Sunday, May 30, 2021

Weekly Wrapup?

It is Memorial Day weekend in the United States. Cameltoe Harris, the President of Vice, tweeted about the holiday, "Enjoy the long weekend." Apparently she does not understand or appreciate the reason behind Memorial Day. Unfortunately for the not quite Mrs. Willie Brown, many readers disagreed with her comments and posted remarks such as "My husband died for your long weekend." Democrats are in damage control mode this weekend. It is not a big story on the national news as Trump did not post that tweet. 

I read another hate filled editorial posing as a front page news story in the News & Record. It was a hatchet job on the history and the  citizens of Alamance County. The N&R views everyone who does not share their views as a racist or an extremist. I view the N&R as a collection of Communist morons.

The News & Record does not have the journalistic standards nor the fairness of the Weekly Reader that we read in elementary school in the 1960's. What do they teach in "Journalism School" now? 

In Guilford County on Tuesday, a mob of eight (8) black female vigilantes sneaked into Southern Guilford High School and assaulted a 14 year old girl in a classroom filled with students. Apparently there had been some altercation between the 14 year old and a 16 year old girl on Monday. The 16 year old gathered a posse to attack the girl on Tuesday. The gang consisted of  the 16 year old girl, two (2) other girls from Southern Guilford, three(3) girls from other schools, one 18 year old female , and a female parent who was 37. A teacher was able to stop the fight with help from other teachers. Administrators and the school resource officer had encounters with the posse in the parking lot. No one was arrested at the school that day. 

On Friday, the Guilford County Sheriff's Department announced that the suspects were going to turn themselves in on Tuesday, June 1. I want this process explained to me. Forget the juveniles for a minute. You had an 18 year old and a 37 year old involved in this and naturally there was smart phone video available. They illegally entered a school building and assaulted a minor in a classroom. Why were they not arrested that day at the school? This is that black on black crime that it is always in the news. If seven white students and a white parent had assaulted the 14 year old in the classroom, it would have been on the national news. Somebody would have gone to jail that day or at least the next day. What other crimes can you commit and get the holiday weekend off before turning yourself in?  Why isn't  blacks beating blacks news? Here's a culture that needs to start some serious soul searching. There is just no one else to blame in this case.

In sports news, Atlanta Braves outfielder Marcell Ozuna was arrested after throwing his wife against the wall and hitting her and choking her in front of the police in Georgia on Saturday. Maybe no one explained the laws to him when he moved here from the Dominican Republic. 

The North Carolina beaches are filled this weekend with folks who have all had their vaccines, judging by the pictures. 

Roy Cooper is on top of North Carolina's stupidest governors list. The other day, he claimed that the federal unemployment bonus of $300 a week was "good for the economy". The only thing it is good for is the people who don't want to work. Those are Roy's supporters.

There are several good candidates running for the US Senate in North Carolina in 2022. Why don't some of these candidates run for other offices? My congressman is one of those running for the Senate. Who will represent us in Congress? Views expressed here prevent me from running for office. There's no room for logic in politics. 

I received a fund raising letter from Nikki Haley about the Leadership Institute. Sorry Nikki, but your conservative credentials have been found wanting. 

Joe Biden should not be allowed to be around little girls. He was at it again the other day talking about some little girl at a rally "looking like she was 19 sitting with her legs crossed." At least he didn't leave the podium to sniff her hair. Can you imagine the reaction if Trump had said that? Has anybody checked out Joe's dealings with Epstein and Clinton? 

I will close with this quote from H.L. Mencken which seems applicable in times like these. “Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” 

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Current Events Test- Multiple Choice

 Here's a short test on current events. in keeping with 21st Century educational practices, there is neither a passing score nor a failing score. Existence is  racist.

