Random Moments of Lunacy
There must be more than this to life!! Reflections on the perils of parenthood, politics, passing sixty, accumulating (collecting), tools, The South, The Civil War, old cars, and assorted ailments. Not to mention my obsession with stupid people!!
Friday, July 19, 2019
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
This just in!!! 7.16
This just in!!
Mark Sanford, former governor of South Carolina, has announced that he is considering a run against Donald Trump in 2020.
In an attempt to maintain his integrity, Sanford will hold all of his rallies out on the Appalachian Trail.
If you don't understand this one, Google "Mark Sanford" or go back to watching MSNBC.
Democrats vote to committ suicide by "The Squad"
Yesterday in Washington, House Democrats voted for a resolution declaring President Trump's comments as "racist".
Memo to Dems: People are tired of this shit. Every time something happens to a Democrat, they label others as "racists". Sorry guys, but "racists" has been so overused that it just doesn't carry any weight any more. Nobody cares if you call them a racist, because you call everybody a "racist". Pack it in!!
The Democrats are betting the farm on "The Squad". Yes, a major political party is betting their future on (pardon my being insensitive) four whacko broads who are being glorified by your ass-licking liberal friends who dominate the media. Good luck at trying to convince mainstream Americans that they should believe in these four wing nuts.
Do you think that anyone will notice that while you failed to actually do anything about the anti-Semitic comments by at least one of "The Squad" members, you leaped on the President for having the audacity to disagree with "The Squad"?? Do you really believe that the majority of Americans are buying the swill being pushed by "The Squad" or is this just another scam being hustled by your friends at MSNBC or CNN??
The only thing more disgusting than the actions of the Democratic Party is the lack of action by the media. Even as the media tries to turn members of "The Squad" into gods, eventually Americans will realize that their gods have brains of clay.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Tactless Tuesday 1.0
The House will vote today to condemn President Trump's remarks about the "Gang of Four". Naturally, they are taking no actions on any of the remarks made by the "Gang of Four". They have actual control over their own members. But Pelosi is afraid to piss off anyone other than white males.
Why are attacks on white people not "racist" comments??
Joe Biden has challenged Trump to a push-up competition. He has previously threatened to fight Trump. Joe Biden is a sane guy like Islam is the "Religion of Peace".
I always hear that white people can't understand the problems of "people of color". I guess the idea that "people of color" don't understand white people is beyond the grasp of broadcasters and Democrats.
Is there anything in the country that isn't racist??
NASCAR is trying to get more minorities involved in auto racing. Is there a program in the NBA to get more rednecks to play basketball?? Is the NFL combing the playgrounds looking for white defensive backs?? Is Major League Baseball looking for English speakers??
Impeach Roy Cooper. That was a word from our sponsor.
The rows in the tobacco fields have all filled out nicely and the crop is growing faster than those plugs on Joe Biden' head.
Heading to the Trump MAGA rally in Greenville tomorrow.
A young lady approached me at the Raleigh Flea Market on Saturday and asked if I knew where she could buy some brass knuckles. I guess that she couldn't find the Antifa booth.
The Greensboro Gun Show is August 24-25. My favorite flag vendor, Albert (no relation) Jones will be there. Albert is famous for standing in the bar at the Peabody Hotel and shouting across the room at Kirk Lyons (the wannabe Klansman), " I got your g** d**** granny hanging right here, Kirk".
Fred Sanford, the "Original" American Picker.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Monday Moans and Groans Ver 7.15
Just a few random thoughts on a Monday evening.
Who had ever heard of Megan Rapinoe before her protest started? Frankly, I have caught my limit on angry lesbians.
Sen. Amy Klobuchar wants to help seniors by eliminating any "loopholes" in trust fund taxation. You may as well go ahead and leave everything in your will to the government. I just don't think that it is fair to tax the dead.
Illegal immigrants wanting to avoid the "concentration camps" should stay in their own frigging countries.
Why hasn't Congress reviewed the tax returns of the incredibly dense AOC?? She wants to raise taxes, but I doubt that she even declared all of her income as a bartender. I spent my life as a restaurant manager and I have NEVER had a tipped employee report all of their tips for tax purposes.
Joe Biden and his wife have made about $15 million since he left the Vice-President's office. Isn't it amazing that politicians and their families make huge money after leaving office? This is made possible by the deferred payments of bribes. They can't take the money while in office, so they get it when they retire. Examples are Clinton speech fees and Michelle Obama's book tour. Nobody is paying $3000 a seat to listen to Michele talk for two hours about how she hates the country and how racist all of the white people are. To be fair, this is a technique used to facilitate payoffs to members of both parties.
Fascinated by Democrats who become financially well off and THEN become socialists.
In this country, we penalize people for succeeding and reward those who fail. Then we wonder why more people don't succeed.
In a similar vein, on your income tax return, you can deduct mortgage interest that you pay, but you pay taxes on interest earned on savings. Then we wonder why people don't save??
A recent Gallup Poll reveals that conservatives are consistently more proud of their country then are liberals. This further cements my belief that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Make North Carolina Great Again, Impeach Roy Cooper!!
MNCGA, Impeach Roy Cooper
In case you can't decipher the title of this post, it means Make North Carolina Great Again, Impeach Governor Roy Cooper.
Why impeach Cooper? That list is way too long for this space, so I will just go with his latest transgression. Roy is involved with a lawsuit alleging that two constitutional amendments APPROVED by voters in the last election are unconstitutional. He claims that the legislature that approved placing these amendments on the ballot is racially gerrymandered, and as such has no legal authority to act. Basically, Roy is attempting to suppress the will of the electorate.
Roy was the State Attorney General for 16 years. During that time, North Carolina had the most racially-gerrymandered Congressional District in the nation. The famed 12th District ran from northern Guilford County to the state line south of Charlotte. It was the I-85 district. In some places, it was only a couple of blocks wide. Apparently, in the Cooper mindset, it is okay to racially gerrymander districts to guarantee a black candidate being elected. Sorry, I just don't understand the logic in this.
Roy is opposed to two amendments the voters passed. One is a cap on state income tax rates, the other requires voter ID. Why do Democrats all complain about foreign interference in our elections, but are unwilling to ask for an ID to vote?? If you run into that sack of crap living in the Governor's Mansion, ask him!!