Thursday, November 14, 2024

To The Gaetz of Hell?

 Yesterday, President Trump caused liberal heads across the nation to explode. As I write this, leftists across the land are bursting into flames as the news of the appointment of Matt Gaetz as Attorney General spreads. Based on reports from alleged media sources like MSNBC and NPR, Satan has been nominated to be the new US Attorney-General.

Let me be honest here, I don't like Matt Gaetz. I don't like him because I think that he is better at asking questions than he is at answering questions. He is better at identifying a problem than at solving a problem. Gaetz is a bomb thrower, not a problem solver. But having said that, I think that is what we need right now at the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice needs to be turned over and shaken to see what falls out. I believe that Gaetz is the man to do that job.

What are those who oppose Gaetz afraid of him doing? Are they afraid that he will illegally appoint a "Special Prosecutor" to harass a former President? Forget about Biden, let's find out how the Obamas and the Clintons have become multi-millionaires after not having a pot to piss in before going to the White House. Will Gaetz use the DOJ in that capacity? Sadly, the answer is no. Will the Gaetz DOJ track down and charge every American who demonstrates against Trump at his inauguration? Will he do what Ma Garlnd did with the January 6 demonstrators? Of course not. Will Gaetz use the DOJ as Trump's personal law enforcement agency to punish his political enemies? Hell, that's what Democrats are worried about! After Ma Garland and his boys using the DOJ to punish the opponents of Democrats for the last four years, they are afraid that Trump is appointing Gaetz for the same reason. According to Dims, it's only wrong when a Republican does it.

Liberals are complaining about the quality of Trump's selections for appointees. Admittedly, Trump has not appointed a transexual as Surgeon General yet, but there is still time. Trump has not appointed a luggage stealing cross dresser to handle the disposal of spent atomic fuels, but Democrats are still holding out hope. Dims have given up hope on another hopeless incompetent heading up the Department of Homeland Security, but they are trying to hurry more of their immigrant followers across the border into our country before January 20. 

Bookies are reportedly taking bets on when Donald Trump will fire Chris Wray at the FBI. I checked, but all of the times on the afternoon of January 20 were already taken. Democrats are stunned that Trump would fire Wray, the man who sent FBI agents to search Melania Trump's underwear drawer at Mar-A-Lago. Republicans understand that it's not whether Trump will fire Wray, it's only when Trump will fire him. There are news reports that Wray will resign if Trump tells him that he wants him gone. I hope that doesn't happen as I have already placed bets on a couple of times on January 21.

But back to where I started this screed, let's hope that the US Senate has the balls to confirm Matt Gaetz as Attorney General. Or is Trump just setting them up to confirm his second choice for Attorney General? By that point, they will vote for anyone as long as it's not Gaetz.


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