Friday, April 30, 2021

It's Friday and Biden still sucks

 The Biden administration wants to ban menthol cigarettes. Just for the record, more than75% of black smokers are menthol cigarette smokers. The administration also claims that the LGBTQRSTUV .crowd are heavy users of menthol cigarettes. Just another example of the liberal "Nanny State" knowing what is good for you. No need to think, the liberals are doing that for you.

Democrats want to legalize marijuana and outlaw menthol cigarettes. I think it is time to start drug testing those in Congress.

I just saw that Joy Behar claims that Tim Scott's problem is  "Now, Tim Scott, he does not seem to understand — and a lot of them don’t seem to understand — the difference between a racist country and systemic racism. They don’t seem to get the difference." While Behar is obviously an idiot, I would like her to explain who "them" is.  Who exactly is the "them" who don't seem to get the difference between a racist country and systemic racism? Is it Tim Scott and his family? Is it US Senators? Is it South Carolinians? Is it blacks? Share your wisdom with the great unwashed, Joy!

Best reply to Joy was from Byron Donalds, Congressman from Florida, who said: "Why the hell are we even listening to Joy Behar".  From there, he went pretty much negative on Joy.

Liberals are trying to float the idea of a "one time wealth tax" on the rich. First, there is no such thing as a "one time" tax or even a temporary tax in this country. In 1971, I worked part time at a service station. On the sale of tires, there was a Federal excise tax to collect that had been passed during WW2 as a temporary measure. The war ended in 1945, the tax was still alive and well in 1971. Second, how do you turn a rich Democrat into a Republican? Pass that wealth tax. LeBron James could end up playing for Trump.

Democrats are Communists. They want to reward lack of effort and penalize success. 

In Michigan where "Whacko Whitmer" still occupies the Royal Palace, Wayne County (Detroit) had a positive test rate last week of 14.0%. Adjacent to Wayne County, Washtenaw County had a positive test rate of 3.2%. How does the virus detect the county line? Tell me again about how lockdowns work.

I know that COVID-19 is on the ropes and will be gone soon because I have read the news. Yesterday, there was finally a story about the Opioid epidemic that was going to kill us all. Of course, that was in the year 1 B.C. (Before COVID). It seems that the opioid epidemic is still raging, there was just no one in the news media paying attention. 

Why have we had so many riots in the last year? Could there be a correlation between angry mobs and lockdowns?  People who are working 40 hours a week and taking care of their families don't have the time to riot.

Maybe after the current crisis has ended, we can discuss the psychological effects of lockdowns and job losses on the American public. Let's start with a look at the climb in the suicide rates. When you read an obituary and see that someone "died suddenly", that's usually a code term for suicide. Tragically, the rate has climbed among teens. People who have not been in schools and not allowed to visit with friends are suffering. The 17 year old son of an acquaintance "died suddenly" a couple of weeks ago. Are suicide victims any less dead because it wasn't COVID that killed them or was it?

This week's most overused word in the United States is "transparency". I am just sick of hearing it. The news media screams for "transparency", but they don't provide it. Why don't they allow us to interview them live on television. Let's find out who reporters voted for or against. Tell us about your family. How much do you make a year? Who do you donate money to? What are your religious beliefs? Why do you support Biden? If you want me to believe your reporting about anything, I am going to need to know more about how your opinions came to exist. If not, shut the hell up about transparency.

In Arizona on Thursday night, two police officers were hit by a felon in a stolen car. One was killed, the other is in critical condition. Three state troopers had minor injuries that were not life threatening. Also injured was a car dealership employee. Was this the top story on your news today? There is no mention of it on the News & Record web site.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Questions never asked?

 Why are people outraged by a sign that says "White Lives Matter"?

Why hasn't Joe Biden talked about his job creating skills when he worked in the private sector?

Without looking it up, how many people worked for Biden in his business before he ran for office? Who knows his record as a "job creator"?

Are there any Democrats who were successful in business before entering politics?

When will the Justice Department be renamed to more accurately describe its actual function? I guess Hit Men has already been used somewhere else?

How does the COVID virus know whether you are outside or inside?

If vaccinations work, who were all of those masked douchebags in the House chamber last night?

Why has it taken Roy Cooper 34 years in elected office (16 years as Attorney General) to finally discover "systemic racism"?

Was Joe Biden referring to Obama as "clean", an example of systemic racism?

