Thursday, September 30, 2021

Random remarks rarely written

 The Postal Service has implemented a "slowdown" in mail delivery. How will we notice?

Sign on a church in Greensboro reads "America: Offended by everything but sin."

One of my sons sent me a "meme" showing the crowd at the International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas. Caption was "Joe Biden's Biggest Rally". Joe forgot that he was supposed to be there.

Biden says that no one recommended that he keep a small garrison of troops in Afghanistan. All the generals say that they told him. You don't need the FBI to see that somebody is lying.

When we go to a restaurant to eat, the first thing that I do is see where the exits are located. You would think that before sending thousands of soldiers to Afghanistan over a twenty year period, someone would have an evacuation  strategy. You would be wrong. They had almost four extra months when Biden pushed the abandonment date to Sept. 11. Still no exit strategy. The last army guy not to plan an escape route was George Custer. Time  for generals to resign. 

In those horrible days when Trump was President last year, I could fill my truck with gas for between $50 and $60. Yesterday, it was $82. I want to meet the dumb Democrat SOB who keeps saying "A little inflation is good."

Getting ready to leave tomorrow for my high school class reunion in Tampa.  I don't dread this any more than the average colonoscopy. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Thursday Questions without answers

 There have been about 390 million doses of COVID vaccine administered in the United States. As of yesterday, 8164 people have died from a reaction after taking the vaccine. A person telling me this pointed out that 8164 was a very small percentage of those taking the vaccine, I said, "Yes, unless you or a family member or friend are one of the 8164." As the liberals always tell us when they are pushing gun control, "If we can just save one life." Why not with vaccines?

If Black Lives Matter, why do they keep killing each other? 

When I am in Florida this weekend, I plan on looking for President DeSantis tee shirts. Is it too early?

In the People's Republic of Greensboro last week, the City Council held a rezoning hearing for some housing and a convenience store in east Greensboro. They denied the request on a straight racial vote, 5-4. The five black members all voted to deny the change. Council member Goldie Wells, who is black, said this, “Think about the 150 homes back there, trailer homes that will be trotting to the convenience store getting food they don’t need, buying cigarettes and wine then they get tanked up and then they start shooting each other and that increases crime.” Imagine a white member making that statement. So black people will stop killing each other if we close all of the convenience stores?

Governments across the country are trying to hold businesses responsible if customers aren't wearing a face mask. Will they next hold businesses responsible for people who are driving on the business property without a drivers license? If the government allows people to drive on the public streets without insurance, is the government responsible for damages?

When will Kameltoe Harris start her winter hibernation? How will we know?

Is Jill Biden the 21st Century Edith Wilson? Is Joe Biden the 21st Century Mortimer Snerd?

Liberals are all enraged that Republican lawmakers are at the southern border and reporting on conditions there.  Even Jen "Liver Lips" Psaki has noticed this and commented The real question is "Why aren't Biden and the Democrats there?". 

Was Chairman Mao Zedong Jen Psaki's grandfather? Let's run that DNA one more time.

Will Roy Cooper run for the US Senate seat next year in North Carolina? 

Across the nation hospitals and healthcare providers are short of help. They desperately need more workers. So naturally enough, they are firing employees who have not been vaccinated by now. Here in North Carolina, Novant Health fired 175 people yesterday. In New York, they are firing healthcare workers and teachers. This is a new standard for stupid. Is this not the dumbest move on the planet? By the way, if you can't convince your employees to get a vaccination, what are your chances of convincing the public? 

Here's a bit of advice for those folks lusting to fire their employees to make a point. Almost every business has a long term plan. The problem is that in the long term, we are all dead. You have to operate on a little more short term outlook. People (including my family members) used to ask me sometimes, "Why don't you fire (insert loser name here)?" My answer was always the same. "I have a long term plan that does not involve that person, BUT I have to get through today to get to tomorrow. I need that person to get through today." Ego driven healthcare administrators need to consider that idea. What are the chances they will?

How long will a nation last with a dementia patient in the lead? 

Does anyone believe that the Joint Chiefs of Staff actually had a plan to evacuate Afghanistan? If they did, what was it? If they did not have a plan, why not? 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Tuesday taunts Birthday Edition

 If you are a believer in "astrology", skip to the next paragraph. People born today are Libras in the astrological system. Libras are supposed to be all about balance in their lives. Today is my birthday Thus ends any discussion about the accuracy of astrology.

Social media isn't.

I told a friend today that I am going to my class reunion this weekend. They asked if we could meet for lunch next week  so they could hear all about it. I may need to work on my image.