1. Obama spoke about UFOs the other day from his experiences as a President. Why did the Big O feel compelled to speak out about aliens?

a. Ancient Aliens on the History Channel was working on a report on his family tree.

b. A reporter asked about the "glide angle" of Obama's ears.

c. The high school he claimed to attend is holding a reunion at his house.

d. The price of gas in California hit $7 a gallon.

e. All of the above

2. Lori Lightfoot, the mayor of Chicago, announced that she will not sit for an interview with any reporter who is not black or brown. Why?

a. She's a morally bankrupt liar and racist.

b. She hates white people.

c. She is using this as a way to meet girls.

d. She wants to be interviewed by Elizabeth Warren.

e. All of the above

3. Why does Joe Biden keep wearing a mask?

a. He loved watching the Lone Ranger as a child.

b. He was The Lone Ranger until he was fired for taking off the mask and sniffing Tonto.

c. When he is wearing the mask, no one knows who is actually talking.

d. Wearing the mask causes people to focus their attention on Joe and they don't notice the ventriloquist with his arm up Joe's ass making him talk.

e. All of the above 

4. How much will Andrew Cuomo make per book sold from his latest masterpiece American Crisis, Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic?

a. $1 

b. $5

c. $10

d. $50

e. He is getting paid a little more than $5 million for a book that has sold 50,000 copies. Do the math

5.  My high school graduation class is holding a 50 year reunion in Tampa in October. Tickets to the Friday night reception are $35 person with a cash bar available. Tickets to the Saturday night dinner are $95 per person and there is a cash bar. There were 714 people in our graduating class. Am I ?

a. Taking my wife to the Angus Barn in Raleigh that night and saving money and getting a better meal.

b. Not going because the list of everyone that  I want to see doesn't fill a Post-it note.

c. Not going because the list of everyone who wants to see me won't fill a Post-It note.

d. Going to Tampa, but meeting some of my coworkers from my years at the Waffle House instead. How much can dinner at the Waffle House be? There will be better stories at this gathering. I was at the Waffle House longer than I was at high school.

e. Undecided

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

And Another One Bites the Dust

 The hills are alive with the sounds of racists. Yes, the racists who judge everything by the color of someone's skin. They are the ones carrying those Black Lives Matter banners, but are never seen with a White Lives Matter sign.  Do Unborn Babies Lives Matter? How many black people are killed in confrontations with the police every year compared to the number of black lives ended by abortions? Do liberals care about anyone other than black criminals killed by police?

Here in North Carolina today, the District Attorney announced that the police shooting of Andrew Brown was "justifiable". All the racists reacted as expected, they screamed for a federal  investigation and talked about what a great guy Andrew Brown was. Andrew Brown, who had fathered seven children, but had been a full time father to none of them. Andrew Brown, who made his living as a drug dealer. He had sold the police or informants, cocaine and heroin. When killed, he had a plastic bag in his mouth with crystal meth. Andrew Brown, who had no job, but had two used BMWs that he drove. 

Andrew was driving one of his BMWs when he attempted to run over police officers in his yard. Racists are stunned that the police would use deadly force to keep some drug dealer from killing them with his car. Maybe the police didn't have time to get a social worker out to the scene to analyze Andrew's motives and help him work through his feelings. Did the police have an obligation to prevent a homicidal maniac from getting out on the street where he might kill someone else?

This story had all of the basic ingredients of a media manufactured event. It seems to always involve a black man with a criminal record trying to resist arrest. There is almost always drugs or alcohol involved. Strangely, there is often a warrant for the person's arrest outstanding. So we are killing criminals or as we used to call them, sociopaths. Allow me to use a sports analogy. These folks are not  going to make the team. It's time to cut them loose.

The racists in the media will fan the flames of falsehood about how terrible this whole incident was for this nation. They will scream about blacks being killed by police but never mention the other races killed by police. They won't bother telling us that one of the deputies who fired at Andrew Brown was a black man. Real law enforcement is color blind. 

At the end of the day, the story is that a drug dealer tried to kill police officers and they got him first. Everything else that you see in the news is bullshit designed to empower liberals and destroy our nation.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Count the ways that they lie to you?

The CDC Director is under fire for at long last wanting to differentiate between people who died "with COVID" from those who died "from COVID". She was only drawing a difference on 223 cases where the people involved died after having been inoculated.  But now anyone with more than a room temperature IQ wants to know about the other half a million deaths. Don't look for a rapid response to this issue.

"Two Mask" Tony Fauci now says that COVID-19 exposed the racism present in America. It's time for someone who remove this clown from his position as the federal government's highest paid liberal mouthpiece. 

Interesting that a guy like Fauci, who is a doctor, would ignore social habits and biological differences in people and blame everything on racism. How many times did he speak of "systemic racism" before 2020? 

