Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Voting Tip


MEMO to Kathy Manning for Congress

Good morning!!

I keep seeing your ads where you tell us that the health care system is broken. What you don't mention is that the party that you are representing is the party that passed "Obamacare". This is the same legislation that Nancy Pelosi was speaking of when she said, "We have to pass this bill so that we can see what's in it." Maybe they should have read it first.

You tell us that you will put country before party. Why then are you running as a Democrat, why not run as an independent? By the way, while your Democratic brethren are calling for an FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh, there have been no calls from Democrats to investigate Keith Ellison and claims of domestic abuse. If you really want to put country before party, call for an investigation into Ellison. I'm sure that any of the local stations would be thrilled to hear from you about this.

You are a lawyer, yet you complain about the high cost of medical care. How about a discussion of the costs of lawsuits facing those in the medical care business? No criticism of "Big Pharma" would be complete without a discussion of "Big Legal". I guess that it is just coincidence that trial lawyers as a group are one of the biggest donors to the Democratic Party.

Your party passed the Affordable Care Act. Has there ever been a more deceptively named piece of legislation in history? Eight years later, you are telling me that the system is broken and we need to elect Democrats to fix it. Are you shitting me??  The ACA resulted in higher premiums for lesser coverage and you want us to let you try again?? I speak for many people that I know when I give this response for your request for us to elect you to fix health care again. Not just "NO", not just "NO WAY", but "NO F***ING WAY, BABY!!!"

Have a nice day!

Monday, September 24, 2018

Three more women and Kavanaugh

This just in!!!

CNN and the Washington Post have uncovered the identities of three women who all claim to have been traumatized by their encounters with Brett Kavanaugh when they were teenagers.

Apparently, all three worked as babysitters for the Kavanaugh family when Brett was a baby. One complained about the "smirk" on Kavanaugh's face when his diaper needed to be changed. The other two agreed that they were traumatized by the experience of having to hold "his bare, privileged, white male ass" when changing his diaper. All agreed that he was "on the bottle" when this happened.

When asked if they could positively identify Kavanaugh, they all responded in a similar fashion. "Have him crap in a diaper and then put him up on a table. I could pick him out of a lineup then."
Does that mean it DEPENDS???

Monday, September 17, 2018

Memo to Frank Fritz

Attention Frank Fritz:

I watch American Pickers regularly.  Allow me to conjugate the verb "see" for you.
I see
I saw
I have seen
I had seen
I will see
I will have seen
I would see
I would have seen

Note that this list does not include "I seen". However, that phrase  comes out of your mouth constantly. It is tough to enjoy your show while you are butchering the English language.

It is bad enough that you are a cheap ass. You should at least improve your grammar!


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Why don't they tell the WHOLE story???

I have been watching way too much news this week because of Hurricane Florence. I  watched the Weather Channel until I was about to vomit and finally just turned it off.  Of course, none of the other stations are any better. And if I have to see another press conference featuring that lying, liberal, loser son of a bitch Roy Cooper, I will start shooting at the television set.

What has me in such an uproar? It's the news media!! These people are focused on everything that is going wrong. Hey!! How about throwing us a bone and give us a bit of positive news?? That asshole Roy Cooper just wants to create a land where we are all dependent on the government for everything. Hell, Roy doesn't even know which bathroom people should use.

Let me give you a perfect example. My son and his family live in New Bern, North Carolina. Based on news reports, one would surmise that New Bern after the hurricane is a blend of Venice, Atlantis, and Hiroshima. My son's wife and their seven year old daughter evacuated on Wednesday. My son chose to stay so that he could take care of their home after the storm without waiting for permission from the state to go to his own home. He rode out the storm. He looked at the situation and his location and made what he thought was the right decision.

My son's neighborhood in New Bern did not flood. He did lose power. The day care center that his wife runs in New Bern did not flood. The restaurant in downtown New Bern where my son works did not flood. How could this be?? From news reports, one would believe that that New Bern resembles a cranberry bog that has been flooded at harvest time. This is simply not the case.

Is there flooding in New Bern? YES!! Is it the end of the world for New Bern? Not just "NO", but "HELL  NO!"

Today in New Bern, my son is at work in the restaurant trying to get it ready to open tomorrow. Today in New Bern, some people are getting their power back on. Today in New Bern, people are cleaning up the damage.  This is the spirit and work ethic that made America the greatest country on earth. We don't need to wait on the king or the governor to let us do something.

The news media are purveyors of tainted goods. They fail to give us an accurate picture. They lie to us when it suits their need for higher ratings. In short, they are not our friends.

Let's all go to work to Make America Great Again!! Turn off the television! Shoot it if you must!! Finally, Mr. Cooper? My maternal grandfather had an expression that he used when extremely angry. The time is now to quote Walter Garris. He would say, "Roy, go bite a hog in the ass!!"