Do we call people with an associates degree, "Associate" or maybe just "Ass"?  Do we call people with a bachelor's degree, "Bachelor"? Do we call people with a master's degree, "Master"? The answer to all of these is "NO". So why is everyone one with a doctor's degree suddenly demanding to be called "Doctor"? Do we have Jill "Call me Doctor" Biden to thank for this? I don't even call my medical doctor, Doctor. I am damn sure not calling some twit with a doctorate in education "Doctor". If a doctorate in education is so important, why are the public schools cranking out illiterates like Mars cranks out M&Ms?

Last night in Boone, two deputies were killed by a gunman. Why isn't this the lead story on every news program? Governor Cooper "tweeted" about this. What would have been his reaction if two deputies killed a young black man? Have we heard from Biden about this? Why do liberals praise criminals when they are killed by the police?

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Capitol Capers

 Joe Biden will address a sampling of elected officials tonight at the Capitol. Nancy Pelosi scheduled this "address to a joint session of Congress" knowing that the House is not in session. She also knew that House Republicans were meeting in Florida this week. I am sure that these are all just coincidences.

Democrats are calling for everyone to get vaccinated. They are only allowing 200 vaccinated people into a room that will seat over a thousand folks. If they believe that vaccinations work, why don't they demonstrate that belief? Instead, 200 fully vaccinated people will be socially distancing and wearing at least one mask. Why bother getting a shot if nothing changes??

Talking with a friend the other day, he mentioned after years of running for President, Biden has finally achieved his goal. The only question is whether Joe knows that he has accomplished his goal. I am betting that he doesn't. America, where a man with dementia is leading the way.  If it's okay with you, I will just wait for the next train.

I can't believe that the Democrats aren't pushing the whole "herd immunity" thing harder. They already have their supporters in the "herd mentality" mode. 

Biden keeps talking about taxing the rich. The only fly in that ointment is that there aren't enough rich people to carry that load. The math just doesn't work. Rich people investing their money helps create jobs. Rich people paying heavy taxes keeps jobs from being created. Quick, name a private business that Joe Biden created. I will wait!

Liberals are now telling us that math is "racist". Liberals don't understand math and how it works. They don't understand equations. If you pay someone $15 an jour to cook hamburgers, the price of hamburgers goes up. That's one of those equations concepts. You have to work on both sides of the equation, you can't ignore the one side.

I rarely recommend other sites, but I started  reading . Try it. 

Ted Budd, my Congressman has announced that he is running for the Senate seat now held by the worthless Richard Burr in 2022. That makes two former Congressmen and a former NC governor running for that seat. By the end of the year, I am forecast to be the only NC Republican not in the race for that seat. 

Friday, April 23, 2021

Friday Free For All

 Is there anyone with more than a room temperature IQ who thinks that Chauvin got a fair trial?  Just for comparison, the last time that I had jury duty, we deliberated six hours on an assault case. In Minneapolis, they deliberated about ten hours on two murder charges and one manslaughter charge. Those people had their minds made up before they left the courtroom.

Sitting in a courthouse surrounded by two walls/fences, one of which is twelve feet tall, were they going to issue a verdict that would test those walls? Why didn't they give Chauvin a change of venue? In the midst of jury selection, the city announced that they had settled with the Floyd family for 27 million dollars. Did that influence anyone? Then Mad Maxine Waters shows up to urge more violence. The Democrats lack the moral courage to curb their attack dogs.

America, where obesity is rampant among those described as "poor". Nobody's missing any meals waiting in line to vote. 

The COVID virus continues to destroy the economy in states with Democratic governors. 

In Michigan, the loon posing as  governor continues to plead with people to follow her rules. Like other people in power, she doesn't follow her own rules. She sneaked off to Florida to visit her father recently. This came after she blamed a rise in cases on college students who had gone to Florida for spring break and brought the virus back with them. Two of her fellow Michigan Democratic leaders also sneaked south for spring break with their children..

Caitlyn Jenner has announced that he/she is running for Governor of California. If there is a state that will elect a transgender to be governor, it is California. Best of luck if you live there.

Cameltoe Harris visited Greensboro the other day. I though that she was in charge of the "border" situation. It's all infrastructure anyway, right? The border could be at Greensboro by fall with Biden's leadership.

