The Sunday Funnies?
Back when the Sunday newspaper was a quarter, I used to love to read the Sunday comics. Or as I described them to my friends, "the illustrated editorial section." The newspaper is no longer a quarter and I haven't read the funnies since my children were born. But let's work from those thoughts anyway.
From New York comes word that the Democrats are trying to eat one of their own, again. Democrats are calling for the NY Attorney General to lead an "independent" investigation into sexual harassment allegations against Andrew Cuomo. To call AG Letitia James "independent" is more than a mislabeling. James is hardly famous for fairness. She persecutes anyone who knows a Trump or has been a member of the NRA. Why are they going after Cuomo? Because he is a possible candidate for President in 2024 and James has to get him out of Camel-Toe Harris's path to the White House. I am entertained that Democrats live and die by the concept of "guilt by allegation". It's always funny when it happens to them.
If Letitia James wants to investigate a politician, let me suggest the famed AOC. AOC is always talking about how people making minimum wage need a raise. She speaks of her time as a bartender. I have spent more than 50 years in the food service industry. I have NEVER encountered a tipped employee who reported all of their tips. Yes, NEVER. Why not audit AOC and see if she paid all of the city, state, and federal taxes that she was required to pay? What's good for the goose??
The state of North Carolina has changed their sales tax laws to require that the Division of Surplus State Property charge sales tax when they sell items to the public. So we pay taxes so that the state can buy equipment and then pay more taxes when they sell us the items that we paid for to start the process? Since the NC Department of Revenue audits businesses that collect sales taxes, as required by law, will they audit the state itself??
Fact checkers are not wasting any time fact-checking Democrats. No one will report on it. I am sticking with my theory that all of the media outlets fired their fact checkers and they all returned to their jobs working the door at Wally World.
Joe Biden?? Every time that I hear Biden speak, I am reminded of every "Little Moron" joke that I told or heard as a child.
I am so old that I remember "Polak" jokes. My favorite "Polak" joke went like this. A Polak walked into his doctor's office with a frog on his head. The doctor asked, "How did that happen?" The frog said, "I don't know. It started out as a wart on my ass." You never hear those anymore.
I was thinking of upgrading to Ukrainian jokes. I just don't think that I can top Lt. Col. Vindman and his story about the Ukraine being the key to our national security. That yarn was even better than that woman ambassador's complaining about not having a coffee maker in her office OH, the humanity!!!
I will close with one of my favorite stories. Long ago and far away, before Al Gore invented the Internet, people "Xeroxed" funny items and passed them around. Was Mark Suckerburg inspired by this activity to create Facebook? I found this item from years ago and decided to share it here.
The Real Boss
When the Lord made Man, all the parts of the body argued over who would be the Boss. The Brain explained that since he controlled all the parts of the body, he should be Boss. The Legs argued that since they took the Man wherever he wanted to go, he should be the Boss.
The Stomach countered with the explanation that since he digested all the food, he should be the boss. The Eyes said that without them, Man would be helpless, so they should be Boss. Then the Ass hole applied for the Job. The other parts of the body laughed so hard that the ass hole became mad and closed up.
After a few days the Brain went foggy, the Legs got wobbly, the Stomach got ill, the Eyes got crossed and were unable to see. They all finally conceded and made the Ass hole Boss.
Moral of the story? You don't have to be a Brain to be Boss…just an Asshole.