Political Nonsense??
Just a few random thoughts on politics on a Sunday evening.
Robert Francis O'Rourke? Here's a guy of Irish-Welsh origin who goes by Beto O'Rourke as he tries to be America's first Hispanic President. Will any one notice the pasty white skin??
Of course, we also have Elizabeth Warren, who has claimed to be of Indian (Native American) descent wanting to be our first Cherokee President. I saw her home video of her and her husband popping open a couple of beers. Stay away from the firewater, Liz!!
Cory Booker thinks he is Spartacus. Do we really need to go any deeper?
Kamala Harris? Roseanne said it best when she said that Kamala had slept her way to the bottom. Born of a Jamaican father and an Indian (from India) mother, Kamala spent half her childhood growing up in Canada. Her current claim to fame is that she admitted to smoking a joint while listening to a couple of rappers. Unfortunately, neither rapper had put out any music(?) at that time. She wants to be our first black, female President. Willie Brown has confirmed that she is a female, but the black thing is pretty shaky.
Reuters News has confirmed that they did not run a story about "Beto" before the Senate election against Cruz. The DOJ went after the National Enquirer because they had a story about Trump and didn't run it. Will they go after Reuters or is this just another law that only applies to conservatives.
Where did all of these laws come from that only apply to President Trump?
Are the Democrats going to do anything other than investigate every aspect of Trump's life? There is a report today that he farted when he net Obama at the White House. Jerry Nadler wants you to call if you can testify about this.
CNN - Credible News Never
Fox News is suspending Judge Jeanine Piro for anti-Muslim comments about a Congresswoman who made anti-Semitic comments and was not even officially rebuked by Congress or the Democratic leadership. So much for equal treatment?? What it looks like to me is that Democrats believe that it is okay to trash Jews, but not Muslims.
There is a string of international terrorist incidents going back more than 50 years that all involves young Muslim males. Either there is a problem with that religion or this is the greatest string of coincidences in the history of mankind. You pick!!