I have looked over the Michigan data on COVID 19 cases. Those age 80 and over account for only 5% of the cases. However, they account for 47% of the deaths. If you count all of those 60 and over, they account for 24% of the COVID cases. They also account for 90% of the deaths. People under 40 account for 46% of the cases, but only 1% of the deaths. So given this data, they kept the schools closed for almost a year? What sense does this make? Why not just quarantine the old people?

Am I the only person who thinks that Fauci is just a liar?

I heard a reporter refer to Fauci as "America's Doctor". Two points. First, I would prefer a doctor who has actually practiced medicine in the last forty years. Second, I have fired a few of my doctors along the way. It's time for Fauci to pack his medical bag with masks and get the hell out. 

It turned out that the Capitol Hill police officer that Democrats claimed was beaten to death by demonstrators with a fire extinguisher died of natural causes. The facts were that he had no trauma injuries and died the next day from two strokes. The media is suddenly silent about this. Why?

LeBron James, Joy Behar, Chuck Todd, Joe Biden, Gavin Newsome, Don Lemon, Nancy Pelosi, Anthony Fauci. Who knew there were so many ways to spell "STUPID"?

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Are there any questions?

 I cleaned out my briefcase today. You know you are old if you still use a briefcase. It's not a laptop bag, it's a briefcase. I bought it in 1988. It was made of belting leather by Hartman. I just checked on eBay, it's worth as much today as it was when I bought it. In my briefcase, I store little memories of my life. I also keep things that I like to read periodically for help or inspiration. My older son is charged with destroying my briefcase and contents when my checkout time comes. So what's in there? Read on.. 

Norman Vincent Peale and his Foundation for Christian Living used to publish a little magazine/pamphlet monthly that contained three sections that you could tear apart and read and maybe even share. It was called "Plus The Magazine of Positive Thinking".  It is now called Plus, The Magazine of Faith. and is published by Guideposts, which was also started by the Peales.

Anyway, in the April 1990 issue, there was an article excerpted from Robert Fulghum's most recent book (at the time)  It Was On Fire When I Lay Down on It. It's a story called What Is The Meaning of Life? and subtitled Are There Any Questions? It has been in my briefcase for more 32 years, I am sharing it with you today. Enjoy.

Are there any questions?

excerpted from IT WAS ON FIRE WHEN I LAY DOWN ON IT, by Robert Fulghum

"Are there any questions?"

An offer that comes at the end of college lectures and long meetings. Said when an audience is not only overdosed with information, but when there is no time left anyhow. At times like that you sure do have questions. Like, "Can we leave now?" and "What the hell was this meeting for anyhow?" and "Where can I get a drink?" The gesture is supposed to indicate openness on the part of the speaker, I suppose, but if in fact you do ask a question, both the speaker and the audience will give you drop-dead looks. And some fool--some earnest idiot--always asks. And the speaker always answers. By repeating most of what he has already said.

But if there is a little time left and there is a little silence in response to the invitation, I usually ask the most important question of all: "What is the meaning of life?"

You never know - somebody may have the answer, and I'd really hate to miss it. It is usually taken as a kind of absurdist move - people laugh and nod and gather up their stuff and the meeting is dismissed on that ridiculous note.

Once, and only once, I asked the question and got a serious answer. One that is with me still.

I went to an institute dedicated to human understanding and peace on the isle of Crete. At the last session on the last morning of a two-week seminar on Greek culture, led by intellectuals and experts in their fields, Alexander Papaderos rose from his chair at the back of the room and walked to the front, where he stood in the bright Greek sunlight of an open window and looked out. We followed his gaze across the bay to the iron cross marking a German cemetery from WWII. He turned and made the ritual gesture: "Are there any questions?"

Quiet quilted the room. These two weeks had generated enough questions for a lifetime, but for now there was only silence. "No questions?" Papaderos swept the room with his eyes. So, I asked. "Dr. Papaderos, what is the meaning of life?" The usual laughter followed, and people stirred to go. Papaderos held up his hand and stilled the room and looked at me for a long time, asking with his eyes if I was serious, and seeing from my eyes that I was.

"I will answer your question." Taking his wallet out of his hip pocket, he fished into his leather billfold and brought out a very small round mirror, about the size of a quarter. And what he said went like this:

"When I was a small child, during the war, we were very poor and we lived in a remote village. One day, on the road, I found the broken pieces of a mirror. A German motorcycle had been wrecked in that place. I tried to find all the pieces and put them together, but it was not possible, so I kept only the largest piece. This one. And by scratching it on a stone, I made it round.

