Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Democrats, Dummies and the DOD

 Democrats are those kids in your class who didn't listen when the coach told them, "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game that counts." The liberal turds heard not a word.

Merrick Garland's next job will be "officially" working for the Democratic National Committee. His paychecks will actually have his name on them instead of just being made out to "Cash".

I got a call from Hakeem Jeffries wanting to know if I would call Nancy Pelosi and tell her that her job as Speaker of the House is actually over. Hakeem said that the worst part is where he has to sit on her lap while she makes him talk. She told him that he is a better puppet than "Joe the wonder President". They call him that because he keeps wondering if he is still President. 

The Democratic fundraising machine is in disarray with the Harris campaign. I am sure of this because I received a fundraising email asking me for a donation to the Harris campaign. I would have thought that the "mensareb" in my email address would have weeded out the scum. It turned out that an alleged "friend" had entered my email address responding to some liberal email. That's not a problem for me. Wait until the porn starts showing up in the email account that he and his wife share.

In a late update about the campaign financial situation, the Democratic National Committee has laid off hundreds of permanent and temporary workers. Maybe Oprah can give them all jobs?

If you don't think that Democrats have lost touch with reality, turn on the television for about ten minutes on a Sunday morning. It has been less than two weeks since they had their asses handed to them in the national elections, but to hear them tell the story you would think that they had won the election.

Democrats scream about the need for experience in government officials, but this nation has elected forty-four men who had no previous experience as President to their first term as President.

Matt Gaetz has never been an Attorney General. Democrats claim to be afraid that he will be worse than Merrick Garland. How is that possible? Maybe if Gaetz had been first nominated to the Supreme Court? Then, maybe he could suck as badly as Garland. Ma Garland is on the last couple of months of his "Communist Revenge Tour" against the United States because he didn't get a seat on the Supreme Court. He needs to be sentenced to four years on the View where he can be surrounded by a pack of morons who think like he does.

Democrats don't think that Pete Hegseth could do the job of Secretary of Defense. If Pete knows how to call in sick when he's in the hospital, he's ahead of Lloyd Austin. We don't need any more generals and admirals to run the DOD. Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex almost 64 years ago. Even a Democrat could have figured that out by now, but they haven't. 

The military brass and the defense contractors have a relationship that meets all of the legal standards for "incest". This leads to the birth of things like $600 hammers and $10,000 toilets. The symbol of the DOD inefficiency is the Pentagon. I am talking about the actual building. Colonel Potter on "MASH" described it as a building with "four walls and a spare".  It would have been cheaper to build a headquarters that was rectangular, but they wanted something that looked fancier. That has been their policy for everything almost forever.

In 1935 Gen. Smedley Butler wrote a short book called "War is a Racket". Unless your lips move while you read, you can finish it in two or three visits to the bathroom. It's been ninety years since Butler wrote the book, but reading it is like listening to Elon Musk talk about the government today. The more that things change, the more that they stay the same.

My last thought on defense contractors involves Nikki Haley and Boeing. Haley supported Boeing when she was a state legislator and as governor of South Carolina. After leaving the Trump Administration, she took a position on the board of directors at Boeing. She broke with Boeing just a short time before deciding to run for President in 2024. Incest is best? It's not just for generals anymore!


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