I am surprised that there has not been an outbreak of "whiplash" in response to the CDC and the federal government changing policies so quickly and frequently.

I am certain that they are all "following the science" in these decisions. But like Gov. Roy Assberry Cooper here in North Carolina, they are following the "political science". It is amazing how quickly these changes came after the unemployment rate jumped. Maybe that wasn't the cause. Maybe it was the  states dropping the federal supplement on unemployment. Maybe it was small business owners on television interviews talking about how no one can find workers. Maybe working consumers tired of carrying the load while liberals loaf and get paid.  Maybe it was governors restoring the concept that one must be actively seeking work to receive unemployment payments. My theory of the cause is that Biden's poll numbers are dropping quicker than Bill Clinton's pants at the sight of an intern. 

The gas crisis is starting to moderate in our area. I saw a report that a BP station in Richmond was charging $6.99 a gallon for gasoline. Some state official said that they would be investigating that to see if it was "price gouging". How long should that take? The police bust ticket scalpers outside the stadium gates, how long should an investigation into $6.99 gas take?

At a hearing last summer, Rand Paul said that we need to make a distinction between people dying "with COVID" and those dying "of COVID". If only the CDC had been paying attention last year?

Are there political reasons for all of the sudden changes in COVID policies? Are there any state and local elections this year? Gov. Ralph "Blackface" Norman of Virginia cannot run this year, but he has to clear the way for another Democrap to replace him. People need a little time to forget how many of their rights that liberals have violated. That's why everything is changing. America has a seven day attention span.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Friday Free Throws Ver. 5.14

 Gov. Roy Assberry Cooper of North Carolina today moved to end mask mandates in most places other than schools. This despite the fact that school age children only account for 10% of the cases. So Assberry's loyalty to the teachers unions marches on. 

Word just in that Gov. Ralph "Did you see me in Blackface?" Northam of Virginia is also moving to end mask mandates and social distancing quickly. I am heading to Hillsville for the Memorial Day Weekend Flea Market in a couple of weeks. It is only a fraction of the Labor Day Flea Market, but it beats mowing the grass.

I realize that Democraps don't want to let the common people into the politicians' "Temple of Democracy", but I would buy a ticket to watch Sen. Rand Paul question the famed Tony "Two Masks" Fauci. Fauci just can't admit that his agency supported research in Wuhan, China. Forgetting everything else, why are we sending China money for research?

It seems that some solar panels being purchased by Americans with the aid of federal tax credits are made by slave labor in China. Incredibly enough, liberals seem to be okay with this kind of slavery.

I picked up Vol. 3 of History of the United States by John Clark Ridpath at a Goodwill store last week. It is amazing how different the stories written in the period differ from those that liberals are hustling as "history" today. John Ridpath was from Indiana. Yet in this book written in 1872, slavery is NOT listed as the primary cause of the Civil War.  This was the best dollar that I have spent in some time.

I don't believe in treating people with mental illnesses as if what they are doing is okay. If you have a "trans" anything lecturing me on a television commercial, don't wait for me to buy your products.

If you think that sex organs are the only difference between men and women and that removing your sex organs will make you a member of the opposite sex, you are past delusional. 

Biden has ended Trump's policy prohibiting parts of the electrical grid from using parts and equipment made in China. Why? Is Hunter in the wind turbine business? Is Solyndra coming bask from the dead?

Where are we going to get all of the electricity to charge all of the electric cars liberals want to drive? Right now, on a hot summer day, there is barely enough power to go around. What is going to replace all of the energy currently powering cars? 

One of my sons went to a private school where the Parent/Student manual had this. "No monies paid the Academy are refundable for any reason. If you do not understand the preceding sentence, inquire in writing immediately." I am thinking of putting that "If you do not understand" line at the end of every blog post. Naaah, that would just obligate me to write a reply.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Thursday Thoughts

 No lines in the Triad today at gas stations. Tuesday's return to 1975 was quite the sideshow. Gas is up about $1 a gallon in North Carolina since the November election. I am sure that is pure coincidence.

Pipelines can be hacked, but voting machines can not be hacked? Really?

Is there anyone left who believes that Chief Justice John Roberts is actually a conservative. Like many others who stay too long in Washington D.C., he has lost his way.

