Monday, February 05, 2024

Figures don't lie, but Liars can figure

 I was watching some news show on television on Saturday when the alleged journalist and some politician were discussing our nation's economy. I was stunned to find out that according to these two schmucks, the economy is booming. They cited dropping unemployment rates and the growing stock market as evidence of our "robust" economy.

First, the only stock market that I have invested in over the last seventy years was selling goats and cows. The New York Stock Exchange and the other such markets are nothing more than governmental endorsed, semi-regulated casinos where fools invest their life savings in the hope that one day 2+2 will equal 5. Note to gamblers, give it up!! 

Unemployment rates are alleged to be at record low levels. The first thing that you need to know is that the government does not count those who have stopped looking for work. So, those who have decided to live on the taxpayers' largesse (social programs) are not involved in these statistics. What the statistics don't detail is the number of people having to get a second job to buy groceries and gas in this "robust" economy. These folks are why the unemployment numbers are dropping. There are still beggars on every corner and "Help Wanted" signs on almost every business. The government's numbers simply do not reflect the reality of the situation. Of course, the government has never lied to us about anything. To be honest they have lied about a few things like illegal immigrants, COVID, COVID shots, what vaccines do, weapons of mass destruction, the Ukraine, Hunter Biden's job skills, Obama's third term, Martin Luther King, George Floyd, BLM, the history of the United States, the 2020 election, and almost everything else in the last 200 years. So, for the government to lie about the economy is not exactly groundbreaking behavior. But I digress.

The Forever Feeding Us Falsehoods Feds tell us that inflation is down to about a 3% annual rate. Just for the record, gasoline has gone up thirty (30) cents a gallon in the last three weeks in North Carolina. That's at least a ten percent increase in three weeks. If you annualize that increase, you will have a stroke. The price of fuel drives the prices almost everything else as magic carpets are unable to supply stores. The real fuel price to watch is the price of diesel. Everything moves by truck. The Amazon guy in his electric vehicle can't stock the Wal-Mart.

Let's talk about groceries for a few lines. Eggs are somewhere between $3 and $6 a dozen. Butter is between $4 and $8 a pound. Vegetable oil that was $2 in 2020 is now $6 a bottle. "Margarine" has 80% vegetable oil in it. There is only one brand of "margarine" at Food Lion. Everything else in those tubs and sticks is "spread". Most of the "spreads" have somewhere between 30 and 60% vegetable oil. If you have ever wondered why that yellow crap won't melt on your toast, that is why. This is what happens when we try to burn our food as fuel.  Have you visited the meat department lately? In 1965, 70/30 ground beef was 35 cents a pound. Today, it is somewhere between $6 and $8 a pound. Cereal is somewhere between $3 and $8 a box. Have you bought a ham lately? I suggested to the grocery store manager that they have someone on hand to arrange financing for hams and beef roasts. 

In closing, these prices don't take into account the states and cities that allow people to just walk into stores and steal products. This is why businesses are closing. I walked into a Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market a couple of weeks ago across the street from Guilford College in Greensboro. There were rows of products that were in locked displays. The Democrats have created a nation where their supporters are free to steal and loot.

Liberals talk about Trump being like Hitler. This is proof that Democrats don't study history. While I don't believe that Trump is a danger and is certainly not like Hitler, rampant inflation in Germany is what brought Hitler to power. Germans grew tired of hauling a wheelbarrow full of paper money to the bakery for a loaf of bread. They changed the government. 

So, I am back to where I started with this. Is the government lying about the economy to stay in power? Will anyone believe them?


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