The reunion dinner is $100 a person. Thank God my wife had a prior commitment and is unable to go. I only spent $150 for the two of us to have dinner at the Angus Barn on our anniversary. I am guessing that the food at the reunion will not be as good as the Angus Barn.

I vented at a classmate in an e-mail about the cost. He explained that the event was being "catered". I explained that after 52 years in the food service business, I knew more about catering than he would ever know and I still think $100 for dinner is high.

Gen. Milley Vanilli testified in a Senate hearing today. An acquaintance said it best, "He's the fattest tap dancer I have ever seen".

I saw a headline today claiming that the people in West Virginia are in love with the $3.5 trillion bill Congress is considering. What are the chances that the source is trying to influence Joe Manion? I am more than a little skeptical that in a state where Trump won 69% to 30% anyone is pulling for anything Biden wants.

Joe Biden describes his Build Back Better bill as a "generational investment". Is this the same term that LBJ used to peddle that "Great Society" bullshit. We all know how well that has worked out.  Welfare, the destruction of the family unit, the rise of homelessness, shall I go on?

"They" say that we all have a twin somewhere. That's our problem with Joe Biden. If we had the Joe Biden that President Joe BS Biden is always talking about, maybe we could survive until 2024. We have all heard about the Joe who struggled with gang members, has three college degrees, finished high in his class in law school, drove an 18 wheeler, was the first white student at an HBCU, has a son who is the smartest guy BS Biden knows. Instead we have a dimwit with a bad facelift  and a hair style by Hairclub for Men, who sucks down dementia meds and his kid  is a drug user, liar, and all around air thief.

If you work in an office, do you have one of those office chairs with the reclining high back and padding and all of the other things? I don't either,(I am sitting here in a 60 year old library chair) but at the exit ramp from US 29 to Cone Blvd. in Greensboro, there is a guy begging who sits in one of those. Life is tough? 

Here's an update from the southern border. 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Monday Musings

 I saw a story about the fires in California. The fire was threatening the giant sequoias and the redwoods. The headline was "General Sherman Tree threatened by fire". As a Southerner, you have to love the irony of that. A tree named after a guy who led an army of arsonists and pyromaniacs across the South is threatened by a fire. Who could have seen that coming? 

AOC? AntiSemite of color.

On Friday, I will journey to Tampa for my 50 year high school class reunion. Pray for me or those others in attendance, it's your call! 

Nancy Pelosi will not allow the House to vote on the $1 trillion infrastructure bill until she is sure that she has the votes to pass it. It might be a long autumn in Washington.

We have been obsessed with the weather since the onset of cable television and 24 hour a day crap. I frankly think that the Weather Channel is some kind of video porn for people who sit at home trying to decide whether or not to venture outside.

I keep seeing the phrase "human caused climate change". What caused the climate to change before television and the Internet?

If liberals had been in charge when dinosaurs roamed the earth, dinosaurs would still roam the earth and we would be extinct.

Sunday afternoons are much more pleasant without the NFL on my television.  Napping is much more relaxing than watching some guy covered with tattoos strutting around after catching a ball. My dog can catch a ball and doesn't bother to beat his chest.

The Lion's Club Flea Market in Dublin, VA  last weekend was pretty good. Business was so steady that I never made it over to the Lion Dog (corn dog) concession area. The guy who used to set up beside me was not there this year. He used to go get the corndogs. 

Sunday, September 26, 2021

On a Sunday morning sidewalk?

 Jen (The Bullshit Machine) Psaki said that horses have been banned from use at the southern border. Obviously, they are too effective for the Democrats.

While Kameltoe Harris searches for the root causes of the border problem, maybe she can find out why Haitians left the countries across South America where they have been living for several years to come to the southern border of the United States. Is it all of the free shit that the United States government gives illegal immigrants? Or did they just want to eat ice cream with Biden while he sniffs their women and children?

Chuck the Schmuck Schumer said that we need immigrants because "We need workers". No mention from Chuck about the millions of American workers that the government is paying to stay home.

Turning my attention to the National Felons League (NFL), I read a great article about the new NFL by Larry Thornberry, who writes for the American Spectator. Larry wrote about how the NFL was playing the "black national anthem" as well as the actual national anthem before big games. Larry wrote that at the season opener in Tampa, the players stood in each end zone with their arms locked as the "black national anthem" played. Larry wondered what the commissioner would have done if a white player had taken a knee during the "black national anthem". Inquiring minds want to know.

General Milley Vanilli continues his quest fighting America's greatest threat, "white rage". He reminds me of the old Soviet generals with a chest full of medals who haven't been near a battle in years. Any questions about whether Milley Vanilli is a political general ended with his performance in the Battle of January 6.  While he called the Chinese and countless Democratic politicians that day, he called not a single Republican. Not the Vice President, not the Senate Majority Leader, Not the President pro tempore of the Senate, not the Secretary of State, he only spoke to Democrats. Court Martial Milley!!

