Sunday, October 13, 2024

"No Mo Fo Mo"

 Maurice "Mo" Green is the Democratic candidate for Superintendent of Public Education in North Carolina this year. If you don't live in North Carolina, be thankful. At least you are not being exposed to an avalanche of signs calling for you to support "Mo". 

About fifteen years ago, Mo was appointed as the Superintendent of Schools for Guilford County. His first major act was to divide the school district into four sub-districts with an executive in charge of each. He's not an educator, he's a bureaucrat. His first big act was to enlarge the bureaucracy. Then he told us that it would take a few years to see if it worked.

While Mo's campaign website claims that the school system made major progress during his term, the reality is that the quality of the product produced, educated students, failed to improve. They spent millions of taxpayer dollars on new programs, but the quality of learning did not improve. "Educators" keep telling us about all of these fabulous programs that we have in schools, but Billy still can't read at a high school level. Hell, they can't even read at a junior high school level.

We keep dumbing down standardized tests, but the teachers' unions are failing to educate our children at record rates. If you don't believe me, check out the literacy rates in Chicago. No one there knows enough about math to tell you what percentage of the kids can't add or subtract. It's a safe bet that no one in Chicago will read this and complain because no one there can read. I am not worried about an angry response from Chicago. If I do get one in the mail, it will be the one in an envelope with my address scrawled in crayon and a notice from the Post Office of "postage due" because they couldn't figure the postage.

There are billboards across the state telling us that we need to pay North Carolina teachers more. They also tell us that "public education works". Memo to billboard writers, it doesn't work. Every business is judged by the quality of the products that they produce. Public education is failing. It is failing at warp speed. 

People are confused about "public education". People think that church schools and home schooling are experiments. Sorry, but we have been using those methods for hundreds, if not thousands, of years to educate our children. Public education is the experiment. It is failing badly. It may soon be time to end the experiment. Look at all of the money we could save. I am not sure that there is actually a downside to that idea. 

How do you spot a public-school student? If you give a cashier a penny or two after they enter the amount tendered on the cash register, the public-school student is the one who pulls out their smartphone and uses the calculator to determine the amount of change that you receive. 

Of course, some state governments are starting to use schools to house the flood of illegal immigrants being flown in by Dims. Readers are left to decide if this will affect the quality of public education.

We need more education, not more bureaucracy. So, in November I will vote for whoever is running against Mo and bureaucracy. I don't care if it is Atilla the Frigging Hun, there's No Mo Fo Mo from this guy.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Miscellaneous Moans and Groans

 Barack Obama has told black men that if they don't support Kameltoe that they are being sexist. Thanks to Barack for reminding us that getting older does not always result in getting wiser. You might think that he could hide the arrogance long enough to ask for votes, you would be wrong.

Barack is pissed because he feels that his fourth term as President is in danger. I think that he screwed up when he and Nancy took out Joe Biden. I think that they underestimated Jill Biden's reaction. She has taken Joe off his meds and is letting him run loose.

Every day in the White House, Joe Biden makes Democrats regret that they didn't use the 25th Amendment to remove him. I think that he has dropped any pretense of even liking Kameltoe. He's now a walking meme factory. One day, Biden's picture will be in the dictionary next to "lame duck".

My biggest political fear is that when Kameltoe loses, Biden will resign and let her be President for the last couple of months. That way, Democrats can claim that they gave us the country's first woman president. 

Kameltoe is on the cover of Vogue magazine. If only Mad Magazine was still being published. Thank God it wasn't another Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue!

CBS News is demonstrating that they have abandoned their history as the network of reporters like Douglas Edwards, Eric Sevareid, Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite. They have aired two answers to one question posed to Kameltoe on 60 Minutes this week. Which one is it?? At this time, they still have not released a transcript of the interview.  Just for the record, they did release the transcript of an interview with Donald Trump a few years ago.

