Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Mid-Week Wit, Wisdom, Rants and Raves

There was a Democratic primary held yesterday in New Hampshire from which no candidate will receive any delegates. What was the purpose?

Democrats don't want an actual election to choose their candidate. They have anointed Biden as their choice, no others need apply. It's hard to believe that the word "Democrat" is derived from "democracy". 

Nikki Haley and Boeing. Why isn't anyone talking about this?

It's time for Mitch McConnell to step aside and let someone under a hundred lead the Senate Republicans. Rick Scott needs to stage an insurrection for Republicans to set them free from "Cocaine Mitch".

The leaders in the Senate are trying to put together an immigration bill in secret that they can cram it down the throat of House Republicans. Sen. John Kennedy said it best when asked about the new Senate bill. He said that there was a guy living under an interstate bridge who knew more about the bill than he did.

Any law establishing a "pathway to citizenship" needs to require people to enter the country legally. We should not reward people for breaking our laws.

I will repeat it for about the tenth time. There are more illegal immigrants in North Carolina than there are Russians in the Ukraine. Yet Biden is worried about the Ukraine. The Russians should have just walked over the Ukrainian border claiming they were there to harvest crops.

I read an article the other day about "food deserts" created by grocery stores closing. Tell the locals to stop stealing everything and they will have a place to shop.

Scott McKay, who writes for the "American Spectator", has the best idea for solving the immigration crisis. He says that Abbott and other governors should ship all of the illegal immigrants to Washington, DC. The entire situation at the border would then change within a couple of weeks. Let all of those folks wander into the Senate chamber and even McConnell would spring to life. 

Why do we keep paying Merrick Garland? He's useless, except as human toilet tissue. When the revolution comes, put his ass on trial first!

Georgia is considering some more RICO laws including one to deal with littering. That means if your kid asks, "What do I do with this napkin?" and you respond, "Throw it out the window", you are guilty of racketeering. 

Conspiracy is what they charge people with when they can't find anything else with which to charge someone.

It's starting to look like the NFL is desperate for the Kansas City Chiefs to go to the Super Bowl. The Chiefs were aided by a couple of questionable calls in Sunday's game against Buffalo. It would be quicker if they just gave Taylor Swift a team of her own.

A few days ago, Blogger posted a warning label on my post, Saturday Morning Confusion. They wouldn't tell me what part they considered offensive, so I didn't bother trying to edit said post. It was my most viewed post since Christmas. I guess that it was the lure of the "forbidden fruit".

Contrary to reports, Joe Biden is not campaigning from his basement again this year. They have arranged for him to stay at a Dairy Queen for the next ninth months. The Secret Service is delivering a cone-shaped motor home to the front yard of Biden's Delaware beach house.  With all the ice cream that he can eat and young girls to sniff, he may never go back home to Dr. Jill.

Take the pledge. Don't watch the Super Bowl this year. One of my homies told me that they have their own national anthem because the Star-Spangled Banner favors the Hispanics. When I asked, "How so?" He said, "It starts off with 'Jose can you see?'"


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