The Emperor Has No Clothes
I rarely, if ever, share a video on this blog This video is so accurate that I am sharing it. Watching this is the best 12 or 13 minutes that you will spend today.
There must be more than this to life!! Reflections on the perils of parenthood, politics, passing sixty, accumulating (collecting), tools, The South, The Civil War, old cars, and assorted ailments. Not to mention my obsession with stupid people!!
I rarely, if ever, share a video on this blog This video is so accurate that I am sharing it. Watching this is the best 12 or 13 minutes that you will spend today.
Those calling for "Medicare for all" have never been on Medicare.
Biden picked a lawyer to run the Health and Human Services Department. The only good news is that it wasn't Roy Cooper.
The idiots from the Lincoln Project are now saying that they will never support another Republican. Of course, for this to be any kind of a threat, they would have had to supported a Republican at some point in time. I don't think that any of them actually even know who Lincoln was.
How much will the $600 stimulus check end up costing me in increased taxes over the next 20 years? It would be cheaper if I just sent the government $600 today.
In the U.S. Constitution, Congress sets a national Election Day. Notice that "day" is singular. It sets a day, not days. Let's bag all of this voting for weeks crap and get back to the basics.
Biden claims that the stimulus bill being considered now is a "down payment" for people. Why doesn't he get his friends, the Democratic governors, to open up their states?
I keep hearing that Biden's Cabinet will "look like America". I am sorry, but someone in the Biden camp needs to examine the nation's demographics and tell Joe he needs some white folks in there.
Biden the Moron has nominated Pete Buttigieg as his Secretary of Transportation. Buttigieg was the mayor of a town with a bus system consisting of 66 busses. What qualifies him to head up the Department of Transportation? Does gay sex in the back seat of a car qualify one for a Cabinet position? Don't ask, don't tell? Thank God he didn't have a GI Joe as a child or Biden would have made him the Secretary of Defense.
I have always thought that the development of the smart phone marked the beginning of the end for Western civilization. Of course, that was before Roy Cooper and Joe Biden were both elected in the same year.
In North Carolina, we are told that Trump won, Cooper won, Mark Robinson won as Lt. Governor, and Cooper's appointee as NC Chief Justice was defeated. If this is actually true, we have an enormous problem with schizophrenia or people are unable to read the ballots. Maybe we need to bring back those literacy tests for voters?
National Mask Burning Day is on January 20 at noon. Extra credit if your mask has a Biden insult on it.
Andrew Cuomo has told New York residents that he will be raising their taxes. With New York tax rates battling California for the highest in the nation, this should be interesting. When the revolution comes in New York, I am betting they hang Cuomo by his nipple rings.
We will soon be facing a similar situation here in North Carolina. Democratic governors don't understand that when you shut down a state, destroy the economy, and cause the layoffs of millions of working class people, tax revenues will drop. Hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians have gone without paychecks while the moron ordering the closings has not missed a single paycheck. There is something wrong with this system. How many state workers have had their hours reduced or their jobs ended by the moron's decrees? Is it anywhere near the percentage of private sector employees who have lost their jobs? I doubt it.
Not only do state income tax revenues drop, so do sales tax revenues. Surely, anyone with at least a room temperature could have seen this one coming. This is what happens when we elect lawyers to leadership posts.
The states want the federal government to bail them out with another COVID relief(?) bill. Pardon me, but where the hell do you think that money is going to come from? Just in case you missed it, the federal government is also broke. They just have a bigger line of credit than the state governments do.
I love people in state and local governments who have no understanding of where "federal funds" come from. Roy Cooper, Head Moron in North Carolina, likes to talk about how Medicaid expansion is "free" because the federal government will pay for it. At a county commission meeting years ago, some woman droned on about a program that the county should join because it was free. When she said that it would be paid with "federal monies", I asked if she paid any federal taxes. It took 5 minutes for me to explain to an adult government official how taxes support the entire government structure. "Federal money" is not manna from heaven. As Zig Ziglar used to say, "There ain't no free lunch." Even better was Dolly Parton telling Burt Reynolds in Best Little Whorehouse about a risk he was taking. Burt was going to his in-town girlfriend's house for Thanksgiving Dinner. Dolly told him, "You better be careful. One day, there's going to be a hook in that turkey that's going to drag your ass to a wedding chapel." There's a hook in all "federal monies".