I began to play with it as a toy and became fascinated by the fact that I could reflect light into dark places where the sun would never shine - in deep holes and crevices and dark closets. It became a game for me to get light into the most inaccessible places I could find. I kept the little mirror, and as I went about my growing up, I would take it out in idle moments and continue the challenge of the game. As I became a man, I grew to understand that this was not just a child's game, but a metaphor for what I might do with my life.

I came to understand that I am not the light or the source of the light. But light - truth, understanding, knowledge - is there, and it will only shine in many dark places if I reflect it. I am a fragment of a mirror who's whole design and shape I do not know. Nevertheless, with what I have, I can reflect light into the dark places of this world - into the black places in the hearts of men - and change some things in some people. Perhaps others may see and do likewise. This is what I am about. This is the meaning of my life."

And then he took his small mirror and, holding it carefully, caught the bright rays of daylight streaming through the window and reflected them onto my face and onto my hands folded on the desk.

Much of what I experienced in the way of information about Greek culture and history that summer is gone from memory. But in the wallet of my mind I carry a small round mirror still.

Are there any questions????

Sunday Morning Coming Down

 Today's post is named after the Johnny Cash hit song of 1970. However, Cash was not the first country singer to record that song. The first person to record it was Ray Stevens in 1969. It didn't work for Ray as well as Ahab the Arab. For you trivia buffs, the song was written by Rhodes Scholar, former Army Ranger and helicopter pilot, and long time liberal Kris Kristofferson.

Looking over the news this morning, on early Saturday morning there was an earthquake near Statesville, NC. According to this report from WXII-TV, "About four people reported feeling the earthquake, according to USGS."

How can "about four people" feel an earthquake? "About a hundred", "about a thousand", even "about fifty people" would have made sense. But "about four"? It's either four or it is not. If it is five, write five.  If it is three, write three.  "About four people" is news or government speak for "Hell, we just don't know how many.". 

KHOU-11in Houston reported that a woman had been charged with a hate crime assault on an Asian woman at a beauty supply store owned by the Asian woman and her family. In the story KHOU reports "on their way out of the store, her son said he heard one of the women say, ‘Asian people shouldn't be in the Black market.’” Notice how KHOU capitalized "Black" in Black market. Did they capitalize "Black" in their description of the woman charged, Keaundra Young? Of course not. They never mentioned her race. In a story about hate crimes based on race, they failed to disclose the race of the assailant. How convenient! This is the Cultural revolution in America today being waged by the left. Is Joe Biden the new Chairman Mao? Nobody understood what Mao was saying, either.

On local television this morning, I made a fifteen minute foray to the box. On NBC, Chuck Todd and the hair pasted to his forehead interviewed Gov. Whitmer of Michigan, who blamed her limited response to another virus surge on Republicans suing her earlier. On Fox, as Chris Wallace started talking, I could feel the pressure building in my chest and I switched stations. I hated his father too. On the local news, someone is raising money for a new playground because the old one is "not meeting the mental and emotional needs of our children". It's a playground, dumbass! It's for physical exercise. Get the damn iPads out of their fat little hands and let them play!!

 When I was a kid, we played stickball in the street. Kids today would have to Google "stick" if they found one. According to Wikipedia, stickball is normally played in the streets of large Northeastern cities like New York or Philadelphia. I grew up playing it in Tampa. Thank God we didn't have Wikipedia to tell us that we weren't supposed to play this game.

On April 9, the US Supreme Court struck down another attempt by California Governor Newsom to regulate the free exercise of religion during the COVID crisis. The vote was 5-4 with the alleged conservative Chief Justice John Roberts joining the court's three leftists. This was the FIFTH ruling by the court about California religious restrictions.  The new standard for "slow learners" is the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals who lead the league in decisions overturned by the Supremes. The majority made this note in their ruling.  “This is the fifth time the [Supreme] Court has summarily rejected the Ninth Circuit’s analysis of California’s COVID restrictions on religious exercise.” Maybe this time, the morons at the Ninth Circuit  will read this ruling.