Lock up your daughters!!! Bill Clinton will be starting a bus tour of eastern North Carolina next week. While the Harris campaign claims that he will be trying to boost support for Kameltoe, Bill refers to the bus as his "rolling Oral Oval Office". 

There is an old axiom that goes something like this, "To the extent that you give other people what they want, they will give you what you want." Democrats believe that if you feed and house illegal immigrants at the taxpayers' expense, they will eventually vote for you. 

There is a theory that the government is bringing in millions of immigrants to change the political makeup of the country. Liberals always deny this but are unable to tell us why they are bringing in millions of liberals when we can't afford to shelter and feed all of our own citizens. What is it that we gain by bringing in all of this people? Inquiring minds need to vote.

The most basic principle of human motivation is this; whatever you reward, you reinforce. If we give people money for sneaking across the border, people will continue to cross the border. If we let people out of jail after robbing others, they will continue to rob people. If we reward people for not working, they are not going to work. This isn't rocket science!! It even works with your kids. Surely, it will work on adults. Let's go back to doing this.

Can anyone speak without a script? If you are making a long speech, I might be able to understand that. I can't stand to watch the news with anchors and reporters reading to me from tablets and smartphones. If you are out at an event, can't you just look up and tell me what you see? I am not looking for the Gettysburg Address, but you are only doing a 30 to 60 second shot. Television would be much more interesting if you just winged it. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

More on Morons?

 There is no one with less credibility than a news broadcaster sitting in New York telling me what is happening in North Carolina. I actually live in Piedmont North Carolina. We were not affected by the flooding Helene caused in the mountains. However, I have several friends who live in the mountains. No one who I have talked to has the same story that the federal government is hustling, and their media accomplices are broadcasting.

Let's start with the planning and leadership of the North Carolina state government. Less than 48 hours before Helene hit North Carolina, Governor Roy Cooper was at some kind of climate conference that I believe Time magazine was holding in New York. His aides and his media butt buddies insist that he was back in Raleigh by 3:00 PM that day. How does one focus on preparing your state for a hurricane when you are in New York? This is reminiscent of his trip to Tampa for an election year fundraiser in 2020 just as COVID-19 was a breaking crisis. That was where his aide tried to block a reporter's cameraman from getting Cooper on camera. Another camera caught all of that on film. Leaders lead. Cooper's not a leader, he's a politician.

So, was North Carolina ready for Hurricane Helene? There was nothing in the government's reaction that indicated they were ready. In fact, the only group less prepared than the NC state government was the United States federal government. Cooper and his band of bandits not only failed the preparation test, but they also failed the reaction test. It wasn't enough that they couldn't get ready, they didn't know what to do after the event.

If you have a storm of "Biblical proportions", you should react in "Biblical proportions." They didn't. Two weeks later, they still haven't reacted adequately.

If this is not your first visit to this blog, you probably know that I spent my life in the restaurant business or as one set of my business cards proclaims, "Foodservice Industry". Allow me to share some wisdom from the restaurant business with you.

The problem we have with people like Biden, Harris, Kerry, Pelosi, Cooper and that piece of crap come lately, Josh Stein is that they don't understand the "public service" concept. They are supposed to be in the business of serving the public, but they think that the public is supposed to serve them.

If you turn on the television, you can see some of these clowns telling you that we should be grateful for all that the government is doing. They keep telling us what a great job that they are doing. They tell us that we should understand how hard they are working.

In the restaurant business, if the soup is cold, it does us no good to tell you how hard we are working and how much we are spending on getting you your soup, the soup is still cold. The person receiving the product, or the service is the one who makes the judgment on the quality of whatever is provided. If your steak is tough, it doesn't matter what I think or the cook thinks, the steak is still tough. If the waiter doesn't check on the customers, it doesn't matter how many waiters we have or how much we pay them. The only thing that matters is whether or not they gave the customers the service that they expected. In the restaurant business we operate in the real world. The government is doing time in some kind of Twilight Zone.