Last shot. Why are government employees all "essential", but only a few of the rest of us are "essential". Do state employees pay enough taxes to pay themselves if the rest of us aren't working?
January 20, 2021 is National Mask Burning Day. Join us at noon. I told a couple of women about this and they wanted to know if they could burn bras also. I told them that I am okay with that.
"Women must be believed", said liberals everywhere. Of course, that was before a Democratic woman accused Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment. Try to find this story on any of the major networks. It's a tough call as to which group is bigger hypocrites, the media or the Democrats. Look for this story to die quickly. What the Democrats actually said was "Women must be believed when they talk about Republicans. Otherwise, they are liars."
The NC Governor's Crime Commission has released their report on why drivers are stopped by police. The racist news in the report is that white drivers are cited or arrested at a higher percentage than are black drivers. How does this result compare with the media reports?
Joe "The Joke' Biden has told his supporters to stop talking about "defunding the police" until after the Georgia Senate elections are over. Now why would Joe do that?
I posted a few signs from my outreach ministry (see earlier post) in my spaces at the Raleigh Market at the State Fairgrounds ;last weekend. I got lots of comments about them. Several people took pictures of the signs. Apparently, conservative protesters are so scarce that people need photographic evidence when they tell their friends about it.
In the protest line of thought, I am trying to start a National Mask Burning Day on January 20. I am asking people to gather at noon and to celebrate the inauguration of the first moron by burning a pile of face masks. Joe Blow wants us to wear a mask for 100 days because it is patriotic. Joe can neither spell nor define "patriotic".
There is a commercial on television touting Trevor Noah and his "comedy" show. This guy is alive because it is illegal to kill him. Here's a guy from South Africa lecturing us on "racism". I am certain that South Africa, regardless of who is running it now, is hardly a paragon of good race relations. Let's get one of the few white people left in South Africa to give us their perspective. Also, Noah is unable to differentiate between protests and rioting. Looting and burning are not protests, Trevor. They are just criminal activity.
In Greensboro, where the murder count continues to climb to new heights, the City Council wants to limit what police can do. They also want the police to cut the murder rate. City Council members should be compelled to spend a night shift a week riding with a police officer.
I saw where some idiot liberal, it may have been Joe Blow, said that we need to get psychologists and psycho-therapists to handle some of these 911 calls. As you can barely get an appointment with one of these guys between 9 and 5, how the hell are you going to get them out at 2:00 AM to deal with a drug crazed 300 pound maniac? I would pay to watch that. I grew up at the Waffle House, I know what happens at 2:00 AM and it is not pretty. After handling about one lunatic, the psychologist would be begging to carry a gun.
The real problem here is that those wanting to "solve" these problems have had no personal experiences with these problems. Let's get them some education on these situations!! Give them some on the job experience. You will hear some different viewpoints quickly.
Gov. Roy Crapper has announced a 10:00 PM to 5:00 AM curfew for the peasants of North Carolina. In addition, alcohol may not be served after 9:00 PM. Who knew that Crapper is both a moron and a Puritan? Gov. Crapper is following the lead of his boyfriend, Gov. Gruesome in California. There is no statistical proof available that demonstrates curfews can stop COVID-19. But why let facts get in the way?
It appears that those wearing masks are dying at higher rates than those not wearing masks. I really can't be sure as newspapers and magazines won't print anything that contradicts the liberal wisdom and online monopolists censor anything they don't like. Like facts?
In North Carolina, we are in day 272 of Crapper's 15 day plan to "flatten the curve". In my profession, if your 15 day plan flops, you try another plan. Not Crapper, he blames everyone else in the world for it failing and just keeps piling on more stupid things. Two hundred years ago, a mob of angry citizens would have already hung this bastard.
We have a lawyer in charge of an effort to stem a disease. Since it isn't working, should we hire a doctor to sue Crapper for malpractice? His chief lieutenant in this effort is a doctor who has no license and has never actually practiced medicine. She went from her residency to politics. Why practice the profession that you studied for so many years? She probably discovered that politicians are immune to malpractice suits and you don't have to wear those white coats. She's a political doctor, she interned in Ted Kennedy's office when she was young. I assume that means that she has good oral skills.