The COVID virus continues to wreak havoc in states governed by Democrats. There is obviously some social interaction disorder among Democrats.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Free Shot Friday 4.16

 Sadly, there was another shooting on the news today. Apparently, a disgruntled fired employee returned to FedEx and killed several people. At this point, it doesn't look like any of the measures that gun control activists claim will stop violence actually work. The FBI was aware of his issues. A gun had been taken away from him. He had mental health issues. The list goes on. What would have stopped him? Another person with a gun. Instead of armed citizens, Biden wants more unarmed victims. When Facebook and Twitter facilities are invaded by armed crazies, they will understand the need for armed citizens. Biden is probably the most heavily guarded man on the planet, does he worry about the rest of us? No!!

Dr. Fauci is incapable of giving a specific answer. It's time to put him out to pasture. That's a polite term for "fire the bastard". Maybe they are afraid that he will come back and shoot up some federal building?

Gary Player's son has been banned from the Masters for holding a box of golf balls where viewers could see the label during a television shoot. His career path should lead him to NASCAR. 

Kids have been going to school in Florida for months. Here in NC, they are returning to school at last. If you think that "virtual learning" works, I still have that oceanfront property in West Virginia for sale.

Liberals who have been attacking Georgia for the last couple of weeks were busy criticizing Augusta National Golf Club this weekend during the Masters. The concept of "Private Club" is lost on liberals, although many probably belong to one. Why don't liberals protest in front of a clubhouse for the Outlaws Motorcycle Club and demand that they admit a more diverse crowd? Why don't those liberals sue Hell's Angels for discrimination? 

Joe Biden wants to banish "ghost guns". How many young black men in Chicago have been killed with a gun someone made from a kit? 

People in Chicago are angry that a policeman shot a thirteen year old who was shooting at other people. They are mad because he was a cop. They obviously don't care about young people killing each other in Chicago.

When did the killing of a white man by police last make the national news? Can you name the last white man killed by police? Yet more whites are killed every year than blacks.  Where was the last town burned and looted after a white man was killed by police? But there's no bias in the media, you just forgot where you read that.

How does looting a Wal-Mart or Target honor a dead person? How does burning your city advance your cause?

Facebook has banned people from sharing a New York Post story about the four houses (valued at over $3 million) purchased by a founder of Black Lives Matter. This woman is a Marxist like Bernie Sanders is a socialist. I think Sanders only has three houses.

There's a private, segregated club operating in our nation's capital and we are all supporting it with our tax dollars. It is the Congressional Black Caucus, which has never had a white member. Is this not the very definition of racism?

Biden has moved the withdrawal date for Americans from Afghanistan to September 11. Trump wanted them out by May 1. Obviously, September 11 is a symbolic date. How many more Americans will die for that symbolism between May 1 and September 11?

In January of 1838, Abraham Lincoln spoke to the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, IL. Here are a few points from that speech.

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.

I hope I am over wary; but if I am not, there is, even now, something of ill-omen, amongst us. I mean the increasing disregard for law which pervades the country; the growing disposition to substitute the wild and furious passions, in lieu of the sober judgment of Courts; and the worse than savage mobs, for the executive ministers of justice. This disposition is awfully fearful in any community; and that it now exists in ours, though grating to our feelings to admit, it would be a violation of truth, and an insult to our intelligence, to deny. Accounts of outrages committed by mobs, form the every-day news of the times. They have pervaded the country, from New England to Louisiana;

There is no grievance that is a fit object of redress by mob law. In any case that arises, as for instance, the promulgation of abolitionism, one of two positions is necessarily true; that is, the thing is right within itself, and therefore deserves the protection of all law and all good citizens; or, it is wrong, and therefore proper to be prohibited by legal enactments; and in neither case, is the interposition of mob law, either necessary, justifiable, or excusable.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Making Heroes out of Zeros

 The liberal media and their mobs are at it again. A young black man was shot by police in Minnesota the other night. As the media works to elevate Daunte Wright to sainthood, it's time for us to see how this process works.

In this case, the officer appears to have shot him accidentally as she thought she was firing her Taser and was screaming "taser" as she struggled with Wright. There have been other cases where a firearm was discharged instead of a Taser. That sounds like a training issue to me or a cop panicking as they  try to apprehend someone unwilling to be arrested.

By the time that the media finishes telling this story, the Pope will be compelled by the left to elevate Wright to sainthood. This is just another story of a career petty criminal who didn't want to obey the law. 

What do many of these "senseless killings" described by the media have in common? First, despite the fact that almost twice as many white people are killed as black people by police, the media would have us believe that almost all those killed by the police are black.. 