Evidently, during the filming of "The View" on Friday, everything fell apart when two (2) hosts of the show were found to have tested  positive for COVID. If vaccines work, why was everyone worried about this? Maybe because Kameltoe Harris was the featured guest.? One of the hosts removed was the show's token conservative. I guess that was just a coincidence?


Saturday, September 25, 2021

Saturday Morning Confusion Ver.9.25

 Let's spend a few bucks and have check on Jen Psaki's DNA and decide exactly how she is related to Joseph Goebbels. Jen Psaki, Minister of Propaganda. That will be the first honest job title in the Biden Administration.

Watching Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, on the news leaves me longing to jump in the truck and make an ammo run to the nearest gun show. Let's keep all of the guns loaded!!

Mayorkas accused us of the much ballyhooed "systemic racism" the other day. A guy who was born of Jewish parents in Cuba and was brought to the United States when he was a year old because of Castro's takeover is accusing the United States of "systemic racism". Really?? Here in the land of "systemic racism",  this clown has risen to a position in the President's Cabinet. Let's put his ass on a C-130 and give him some parachute training over Cuba. He can mull over that "systemic racism" bullshit as he prays the chute opens on his way down to his homeland.

The Cuomo family is apparently chock full of sexual harassers. An op-ed in the New York Times this week showed that Chris had apologized for sexually harassing his boss several years ago. Who in their right mind grabs the ass of their boss?

The Biden Administration rolled Cameltoe Harris out of confinement the other day to comment on the "system racism" at the southern border. How much of that "systemic racism" did she experience going to school in Montreal?

More emails surfaced this week about the famed American artist Hunter Biden. It appears that while his dad, the Big Guy, was Vice-President (with an emphasis on Vice), Hunter tried to cut a deal to help Libya get their frozen funds thawed. The emails accurately described him as an alcoholic and drug addict who chased low class hookers and always had money problems. Sounds like a Biden to me!

Things are not going well for Democrats in the Congress as they try to shove 5 trillion dollars in spending down the nation's throat. It is so bad that some Democrats are actually complaining about the bills.

The Biden Administration is trying to change banking laws so that banks must report every cash transaction over $600 to the IRS. They claim that this will improve tax collections. What this will do is revive a cash economy as no one will want to put their money into a bank. 

Finally, it turns out that Joe Biden probably owes the government $500,000 in taxes for failing to pay Medicare taxes. This must be why Joe is always talking about those rich people who don't pay their "fair share". He is one of them himself. He probably set aside the $500,000 to buy ice cream.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Eyewitless Wednesday

 I am so old that I remember when only old women had blue hair.

"Psaki" is obviously a Polish word meaning "bullshitting machine".

There were more Secret Service agents riding bikes and golf carts on Biden's bike ride the other day than there were Border Patrol agents on horseback at the border. 

France has recalled their ambassador to the United States. France?? Yes, France. I can only guess that Macron isn't buying that whole "America is back" line.

Is there any thing that screams "I'm a pussy" louder than a "man bun"?

Why do people buy jeans that are already torn? Do they also buy already used toilet tissue?

Did the Clinton Foundation use all that money that they raised for earthquake victims in Haiti to fly those folks to Mexico where they could crash our border?

I am attending my high school class 50 year reunion next week to commemorate the three worst years of my life. 

The liberals claiming that "a little inflation is good", have not been in a grocery store or at a gas station.

For those of you chanting "Fuck Joe Biden" at college football games, shirts reading FJB are now available in your favorite team's colors.

I am an equal opportunity curmudgeon. President Trump's people need to quit sending e-mails asking if I will support Trump's new social media site and just open the damned thing. I don't even buy a car without taking a test drive.

While at the grocery store today, I checked the dairy section for pictures of Kameltoe Harris on the milk cartons.

I will close with this note. On Tuesday, there was a story in an American Spectator newsletter about Keith Olbermann attacking the owners of a Texas restaurant and bar because they asked a couple to remove their masks. The policy is posted at the restaurant entrance. Olbermann "doxxed" the business by posting the business address and phone number. He encouraged his listener to contact him. I sent the newsletter editor a note about this which was published today. Here it is. The headline was written by the newsletter editor.

Letter: Worst Person in the World

I read about Keith Olbermann and his attack on the “Hang Time” restaurant. When I finish building my time-travel machine, I am going back to 1958 to give Keith’s father a case of condoms and a book on the joys of masturbation. Maybe that could change the world?
Gilbert Jones
Ruffin, North Carolina

Wednesday, September 08, 2021

The Wit and Wisdom of Wednesday

 America's ISIS removed the statue of Robert E. Lee from Richmond today. Thank God that Lee is out of that crime-ridden, scum-infested city. The city is left to be inspired by a statue of a tennis player. 

