Saturday, January 27, 2024

Saturday Night at the Movies?

Joe Biden said that he will secure the border if Congress passes a new bill being written under cover in the Senate. What's been holding him back from doing that for the last three years?

The President and the Senate have already been told that if that bill contains what is rumored to be in it, the bill is "Dead on Arrival" in the House. Based on what Ted Cruz, Rick Scott and others are saying, it might not make it out of the Senate.

There are rumors that the bill will allow 5,000 illegal immigrants a day to cross the border. At that point, the government will close the border. That 5,000 illegals a day transforms into 1,825,000 illegals a year. This is considered "secure". It's just more liberal bullshit.

Has Biden got approval from the Mexican cartels before implementing this new plan? Are the cartels funneling money to Hunter also? Or do they just buy his art?

The government is giving illegals a smartphone and service. I use a flip phone. What other kind of criminals do we provide smartphones and service for? 

If someone tries to break into your home by breaking a window and cuts their arm on the glass and bleeds to death, is it your fault? Of course not, but the Biden Border Buttheads are blaming Texas for three immigrants who drowned in the Rio Grande. Did Mexico have signs proclaiming, "No Swimming"? This is Dawin's theory at work.

I am so old; I remember when Congress passed a budget before the fiscal year started. February is a couple of days away and they still don't have a budget. They changed the start of the year several years ago but still can't get it done. They need to start working weekends and holidays to get caught up on "the people's business". 

A "Pathway to citizenship" does not start with illegally entering the country.  

Kevin Morris has been described as Hunter Biden's "sugar brother". He has loaned him money to pay his taxes and has purchased some of his art. He has also made payments to Hunter's ex-wife and to the mother of Hunter's daughter Navy.

FYI: Here's link to the House Oversight Committee report on the transcribed interview with Kevin Morris. Comer Statement on Transcribed Interview with Kevin Morris - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability

Last week on Gutfeld, Gutfeld talked about this situation. When Gutfeld asked Tyrus for his opinion, Tyrus told him that this was not a "sugar brother", it was a "sugar daddy" situation. He said that this was a love affair, not a couple of buddies. Nobody "loans" a buddy six million dollars. I have to agree with Tyrus on this one. 

Just for the record, the Russian Empire controlled the area now known as the Ukraine before the United States existed as a nation. What has happened in the last few years to cause the Ukraine to become so important? Was it Lt. Col. Vindman's riveting testimony about how the Ukraine is the lynchpin of our national security? Was it the Biden's getting payoffs from the Ukraine? Only the bankers know.


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