The death rate in proportion to their percentage of the population is higher for blacks.  Liberals cite this as proof of "racism". The fact that liberals love to ignore is that all cultures obey the laws at different rates. 

Wright was stopped by the police for an expired registration. Then they saw that he was violating the law about things hanging from the rear view mirror. Wright also had an outstanding arrest warrant for a handgun violation. After the office fired, Wright still drove away several blocks before he died and wrecked or wrecked and died.

As Joe Biden has been lecturing us on the evils of firearms, certainly he would applaud the police for apprehending someone who had been charged with having a handgun illegally. Joe has been silent on this issue.

These cases all seem to involve young black men with a history of petty crimes and/or drug use. Many have warrants for their arrest outstanding. Many times drugs or alcohol are involved in their being stopped by the police. Given all of these circumstances, why do young black men choose to fight with an armed police officer?

The media will drag out family members to talk about what a great guy the deceased man was. Do they ever ask if he actually helped raise the children he fathered? Will they ask if he paid child support for his children or were they dependent on government programs? Of course not. They won't ask because the answer is that government programs have destroyed the family unit in the black community and the actions of these young men is a result of that. It won't get any better until we accept those facts. It takes more than a government handout to raise a child.

Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Woeful Wednesday

 Major League Baseball moved the All-Star game from Georgia, which requires Voter ID, to Denver, Colorado, which requires Voter ID. I am having a little trouble following their thinking. They purport to be worried about minorities. Denver is 76% white, while Atlanta is 51% black. I think that someone is confused.

MLB should have moved the All--Star game to Minneapolis so that the world could see what urban renewal by BLM mobs looks like.

CBS continues to stand by their attack on Ron DeSantis. They claim that they edited his remarks for "clarity". Had they covered JFK's inaugural address, they would have reduced it to "your country can do for you". Maybe if they had "edited for clarity" and shown Clinton saying, "I had sex with that woman", they might have a little credibility. Not a chance, they worship Democrats.  CBS, Constantly Broadcasting Swill. Actually, swill was my second choice of words.

Rep. Alcee Hastings assumed room temperature yesterday. His career as a federal judge ended with impeachment and removal for taking a bribe. So with that background, he naturally went to Congress. Who was the last Congressman removed for taking bribes? 

The Hastings case shows the sad state of American politics today. People in Congress are elected to life terms. I am willing to bet that if they put Hastings on the ballot in 2022, he would win. Hastings is a no longer walking case for term limits.

Obama and his errand boy Biden both appointed "Czars" for various positions. "Czars" are Cabinet-level positions that do not require Senate confirmation. This sounds a lot like circumventing the law. This is like calling the Paris Climate Agreement an "accord" instead of a "treaty" so that it doesn't require Senate approval.  By the way, in Russia, Czars were the last government before the communists took charge.

You can call a sack of shit a President, but it is still Joe Biden. 

How long before some guy in Washington, DC gets rear-ended by Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg?

"Call me Dr." Jill Biden does not speak Spanish as well as she thinks. Last week she butchered something in a speech which is the only reason her speech received any attention. If it's any consolation Dr. Jill, I don't speak Spanish either.

Biden's cabinet gathered for a picture which they released as a "A Cabinet that looks like America". As it shows a group of leftists wearing masks after they have all been inoculated against a disease, it's a picture of a  bunch of losers.

Biden is pushing the idea of Vaccine Passports. This from a guy letting in thousands of illegal immigrants carrying the disease on the southern border. The Biden Plan is for citizens to need a passport to enter a business, illegals need nothing to enter the country. 

Tuesday Takeout

 Delta Air Lines flies to China, but thinks that the government in Georgia is destroying the right to vote. Should I call their CEO, Ed Bastian, and ask him about early voting in China? If Bastian thinks that China is a better place than Georgia, he should know that Delta is ready when you are!!

I saw Keith Olbermann on the news last night. His veterinarian needs to update his rabies vaccine. I think that I saw some foaming in the corner of his mouth. I didn't like him when he just did sports. I can't believe that sober people could stand to listen to what he says.

Someone needs to explain to Coca-Cola, Delta, and all of these other "woke" companies that half the country did not vote for Lying Biden. Who in the world of business decides that pissing off half of your customers is a growth program? Shut up and make soft drinks!! Get rid of Coke Zero, however aptly named.

Ballot drop boxes? I will believe that those things are a good idea on the day that the IRS announces that you can deposit your tax returns and payments in those things. In neighborhoods where there are bars over all of the windows of homes and businesses, how secure are those ballot drop boxes?