The government needs to quit telling us what great service we are getting and actually serve the people. People in government operate in some kind of fantasy land. There isn't anything at Disney that tops the illusions and delusions of those folks in government. We need to start reminding those in government that they exist to serve us. We do not live to provide for them.

When there was an earthquake in Haiti in 2010, the U.S. Air Force 1st Special Operations Wing (my brother-in-law's old unit) restored service to the Port Au Prince airport within 48 hours. Within that same period, United States military helicopters arrived in Haiti to start rescue operations. Contrast that with western North Carolina last week where it took more than seven days for Army helicopters to show up and they were only a two-hour flight away.  Is the US Army's prime mission to protect Haiti or the United States? Inquiring minds want to know. If Obama can get helicopters to Haiti in two days, what should be Biden's reaction time in North Carolina?

Finally, the woman in charge at FEMA has set their first goal as "instill equity as a foundation of emergency management". Bad news Bozo! Natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes don't discriminate on race, gender or income.  Hurricanes are color blind. Your reaction should also be colorblind. That woman needs to be gone tomorrow. Biden needs to start the recovery process by firing her. 

Fifty years ago, at the Waffle House on Dale Mabry in Tampa, we had a customer who was a captain in the Tampa Fire Department. He used to tell us that almost everyone in the Fire Department was a captain. Late one night, he went on a rant about how the city wasn't hiring based on ability and performance. He said something that I remember so vividly that I can close my eyes and still see it. He said, "Affirmative action won't carry Grandma's ass down the ladder at three o'clock in the morning."  Thanks, Kelsey.

If you are a public servant, you are here to serve us. It's not about us serving you. Somebody go tell Biden!


Wednesday, October 09, 2024


 KJP, Biden's mouthpiece, or as we call her, the chick with the Jiffy Pop Hair, attacked Peter Doocy from Fox claiming that his question to her about FEMA was "misinformation". I thought that she was just playing some kind of early Halloween joke as she was wearing one of her father's old suits to work that day. Was it some kind of lesbian "Dress Like Daddy Day"? She walked off the platform and left the press sitting there wondering what they had missed. How is asking a question "misinformation"?

Harris had announced that we were sending $160 million to Lebanon. Mayorkas had announced that FEMA was running out of money. Jiffy Pop claimed that by asking about these statements, Doocy was using "misinformation". Put me down for "confused".

It was also announced that Jiffy Pop had been promoted to the position of "Senior Adviser to the President".  At this stage in the Biden Administration, that is the equivalent of being promoted to First Officer on the Titanic right after it hit the iceberg.

I have heard all the swill that I want to hear about "disinformation" and "misinformation". The administration and the political party that has spent the last five years covering up the mental decline of the President is accusing others of distorting the facts. That's not misinformation or disinformation. Those are facts.

Democrats have the biggest balls in all of the land. They accuse everyone else of lying while they can't even admit that Biden is a mental basket case

What is misinformation? It appears to be anything that liberals don't want to hear. This is what you can expect to hear from a party that thinks "The View" is a news program. Apparently, some podcast named "Call Her Daddy" is the new "Meet the Press". The Democrats must have stepped into Mr. Peabody's Wayback Machine after having Kameltoe appear on the Howard Stern Show. Howard's been out of the loop longer than Joe Biden. Then Kameltoe closed out the day by having a can of Miller High Life with Stephen Colbert. That must be the new "Presidential" look. She should have popped open a Schlitz Malt Liquor.

The Dims are claiming that a lot of "misinformation" is coming out of the North Carolina mountains about FEMA. Pardon me, but Mayorkas was not in the mountains when he proclaimed that FEMA was almost out of money. When reporters ask hurricane victims about FEMA and the response is that no one has seen anyone from FEMA, that's not misinformation. That's a fact. The Democrats are telling us all that things aren't what they appear to be. That's disinformation.

