Thursday, February 01, 2024

Thursday Thoughts and Shots

 If something happens and Biden can't run this year, who will serve Obama's fourth term?

New York City wonders why they have a crime problem. Then they release five guys who attacked two policemen in Times Square. Fat Albert Bragg didn't even make these guys post bail. Five illegal immigrants attack two cops and don't even have to post bail? Crime is on the rise in NYC. This might explain that?

Bragg is too busy inventing laws to charge Doanld Trump to have time to deal with real crime. Trump has done more for New York than all of those harassing him, and their street thug friends will ever do. 

Why does the federal government move illegals in the middle of the night? Is it because they know that they are doing something wrong?

Rep. Ayanna Pressley is ripping Walgreens for closing stores in her district. She claims this is "racist". What isn't "racist" for Pressley? Maybe if she could get her constituents to stop stealing, some business might be able to keep stores open in that area. 

Memo to Pressley: Businesses don't exist to give your voters a place to steal stuff. They exist to provide products and services for a profit. An American history class would help you understand what's going on in this country. A beginning business class might overwhelm you, Ayanna.

Why can illegals get on government paid airlines without having any ID, but US citizens have to provide ID and get searched to get on the same plane with them?

At Ellis Island more than a hundred years ago, you had to pass a physical exam to enter the country. We are so sophisticated today that we let anyone enter. They don't have to get any shots until they get citizenship.  The federal government required military members to get shots, but don't require that of people entering the country illegally. If any of this makes sense, consider communicating with Dr. Jack Kevorkian on a Ouija Board.

What do Fani Willis, Letitia James and Fat Albert Bragg have in common? They all hate successful white men. Let's talk about racism again.

The Biden Administration has certified Matha's Vineyard and Rehoboth Beach as low-income rural areas so that they can get government funding for EV charging stations. Biden and credibility should never be used in the same sentence paragraph chapter book.

My Hero of the Week is Ashleigh Merchant. She is the attorney who has filed suit against Fulton County and Fani Willis because they are not complying with Georgia's open records act. They keep telling her that there are no records available on lots of things. The Fulton County District Attorney's was asked for information on any attorneys that Fani Willis has hired. She was told that there were "no responsive records" available. 

At some point soon, someone in the Georgia State government is going to have to remove Willis from her job. It's going downhill at the speed of light.  It's pretty obvious that the grand jury indicted the wrong people. 

What the most telling detail in Merchant's requests? It seems that the District Attorney's office had engaged the services of a couple of media-monitoring companies. They let you know when you are mentioned or appear in the media. I think one was "Critical Mention" and the other was "TV Eyes". Why did they spend taxpayer dollars on this?

Would any of the New York cases have been pursued against anyone other than Donald Trump?

All of the experts on television are saying that abortion will be a big issue this year. When killing the unborn and letting illegals roam the streets stealing and killing are your main campaign points, it is time to check out as a civilization.

Tonight, my wife and I were watching "The Five" on Fox when a story came on about a robot being developed by Elon Musk. My wife watched the video and said, "He walks like Joe Biden". Forty-five years of marriage and something has finally rubbed off on her. I congratulated her. About a minute later, Judge Jeanine said the same thing. High Fives at the Jones house!!


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