Wednesday, January 15, 2025

No Wit Wednesday

 I heard Biden's Farewell speech from the television set in the living room. I may have nodded off a couple of times, I am not sure. I don't recall anyone describing the speech as a spellbinder.

Biden, the President who allowed investors to run his term, talked about the evils of rich men. The guy who pardoned his son for shoveling millions of dollars of Chinese cash to the Biden family, has suddenly transformed into a guy who thinks that politicians can be bought. He gave no indications about his personal asking price.

Here's a guy who has taken payoffs, warning us about the dangers of "robber barons".  He would have been better off warning us about the dangers of dementia in Presidents named Joe.

The candidate that Biden endorsed raised more than $1.5 billion and still lost. She actually spent more than she raised and ended up having to bleed donors to balance the books after the race. She may have milked the "robber barons" dry.

Neither Bill Clinton nor Barack Obama had a pot to piss in before they were President and now, they are multi-millionaires. Why hasn't Hillary ever written about how she made record amounts in trading cattle futures when she was the Governor's wife? Do you even know someone who has read a book by Obama or Clinton, and can they tell you what it is about? 

In 100 years, will they write about what a great President Jill Biden was for America? 

Good News!! If you were worried about Big Mike Obama causing a scene at the inauguration, fear not. Mike is staying at home or in Hawaii or whatever poverty pocket where she and Barack are staying this week.

Adam Schitt is no better at being a Senator than he was at being at being a Representative. As the poster boy for "pencil necked geeks" he was outclassed today in his attempts to discredit Pam Bondi. 

I realize that members of both parties take turns trying to destroy the reputations of Presidential nominees. This is not a process that makes our elected representatives look good. Yesterday, female Democratic Senators all looked like they didn't get the rabies shot series after they were bitten by rabid dogs. A little ore foaming at the mouth and even the reporters would have left the room.

Massachusetts voters are either the dumbest in the land or they can't get anyone with more than a room temperature IQ to run for office. A state that elects both Ed Markey and "Fauxchohontas" Warren to the United States Senate is a state with a mental health crisis. It's either that or they are morons.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Top Tuesday Topics and Taunts

 With the City of Los Angeles actually on fire, the California legislature voted to spend $50 million dollars to fight Trump's efforts to deport illegal immigrants. If you want to stump a California legislator, ask them to define "priorities".

As suggested in my post "The Last Blast of 2024" on December 31, the Trump administration has announced that the famous Trump garbage truck will be in the Inaugural Parade. There's still time for McDonald's to announce they will be on hand giving away free fries.

I watched a couple of highlights from the Hegseth Senate Circus today. Only in America could a political party like the Dims have both their male and female members get their panties into a wad.

Tomorrow morning, I am sending a campaign contribution to Sen. Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma for bitch-slapping the Democrats back to the Clinton era. I realize that pointing out that politicians have a tendency towards hypocrisy is not like discovering a cure for stupidity. But with the folks with a "D" after their name, it's a great start.

The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things and expecting different results. We keep putting retired generals in charge at the Pentagon and wonder why nothing gets any better. It's Washington, not West Virginia. Sometimes you need to date outside of your family. 

Carrie Underwood is getting attacked by the left after agreeing to perform at Trump's inaugural. They really do need to develop a vaccine for Trump Derangement Syndrome. I would write more about the intolerance of the left, but Kid Rock is also going to perform, and I am guessing that he will have something to tell the haters. 

Sixty-four years ago, Dwight Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex. We need to compel the US Senate to read that warning. 

Why do we have more four-star generals now than we did at the peak of World War 2? We have fewer troops, but more generals. If that makes sense to you, give up your job in government immediately. 

I sent Elizabeth Warren a note about our surplus of supervisors. I phrased it in a way that I know that she could understand. I wrote "Too many chiefs, not enough Indians?" 

I have taken a few online courses from Hillsdale College. I am working on one now called "The World Wars". The main presenter is Victor Davis Hanson. It is really good. I am reluctant to admit this, but I am learning a lot from it. See for yourself, it's free.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

California Dreaming??

 Warning: The following post may contain profanity. I don't believe that will surprise many, but I just wanted to let you know in advance.

California is where all of the people who couldn't afford to move to Communist China live. The current situation in southern California has just kicked me over the edge and I need to voice some thoughts.