Trans Secretary Buttigieg claimed in an interview that we can afford the two trillion dollar "infrastructure" bill. He actually said "It's paid for." It's time to start drug testing Cabinet officers.

Biden claims that he will only raise taxes on the rich. The demented one claims that his programs will only raise taxes on those earning MORE than $400,000 a year. Just by coincidence, Biden is paid exactly$400,000 a year 

Liz Cheney has been removed from her leadership position in the Republican party in the House. Another "country club" Republican bites the dust.

Today was my day to work. At work, I demonstrated the operation of a vacuum cleaner to a group of six adults. The vacuum cannister had not been emptied in months and could no longer pick up anything from the floor. The staff was wowed to discover that as you moved the newly emptied vacuum over the carpet, it picked up crumbs and other trash and left the floor clean. WOW!!

The CDC now says that vaccinated people don't need to wear masks. 

At 4:13 today, Joe Biden "tweeted" this: "After a year of hard work and so much sacrifice, the rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do." Thanks Joe, Fuck you very much!

Is the vaccination certificate the new "mark of the beast"? 

The CDC, Biden, Democratic governors, and the media change their positions on COVID almost daily. It's almost like there is a COVID Kama Sutra for leftists. What's the position today, Fauci?

Good news for Biden!! The CDC is releasing a study showing that dementia can be cured with a bad case of COVID. There's still hope for Joe!!

As Biden's government struggles to eradicate COVID by abusing United States citizens, they are letting in thousands of illegal immigrants who are carrying the disease. At one time, tuberculosis was almost unknown in this country. Then the Haitians came.  If the Mexicans are carrying the disease, at least it gets the Chinese are off the hook.

Seen online the other day was a story labeling Fauci as "Two mask Tony".

A friend sent me some info from Richard the Grateful Bear and his God Cards that can help me with my "toxic masculinity". Just further confirmation that we need to nuke the San Andreas fault and just drop California into the sea.

No one in the Biden administration will use the word "crisis". Here's the next word that they will not use, "inflation". 

Last shot of the day, Genius Times reported that the CDC says that if you wear two swimsuits, you can pee in the pool and it won't spread. I guess that only works if "Two Mask Tony" is the lifeguard?

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The Wit and Wisdom of Wednesday

 "There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."  W. Somerset Maugham

In an online story today about Texas Rep. Chip Roy, Politico posted this incredible condemnation of Roy, who is considering a run for Liz Cheney's leadership post.  "Still, should he throw his hat into the ring, Roy — a trouble-making and Constitution-obsessed former federal prosecutor — could prove to be an appealing alternative." Only a liberal would think that "Constitution obsessed" is a bad thing. Apparently, no one at Politico has read more than the First Amendment.

Biden said that the recent jobs report showed that there are eight million fewer jobs in this economy than last year. Why doesn't the Secret Service just drive Dementia Joe down a few streets in D.C and point out the "Help Wanted" signs?

Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer is claiming that the shortage of labor is a result of  Trump's reducing the number of immigrants allowed into the country. No mention from Chuck of the billions of dollars that the government is paying people not to work.

Demand is what drives up prices. Are people leaving New York for states in the South? Forget the Census numbers that show the New York population declining, I have real evidence. Trying to make this point the other day in an e-mail exchange with friends, I did a little research. To move from Yanceyville, NC to Albany, NY is a distance of 756 miles. U-Haul charges $426 to rent a 10 foot box truck for that move. That's a pretty good price as they charge $1 a mile plus a daily charge for local rentals of that vehicle. But if you are fleeing New York and going to Yanceyville, U-Haul charges $1506 for the same truck. In another year with Cuomo at the helm in New York, U-Haul will probably have to pay people to drive that truck to New York. If you are looking for entertainment, check rental rates for leaving California and moving to Texas. 

The government has announced that a large offshore wind turbine farm will be built 12 miles off the Massachusetts coast near Martha's Vineyard. Wait until the masses of dead seagulls start washing up on the beaches at Martha's Vineyard. In this year's big winter storm , there were problems with the wind turbines in Texas. Do they think the coast of Massachusetts is a more hospitable location in the winter? Or do they not use electricity in Boston in the winter?

I am waiting for Biden to bring back the "Cash for Clunkers" program that the Obama/Biden team started  so that I can haul off a couple of old cars and pick up some real cash. 