When someone says, "I haven't seen anyone from FEMA", we call that a "fact". A statement made by a talking head at the White House several hundred miles away does not trump a live report from the scene. 

While Americans look for survivors in the mountains, liberal college students in New York march against Jews and Israel. Where have we seen this before? 

Liberal American college students are the new "brownshirts" as they march demanding the end of Isarael and threatening the existence of Jewish college students. But in their search for "disinformation" and "misinformation" from conservatives, the liberals are all able to overlook this. I guess that they just traded in the brown shirts for those checkered tablecloths that today's Jew haters wear in parades. There is no difference between the marches on the streets of New York in 2024 and the marches in Munich in 1934. Unlike the Democrats, at least the Nazis were honest about it.

Maybe all of these college students could get on busses and go south to help rebuild Florida, Gorgia, Tennessee, Virginia and the Carolinas. They could burn all of that excess energy shoveling some mud. But they would make too much sense.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Finally, here comes the cavalry!!

 I thought that I needed to broaden my circle of friends, but that was before Tampon Tim Walz said in the VP debate, "I have become friends with school shooters". Thanks for clearing that up, Tampon Tim.

I will be gentle with this observation. I thought that after more than fifty years in the restaurant business, I had witnessed some complete cluster f*cks. Write this down! I was wrong! I have never seen a situation go downhill any faster than the Federal and North Carolina state government's handling of the Hurricane Helene disaster. This is the standard by which future clusters will be judged. There is no official in Raleigh or Washington, DC capable of exhibiting anything resembling "leadership". Hell, I don't even believe that they even have someone who can spell "leadership".

Every sunrise is a chance to show that government officials are even more worthless than they were the day before. I was talking to a couple of guys from Georgia today and they agreed that they are actually missing Carter.

Why don't Kameltoe and Tampon Tim have Kamala's best buddy Oprah, do a show from Asheville and then she can give everyone there a brand-new car? Maybe they can all get $10,000 each from all of those billionaires who have flooded the Harris-Tampon Tim campaign with hundreds of millions of dollars. Why isn't Kameltoe calling out her rich friends for not helping out all of these "middle class" folks? Is she going to donate any leftover campaign funds to house the NC refugees? In another couple of weeks, Kameltoe will be telling stories about how she was washed away by a flood while walking over one of those perfectly manicured lawns in her middle-class neighborhood while on her way to her job at McDonalds. Has she told anyone which McDonalds she worked at?

The 18th Airborne Corps made it to the North Carolina mountains today. They brought with them 6 Chinook helicopters and 30 Blackhawk helicopters. It only took a week for the DOD to mobilize 1,000 men and their equipment and move it 275 miles to Asheville. I guess that the rapid reaction team was on vacation. Either they were on vacation or on their way to relieve Custer who may still be waiting for them at Little Bighorn.

Just for reader info, the flight time for either of those aircraft from the 18th Airborne Corps is less than two hours to get from their base to Asheville.

For a historical comparison, on Sept.23,1957 black students were brought in through a side door to integrate Little Rock High School. Fearing an escalation of mob violence, they returned the students to their homes. On September 24, 1957, Eisenhower ordered the 101st Airborne to help with security. Within an hour, there were soldiers in the air and on the way to Little Rock. On September 25, the soldiers provided security for the desegregation of the school. If Ike could get the 101st there in a few hours, why can't today's army get to Asheville?  Do we blame Biden, the DOD, the Army or all of the above? Who is the commander of that unit? Dudley Do-Right?

I think that the length of time someone might survive trapped in the mud without food or water is probably around four to five days. Today was Day seven, after the storm hit. How long does it take the Border Patrol to pick up an illegal migrant stranded on a trail in southern Arizona? Hint: It's less than a week. But we don't want anything happening to those guys before FEMA can fill their pockets with taxpayer cash.

