Sunday, November 24, 2024

Road Rants and Reflections

 I was passed out on I-75 by a Tesla "truck" today. Sorry Elon, but that may be the ugliest "truck" that I have ever seen. If Ford Motor Company had made an Edsel truck, it would look better than that Tesla "truck". By the way, where's the cargo compartment? Can you put a ladder rack on that thing? I didn't see a trailer hitch as it passed me. If you towed a boat with that thing, you would have people asking you which vehicle was the boat.

As long as I am on the subject of Teslas, a few weeks ago while visiting friends in Georgia, I rode in one of their Teslas. There was a video screen in the front dash area that was bigger than the first television set that our family owned. How could anything that big not be considered a distraction to the driver? Why play on your smartphone when you can catch the game of the week while you drive?

I don't understand all of the crying about potentially eliminating the Department of Education. Are liberals afraid that test scores will rise? Are they terrified of the possibility that a high school graduate will be able to make change?

I spent several days at the Moultrie Car Show and Swap Meet this week. Just as a note, the spell check function is telling me that "Moultrie" is not a correct spelling. So much for the computer knowing more than me or is it "I"? My resident grammar Nazi will be emailing me soon.

The Moultrie event is held at Spence Field. There is an active airport there also. Similar to last year, one of the other sarcasm experts was on hand. It may have been the same guy from last year who made a similar comment. On Friday morning, a private jet took off at the airport. The guy glanced up at the jet and said, "Why didn't they tell us Taylor Swift was here?"

I like to travel off the Interstate when possible. I usually travel US 1 and US 319 to reach Moultrie from where I leave I-20 in Augusta. For about 150 miles south of Augusta, there was a lot of destruction from the recent hurricane. The roads were lined with piles of trees and other destroyed plant growth. Why hasn't the federal government mobilized the armies of unemployed Americans to aid in the cleanup effort? Why didn't Biden bring back FDR's Civilian Conservation Corps?

FYI. After leaving Augusta on US 1, follow that road to the city of Wrens, Georgia. As you head out of Wrens, the Stuckey's factory store is on the left. There's nothing like a sack full of those pecan logs to satisfy your craving for sweets. Don't pass up the pralines!

The Buc-ees at Warner-Robbins was packed when I stopped. I was there to get our holiday beef jerky. There was a woman in front of the line at the jerky counter when I got in line. She bought three different flavors of jerky, but only one piece of each. The guy in front of me and I were trying to decide what kind of person waits in a line for three pieces of jerky. He bought one and a half pounds. I bought three pounds. The maple cherry jerky and the steakhouse flavor are my favorites. I didn't buy it to eat on the ride home. The jerky was for later. The XXL brisket sandwich was to keep me from starving on the ride home.

Last food tip of the day is Ellis Brothers Pecans at exit 109 on I-75 in Georgia. Their store is a couple of miles off the interstate, but it is well worth the ride. I won't get into my shopping list there.

Future Democrat? At the car show, a young man about 12 years old came into my space. His parents are vendors there also. He selected two high quality tools from my 2/$1 wrench tray and walked away. About twenty minutes later, he came back. He asked if I wanted to buy the wrenches that I had just sold him. I told him that if he had changed his mind that I would take the wrenches back and give him his dollar back. He told me that he wanted to sell them for more so that he could make some more money. The top blew off my head and I said, "Why the hell would I pay you more than a dollar for something that I just sold you for a dollar? You need to go take a math class. You need to go watch your parents do business. I am sure they wouldn't do what you just asked me to do!" He left at warp speed. Biden will probably nominate him tomorrow to be the new Federal Reserve Chief.



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