Are we really having a lot more deaths or are they all just being blamed on COVID? Johns Hopkins released a study on this recently, but it was quickly deleted from any sources. It's kind of like a study from Denmark(?) about masks being detrimental to health which no one in the United States will publish.
In Burlington, there is an electronic billboard that reads "Caution: Flattening of the curve ahead". The state is running ads telling folks to "Get Behind the Mask". Why isn't the state subject to Truth in Advertising rules? We could have already sued a private business for claims like this.
The state has no chance of stopping a virus with these rules. You can run ads, you can have catchy slogans, you can promise people the moon, but at the end you can't deliver. The state can't put enough lipstick on this pig to make it look good!
Meanwhile, Brain Dead Biden wants us all to wear a mask for 100 days because it is patriotic. The easy answer here is what the hell does Joe Biden know about American patriotism? Maybe he thinks he is talking to Ukrainians? Where is the science in the 100 days, Joe? Does something magic happen on day 99?
Just one final point. Last year there were an estimated 700,00 abortions performed in America. My first point is that when we actually get scientific data on how many people died OF COVID and not WITH COVID, we will see that abortion has ended many more lives than COVID. Why do liberals want us to "follow the science" on a virus, but ignore the science on when life begins? Asking for a friend.
Today was the day for my outreach program. I was at the intersection of US 29 and NC 14 at 7:30 this morning and stayed until 9:00 AM. This is my favorite outreach location. It has a lot of traffic and is in conservative Rockingham County.
What did I learn today? COVID has more favorable poll numbers in Rockingham County than does Governor Roy Cooper. People are desperate to take pictures of a crazy man on a corner as I saw several people take pictures of me. I actually had a couple of people stop and ask if they could take a picture of me. Coming to a Facebook page near you? My favorite was a guy in a van who stopped and asked if he could have his passenger take a picture of the two of us while I held my "Impeach Cooper Now" sign.
When it comes to signs, I like to hold one sign and alternate others in sign holders that I keep in the back of the truck just in case I encounter a protesting emergency. The most popular sign today was "Impeach Cooper Now". How popular was it? I had been out there about 30 seconds when a guy driving a crane turned on to the ramp and blew the horn and gave me a thumbs up as he passed. I don't want to speculate how he was steering that rig, but no animals were harmed in that show of solidarity. Roy Cooper, in case you are reading this, reaction from large truck drivers shows your approval levels are crap with truck drivers. I guess that whole "Democrats are the party of the working man" idea is past tense. In keeping with that whole "Truth in Advertising" idea, they should change that slogan to "Democrats are the party of the NON-working man".
I had a couple of folks who disagreed with my positions. One guy who was in a Volvo and had a ponytail gave me a thumbs down. His hippie parents probably took him to vote to make sure he voted Democrat. Some woman yelled something at me and waved a middle finger. You don't get a lot of creativity from angry liberals.
Just in case you need some messages for a sign so that you can experience the joys of pissing off liberals, here's my messages from today. I haven't copyrighted any of them.
1. Impeach Cooper Now!
2. Today is day 270 of Cooper's 15 day plan to stop COVID
3. Curfews Kill Freedom not COVID
4. Cooper hasn't missed a paycheck. Have you?
5. Has your doctor ever prescribed a curfew?
6. Comrade Cooper's Curfew, Bad for NC
7. Defund Democrats
8. Cooper Copies California. They are doing so well.
That's it for tonight. See you out on the roadside!!!
I subscribe to The American Spectator. There are always some great articles to read, but nothing is perfect and sometimes there is something with which I disagree. Usually, I just let it pass, But every once in a while, something grabs my attention and raises my ire. Yesterday was that day. An article by Jed Babbin, an Undersecretary of Defense in the George H.W. Bush administration, sent my blood pressure somewhere close to stroke level. So I sent an e-mail to Melissa MacKenzie, the publisher of The American Spectator. Below is my dispatch to Ms. MacKenzie. I will let you know if she responds.