On Friday, the government released more info about the increase in jobs rate. I just want to make sure that everyone understands, the government does not actually take a count of everyone who has a job.  They take a sampling of data from selected employers and extrapolates that data to project some sort of national average. I worked in the restaurant business for more than fifty years and only know of one year when we were asked to participate in the data gathering process. Government statistics are not encyclopedia grade facts. They are more like dime store romance novel grade facts.

The federal government has spent the last couple of days trying to "kind of" deny the truth in Mayorkas' statement about FEMA being out of money.

If the illegals are being put up by the government at chain hotels, did they at least have the illegals join the appropriate club at those chains so that they could get some free nights and other benefits? 

I would like to complain a little more, but there is an estate auction happening down the road and there is a bid card with my name on it. 

Friday, October 04, 2024

First Friday Free Shots

 I watched a few more highlights(?) of the Vance-Walz debate this morning. I can't remember the last time that I felt pity for a Democrat before today. 

Vance should have come out on stage with tampons in his nose as I suggested. I can only assume that he doesn't read this blog. I am not a fan of facial hair, which may explain some of my reluctance about Vance. But I became a Vance fan right after he verbally bitch-slapped the two leftist broads from CBS, the Communist Broadcasting System. Walz actually looked more like my kind of candidate as he was older, balding, with white hair and had cartoon reflexes in his facial gestures. 

I wrote about it earlier but why did Walz keep writing notes? Maybe he just had some kind of scorecard there and kept checking things off every time that Vance scored a hit.

I don't understand politicians, if in fact that is even possible. Why does Walz keep talking about how many times he has gone to China? Was he some kind of Mormon missionary before he took up politics? Is he imitating Mitt Romney? Does he have any good recipes after that many trips? I just don't believe that talking about how many times that you have visited the country that is our most dangerous adversary is a good idea if you are running for national office. 

Let me tell you about the point in the "debate" where my head exploded, and I lost the last bits of pity that I had for Walz. Walz was talking about "free speech" and used the line that I hate most. He said, "You can't yell fire in a crowded theater." He also mentioned that this was the standard set by Supreme Court.

Allow me to share a couple of thoughts on this. First, post COVID I think that you would struggle to find a crowded theater, as they are closing everywhere.  Second, what would you yell if a fire broke out in a crowded theater? I would think that yelling "Biden is about to speak" would empty the theater. But people might have trouble running while laughing. If you can't yell "Fire" when there is a fire, when or where can you yell it?

What does all of that "Yell fire" crap actually mean? It means that our nation and the world are on fire. We have been invaded by millions of illegal immigrants, there are at least two wars going on in which we are involved, and China is trying to bring back the glory days of China. Their first step, which was getting us addicted to buying cheap shit, seems to have worked. 

Democrats want to banish any kind of free expression which they oppose. Anything they don't like is "misinformation" or "disinformation". The First Amendment is the only thing standing between American freedom and rule by morons or "Democrats" as they call themselves. Is there any group more opposed to "Democracy" than Democrats?

I saw that Walz is going to appear on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. There's a hard-hitting news show! Democratic women go to "The View" and "Oprah" and Democratic men go to Kimmel. 

Are Harris and Walz ever going to do anything that would pass for an actual press conference? The situation is so grim for the country now that Biden actually took a question yesterday while Air Force One revved the engines. He still didn't give a coherent answer.

If the Republicans keep the House, they need to impeach Judge Slutkan on a charge of election interference. 

We found out that FEMA has blown all of their funding on shipping illegal aliens around the country and putting them up at expensive hotels. People sneaking into the country are eligible for more help than citizens who had their homes destroyed by a hurricane. 

NC Governor Roy Cooper went to New York on September 25 for the NY Times Climate Forward conference. That was less than 48 hours before Helene slammed into North Carolina. This rivals his visit to Tampa in 2020 just before the COVID thing blew up. Memo to Roy: You were elected to be governor of this state. Focus on North Carolina, not your political and fundraising aspirations. I was going to write "goals", but Kameltoe likes "aspirations".