I love all of the controversy about whether or not water and snacks can be passed out to people waiting in line at polling places in Georgia. Let's see, we can't have Voter ID because Democrats claim that their voters aren't competent enough to get a free government ID. So Democrats have to pick up their voters and drive them to the polls on Election Day because they couldn't make it on any of those early voting days. I guess the absentee ballot thing was too hard to master as well. Then at the polls they have to give them drinks and snacks because they aren't capable of remembering to feed themselves. Are the voters dressed appropriately for the weather on Election Day? If not, are the Democrats going to supply coats, hats, gloves, umbrellas, socks, shoes, and any other clothing needed to vote? They already give them a list of candidates that they need to vote for in the election. What do the Democrats give them as a reward for voting on the ride back home? If you don't believe this happens, you voted for Biden. Why would we allow these people, who if they are as incompetent as Democrats claim they are, to vote?

CBS and 60 Minutes tried to pull off a scam with a story on Ron DeSantis of Florida. They edited video to distort a story about Covid vaccines and Publix and DeSantis. It's so blatantly false that Democrats are coming forward to defend DeSantis and attack CBS. DeSantis is obviously a front runner in the 2024 Presidential race if CBS is attacking this early.

I bought a John Deere dump cart at Lowes today. The instructions were written in English and Spanish. I am not sure of the language of the illustrations. I can't emphasize this strongly enough, but if they offer assembly for $100 or less, take it. I spent two hours putting this thing together, In addition, I used about 90% of my profanity vocabulary in this effort. To put this into perspective, last year I dropped the gas tank on my truck and replaced the fuel pump in less time that this cart assembly required. Maybe spending a couple of hundred bucks on something that was going to stimulate my anger was not what stimulus checks were meant to do??

Monday, April 05, 2021

Easter Monday

 When I returned to North Carolina in 1983, Easter Monday was still a holiday. Good Friday was just another day. Over the years, the holiday has changed to Good Friday but some cities and businesses still observe Easter Monday. In the restaurant business, we celebrate neither. 

I read a newsletter from American Spectator on weekdays and they sent it today, despite Easter Monday. It contained the one-liner of the day from writer Daniel Flynn.                                                                  Rolled Away Stone      To the surprise of many, George Floyd did not rise yesterday.

Tampa Bay Bucs player Carlton Davis posted on Twitter "Gotta stop letting gooks in Miami". He claims that he did not know that it was a racial slur against Asians. Put me down as a non-believer on his explanation. I have heard lots of blacks speak in a derogatory fashion about Asians. Yet blacks keep calling the rest of us racists. 

The USA Today also capitalizes "Black", but not "white". It's that subtle racism that liberals always rant about to conservatives.

Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina has called out Major League Baseball on their stand regarding Voter ID. It seems that MLB requires a photo ID for fans to pick up tickets at "Will Call" windows across the leagues. Let's see, ID required to buy game ticket is good. ID to vote is bad. Does this make sense to anyone with more than a room temperature IQ?

Larry Thornberry points out that in all 30 of their ballparks, MLB requires a photo ID from everyone to purchase beer. Larry is on the plus side of seventy and thought the concession guy was joking about the ID. He wasn't.  Yet MLB attacks Georgia for asking for an ID before you can vote for President?

A friend received an Easter Sunday e-mail from their church with the title "Chris Arose". This is what happens when we depend on Spell Check and don't prufread. 

Sunday, April 04, 2021

Easter Musings

 Life was easier when by this time on Easter, I was groaning from eating all the ham that I could stand and chasing it with chocolate eggs. 

Congressman Jeff Duncan of South Carolina has instructed his staff to draw up legislation ending baseball's antitrust exemption. Let's not waste any time.

It's time for us to start eliminating all of the tax breaks that major league sports teams get from state and local governments. Either eliminate the tax breaks or have them give the local government a percentage of their business. Why keep building stadiums and the infrastructure required to support them for a bunch of greedy ingrates?

I knew I should not have watched the television news this morning. The good thing about this segment was that it was actually labeled as an editorial. Michelle Butt, the General manager of WXII TV in Winston-Salem moaned about how the Chauvin trial in Minneapolis trial was causing all of her "friends of color" to have to live through all of the George Floyd tragedy again. Maybe if Floyd had not chosen to take an overdose of drugs, this could have been avoided? Of course, those particular words never crossed her lips. She expressed no concern about her friends who support law enforcement are having to live through this kangaroo court.  Any lingering doubts about the news media's liberal bias have been vanquished.