Gov. Ralph Northam has been photographed appearing in blackface. Compare that with Brady's picture of Lee and tell me who holds the moral high ground.

The evidence is mounting that Dr. Fauci was less than honest about whether the United States funded "gain of function" research in Wuhan, China. Wow! A bureaucrat caught lying? Say it ain't so, Joe!

Secretary of State Blinken and President "Brain dead" Biden don't seem to grasp the concept of "Americans left behind in Afghanistan". They damn sure can't count. They appear to be the only people on the planet who believe that only "about 100" Americans are trapped in Afghanistan.

Chuck Schumer said that all of the Americans who wanted to get out of Afghanistan had been able to get out. His office later issued a statement saying that he had "misspoken". So let's add Schumer's name to the list with Blinken and Biden  who are confused about Americans left behind. 

Cameltoe Harris was in California today campaigning for Gavin Newsome. Sen. Pocahontas Warren is scheduled to be there over the weekend. President "Bullshitter" Biden will be there on Monday to put his finger in the dike or dyke, as the case may be. Everything that is going on in the world would keep most Presidents busy, but keeping Newsome in office is a top priority for the President.  Will Biden sniff Newsome's hair while in California? Will he tell Newsome about the Hair Club for Men? 

When will the resignations start from the Joint Chiefs? Wait! That idea is predicated upon them having a sense of honor. Since they place such value on diversity, they need the Secretary of Defense to resign first. Otherwise, it is just a bunch of white guys hogging the headlines.

The NFL has cancelled the singer who was supposed to sing the national anthem in Thursday night's season opener in Tampa. Apparently, she won't take the COVID vaccine for religious reasons. I guess that means that only Black Vaccinated Lives Matter to the NFL. 

On the news yesterday, they reported that the COVID death toll on Labor Day was twice that of last year. This is simply misleading. Labor Day did not fall in the same spot in the cycle of the disease for both years. Did they compare the daily counts on July 4, Flag Day, Father's Day Memorial Day, Mother's Day, or Easter to last year's counts? Of course not, they had to wait for a day to make everything look worse. 

Heard on TV: The Taliban is charging Americans $2000 to fly out of Afghanistan. $3000, if you want a seat inside the plane.

Finally, you can't make this stuff up!! Secretary of State Antony Blinken described the new Taliban government in Afghanistan as "not inclusive". The Taliban is reeling from Blinken's body blow. They are laughing all the way to their huge inventory of American military equipment. They don't care about being "inclusive". They just want to run the country.

Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Woke at last?


My new shirt was delivered while I was in Hillsville. Guess, that I will have to wear it at my next event.

Tuesday Roundup

 San Francisco is starting a pilot program to pay violent criminals $300 a month to not shoot anyone. There may actually be a more stupid waste of taxpayer money to be found, but I haven't heard about it yet. What does this mean for residents of San Francisco?  Folks, don't carry more than $300 in cash. If you have $400 and the city will only pay $300, you're dead. I think that they need to institute drug tests for the San Francisco City Council. This is more than the average level of governmental stupidity.

I spent the last five days in scenic Hillsville, Virginia selling my assortment of fine collectibles at the Labor Day Weekend Flea Market. The weather was great, business was good. COVID may have affected attendance and the number of vendors but it was still a great time.

At Hillsville, the old guy across from me was selling all kinds of metal items. He was trying to sell some guy a bell and rang it a couple of times. He told the buyer, "Did you hear that great tone? That bell is so loud that you could wake Biden with it." There aren't many liberals in Southwest Virginia.

Just saw a news report about Biden being heckled in New Jersey today. The real stunner is not that it happened, but that the media actually reported on it. 

I love spotting the American Pickers fans in the flea market crowd  They ask you, "How much is something like this?" My response is always "Do you want something like that or do you want that?" 

The NFL starts their regular season this week. WOW!! Another sport not to watch on television. I am already busy not watching NASCAR. I am just now recovering from not watching the 2020 Olympics that were held in 2021. 

I saw a press conference  today where a reporter asked Ron DeSantis about the last Super Bowl. He said that it didn't make much sense for the NFL to limit live attendance in Tampa to 25,000 people as a COVID precaution. He pointed out that after the game, the 25,000 attendees exited the stadium into a crowd of 100,000 people outside the stadium. 

Biden announced today that every American still in Afghanistan will receive a mail-in ballot for any elections this fall.