Thursday, September 22, 2022

Just thinking on Thursday?

 We may have won the revolution, but Great Britain won the marketing war. Almost 250 years after we declared our freedom, Americans were mesmerized, if not obsessed with the death of the Queen of England. Billions of people around the world tuned in to watch the pageantry of the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.

We fought a couple of wars against these folks and a few wars alongside these folks, but it is obvious that nobody does pageantry quite like the British. People in this this country talked about Charles, Harry, and the rest of the royal family like they knew them personally. Really? Does it really impact your life if Prince Jug-ears is now King Jug-ears?

Who sets national policy at the White House?  In a softball interview, Biden announced that "the pandemic was over". Biden failed to check with the government leeches who are making their living off of the alleged pandemic. Dr. Fauci and the others depending on kickbacks from the drug companies sprang to life. Biden never had a chance.

The people in charge at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue seem to have their hands full with Biden statements. They keep correcting his statements or as they say on the news "walking back" his statements. "Walking back?" Hell, he can't even walk forwards. Have you seen him try to get on a plane? I still think that he needs to be tested for drugs. Let's find out what they are giving him so that he still appears to be alive, sometimes.

Last week, Biden flew to Delaware on Tuesday afternoon to vote. He could not vote by mail-in ballot like all of the other dead Democrats, so he took the afternoon off and spent half a million taxpayer dollars to fly to Delaware. How stupid is Biden and whoever is the real President? Delaware was still having early voting when we had paid for him to fly there for the weekend, but he didn't go vote on Saturday. Biden's mouthpiece, the famous black lesbian Karine Jean-Pierre, said that Biden wanted to inspire people to vote on Election Day. Maybe if he resigned, he would inspire people.

The media keeps telling us that Biden's approval ratings are going up. Where? Do you know anyone who has said, "Wow! Isn't that Biden schmuck doing a great job?" The media is trying to shape the news instead off reporting the news.

I realize that he wasn't a black lesbian without basic language skills, but I always liked Nixon's Press Secretary, Ron Ziegler. Ziegler had worked summers at Disneyland while attending school. After his time as a captain on a Jungle Cruise boat, he knew how to communicate with reporters.

While people are being robbed, raped, and murdered in New York, the state's attorney general is laser focused on Donald Trump's business. Crime is through the roof, but all of that can wait while New York sues Trump. Murder, robberies, and assaults are rampant in New York while the Attorney General chases the former President in a civil suit. No politics in that case??

New York? Who knew those people were so frigging stupid? Anyone who worked at a Waffle House in Florida. Who knew people from New York were so rude? Everyone who lives south of Washington, DC.

Everywhere else in America, a state would celebrate one of their citizens or natives becoming President of the United States. In New York, they put you on trial. I hope that Trump builds his presidential library in Yeehaw Junction, Florida.

Seen any "Biden in 2024" signs in a yard near you?

The news media needs to go to a grocery store and interview people about inflation. That would be a good spot for a poll on Biden's economy as well. 

This weekend is the Liberty Antique Festival in Liberty, North Carolina. Andy, Barney and Goober never talked about Liberty, but it is just up the road from Siler City. Fraces Bavier, who played Aunt Bee, lived in Siler City after the show ended. That's your meaningless bit of trivia for today. No charge!! 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Tuesday Taunts Ver 9.20

 Martha's Vineyard was in the news again last week because Ron DeSantis shipped 50 illegal immigrants there to bolster the domestic help situation for the mega-wealthy who have their summer homes there. Apparently, the immigrants did not meet the criteria for employees on the island as they shipped them to Joint Base Cape Cod within 24 hours of their arrival. Nothing says hypocrisy like a New England liberal.  Where was Barack Obama, a Martha's Vineyard resident, to help welcome these immigrants to his neighborhood?

What's the difference between the Biden Administration shipping in illegals and Ron DeSantis shipping them? DeSantis does it in broad daylight, not the middle of the night.

The Massachusetts liberals should have given the immigrants a taste of real American justice and taken them over to the Dyke Road bridge and the Ted Kennedy driving school on Chappaquiddick at the eastern end of Martha's Vineyard. I forgot; they have already swum the Rio Grande.

Democrats lost their minds over 50 illegals in Martha's Vineyard, but they are okay with the thousands here in North Carolina. Memo to liberals: Stay away from flea markets in the South.

At a market recently, another vendor was shocked to find out that I didn't know any Spanish. The guy who claims to be my only friend, used to tell people that I was the only restaurant manager in North Carolina who didn't speak Spanish and wasn't going to learn. If someone wants to buy something from me, they seem to learn the language very quickly. 

