Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday Free Shots Ver. 10.29

 Attention Nancy Pelosi!  Next time that we tell you that your "Squad" is a group of loons, maybe you will listen. Rather than have the "progressives" vote with the Republicans, Nancy is simply not having a vote yet. It's obvious to even the slow among us that no one who wants to vote for this bill has read the 1600 or so pages. Some of the  "Squad members" have reportedly asked for it to be published in an illustrated format. The Speaker is looking for a liberal cartoonist to translate the bill into symbols that her members can grasp.

Pity the poor staffer at the Department of Transportation who had to explain to Secretary Pete Buttigieg that "taking a fast freight up the brown route" is not a term used in the transportation industry. Pete's husband denies using this phrase.

The Virginia referendum on the future of the Biden administration is on Tuesday. While polls show it to be extremely close, I don't really believe in polls. I do think that one of the few things that liberals and conservatives agree on is the education of their children. This is the big issue in Virginia. 

A story in the news today indicates that Terry McAuliffe has already retained a lawyer to contest the election if he loses. I think that we are still waiting for Hillary Clinton to admit that she lost in 2016.

Biden is in Europe this week where all of the other countries respect a man with an obvious case of dementia. 

Obama campaigned for McAuliffe in Virginia recently. While they tell us that nothing is wrong with the Virginia public education system, they both sent their children to expensive private schools. HUH? Yes! It's not what you say, but what you do that counts.

I was at the doctor for my quarterly checkup this week. He asked if I had gotten the Magic Vaccine. I told him that I was going with the natural immunity from my bad case of COVID last year. He moved on to the next question. 

I picked up a great book in a box of books purchased at an auction for $1. I will pay a dollar just to look though a box and see what's there. The book is "Cullings From the Confederacy". It was published in 1903 and mine is a first edition copy. I am always fascinated how the stories told by those who lived through an event seem to differ so much from those writing about it a century and a half later. I also got four Landmark Classic books, which I actually collect, in the same box. Good day!!

The Attorney General of the United States may be the biggest liar in Washington, DC. Several Senators who were questioning the piece of crap in question, were unable to get the AG to use the words "yes" or "no". Garland claims that sending out a memo like his is what you do BEFORE doing an investigation into determining the accuracy of the letter the NSBA sent Sleepy Joe describing concerned parents as "domestic terrorists". Threaten first, investigate later, is the mantra of the Democratic Party. He can't admit that average Americans might be intimidated at the prospect of an FBI investigation into their attendance at a school board meeting. He also said that he decided that there was no ethical violation committed in his involvement with a situation that involves his son-in-law. Shouldn't someone from outside the situation make that determination? Reminds me of Joe Biden telling us that  he never talked to Hunter about business. And that was before the story about them having joint accounts came out.

Let's go Brandon!!

Monday, October 25, 2021

Biden and Butthead? Brandon and Beavis?

 I never watched Beavis and Butthead, but in trying to find out why Biden was standing with his fists clenched during a town hall meeting led by liberal loon Anderson Cooper, I came across this image. I had to have one of my children explain Beavis and Butthead to me. WOW!!

Anyway, I doubt that Joe Biden knows any more about Beavis and Butthead than I do. So I started a search for other explanations for Biden's peculiar pose on national television.

When asked about this pose and whether it was plagiarizing Beavis and Butthead, Biden responded, "That will be addressed in the movie." An almost comatose MSNBC reporter came close to life  and said, "What movie?" Biden stared at the surly correspondent and said, "I am making a video autobiography. It will address all of these fabrications from the right about me plagiarizing and lying."  An NBC reporter, just in from his Communist Party meeting, shouted a question at Brandon. "What will be the name of the movie?" Stunned by two questions not previously approved, Biden replied swiftly, "C'mon man, Rocky 6."

An Australian news anchor said that Biden looked like he was "riding an imaginary pony".

Here in America, the explanations range from "looked like he lost his ski poles" to "Dr. Jill was probably watching and trying to remember if Joe was wearing a diaper". Many people thought that Biden looked "like he was holding in a shit".