Picked up a NERF gun at a yard sale yesterday. It holds 30 rounds. How long before Biden wants to outlaw it?

Words and phrases that should be banished from our language:   Hashtag, "social media", "people of color", "systemic racism", reparations, "public education", pandemic, social distancing, face covering, professional sports, "going viral", influencers, "college students", tweet, Obamacare.

One of Biden's dogs dropped a log in a hallway at the White House the other day. It didn't get quite the press reaction that Biden putting a log on the fire in the Oval Office received. Why are the dogs allowed to roam the building when taxpayers can't? Or was the dog just giving his opinion on Joe's performance?

Bidencare? Because Obamacare doesn't suck as bad as it could. Joe can make it worse.

Modelo beer commercials are the height of racism. Ever seen one where the person who is celebrated  is not Latino? 

Saturday, April 03, 2021

Reflections and Rants from the Road

 My wife and I returned home a few days ago from a visit to LA to see her brother and sister and their families. No, LA is not Lower Alabama, though we traverse that region to get to Louisiana, the LA mentioned.

Who knew that COVID-19 could differentiate between states with Republican governors and those with Democrat governors? It must be the only disease to strike people based on voter registration.

Our schedule of travel worked out to allow me to stop at the flea market in Pass Christian, Mississippi on the trip down to LA. It's not a big flea market, but it is the cleanest flea market that I have visited. I bought a few great books there at yard sale prices. I may have bought a few tools as well. My favorite find was "The story the soldiers wouldn't tell, Sex in the Civil War".  This was the 1994 edition, not the more recent edition with the catchy cover design. It will be available at the next antique show that I attend.

The government continues to pay people to not work as the highways and byways are filled with "Now Hiring" signs. Instead of bitching out your local business people with complaints about staffing levels, call your Congressman. They are the ones responsible for this situation. You could call Biden, but by the time they "circle back" to you, the world will have ended.

Coca-Cola has caused me to have to change my funeral arrangements. I had told me wife and family that I wanted a buffet served at my memorial service and Coke was to be the beverage of choice. Due to diabetes, I haven't had a Coke in 21 years. Until this week, it was still my favorite soft drink. Now that Coke is "woke", I wouldn't drink a Coke if they paid me. I will have the kids  award a prize to anyone who shows up at the memorial service carrying a "Coke Sucks" sign.

Major League baseball is  now a branch of the Democratic Party. It's time to end that antitrust exemption that they enjoy. They moved the All-Star game away from a majority black city that supported Biden. How does this make sense? Vote for Democrats and then they take your game away? Really?

The Woke Dopes at Delta oppose the Georgia law requiring Voter ID. Interestingly enough, they require ID to get on their planes.

Just for the record, the Constitution does not speak of Election Days, it says "Election Day".

What happened to the opioid epidemic that was going to destroy the nation? Did all of the addicts die from COVID?

Heard anything about that shooter in Boulder lately? Of course not. He doesn't fit the profile the media needs to keep spreading lies. He's an immigrant and Islamic.

The Associated Press capitalizes "Black" when describing a person's race. They do not capitalize "white". I will need this one explained to me. 

How about the guy who crashed into a barricade at the Capitol and caused the death of an officer? The media describes him as "a follower of Louis Farrakhan" and  involved with "The Nation of Islam". Why don't they save words and just describe him as a "Black Muslim"? It would be quicker and more accurate..

Bored and looking for something to do? When you read a story about someone committing hate crimes against Asian-Americans, look for a photo of the suspect. Let me be kind about this, some ethnic groups are disproportionately represented in this crime. Start with the guy who beat and kicked a 65 year old Asian woman in New York last week. He was on parole for stabbing his mother to death a few years ago. New York, where masks are mandatory and common sense in government is optional.

Pentagon computers get hacked, CIA computers get hacked, all of the security agencies have computer issues, your bank account gets hacked, your credit cards are child's play for hackers, BUT voting machines cannot be hacked or rigged. If you believe this to be true, call me immediately for a chance to purchase some oceanfront acreage in West Virginia.

If Andrew Cuomo were a Republican, protesters would be storming the Governor's mansion. "Women must be believed??" What happened?