural areas and small towns in Ukraine?  Democrats tell us that is working here. 

I read an editorial from Juan Williams today about what a great President Joe Biden is. Williams is either on drugs or he is the dumbest son of a bitch on Fox. His comments leave me wondering if there is an affirmative action hiring quota for morons at television networks. Time for Fox to randomly drug test Williams.

Joe Biden should sleep better tonight knowing that Brittney Griner will soon be playing basketball again while "The Merchant of Death" will be in Afghanistan cutting some deals with the Taliban on all of that military gear the United States left there. 

Griner told Joe that he can attend her first basketball game and sit with her as the national anthem plays. She has also promised to let him sniff her hair before the game. Her agent told the White House that she will leave tickets at the door for Biden and his old buddy, Corn Pop.

Not every snarky remark is negative. Hats off to Elon Musk!! He is driving the media crazy by dribbling out the "Twitter Files". If he had dropped it all at once, they would have just made quick denials and moved on. Can't do that with the drip technique Musk is using. Bonus points to Elon for showing that everything that conservatives claimed about the way they were treated by Twitter was true. Musk should get a Nobel Prize for "exiting" that piece of crap James Baker. Baker lied when he was at the FBI. What moron thought that he would be honest at Twitter?

I was thinking of moving to Georgia so that I could vote for Marjorie Taylor Greene. Two points here. First, I wanted to check the spelling of MTG's name, so I entered "Marjorie" on Google. It offered ten names to complete my query. None were Marjorie Taylor Greene. This despite her being attacked by a major media outlet almost every day. To demonstrate the absurdity of this, the first "Marjorie" listed was Steve Harvey's wife. How many inquiries a day do they get for that? The World Wide Web, where algorithms are the driving force in manipulating information. Second point, I wish that we were as enlightened and free as they are in California, Oregon or Washington. If we were, I could vote for Marjorie Taylor Greene in Georgia without ever leaving my home in North Carolina.

I am fascinated by the changes in our culture. We have a generation that rants about pronouns and purports to understand algorithms. This is the same generation that can't spell "cat" and can't give change without a calculator or cash register to tell them the amount. Put me down as a non-believer in their claims of being highly educated.  

Well, I just checked my blood pressure, and it is back to normal. What I consider normal anyway. Now I can go finish my original post that I had started before the vein in my forehead blew up. Tomorrow, live at RMOL; Sam, I am??

Thursday, December 08, 2022

Putin Played Joe like a Drum!!

 In breaking news this morning, the news media was absolutely agog with the news that Brittney Griner had been released from a Russian prison. She was taken to an airport in the United Arab Emirates and exchanged for Viktor Bout, arms dealer. President Biden announced that she had been freed, but former Marine Paul Whelan is still held by the Russians.

What did we learn today? Joe Biden ain't  no Monty Hall from "Let's Make a Deal." We had a world class arms trader in prison and traded him for a black, lesbian, national anthem hating, basketball player. 

It didn't matter whether Griner was innocent or guilty. I read an article today claiming that Griner had a prescription for the oil from her doctor in Arizona. Unfortunately, Moscow is not in Arizona. Most Americans can't grasp that "different laws in different countries" concept. We go back to the Midnight Express movie.

The Russians grabbed Griner because they planned it. They didn't just pick an American at random. They picked someone that the Democrats would have to get back. Griner has all the signs of the Democratic core constituency. She's an athlete who can make a jump shot but can't stand up for the national anthem. She's a lesbian married to another woman. She's black. She has the mandatory sullen expression all of the time. Griner is the perfect liberal. Putin checked all of the boxes when he decided to get Griner. 

Putin knew that Biden had to get Griner out of Russia. His constituency would not be quiet until he did.  So, we traded a guy who was one of the world's largest arms dealers for a basketball player. Only in America could the news media portray this as a great deal. I guess that we weren't holding any Russian drug dealers or mass murderers we could throw into the deal.

Why couldn't they get Paul Whelan out in the deal? To be honest, Whelan probably is a spy. They should have worked out a deal swapping the spy for the international arms trader. Why didn't they?

The Russians didn't want to give up Whelan for Bout. They wanted Bout for Griner. Putin knew that Biden was under pressure to cut a deal for Griner. Christmas is only a few days away and the media would be reporting on Griner in a Russian penal colony for Christmas. At least it wasn't a penile colony? Not a good look for the party of diversity and dumbasses. The holidays and the Republicans taking control of the House of Representatives in a couple of weeks was more pressure than Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Susan Rice or whoever is actually making the decisions at 1600 Pennsylvania to stand. Biden and company had to give the Russians the deal that they wanted. They traded the ball jockey for the international arms dealer.

The only good thing here is that I refuse to watch Biden's Press Idiot talk about this deal. She's got that job for the same reason that Griner is out of Russian prison. She checks all of the boxes for liberals. The problem is that when you check all of the boxes, but not the references, you get an idiot. They need to hide her binder one day and see if she knows anything at all.