Wednesday, December 04, 2024

3:30 AM Thoughts

 It was about twenty degrees as our old dog and I strolled the front yard with her looking for the perfect spot to "pop a squat". That time of morning is a time that I am familiar with after years of getting up in the middle of the night and going to work.

That damn global warming is producing some low temperature records in North Carolina and many other places this December and we are only four days into the month. I can only assume that the polar bear that walked through my yard heading south, was Al Gore on his way to a Christmas costume party.

The liberal media and their Democrat supporters continue to attack Pete Hegseth. This morning's headline proclaimed that Hegseth had five affairs in his first marriage. That's irrelevant unless they can show me how that affected his job performance. Just to lob a few rounds into the fire, let's ask Democrats how many affairs that President John Kennedy had during his first marriage. Yet, they worship Kennedy. Obviously, this is only a problem when Republicans do it.

I am having trouble understanding a world where people with the morals of US Senators are questioning someone else's morals. Obviously, this is what my grandmother was talking about when she said, "That's like the pot calling the kettle black." Thanks for that insight, Granny.

This morning, twenty-nine days after the election, California finally reported the results of their final congressional race. The Democrat won by about 200 votes. Thank God that the Democrat won. If he had lost, they would still be counting the votes. We need a constitutional amendment that standardizes election rules nationwide.

The "Slowest Learning Politician" award appears to be a shoo-in for Brandon Johnson of Chicago. The same black folks who put him in office are now screaming for his head. He tried for a $300 million tax increase. The City Council voted it down. Now, he wants a $60 million tax increase. He's not going to get that either. Black people in Chicago are opposed to the city giving illegal immigrants things that the black citizens who pay taxes can't get. Take a message, Brandon!!

Would Fat Alvin Bragg have charged Daniel Penny in the subway choking case if the victim had been white? Would he have charged Penny if he was black? The answer to both questions is no. I think that the Trump Justice Department needs to investigate the Manhattan District Attorney's office.

Trump's attorneys have filed to have his New York case dismissed. Judge Merchaun can both follow the law and save himself a federal investigation by dismissing this disaster. Is he smart enough to do that? We will see.

Joe Biden is in Angola giving away more money that we will have to borrow. Joe is more than a little confused. On arrival in Angola, Joe said, "Wow!! This must be the best prison in Louisiana!"


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