Let's give solar panels and other "green energy" sources  a fair test. Let's see how many people will buy them without the federal subsidies and tax breaks. Call me when one sells under those conditions. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Georgia Election Water Bottle

 If you are waiting at the polls in Georgia and a Democrat asks, "Have you seen Hamilton?", he's not talking about the Broadway musical.

Saturday, May 08, 2021

Hysteria Fatigue??

 I am not a doctor. I have not played one on television nor with any young lady. However, today I am self diagnosing myself with "hysteria fatigue". The last six years of liberals screaming that the world is about to end has finally just worn my ass out. I am taking a mental health day tomorrow as there is no magic vaccine to cure "hysteria fatigue".

It started in 2015 after Donald Trump had announced his candidacy for the Presidency. Liberals, who had elected a man whose only job experience prior to elected office had been as a "community organizer", ridiculed Trump for even running. Then as Trump began winning primary elections, liberals went into hysterics about the possibility that a man who had never held political office could be the President. I remember Nancy Pelosi telling us, "You can take it to the bank, Donald Trump will not be President." It seems that Pelosi's bank has failed.

Then all of the dire forecasts about the future of the nation came with the election of Mr. Trump. He was going to start a war. The economy was going to fail. We would run out of concrete workers, farm laborers, and poultry processing plant employees as immigrants stopped coming to this country. Conservatives were Nazis and Fascists who were going to strip everyone of their freedoms. Trump actually turned out to be the first President in several years who didn't start or escalate a war. The flood of illegal immigrants was slowed to an almost manageable level, and the stormtroopers weren't marching the streets. Taxes were cut and the unemployment rates dropped to historic lows. Yet liberals and the media (which are actually the same thing) never stopped screaming.

Years ago, Al Gore, the inventor of the Internet, told us that the polar ice caps would soon melt. More than twenty years later, the "inconvenient truth " is that the melting has still not happened. Now the same "Screaming Greenies" tell us that we only have ten years to save the planet. As John Kerry travels the world in private jets, he demands that we all go back to walking everywhere and abandon anything that we cannot buy "carbon credits" to use. Apparently, we are the victims of another crisis that only a tax can cure.

Now that liberals have a dementia patient running the nation, everything is not only a crisis, it is infrastructure. A dementia patient who has never created a job talks about his jobs program. That's like me talking about my hair growth program. (I didn't do like Sleepy Joe and go the hair plug route.) 

Bernie Sanders lectures businesses about how much we need to pay employees and how we should operate businesses. Bernie has never run a business, he has never created a job, his first real job was when he was elected mayor of some town in Vermont at age 40.  This clown honeymooned in Moscow and I am not talking about Idaho. His business experience level is worse than Obama's. These clowns have spent their adult lives slopping at the public trough and criticizing those taxpayers who are working to support their lazy ass politicians.

For the last year, COVID-19 was going to end civilization. Everyday the rules on how to prevent it change. The survival rate in this nation depends on whether your governor is a Democrat or a Republican. This is the first disease where your political affiliation increased your chances of getting the disease. 

In a incredible moment of blatant stupidity, Andrew Cuomo of New York won an Emmy for his press conferences about COVID. He was so busy with the press that he did the wrong things about COVID and thousands died needlessly in New York state. But he is still an EMMY winner!

Based on news media reports, there has not been a white person killed by police since George Floyd's death in 2020. The police are only shooting at black people according to the news media. This is bullshit of course, but it is passing for news in today's America.

Every day, I cut back on the news that I read. I have given up watching news on television after they broadcast the funeral of a drug dealer live on local television. 

Eventually, calmer heads will prevail. Either that or the greatest nation on earth will separate into two or more smaller countries. 

In any event, I am going to work in the yard tomorrow while the infrastructure crumbles, innocent minorities are slaughtered by the police,  more of the poor die (from obesity), and Democrats blame everything on White people.  I can use the day off. 

See you next week!!

Friday, May 07, 2021

Freestyle Friday Ver. 5.7

 Charlotte police have seized 60 vehicles and arrested more than 50 people in a crackdown on illegal street racing. Just a hint about the level of intelligence of some of these drivers, many have posted videos on You Tube of their activities. Just another reason not to drive through Charlotte.

