Sunday, February 18, 2024

Sunday Salvos

 My wife and I were at Sam's Club in Danville yesterday for my weekly trip to people watch. If you see someone wearing a hoodie covering their head and most of their face inside a building where the temperature is 70 degrees, they are officially a slave to fashion. Bonus points if they are also a criminal.

Twitter, where the morons gather for a meet and greet. Truth in advertising should compel them to change the name to something like "Constant Moments of Lunacy".

Liberals are now accusing Tucker Carlson of "enabling" Putin by interviewing him. Does the liberal media in our nation "enable" Biden with their puff pieces about him?

In Ukraine, our 51st State, the Ukrainians are giving up a city to the Russians because, according to the media, we have not sent them enough aid. How long before the press starts the "Fall of Saigon" style pictures? For the Gen Z'ers out there, that would be the "fall of Kabul" style pictures.  

There is a "Truckers for Trump" group saying that they are going to stop hauling loads to New York City. Before you laugh that off, how many loads of groceries or gas would have to be left sitting somewhere before bringing the city to a halt?  It wouldn't even take a stoppage; a slowdown would cause havoc. Was it Napoleon who said, "An army marches on its belly"? Let's face it, how many liberal truck drivers do you know? Gov. Hochul should call Justin Trudeau for more info.

Kameltoe Harris proclaims that she is "ready to serve". My first reaction was "serve what?" She couldn't spell "cat" if you spotted her the "C" and the "A". But in her defense, unlike Biden, she probably does know what century we are in now. 

Also, a Harris presidency might cause some significant changes. They would give up the limousine, "The Beast" and replace it with a "Big Yellow School Bus" that she professes to love. Of course, that would not happen immediately, it would involve the "significance of the passage of time" that she likes to talk about. I would be pushing the Secret Service to make her official code name "Kameltoe". There would actually be an upside to a Harris presidency. We would no longer have live news reports with some reporter breathlessly describing the President's selection of ice cream flavors. The downside is that an analysis of a five-minute speech by President Harris would require a team of ten reporters. What kind of dressing do you put on a "word salad"? Russian, French, Italian, Ukrainian?

Someone on the news the other night pointed out that Kameltoe has never lost an election. They failed to point out that no one outside of California has ever voted for her. 

Speaking of California, Representative Barbara Lee, obviously a Democrat, is advocating for a $50 an hour minimum wage. This is the new standard for "stupid", even in California. This woman represents California in Congress and thinks that this is a good idea. If you are AOC, this is great news! You are no longer the dumbest son of a bitch in Congress, Barbara Lee now holds that title.

How do elected officials not understand how the price of labor affects the cost of goods? It's not just elected public officials. It extends to elected union leaders. The United Auto Workers are endorsing Joe Biden for President. Biden wants manufacturers to build more electric vehicles. The production of electric vehicles requires fewer workers than does the production internal combustion vehicles. So, Joe Biden is actually trying to put auto workers out of work, and they endorsed him. Am I the only one who thinks that somebody hasn't thought this one through?

This lack of understanding about economics is widespread. I am a member of Mensa, the international high IQ society, I was a member back in the 1990's and then took more than a twenty-year sabbatical before I decided to rejoin last year. A couple of weeks ago, I received the news that they were in the process of increasing the membership dues from $79 a year to $107 a year. If you have guessed that I immediately sent an email to the Board of Directors, you are correct. 

This incident was before Barbara Lee suggested a $50 minimum wage so I could not make any comparisons there. Instead, I pointed out that my experience, after more than fifty years in the restaurant business, was that the immediate reaction to every price increase was a decline in sales. It takes customers (or members) a period of time to decide whether to accept the higher price.  In Mensa, that would be a decline in membership. I asked those on the Board of Directors if they had projected how many members they would lose from a 28% increase in dues. I also pointed out that my IQ would not drop if I failed to renew. I sent my email to 15 board members and received two responses and neither addressed my question about a dues increase reducing the membership. One response was from the chairman of the board, and she said, "I am sorry that you are leaving us."  If she thinks that sarcasm will work on me, she's not smart enough to be a member.   I will save that $107 next year and spend it at Harbor Freight. 

Final shot: Nothing keeps the news about a crime off the front page like the crime being committed by one of the "favored minorities." We all know the favored minorities. Why don't we ever talk about mental illness and killings by transgenders? Why has the press just discovered crimes by illegal immigrants?  If a group of young, white Trump supporters had been involved in the tragedy in Kansas City, it would be on every network and newsstand. Instead, the public is left to wonder who did this and why it happened. In a crowd estimated at a million people, most toting smartphones, there have to be hundreds of pictures of those involved. Have you seen one?


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