Just thinking on Thursday?
We may have won the revolution, but Great Britain won the marketing war. Almost 250 years after we declared our freedom, Americans were mesmerized, if not obsessed with the death of the Queen of England. Billions of people around the world tuned in to watch the pageantry of the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.
We fought a couple of wars against these folks and a few wars alongside these folks, but it is obvious that nobody does pageantry quite like the British. People in this this country talked about Charles, Harry, and the rest of the royal family like they knew them personally. Really? Does it really impact your life if Prince Jug-ears is now King Jug-ears?
Who sets national policy at the White House? In a softball interview, Biden announced that "the pandemic was over". Biden failed to check with the government leeches who are making their living off of the alleged pandemic. Dr. Fauci and the others depending on kickbacks from the drug companies sprang to life. Biden never had a chance.
The people in charge at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue seem to have their hands full with Biden statements. They keep correcting his statements or as they say on the news "walking back" his statements. "Walking back?" Hell, he can't even walk forwards. Have you seen him try to get on a plane? I still think that he needs to be tested for drugs. Let's find out what they are giving him so that he still appears to be alive, sometimes.
Last week, Biden flew to Delaware on Tuesday afternoon to vote. He could not vote by mail-in ballot like all of the other dead Democrats, so he took the afternoon off and spent half a million taxpayer dollars to fly to Delaware. How stupid is Biden and whoever is the real President? Delaware was still having early voting when we had paid for him to fly there for the weekend, but he didn't go vote on Saturday. Biden's mouthpiece, the famous black lesbian Karine Jean-Pierre, said that Biden wanted to inspire people to vote on Election Day. Maybe if he resigned, he would inspire people.
The media keeps telling us that Biden's approval ratings are going up. Where? Do you know anyone who has said, "Wow! Isn't that Biden schmuck doing a great job?" The media is trying to shape the news instead off reporting the news.
I realize that he wasn't a black lesbian without basic language skills, but I always liked Nixon's Press Secretary, Ron Ziegler. Ziegler had worked summers at Disneyland while attending school. After his time as a captain on a Jungle Cruise boat, he knew how to communicate with reporters.
While people are being robbed, raped, and murdered in New York, the state's attorney general is laser focused on Donald Trump's business. Crime is through the roof, but all of that can wait while New York sues Trump. Murder, robberies, and assaults are rampant in New York while the Attorney General chases the former President in a civil suit. No politics in that case??
New York? Who knew those people were so frigging stupid? Anyone who worked at a Waffle House in Florida. Who knew people from New York were so rude? Everyone who lives south of Washington, DC.
Everywhere else in America, a state would celebrate one of their citizens or natives becoming President of the United States. In New York, they put you on trial. I hope that Trump builds his presidential library in Yeehaw Junction, Florida.
Seen any "Biden in 2024" signs in a yard near you?
The news media needs to go to a grocery store and interview people about inflation. That would be a good spot for a poll on Biden's economy as well.
This weekend is the Liberty Antique Festival in Liberty, North Carolina. Andy, Barney and Goober never talked about Liberty, but it is just up the road from Siler City. Fraces Bavier, who played Aunt Bee, lived in Siler City after the show ended. That's your meaningless bit of trivia for today. No charge!!