Alleged Republican Liz Cheney is struggling to maintain her position in the House Republican leadership. I guess that it is just part of the legacy from her father, but I have heard that she offered to take Rep. Elise Stefanik hunting with her.

The two deputies killed in Boone last week were buried yesterday. Franklin Graham was there, Gov. Roy Cooper was not. Since they were not drug dealers, the event was not broadcast on live television in the Triad.

If you think that your life is pretty dull as you resort to reading this blog, relax. Yesterday, I had 39 page views from Sweden. Unless it was Greta Thunberg checking to see if I was talking trash about her, Sweden may be more boring than previously thought.

The 301 Yard Sale will be taking place in North Carolina this year on June 18-19. I will be in the Selma/Smithfield area. The Selma Middle School, where I have set up the last few years is not renting spaces this year. There are plenty of other locations available. I will be in one of them.

Rep. Henry Cuellar, Democrat from Texas, is accusing the federal government of playing a shell game with refugees to make it look like they are being moved. He claims that they are moving refugees from one tent to another one right beside it and then taking pictures of the empty tent as evidence of progress. 

My wife and our younger son received their J&J vaccines on Wednesday at Walgreens. Yesterday they were both sick with fevers. This may completely remove the remote possibility that I will get a vaccination.

Governor DeSantis of Florida told the unemployed in Florida that they will need to start looking for work. It seems that Florida is returning to the pre-pandemic standard that unemployment recipients must be actively looking for work.

South Carolina and Montana have both decided to stop paying the federal unemployment subsidy. Look for the unemployment rate in both states to drop.

The news media is telling us that the idea that people aren't looking for work because they are getting paid not to work is wrong. The media claims that "It isn't as simple as that." Sorry news nerds, but it is that simple. 

The simplest principle of human motivation is "Whatever you reward, you reinforce." If you pay people not to work, they won't. Case closed.

Soon the federal government will be paying people the child care tax credit in a monthly check. Note: Read the item above about  motivation. Brace for a tidal wave of new births. 

You can't turn on the television or look online without being deluged by claims of "racism" and "white supremacy". I have encountered some REAL racists and some REAL white supremacists. The idiots on the box don't have a clue about these real subjects. My experience is that racists come in all colors. The same idea applies to "supremacists". 

 A good example of supremacists being a diversified group  is NBA star and one year Duke attendee, Kyrie Irving. Irving said "Black Kings Built the league!  (NBA)". The former Duke attendee also voiced his opinion on several occasions that he was a believer in the "flat earth" idea.

Yesterday, I made stops at both Lowes and Dollar General. No one at Dollar General was wearing a mask. At Lowes, most of the masked were Lowes employees, although there were a few customers wearing them. Mask usage is dropping rapidly. Despite Democrats knowing what is best for all of us, "The will of the people is the law of the land." 

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Sociopaths?? Quotas? Random rants?

 Back in the days of old, when knights were bold, and political correctness had not been invented, we had people called "sociopaths". Even in the 1980's, we still had sociopaths. Today, I haven't heard the word used in a public discussion since the Clinton years. Why not?

Sociopaths were people who could not, did not, or would not fit into society. What happened to all of those folks? Did they adjust to the standards of society and leave their careers as sociopaths? Did they become contributing members of society? Hell No!!!

Some of those folks became liberals, some became activists, many became criminals and convicts, but most became Democrats. Today they are social justice warriors and human rights activists, but they are still sociopaths..

In older societies, centuries before today, we expelled sociopaths and they were "outcasts". They left polite society to go start places like the Third Reich. With the advent of the "Big Tent" policy and today's obsession with "inclusivity", sociopaths are affecting the future of society.

Make no mistake about it, human society has never been about "inclusion". Societies are about "exclusion", the practice of removing or barring the presence of those who will do us harm. Sometime in the last thirty years, some group of people made the decision to abandon that policy without bothering to check with the rest of us. This has led us to actions like mourning the death of a drug dealer who tried to kill police officers who were trying to arrest him. 

Let's bring back sociopaths and find ways to handle them. Let's give up on the idea that society should devolve  to the level of those we used to term sociopaths. Let's go back to striving for excellence rather than striving for success according to a government engineered ratio of  race and gender.

 In the early 1980's, In Search of Excellence was THE book to study in business. Today, the hot topic in business is formulas for the proper ratio of ethnic backgrounds and genders in your staff to reflect the makeup of your community. No one pays attention to whether or not they can get the job done. 

