Friday, July 23, 2010

This just in!!- The Encore

On Friday I received a comment from KB at Guilford College about my post on Thursday. Here is his or her comment:

I've thought some of your thoughts before, but hadn't taken the time to publish them. I appreciate your comments. I have heard this opposing argument and want to get your opinion on it.
-Most colleges are historically white and male. And congress, yep, mostly white and male. So, an all female college and an historically black college and a negro college fund are all unique and important for the minority to feel heard within the majority. There's no need to call a school historically white... when all of them were.

Your thoughts?

First, like late night radio DJ's, it is always shocking to bloggers to find out that someone is listening. Having said that, let's give it a shot.

The argument that the United Negro College Fund, all-women's schools, and historically black colleges are important so that the minority can be heard within the majority has no legs. The Ku Klux Klan is attempt to see that a minority can be heard within a majority. To quote Dr. Phil, "How's that working for you?" To have a successful group, team, or society, some individuality must be surrendered.

If your goal is to make sure that we are all equal under the law and have equal opportunity, then it is simply insane to allow groups that are defined by race or gender. If race or gender should play no part in one's qualifications for school or a job or a political office, then why point it out??

If it's okay for women to go to schools without men, how can you possibly deny men the similar right to attend school without women? Is there some magic at women's schools that prevents them from seeing the unfairness of this situation? There have been scores of studies done showing the benefits of single sex education. Why won't we allow men to benefit from this?

There is a Congressional Black Caucus and there are two Congressional Hispanic Caucuses. I hate to quote people considered by some to be extremists, but on January 25, 2007, Representative Tom Tancredo, R-Co., spoke out against the continued existence of the Congressional Black Caucus as well as the Democratic Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Republican Congressional Hispanic Conference saying, "It is utterly hypocritical for Congress to extol the virtues of a color-blind society while officially sanctioning caucuses that are based solely on race. If we are serious about achieving the goal of a colorblind society, Congress should lead by example and end these divisive, race-based caucuses." Tancredo is correct.

The congress of the United States has more than 40 black members. The Congressional Black Caucus has no white members. They don't allow them. Can you say hypocrite?

Historically black colleges are struggling to maintain their role as the school of choice for blacks. They feel that this is essential to their survival. Can you picture someone at Harvard suggesting that if you are white, Harvard is the school for you due to their long history of educating white folks??

If you desire to assimilate into a society and receive equal treatment, you cannot keep pointing out that you should receive special treatment because you are different. I don't care what the law is, this is about human nature and human responses.

Here's the bottom line. If you define yourself or make decisions about others based on race or gender, by definition, you are a racist or a sexist. That applies to institutions as well as individuals. The Black Panthers are just as racist as the Aryan Nation boys. The Black Congressional Caucus is no better than the Council of Conservative Citizens. Historically black colleges trying to remain majority-black are making the same arguments that George Wallace made at the University of Alabama in the 1960's. They are all making judgements based on race. They are all wrong.

Racism is not the exclusive province of middle-aged, white males. If you don't believe me, turn on a radio and listen to some rap.

A little background on the blogger. I have spent more than 40 years in the food service industry. Food service may be the most multi-cultural industry in the country. I have managed restaurants that looked like the United Nations. In 1975, as an operations manager, I spent several months at a Waffle House on Golfair Boulevard in Jacksonville, Florida while we trained a manager. The customers were more than 90%black and the staff was more than 75% black. I have experienced what it is like to be in the minority. I didn't form an association of white managers.


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