Who proved that they were the biggest Communist in the room? Anderson Cooper. He watched Joe ride a pony, ski a long slope, hold back a shit, stumble over questions, and forget where he was. Not once, did Commie Cooper ask Joe a question about his behavior. Really? 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Don't tread


Friday, October 22, 2021

TGIF, Thank God I'm Fat

From the sad department  but true, this item. Flaming liberal Alec Baldwin has killed more people with a prop gun than I have with any of my guns. Depending on the source you reference, there was either a live round in the gun or a person was killed and another wounded by the packing in a blank round. I am a little skeptical about a blank killing one and wounding one unless it was fired less than a foot or two away from the victim. I don't know and Baldwin isn't talking. For Alec, here is the basic rule for firearms handling, The gun is always loaded.

Heard this one yesterday. If Kamala Harris is really looking for the root cause of the border debacle, she only needs to go to the Oval Office.

How serious is the container ship  backlog issue at Los Angeles and Long Beach ports?  Sleepy Joe talked about it the other day and never claimed that he had once worked as a stevedore. But he did drive an 18 wheeler?

Biden told us that he would use the National Guard to help solve this problem in the ports. Just a couple of hours later, the White House issued a statement denying that the Guard would be used. Who at the White House is countermanding Biden's decisions? Will anyone in the media ever ask?

Why don't the Mexican police try to stop people who are leaving the country? Do we stop criminals from leaving the United States?

Jen "Bullshitting Bitch" Psaki said that Biden had once been driven through El Paso. If you are a Democrat, that is "going to the border". Speaking for himself, after Psaki broke that bit of news, Biden firmly stated that he had once gone to a Taco Bell for lunch. I believe him because he also said that all of the young girls working there had hair that smelled like taco sauce. Of course, that Taco Bell was probably in Delaware.

Where have all of the fact checkers gone? That sounds like it could be a country music song. Maybe I should pass that idea on to Aaron Lewis. If you haven't heard Aaron's song "Am I the Only One?", Look it up and listen. You will want the "uncensored" version. Trust me on this.

I live less than 12 miles from Virginia, am I eligible to vote in their election? If you answered, "Only if you are a registered Democrat.", you are probably correct.

Terry McAuliffe should actually attend a school board meeting and see for himself what is happening. He can take Merrick Garland with him.  Now there is something that Biden might need to call out the Guard to handle.

Heard anything about any Americans escaping from Afghanistan lately? Or is the "very businesslike Taliban" just executing all of those remaining?

Quick! When did a reporter last ask Sleepy Joe about Americans in Afghanistan? It is all ancient history now. It's been almost two months. The media has an attention span measured in nanoseconds.

The National Institute of Health has finally admitted that they funded research in China about making viruses. Rand Paul was right, Dr. Tony "Two Mask" Fauci is indeed a liar. 

Friday, October 15, 2021

COVID and Common Sense??


Friday, October 08, 2021

Friday Night Smackdown

 "Let's Go Brandon!"

While in Florida last week for my high school class reunion, I visited a local Flea Market on Saturday morning. My tool sales have been pretty good at recent events so I decided to pick up a little inventory for my next event. So I helped another old guy's day get off to a good start and bought about 1200 sockets from him. I have already spent 12 hours this week sorting them.

I was going to write about my experience at the reunion, but my blood pressure meds don't seem to be working today.

If the polio vaccine had worked as well as current vaccines, we would still have hospitals filled with iron lungs.

How long before Sen. Kyrsten Sinema switches to Independent and caucuses with the Republicans in exchange for a committee chair position? 

I am not a big fan of Mitch McConnell, but every time that Merrick Garland opens his mouth, we should all thank God that Mitch didn't give Garland a confirmation hearing for the Supreme Court. 

Garland's son owns a company that sells leftist learning materials to school boards. Can Garland say "conflict of interest"?

Garland is a "moderate" like I am "calm".

If you are on the School Board and don't want to get criticized, resign. 

The Biden energy policy is simple. $5 gas.

I have already lived through "disco" once. Last Saturday, I survived another bout.

The CDC reports that 8,390 people have died after getting a COVID vaccine. The CDC believes that there is no correlation between these two actions. Readers who don't believe in coincidence are urged to comment.

A recent Gallup poll placed Biden's favorable ratings just above those of jock itch.