The only thing keeping Biden in office is Kamala Harris. We were better off with Dan Quayle.

Upon further reflection, the only thing that kept Obama in office was his Vice President, Joe Biden. 

I am not saying that law enforcement is politicized but, Spiro Agnew was caught taking bribes, while Joe Biden has not even been investigated. Hmmm?

There's a fortune to be made in a few years removing big ugly ass tattoos from the hides of old people. If you can develop a quick and easy product for this, you could be the next Elon Musk. 

Does Pedo Joe still shower with his daughter?

Underwear is called that because it is worn under your other clothing. Bras and boxer short are underwear, not outerwear. There is probably no chance that anyone who needs to know this is actually reading this blog.

At the Dublin Lions Club Flea Market in Virginia this past weekend, I wore my red, white and blue Liberty overalls. At most markets where I go to sell my fine wares, these overalls are my Saturday choice of dress. I like to stand out among the crowd of vendors. I had a guy offer me $100 for them. I pointed out that I had no other pants to wear. I didn't want to sell them and spent the afternoon half naked, so I passed on his offer. I thought he was crazy until I looked online and saw that those Liberty flag overalls sell for between $75 and $250 from various vendors. The folks at Liberty might want to roll out another batch.

The pot legalization appeared to be paying off at the flea market with long lines at the Lion Dog stand, the funnel cake vendor, and the kettle corn guy. Nothing says munchies like a young couple carrying $40 worth of food down the row as they try to shop.

The Secret Service took the presidential limo to London for Biden to travel to the Queen's funeral. An unidentified world leader looked at "The Beast" and said that it was the most extravagant limo he had ever seen. He also said that it was the first limo he had ever seen with a diaper changing station.

Why doesn't the rest of the world have all of this controversy about transgenders and other liberal inventions? Could it be that this is all a liberal media created firestorm?  Heard anything about gay rights in Nigeria? Are the transgenders parading in China? Do they have Drag Queen reading hours in Saudi Arabia? Where are the abortion advocates in Iran? Are they having same sex marriages in Russia?

On the "news", they are comparing shipping immigrants to Martha's Vineyard to the Holocaust. Liberal bullshit has reached a new low. I heard the Obama mansion looks just like the gas chamber at Auschwitz. 

Sunday, September 11, 2022

On any given day?

 I rarely write about sports, but I am obviously making an exception today. What caused this change of heart? The results of college football games yesterday.

In the college football world, teams are always looking for easy wins to tune up on to start the season. A couple of weeks ago here in North Carolina, UNC paid Florida A&M $400,000 to come up to Chapel Hill and take a beating from the Tar Heels. A&M only had 40 eligible players, but UNC still managed to beat them easily.

In Nebraska yesterday, the Cornhuskers lost to Georgia Southern University. The last several years have not been good for Nebraska football. Yesterday, the bottom fell out with the loss to Georgia Southern. How bad was it? Gorgia Southern had 642 yards in total offense against the Cornhuskers. That is the most ever put up by an opposing team in Memorial Stadium.  What was the worst part of the game? Nebraska paid Georgia Southern $1,423,000 to come to Lincoln and beat them. 

Today, Nebraska fired head coach Scott Frost. How badly did they want Frost gone at Nebraska? $7.5 million worth. Frost's contract had a buyout amount of $15 million. On October 1, that number would be reduced to $7.5 million. Evidently, the alumni and other donors didn't want to wait three weeks for him to leave. Even with Inflation Joe destroying the economy, Nebraska was willing to spend the money. Hell, they had already blown $1.4 million bringing in Georgia State!

Meanwhile, in South Bend, Indiana (where Lady Pete Buttigieg was once the mayor) Notre Dame failed to pray enough and often before the game. Notre Dame paid Marshall $1.25 million to come to South Bend. The "Fighting Irish" were a 20-point favorite. The Thundering Herd won 26-21. The odds were so high against Marshall that if you had bet $10 on Marshall to win, you would have won $110. The Herd didn't check the odds before playing.

Last, but certainly not least, Appalachian State was paid $1.5 million to go to College Station, Texas and play Texas A&M. The Mountaineers were 19-point underdogs. They beat Texas A&M 17-14. Texas A&M was ranked sixth in the nation. The Mountaineers evidently did not read that they were supposed to lose. Games like this make Jimbo Fisher, A&M coach, wish that he had stayed at FSU. 

The best comment that I read about all of this dealt with the ASU-Texas A&M game. In 2007, Appalachian went to Ann Arbor to play Michigan. They were paid well for this early season tune-up game for Michigan. As with yesterday's game, Appalachian won. There were no betting odds in that game because Michigan was such an overwhelming favorite that no bookies were taking bets. Yes, that's why they call it gambling. So yesterday someone wrote "If your stadium seats over 100,000 people, do not under any circumstances pay Appalachian to come play your team."

