Friday, November 12, 2010

California Marijuana??

Evidently Nancy Pelosi has gotten into some medicinal herbs. This from a Wall Street Journal story:
"Among those rooting for Ms. Pelosi to stick around are Republicans, who are giddy at the prospect of reprising in 2012 the attacks they used in the past election cycle, tying Democratic incumbents around the country to the liberal from San Francisco.

Ms. Pelosi’s reply: Bring it on. “The reason they had to take me down is because I’ve been effective in fighting special interests in Washington, D.C.,” Ms. Pelosi said, citing the health insurance and financial services industries. “I’m effective. They had to take me out. I’m also the most significant attractor to support for the Democrats."

What kind of shit has she been smoking??

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Free expression????????

This from the Associated Press

N.C. State students block tunnel over racist graffiti
Thursday, November 4, 2010 (Updated 11:07 am)
By The Associated Press
RALEIGH (AP) — Students at N.C. State want changes to the anything-goes policy at the school's Free Expression Tunnel.

WRAL of Raleigh reported today that students painted the tunnel black overnight Wednesday and blocked access to it. They're angry about racist, anti-gay graffiti directed at President Barack Obama.

University spokesman Keith Nichols said late Thursday morning that the students had stopped blocking access to the tunnel but several protesters remained.

The Free Expression Tunnel is used by students to comment on any issue. It's also a major thoroughfare on campus.

The protesters want tighter restrictions on what can be painted inside the tunnel. Chancellor Randy Woodson plans to meet with students today

Apparently "Free Expression" has a different meaning on college campuses. I guess the tunnel should be renamed "The Free Expression of politically correct ideas tunnel". "Tighter restrictions" reduce the whole idea of free expression. The concept of freedom of speech opens us all up to the possibility that we will hear or read some thing offensive. Learn to love it.