Gavin Newsome, Greasy Gavin, Gruesome Newsome, you pick what you want to call him. This guy is a walking case to ban free elections in America. I have always known that the possibility that we would elect a useless piece of shit was there, but this is the worst example in history. We need to bring back literacy tests for voters.

Southern California is on fire. This is not a metaphor; the area is actually burning. I saw on the news that Greasy was on a video call with President Biden and her husband Joe in the Oval Office. Newsome was telling them about "disinformation" being a huge problem. Joe agreed with Greasy. That's why Jill was there.

 Memo to Greasy: Put out all of the fires, correct all of the situations that caused the fires, implement changes that will prevent fires, rebuild all of the homes and businesses that have burned down, set up a system that will prevent all of this from happening again, get the insurance situation straightened out and then maybe we can talk about disinformation. Until then, STFU!

Things are going so bad in Los Angeles that I saw a boatload of Mexicans leaving heading south. Fire departments in Mexico are sending you help and equipment. This is the worst case of role reversal that I have seen.

Democrats and disinformation is a localized problem.  It's not a problem for the rest of the nation, but of course, we aren't trying to bullshit the other 300 million people in the nation

In November of 2019, Greasy told President Trump on Twitter: "You don’t believe in climate change. You are excused from this conversation." Idiots talk about "climate change". The rest of the world calls it "the weather". How many homes and businesses have burned since then, Greasy? How many forest fires have you had?

As long as we are on "climate change", why did the Obamas, Barry and Big Mike, spend $12 million on a beach house at sea level? Does this mean that he doesn't believe in "climate change" and the seas rising? Or is he challenging you for the famed "Dumbest Dim" award? So, is Obama also excused from conversations about California's problems?

California doesn't practice a lot of the fire preventative measures that are practiced in forests across the country. Californians don't want to alter the environment, but they are okay with setting it all on fire. Call me confused.

California is the tail trying to wag the dog. California passes laws that create problems in other states. California passed a law mandating how hogs are grown in states that sell products in California. California is more concerned about how hogs live in Iowa than they are about how people live in Los Angeles. Just for the record, there's never been a hog robbed in Iowa. 

California wants to make the rest of us all drive electric vehicles. I still had hair the last time a power plant was opened in California. Where in the hell is all of the electricity to operate all of those cars going to come from? Politicians in California pass laws and then try to figure out how things will work. You've got the process backwards, dumbass!!

Greasy, I saw on the news that you had moved into a new house that cost more than nine million dollars. While I realize that in California you may have to spend that much to get one with a roof, it's still not a good look.  Who do you think you are, Obama?

You need some people who understand free enterprise in California. You limited the premiums that insurance companies can charge for fire insurance and then you wonder why no one can get fire insurance. Insurance companies are not non-profit organizations. If you limit how much they can charge, they stop selling fire insurance. That creates the situation that you have now.

If the companies do sell insurance at reduced rates, they have to spread the costs among their other customers. Speaking for the residents of North Carolina, we aren't the least bit interested in paying more for insurance so that you don't have to maintain your forests. I am not even going to start about the need for more and larger fire departments. If crime is a problem, you hire more cops. If your cities are burning, hire more firemen. Take that money that you are spending on illegal immigrants and hire firemen. Send the illegals back across the border, you can't afford them.

I always hear politicians bragging about California being a "sanctuary" state. Right now, it is a sanctuary for wildfires and arsonists. Are fires just a jobs program for looters??

The sad thing is that every year California has a problem with fires. Every year there is a problem with high winds. How can you keep being surprised? Write this down! Make a Plan!

You need water in southern California. You have water in norther California. Write this down! Build a pipeline. Just for the record, if the reservoirs are empty, there's a problem. You may be able to pay for all of this by selling smelt burgers. Give it a shot!

California needs new leadership. Resign and take that dumbass mayor of Los Angeles with you. Maybe she can go to another continent and visit friends, again. Whatever you decide, don't elect Kamala.

I was right, only a couple of profanities.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Friday Free-for-all

 The horrible wildfires in California have destroyed thousands of homes and cars, hundreds of businesses, scores of schools and the 2028 Presidential hopes of Greasy Gavin Newsome. 

These fires have demonstrated the complete failure of government in California. This is a level of negligence and incompetence that is more than sufficient to warrant criminal charges. Someone needs to go to jail for this level of incompetence. 

