Tuesday, February 20, 2024


 Don't worry, it doesn't mean I am in search of anything. Nor does it stand for the International Standards Organization. Last, but most importantly, it does not stand for I Support Obama. What does it mean? I'm So Old.

ISO, that I keep waiting for an advertising agency to contact me because they want to run an advertising program using the last white, heterosexual, married couple on earth and they need my wife and me. Hopefully, they will pay accordingly. 

ISO that I still hope to wake up one morning and like Bobby on "Dallas" discover that the last three years have all been a dream. I am being too polite! With Biden, it's been a nightmare.

ISO that sometimes when I see cheap stuff in the Walmart that was made in Vietnam, I stop and think. Did my friend Frank die there so I could buy those cheap shoes today?

ISO that when I think about that war, I realize that not all of those who died from the Vietnam war, died in Vietnam. My wife's brother died a couple of years ago in Louisiana from lung cancer caused by Agent Orange exposure. Fifty years after leaving Vietnam, he died from the war. My wife and I were at a Jimmy Fortune concert a few months after her brother's death. Fortune sings a great song called "More than a Name on the Wall" about the Vietnam Memorial. I told him that not all those who died have their names on the wall. The guy who claims to be my only friend was a pilot in Vietnam. He's had prostate cancer and breast cancer from his exposure to Agent Orange. He's the only guy I know who has had a double mastectomy. Why aren't these names on the casualty lists?

ISO that I remember talking to my Uncle Bill about his time in World War Two. He was an aircraft engine mechanic in the U.S. Navy. That was all that he would tell me about his experiences. I found out later that he had been on Saipan late in the war. Was he there when Japanese families were committing suicide by jumping off cliffs into the ocean? He was my favorite uncle, but he struggled with mental health issues after the war and until he died twenty years ago. His copy of the Bluejacket Manual is on my desk. 

My sister's husband spent thirty years in the USAF. He was in Desert Storm. Now they get notices about side effects of all the oil fires the Iraqis set before retreating. Is this just Agent Orange all over again?

ISO that I know that a lot of our ancestors came to this land for the freedom to practice their religion. Our government gets closer every day to abandoning that principle. At the Branch Davidian complex in Waco, Texas the FBI used tanks and CS gas on those Americans. We had signed a treaty not to use that gas in wars, but the FBI used it against our own citizens. How many Americans were killed that day because of their religion? Just to be fair, we had the Mormon War in 1857-58. Nobody talks about that war on religion anymore, either.  

ISO that in the 1980's I contributed money to the drive to restore the Statue of Liberty that was being spearheaded by Lee Iacocca. Now, the leftist liberal bastards in this country want to tear all of the statues down.

ISO that I remember when there were only two genders, Of course, that was just a few seconds ago. I love the morons who say, "Follow the Science" and then shovel some bullshit about 56 genders. if you are in that crowd, I have your pronouns hanging right here. They are "fuck" and "you"!!

ISO that I remember when the Ukraine was known for farming. Today ii is known as the place where Chuck Schumer claims that we will one day soon be sending young Americans to fight. ISO that I have to ask "WHY?" What in Ukraine is worth a single American life? Let's let the old bastards in Congress getting the Ukrainian kickbacks lead the way into combat. Don't vote for anything that you aren't willing to participate in.


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