Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Tuesday topics, taunts, and tirades

 There is a zebra cobra that escaped and is still on the loose in Raleigh. With any luck, it will find its way to the Governor's Mansion. I am not sure that there is enough room for two snakes in that house. 

There is a restaurant in Greensboro that has been closed for more than fifteen months since the pandemic shutdown started. According to public records, the restaurant has received more than $270,000 in loans from the Paycheck Protection Plan. Fifteen months, $270 grand,  and it still isn't open. Wonder what  they are waiting to happen?

I saw a black woman on the news talking about how hard it is to be a black female politician in the United States. Two thoughts for you, honey. First, why run for office anyway? Second , if you think that white men have it easy, President Trump was impeached and tried after he left office. Call me when you have a real complaint.

The Democrats are ISIS in drag. Fauxcahontas Warren needs to get her  DNA checked to find Persian ancestors.

I see that we bombed somewhere in Syria near Iran the other day. Trying to wipe out ISIS in Syria while they flourish in the US House of Representatives.

They gave away the first million dollars in the North Carolina Vaccine lottery. The winner appeared on television with Governor Cooper. Hasn't the poor woman suffered enough without having to meet Cooper?

A  black, female hammer thrower pulled a T-shirt over her head during the playing of the national anthem. I think that someone needs to pull a plastic bag over her head next time. 

Still waiting for actual evidence of "systemic racism". In 2008 and again in 2012, this systemically racist nation elected an unknown and unqualified piece of crap to be President. Call me when you have actual evidence of "systemic Racism".  On Huckabee the other night, Huckabee pointed out that blacks did not elect Biden, white people voted for and elected Obama. 

Was any of Hunter Biden's art work saved in that laptop that he never picked up? Asking for a friend.

Why do young people all drink "energy drinks"?  Take a letter Maria, it's not working for them. 


Sunday, June 27, 2021

It's Sunday, but this isn't 60 Minutes!

 Hunter Biden is now in the art business. Transactions with the artist will remain confidential. He prefers to deal in cash, but will accept checks if they are made out to "The Big Guy". 

Burisma paid Hunter to be on their board. He knows nothing about the energy business and didn't speak Ukrainian, so he only stayed five years. Now it turns out that they hired him for his artistic talents?

Two hours after praising the United States Senate for coming up with a bi-partisan infrastructure bill, Dementia Joe threatened to veto that same bill. I would have loved to sit in on the White House staff meeting after that cluster fuck took place.

Remember the old song about the Pinball Wizard? The deaf, dumb, and blind kid? Even he knows that Biden is a buffoon.

I watched five (5) minutes of Washington Week this afternoon on PBS. As God is my witness, I will never donate a dime to PBS. There is more honesty on Russian state television. You get more objectivity from Al Jazeera. I will vote for anyone who promises to "defund" PBS.

Democrats claim that everything is infrastructure. They also claim that everything is racist. So they want to spend 3 trillion dollars to create more racist infrastructure. Go figure!

Stepping back from the political circus for a minute, I sent a letter on Friday to the teacher who was my favorite teacher in school. I dug up his address online and actually "wrote" a letter. He was my civics teacher in the ninth grade. What do I remember most about his class? Every couple of weeks, he would call on someone and it went like this. "Miss Smith, stand up please. You have two minutes, justify your existence." In Russo's class, you learned to pay attention and how to think quickly on your feet. Yeah, I loved it!!

 There are a bunch of Generals and Admirals who are praying that Trump doesn't run again. 

I keep getting e-mails about Trump's new social media platform. They are just fundraising efforts from some Republican party group. Here's a thought, guys. Get the damn site up and running and then ask for donations. Maybe I will send some Republican group a request for money to give them my blog address? 

Why do I know that liberals don't read this swill? No comments, no threats, no incoherent replies. 

Why is Kamala Harris still wearing a mask everywhere? Does she not believe that the vaccine works? She wore a mask at the border the other day. Is it a recruiting tool for gangsters? Is it so that she can claim that you didn't hear her asinine statements? Is it a gift from Willie Brown? Could Willie not afford a paper bag?

Maybe I will wake up tomorrow and I will be like Bobby on "Dallas". This whole Biden thing will have just been a bad dream. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

The Devil went down to Georgia

 Attorney General Merrick Garland announced today that the federal government is suing the State of Georgia because he claims that the new voting law violates the civil rights of blacks.

I am not a big Mitch McConnell fan, but every time I see or hear Merrick Garland, I thank God that Mitch kept that sack of shit from a seat on the Supreme Court.

Georgia should sue the Federal government for hypocrisy and double standards. One needs a photo ID to enter most, if not all, Federal facilities. The Federal  TSA requires a photo ID to get onto an airplane. I needed a photo ID to pay my taxes at an IRS office. Were they afraid that someone else was going to pay those taxes for me?

If Garland would take a minute and actually read the Second Amendment, he could sue himself for all of the extra regulations that he wants to pile on to the process of buying a gun. You need a photo ID to buy a gun, but you don't need one to vote against allowing people to execise their Second Amendment rights.

When you commit a crime, the police want to see a photo ID. Is this discrimination? Stacey Abrams thinks so.

Do you need a photo ID to apply for a federal job? If so, why is Garland letting his own organization discriminate?

Do FBI agents or ATF agents ever ask for a photo ID? Why is this legal? Does this discriminate against blacks?

How about all of the states that require a photo ID to purchase alcohol, tobacco, and many other items at Wal-Mart?

How many states require a photo ID to file for benefits like unemployment, welfare, free housing, etc.?

Lt. Governor Mark Robinson of North Carolina says that Democrats think that blacks are not smart enough to go get a free photo ID. I will save you the trouble of looking up "Mark Robinson". Yes, he's black.


Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Take Two Tuesday

 Senate Democrats keep talking about the need to end the filibuster. Does anyone remember them talking about this when they were in the minority?

It's Pride Month. We have had Black History Month, Women's History Month, Asian American and Pacific Islander's Month already this year. Call me  when fat old white guy month gets here. In the meantime, I will just burn a rainbow flag to start my ice storm debris bonfire.

American Spectator reports that the law firm that employed Hunter Biden donated to the campaign of the Manhattan DA who is investigating the Trump Organization in New York. I am sure that this is just a coincidence.

If you want to guarantee a Republican win  in the White House race in 2024, indict Trump. The left doesn't own enough of the media to get a Democrat elected if that happens. They would have to shut down all of the "social media" sites just to keep the anger down. CNN would be the first network burned to the ground. Hypothetically speaking, of course.

I saw a news blurb that Biden wants to end oil drilling rights leasing in Alaska. Just another part of the plan to make us dependent on foreign oil again. Who is paying Hunter and Joe for this decision?

You can find anything on the Internet. Today I saw a story about how fans are abusive to NBA players. Has anyone noticed all of the stupid statements made by NBA players? I am pretty sure that when you insult and ridicule the fans who pay huge sums of money to watch you play a game, there are risks involved.

Liberals keep telling conservatives what horrible people we are and how badly we treat everyone else. Then they wonder we we don't agree with them and do things their way. We are going to redefine "stupid" to explain these folks to future generations.

Reparations? Liberals want people who have never owned slaves to give their money to people who have never been slaves. Then they are surprised when no one wants to do that. 

We should pass a new truth in labeling law that would compel television networks to report their percentage of political bias. Why not give us a look at the political party affiliations of their employees?

I miss Facebook. Now I have to leave the house to interact with dumb asses.