Greasy Gavin Newsome claims that "misinformation" is a big problem that the government needs to control. Los Angeles is burning and Greasy Gavin wants to stop people from saying bad things about him.  He said this during a video conference with the only guy who is more out of touch with reality than he is, Joe Biden.

The largest city in Newsome's state is on fire and Greasy Gavin is concerned that someone is sharing with the world the basic truth that Greasy Gavin is an idiot. 

Why do liberals all object to freedom of speech? I am so old that I remember when liberals were all protesting in support of unlimited freedom of speech. Now they want to censor everyone who disagrees with them. What happened? Oh, I forgot that Trump won, twice.

Mark Zuckerberg has suddenly become an activist for free speech after spending the last four years with his spine in the shop, unable to stand up to Biden, Garland and the rest of the Communists at the Department of Injustice. I guess that it is better late than never. 

Liberals don't understand anything about how the whole free enterprise system works. The State of California limited what insurance companies could charge for insurance and now are asking why insurance companies stopped writing fire insurance policies. It's like raising the minimum wage to $20 and then wondering why businesses are closing and/or laying off employees.

The high winds and dry conditions are not unusual in California.  They are like hurricanes in Florida and blizzards on the plains. If you don't have water to use water on fires, you better have a good plan B. California didn't and probably never will.

Today Sleepy Joe Biden told us that he or Kamala could have beaten Trump. Has Jill not told him about the election?

The California legislature is in a special session to "Trump proof" California. WOW!! Their largest city is on fire and their tax base is on the verge of collapse and they are fighting Trump, not fires. When we redefine "stupid", include the California legislature as an example.

Judge Juan Merchan should start the search for a good lawyer to represent him. He may regret telling Donald Trump, "Godspeed".

I guess the next week will feature smoke pouring out of the FBI and the DOJ buildings as they shred and burn documents before Trump's inauguration. I hear that they hired Hillary Clinton as a consultant on that data destruction process.

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Holiday Thursday??

 President Slow Joe Biden declared today, January 9th, to be a day of mourning for the death of former President Jimmy Carter. Federal Employees had the day off to mourn. I doubt that 50% of federal employees can even tell you what years Carter was the President.

This day of mourning is actually for all of the money that Biden is blowing in his last few weeks in office.

I remember the Carter years vividly. My wife and I had a new house built and the mortgage rate was 16%. The cost was over my BankAmericard limit, or I would have just saved money and put it on the credit card. A couple of years into the Reagan era, we sold that house and moved to a lower rate.

What possessed Jimmy Carter to have Joe Biden deliver his eulogy? Was everybody else on the planet busy?

Joe claims to have been "the first national figure" to endorse Jimmy in his Presidential campaign. Joe was the junior senator from the smallest state and had been in office for less than three years when Jimmy started his campaign. Joe was no closer to being a "national figure" than I was while I was managing a Waffle House in Tampa. 

Everybody talks about what a great Christian Jimmy Carter was. Then why did he want "Imagine" played at his funeral? "Imagine there's no heaven?" Really? My wife promised that there would be no John Lennon songs at my checkout ceremony.

The scenes from the California fires are horrific. So, what possessed Joe Biden to start talking about the good news he had about his first great-grandchild being born? Joe did not fly to California to see the fire damage. He flew out there because he knew his great grandchild was being delivered by c-section. Do you think that anybody who lost their home in the fire even gives a shit about any Biden kids?

 Biden did a press conference with Newsome because Newsome wasn't smart enough to lie to Joe about when and where the press conference was being held.

Hunter is the baby's grandfather. I am going to omit the crack or hooker joke that you expected here.

If I order one of those Tommy Copper compression shirts, will I be able to throw people over my shoulder, appear in movies and shoot long shots in basketball like the guy in the commercials? Sorry, I have seen that commercial too many times. I just had to throw that in somewhere.

You have to love Mayor Karen Bass of Los Angeles. She has bigger balls than even Greasy Gavin Newsome. She declared a state of emergency in Los Angeles a few days ago and then got on a plane to Ghana. 

When asked about her trip, Bass responded, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going. I'm going to Ghana." Residents are reportedly unimpressed.

I see Republicans in California's political future.

If all of these things that Biden is doing in his last sixty days are so good, why didn't he do them in his first sixty days??

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Sister Slug's Traveling Salvation Show

 The White House announced that VP Kameltoe Harris will travel to Bahrain, Germany and Singapore on a five-day trip from January 13-17. 