United Airlines has announced that they will make their flight decks look like society. They are going to hire and promote based on gender and race. Is this really a good place to ignore ability and performance?  When planes start falling from the skies, we will see a rapid change in this policy. 

I buy food based on how it tastes. My appetite is not based on renewable resources and the carbon footprint of the animal source. By the way, "plant based meat" is a figment of liberal imaginations.

Do you want the heart surgeon to be the best in the class or do you want the best Asian female left-handed  lesbian who helped the hospital meet their quotas holding the scalpel? 

I am entertained by the fact that sports operates om the idea that the best performer is the winner. Why don't they do in sports what they advocate for the rest of society? Let's integrate the NBA and see that it reflects the population of the nation. Why don't we give some baseball players four or five strikes instead of three? Let's ban the BLM banners and flags at NASCAR races. Let's put the names of police officers who were killed on NFL jerseys. Call me when you are serious on "social justice".

I have been known to play golf on occasion. About ten years ago, my older son and his best friend invited me to play golf with them. I haven't been invited back.  I am not suing claiming age discrimination. So much for the advantages of being a white guy. 


Tuesday, May 04, 2021

The 700 Club???

 No, this post has nothing to do with Pat Robertson. However, I did see him as I was channel scanning last week and he is looking pretty old. This is actually my 700th post on this blog that started 16 years ago. Great news!! I am not doing a rerun in tribute to that milestone. In the words of The Great One, "Away we go!"

Tim Scott said that America is not a racist country and Democrats continue to hurl racist insults at him to show that he is wrong. Do they not see how stupid they look?

Roy Cooper is high on the "systemic racism" bandwagon. If only he had noticed any of that during the sixteen years that he spent as the NC Attorney General, he could have taken legal action. Did he do anything then? No.

WGHP, Fox 8 in High Point was my last choice for local news until yesterday. They broadcast live the funeral of Andrew Brown from Elizabeth City, NC. The funeral speaker was the famous anti-Semite and tax deadbeat Al Sharpton. Sharpton used the funeral as a chance to attack Tim Scott. (Go back two paragraphs.). 

I cannot believe that a station would do a live broadcast of the funeral of a drug dealer who was shot and killed when he tried to run over deputies when they tried to arrest him. To broadcast this is an act of such stupidity that I will not waste another second watching the swill they are passing off as news. Fox 8 is just not kissing liberal asses, they are licking them dry.

Two deputies killed in Boone will be buried on Thursday. Channel 8 better be there broadcasting the event.

Last year's hysteria outbreak was COVID-19. This year's hysteria outbreak is systemic racism. Do liberals offer any substantive evidence of this?  No, they just keep making the allegations. Why not? It worked for Hitler with the Jews.

Why do Republicans keep doing interviews with leftist from networks and publications that just keep attacking conservatives? Just say "NO"! All the reporters are doing is ridiculing them and attacking them. Why keep doing interviews? Just ignore them and walk away. The media needs Republicans to attack more than Republicans need the media. 

The Republicans need to take the advice of Roger Jacobs, a guy I worked with in 1983. If someone asked Roger if he would do something and he didn't want to do it, the answer went like this. Roger would say, "Not just no. Not just no way, but no f*cking way, Baby!!" I would buy a ticket to see Kevin McCarthy or Mitch McConnell tell that to Chuck "I'm actually bald" Todd in regards to an interview. If Chuck is not available, get Judy Woodruff from PBS.

If my only goal in life had been to see a dementia patient as President of the United States, I could go ahead and check out.

I saw a photo online the other day of a protest march where the marchers stopped to kneel in front of a painting of George Floyd. Any hint of intelligence in that group was misread.

The COVID keeps declining in states with lesser restrictions. It's about time to start putting governors on trial in other states.

As vaccination rates drop, the infection rate is also dropping. Strangest epidemic that we have ever seen?

Would it be more "transparent" if Jill Biden wore a nurse uniform when she is with Joe? Maybe a Doctor's coat? Whoopi Goldberg did say that Dr. Jill would make a great Surgeon General. I think that Whoopi's words were "I hear that Jill Biden is a hell of a doctor." 

Good news, there is no 701 Club.