I actually heard some liberal schmuck on television the other day talk about Kameltoe and her pushing the "politics of joy". My wife gets upset if I shoot at the television. I just threw away the batteries from the remote instead. 

It's getting close to Christmas. I just heard Robert Earle Keane sing "Merry Christmas to the Family". If you haven't heard this, get thee to You Tube. When the part of the song about "a box of tampons" comes up, they need to insert Tampon Tim's picture into the video.

Last, but certainly not least, Happy Birthday to my son Walter and his bride Brittany. They share a birthday today. I think that Walter is a few hours older. Happy Birthday!!!

Make America Great Again!!

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Can You Top This?

Can you top this? The competition continues. 

On Sunday in North Carolina, with flooding everywhere in sight, a pilot rescued four people with his personal helicopter. Then an unnamed fire official in Lake Lure threatened to have him arrested if he rescued anyone else. Thirty minutes later, they announced a restriction on flights in Lake Lure. On Monday, they lifted the restriction. So, the restriction was not actually in place when the rescues were made by the helicopter pilot. 

If your question of the day is "How stupid can one government official be?", that fire official is your answer. If only for a day, he bumped Kameltoe and Lying Joe off of the top of the charts. His mother must be proud.

How much training as an air traffic controller did the unnamed fire official actually have? What training has he had in flight operations? Just when you think that the government couldn't do anything dumber, some petty official says, "Hold my beer!" That guy needs to lose his job.

As long as I am on the subject of helicopters, someone on the news pointed out today that while people are stranded in the mountains, down at Fort Liberty Bragg, military helicopters sit unused. The reporter said that he has seen pictures of an Army helicopter rescuing people off a mountainside in Haiti, but they won't use them here. Why aren't these helicopters being used to help North Carolinians in the mountains?

How bad is it in the mountains? A group is using pack mules to carry supplies to people where motorized vehicles cannot go. The mules keep hauling while the helicopters and our tax dollars sit idle at Fort Bragg. How about all of those Marines at Camp Lejeune? They talk about fighting in the air, on land, and the sea. Great news Marines!! We have all three of those conditions in the mountains of North Carolina right now.

Someone from Tennessee sent me something that may actually top the Lake Lure story. On Saturday, 700 Tennessee National Guard soldiers were sent to Fort Bliss in Texas to prep for a deployment to Kuwait.  I thought one of the purposes of the Guard was to help in emergencies. I have actually seen television commercials about that. Apparently, that mission expired when Biden was elected.

Jack Smith is trying to convict Trump for not calling out the National Guard on January 6 while Biden ships the Guard overseas during the biggest natural disaster of the century. I think that whole Democratic thought process is some kind of mental illness. 

Do you know what we are really missing here? We are missing real leadership. From Asshat Roy Cooper to Dementia Joe Biden, we don't have a leader worthy of the term. You won't see that mentioned in the press because the politicians' butt-licking media accomplices are hiding the truth.  

The storm hit on Friday. Biden finally showed up on Wednesday. He spent the weekend at Rehoboth Beach. He didn't even bother to go back to the White House for the weekend emergency. Nothing says, "I don't give a shit!" like staying at the beach while a couple of battleground states get inundated by a hurricane. You would think he would at least do something for Asheville. That's where all of the Democrats live in the mountains.

I have seen more statements from Ron DeSantis about the hurricane than I have seen from Roy Cooper, the North Carolina Governor. NC AG Josh Stein is so busy running for governor that all I have heard from him is that he activated the NC price gouging laws before the hurricane hit. Attention Josh Stein: There's nothing left in the mountains to price gouge. Nobody's buying mud.

These people are actually making George W. Bush's handling of Katrina look good. Biden better find himself a real general to take over this disaster. This could tank some moron's campaign.