According to the White House, in a statement issued Tuesday, “Throughout her trip, the Vice President will discuss the accomplishments of the Biden-Harris Administration over the past four years in each region, the U.S. partnership with the respective nations, the contributions of U.S. military forces to regional and global security, and the enduring national security interests of the United States." WOW!!

She's traveling halfway around the world at taxpayer expense to try to do something that a hired writer could do in the 280 characters allowed to the free "X" users.  

She is taking Doug Emhof, the "Second Gentleman" with her on this trip. So, the taxpayers are on the hook for one last vacation for Kameltoe and Doug. I have to admit that the cost of that trip is trillions less than what her getting elected would have cost us. 

Couldn't she have just taken a vacation with some of the more than a billion dollars that they raised for her campaign? I'm sorry, I forgot that they actually spent more than they raised.

Somewhere in Singapore, there's some poor son of a bitch who works for the government, pulling out his English-Word Salad dictionary so that he can translate Kameltoe's remarks into some form of English that can be understood. They won't even waste their time and money bringing in someone to translate her remarks into sign language.

Is Kameltoe traveling to foreign countries because it isn't safe for her to travel to Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York or Washington DC? Will she be recycling some of her campaign speeches in those foreign countries? 

Is she going to those countries because they haven't heard her prattle on about "big yellow school busses"? Will those countries have to bus in paid spectators for her appearances? Will they have to build a set that looks like "The View" before she does an interview in Bahrain? Is she going to tell the "I want feedom" story in Singapore? Will she go shopping in Germany to restock her wine cellar at home? Or is she just spreading "The Incoherent Gospel of Joe Biden"?

There is talk about Harris running for Governor of California in a couple of years. If she wins, we just need to go ahead and cede California to Canada. Throw in Washington and Oregon just to make it contiguous. 

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

I have been to the mountain top!!

 Last night, I turned on the computer to check on the news and possibly scrawl out a blog post. As you are reading this post, I was obviously successful in that endeavor.

I saw a news story that confirmed my long-held belief that government is run by morons. But to be honest, I don't recall ever seeing a story that would contradict my belief. But last night was special. This was like winning a thousand dollars on a one-dollar scratch and lose ticket.

There was a news story from here in North Carolina. Yesterday was the deadline for paying property taxes in North Carolina counties. I always pay my property taxes between Christmas and New Year's to beat the crowd after New Year's Day. I would pay earlier, but there is no discount for paying early.

In Buncombe County, the county seat is Asheville. There was a lot of damage in that area from Hurricane Helene three months ago. Today, the Buncombe County Tax Office announced that there will be no waivers or adjustments for people who had their homes damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Helene. Taxes are due regardless of the condition or presence of your home. The Buncombe County Tax Office says that there is no provision for waivers or adjustments in North Carolina State Law.

Our new Governor Jerk-off Josh Stein visited Asheville last Thursday and talked about all that he was going to do to help the people who had suffered so much damage. Apparently, this does not include any relief on their property tax bills.

What are they going to do to people who watched their homes float away in the storm? Is the county going to recover their home and put it back onto the property? Are they going to track it down and seize it to sell? If you can't afford to get your home repaired, how can you afford to pay taxes on it? People have lost their homes and their jobs, but Buncombe County just doesn't care.

I will take a moment here to point out that Buncombe County and Asheville are the heart of the Democratic Party in western North Carolina. The counties surrounding it may vote Republican, but Buncombe never does. Obviously, Democrats aren't even interested in taking care of their own.

That the government waited until the last day to issue this public statement tells you everything that you need to know about government. Did anyone in Buncombe County government discuss this with Gov. Jerk-off Josh when he visited last week? They are all Democrats. Didn't anyone see this crisis coming before yesterday?

According to the Center for Immigration Studies, Buncombe County is a "sanctuary county". While they long to shelter illegal immigrants, they do nothing to help their residents who have lost their homes. You have to love the insanity of liberal priorities!!

Martin Luther King used to say that he had been to the mountaintop, and he had seen the Promised Land.  Well, I have been to the mountaintop, and I have seen the dumbest bastards in government. 

The Governor and the legislature need to start work on resolving this issue today. There is no time to waste. This is the kind of stupid shit from the government that pushes people over the edge. There's a mental health crisis brewing in Buncombe County. It's being caused by morons in government.  let's find a cure!!

Just a footnote, but if Trump has to ride to the rescue on this situation, the Dims can write off Buncombe County.