Good evening Ms. MacKenzie,
I started reading American Spectator in the early 1990's and was a subscriber for a period before the Y2K debacle fizzled. A few months ago, I gave up on the chance to have a stroke while reading "social (?) media" or watching the news and spent my blood pressure med money on a subscription to the American Spectator. I really enjoy your publication even though I don't always agree with it. I enjoy the writing of Ben Stein, Dov Fisher, Scott MacKay and many others. I like to read the daily email from Daniel Flynn, even though I have realized that he is some Yankee who hates Trump and listens to some kind of music that I despised back when I still had hair. And having lived in Central Florida for many years, I am accustomed to enjoying Larry Thornberry's writing.
Enough of the praise, let's move on to the source of my displeasure. I just finished reading Jed Babbin's thoughts on why Trump should not veto the NDAA. His three reasons are the renaming of military bases, the continuation of the war in Afghanistan, and Section 230. I don't even want to discuss Section 230 as I believe that the repeal of that is so obviously needed that Congress will never address it.
Moving on, for more than thirty years Rep. Howard Coble was my Congressman. In 2013, he spoke at my church at the time on a Wednesday evening dinner program. During the question and answer question, I asked Howard "Why do we still have American soldiers in Afghanistan? What in Afghanistan is worth a single American life?" After stammering for a few seconds, Howard finally responded, "Gilbert, I just don't know." Since then, I have asked scores of people that same question and have never received a satisfactory answer. It might have been one of your writers, but I loved a piece that said we were there because the generals realized that it is a honey hole. They are probably right. It is a place for the military to test new weapons, tactics, and systems. It is a place to send officers to get in their "combat zone" time to move them up the promotion list. It's a never ending war game with an acceptable (to the military) level of casualties. It is a place to create bogus heroic images such as Bronze Star recipient Cal Cunningham here in North Carolina. Cal got a Bronze Star for basically practicing law in a war zone. That rivals the legends of John Kerry and his Purple Hearts in Vietnam. Our record on "nation building" is horrible. Let's face a simple fact, Democracy is not right for everyone. There are states in this country to which that would also apply. Babbin's time as a Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, in the George H.W. Bush administration is clearly affecting his ability to reason clearly.
The biggest issue is Babbin's willingness to change the names of military bases. Mr. Babbin wrote that the Confederates had broken their oath of allegiance and made war upon the United States. Babbin needs to pop open a history book and read it. I suggest "Midstream, Lincoln the President" by J.G Randall. Confederates thought that they had a right to leave a relationship that they had willingly joined. Apparently, Yankees viewed it as some sort of Muslim marriage where the man must give his consent for his spouse to leave a failed relationship. Given that Lincoln raised armies and had them invade the southern states makes Mr. Babbin's claim that the Confederates "made war" upon the United States laughable. It's easier to believe that they acted in self defense.
I have had the following discussion with scores of friends and enemies. What liberals and neoconservatives are trying to do is judge people of more than 150 years ago by our morals and standards of today. How does one meet a standard that does not even exist when you are living? When did we decide we were going to set race relations or gender relations as the standards by which we will measure greatness? When did we decide that how one interacts with women is the standard of greatness? What is so bad that it will overrule all of the good that you accomplish in life? They hung the last perfect man on a cross. I am so old that I remember when we believed in redemption and forgiveness.
Here's my last point in the "Confederate" discussion. In 2027, the Martin Luther King FBI files will be unsealed .I will close with questions with which I torment my liberal acquaintances. If the government allows this to happen, what will happen if there is evidence of behavior by King that is immoral? What if King abused women or was an episodic alcoholic? What if he cheated on his wife? What if he engaged in sex with followers? What if he hated homosexuals? What if he voted Republican? What if he used funds improperly? The possibilities are endless. If there is evidence of any of those things, what then? Will the King statues be torn down? Will MLK Day be stricken from the calendar? Will the streets and buildings be renamed? Are the files being doctored as I write this question?
Thanks for reading. I will still be a Spectator subscriber tomorrow. I will even read the morning mail from Daniel Flynn, But periodically we are all reminded that not everyone sees things as we do. Mr. Babbin's column was that reminder for me. This note is my reminder to you and your writers.
Gilbert Jones