Thursday, February 08, 2024

Not another frigging penny!!

Chuck "The Schmuck" Schumer wasted no time introducing his foreign assistance bill after the alleged "border bill". Surprise! It contains another 60 billion dollars or so for the Ukraine.  There's also money for Israel and Taiwan and a few billion for odds and ends.

There's an old saying, "That which deserves to live, does." Russia has controlled that area of land longer than the United States has existed. Why is it such a horrible thing now?

If you are a liberal, don't waste your time telling me about the evils of Russia and Communism. Our biggest foreign supplier of goods is China. I don't know if Democrats are aware of this, but China is run by Communists. So apparently, we have no fear of Communism but fear only Russia. Just as a reminder, Russia was our ally in World War 2. We were able to get a foothold in Europe because millions of Russians died on the Eastern Front taking loads of Germans with them.

History is circular. We claim that we are supporting democracy in the Ukraine, but Zelensky has said that there will be no elections until they drive out the Russians and that's not looking good. How long did it take for Chiang Kai-shek to allow free elections in Taiwan? 

We are borrowing money to support a country run by a comedian. What could possibly go wrong? Why are the Russians wasting their time and manpower in the Ukraine? They could land in Mexico and walk into Texas and Biden would give them money to do it. 

Why do we support corrupt regimes? Here's a quick list of countries from my lifetime. Formosa/Taiwan, South Korea, South Vietnam. Cuba, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, and Ukraine. If you think that nothing could go wrong in the Ukraine, yesterday Chuck Schumer said that young Americans could end up fighting in Eastern Europe in a few years. We spent billions in Afghanistan. How did that turn out Chuck?

How many times does Charlie Brown try to kick the football before Lucy stops moving it?

I am amazed that the Democrats are willing to fight to keep Russians out of the Ukraine but are unwilling to secure our own border. There are more illegals in North Carolina than there are Russians in the Ukraine. So naturally, we borrow money from the Chinese and the Arabs and send billions to the Ukraine.  Is there anyone outside of Washington, DC who thinks that this is a good idea?

Call your Congressman and Senators. Not another frigging penny to the Ukraine!


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