There is any old saying that on any given day, one team can beat another. (Regardless of records) Obviously, yesterday was that day!

Friday, September 09, 2022

"Let's Keep in Touch!"

 "Let's keep in touch!" In the hierarchy of lies, "Let's keep in touch!" is filed somewhere between "The check is in the mail." and "Those pants don't make your ass look big." 

In early October of last year, I attended the fifty-year reunion of the Leto High School Class of 1971. I met several people whom I had not seen since graduation day in June of 1971. After all of the small talk and the faulty recounting of memories came the ritual line, "Let's keep in touch." 

Given that almost all of them were carrying smartphones that were the size of tablets, it should not have been an issue. In addition, I gave several people business cards that had my name, e-mail address, blog address, and my cell phone number. That means that someone can call, e-mail, text, or even leave a comment on this blog. By now, even the slow among you can sense where this post is going. You are correct, maybe. In almost a year, no one who said, "Let's keep in touch!" has contacted me. I have e-mailed several of these folks and received not a single response. Maybe I just didn't understand what "in touch" means.

I have one classmate who I regularly communicate with who lives here in North Carolina. She and her husband were at the reunion, but I didn't bother giving them a business card. That was my "full disclosure" statement.

I wrote a couple of posts about the reunion just a few months ago. In one of those posts, I discussed how I missed seeing several people in our class that were friends of mine in school. I gave up Facebook more than a couple of years ago, so I don't have any contact with people who inhabit that God forsaken piece of the planet. Twitter is out of the question and my flip phone won't take good enough pictures for Instagram. So, what's an old guy to do?

Before the reunion, I sent a letter to a teacher who had been my favorite teacher in junior high school. I found his address in the Florida voter registration files and mailed it to him. I got it back in a couple of weeks from the Post Office and it was marked with a stamp that read "REFUSED". This is just a guess, but maybe I wasn't his favorite student. I didn't even know that you can refuse mail.

Out of options, I turned to I have been on there more than twelve years but only look at it about once a month. Over the years, I have tried to contact people on there, but no one ever replies. Looking at it a couple of weeks ago, I saw that a person named in my reunion post had viewed my "profile". I sent a message and waited for a response. After a couple weeks, I just decided that Classmates works about as well as handing out business cards. Imagine my surprise a couple of days later when I got an e-mail telling me that I had a message in Classmates. Here was someone who I had not spoken to since the ninth grade and they had sent a message. We ended up swapping several messages. I am still stunned. 

What's the moral of this story? First, don't waste time and money giving out cards at reunions. Second, if they were really your friends, they would contact you. Third, acquaintances and classmates are not the same as friends. Let's face it, prisoners spend several years together in the same building, and I doubt that they meet for reunions. Seen any notices about the San Quentin Class of 1975? 

Evidently, I had preached on this communication subject to my family a few years ago. I was talking to my older son about this post a few minutes ago and he said, "Did you tell them the part about how the telephone works both ways?" No, but it does.

Let's keep in touch!!

Thursday, September 08, 2022

Thursday Thoughts and Theories

 A former classmate had a post blocked by Facebook because their "factchecker" said that it was not true. The classmate had used a quote that was attributed to Abraham Lincoln. The Facebook "factchecker" said that Lincoln never said or wrote that particular quote. Are we to believe that the "factchecker" has read EVERYTHING that Lincoln ever wrote? Was the "factchecker" there to hear EVERY word that Lincoln ever said? Of course, not! So how can Facebook say that Lincoln never said or wrote that?

Biden responded to a heckler by saying "Everyone's entitled to be an idiot." If anyone knows that is true, it is Joe Biden. Biden may have actually exceeded his "idiot entitlement limit". Don't worry! Hunter Biden is still King of the Hill on "idiot entitlement".

Joe Biden has appointed John Podesta to a post overseeing spending on the environment. Is everyone a rerun? Do the Democrats not have someone who hasn't stolen from us before? Is there some kind of test to make sure that appointees are incompetent? Democrat appointees have a performance guarantee that is not as good as that of a recapped tire. Those tires are lining the shoulders of interstate highways and may be as useful as Democrats.

Karine Jean-Pierre is the worst affirmative action hire in American history. And I don't need to check my binder before making that statement.

A headline this morning proclaimed that Massachusetts is about to elect the first female gay governor. The fact that the election is two months away does not deter those in the media from trying to create, rather than report the news.

Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer has announced that the Senate will vote on a marriage bill codifying gay marriage before the November election. His goal is to put Republican senators on the record as opposing gay marriage. Just for the record, marriage is a religous ceremony. Also, there is no mention of marriage in the United States Constitution. That means that issue is left to the states to regulate. See the Tenth Amendment for further clarification, Chuckles. Schumer wants this so that he can whine when the Supreme Court rules against gay marriage for the same reason that it ruled against abortion. Democrats are into political theater and not actual law making.

In the same story from the Senate, pseudo-conservative Thom Tillis will support the legislation codifying gay marriage. Memo to Thom: Read the Constitution!! Tillis remains in office because people here in North Carolina don't read about his performance in politics. He's the anti-literacy candidate. 

Democrats ripped Trump for having General "Thoroughly Modern" Milley pose for a picture with him during riots in Washington. Now Democrats are silent about the presence of two Marines in the backdrop as Satan spoke in Philadelphia. Nothing says hypocrisy like liberals and the media.

California is mandating electric cars while telling people that they can't charge their cars during certain hours due to electrical grid issues. 

Memo to Gavin Newsome and every other green energy gurus: The wind doesn't always blow. The sun doesn't always shine. The rivers aren't always full. But oil, coal and natural gas ALWAYS burn to produce electricity. 

Forecasts are that they are going to freeeze their asses off in Europe this winter. Energy costs are going through the roof in Britain and other countries. Some people are going to regret allying with Ukraine. Having a long term strategy and vision is great, but you have to get through today to get to tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Got dem senility blues?

This is your brain:


This is your brain on drugs:

On days that I feel bad, I may need a shot of whatever they give Biden before a major event. The next day, he couldn't put a pen in his pocket or finish a sentence. Who's the real president? Who's making the decisions? Who's deciding when to drug up old Joe? 

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Just in time?

 Labor Day is the traditional starting day for the November election campaign season. You don't need to check a calendar to know when it is close, you can check a Democrat instead. If they are giving away more "free shit", the campaign is about to start.

A few weeks ago, the Democrats in Congress passed, and Biden signed, the Inflation Reduction Act. Nothing in the act will actually reduce inflation, but why split hairs about it? It's election season and Democrats have to pump all the money possible into their deadbeat voters to rouse them into voting in November.

So, a couple of weeks ago President Biden announced that the government will be forgiving up to $10,000 or $20,00 of college debt for up to 43 million borrowers. My only problem with this is where to start the ridicule.

First, who's going to pay the money that is owed or is the federal government just going to print some more money to give itself to cover all of this? Don't worry, the liberals are telling us that this will have no impact on the economy or inflation.

Second, how did we select college loans as the bills to pay? Why not medical debt, auto loans, or home mortgages? After all, you may need an operation, you may need transportation, and you may need a place to live, but did you need a degree in gender studies or race relations?

But as I wrote in a recent post about asking the wrong questions, this is a classic example of the wrong question. Instead of asking "How can we pay off people's college debt?", we instead should have asked "Why are these people acquiring this debt to go to college?" 

I hate the word "transparency", but in the spirit of full disclosure, I did not attend college.

A friend of mine was a year ahead of me in high school. After graduation, he attended the University of South Florida for a couple of years and then moved to a college in Georgis to marry his girlfriend and to finish school there. I lost touch with him around that time and finally ran into him five or six years later at a department store in Tampa. He was working in the men's department selling clothes. He had a degree in marine biology, which was a popular area of study at the time. The university system was cranking out about 50,000 graduates a year with a degree in marine biology. Unfortunately, there were less than a thousand openings a year in that field. Did he ever do anything with that degree other than hang it on his wall? No. He could have started selling menswear right out of high school. But that would not have squandered thousands of dollars of his parents' money.

If people graduating from high school don't understand their country's history, how to add and subtract, how to spell, and how to find their way across their state, why the hell are they going to college? 

We now have millions of college graduates who can't function in life. They can't get a job in a field vaguely related to what they spent thousands of dollars and several years studying. How many gender studies grads do we need? The nation is filled with college grads living in their parents' basements where they spend the day posting on TikTok so the Communists Chinese Party will know where to find them and trying to start their career as an "influencer". Paying their student debt for them will not get them out of the basement and into the work force.

My sons spent their elementary and secondary years in private schools. I paid for their education rather than send them to public schools. They both attended community college where I paid for tuition, and they bought their books. They both have jobs and zero college debt. We paid for their college without any federal loans and now we are going to have to pay for someone else's education? This isn't fair and is certainly illegal.

There are members of Congress, most notably the famed AOC, who have student loan debt. For the executive branch to forgive their student loan debt is a bribe and is undoubtedly unconstitutional.

Vote the liberal bastards out in November!!!