Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Justice for Trump?

 I am fascinated by liberals and their concept of justice. The homes of Supreme Court Justices are protected by federal law from people protesting there. Protests were held in front of several residences after the Dobbs decision. How many people did the DOJ charge for this crime? If you guessed zero, you are on target. People who protested at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, are either still being charged or are in prison. How can this be? "It be" because the Department of Justice is a branch of the Democratic Party and needs to be reconstructed from the bottom up. Actually, I would prefer that it be dissolved, and their buildings leveled. However, there are those who find this idea a little extreme. Hang on guys, you will see the light soon.

The only thing worse than the United States Department of Justice would be the entire legal system in the state of New York. New York, where criminals run free, believes that it is the center of the universe. This is correct only if we are talking about the universe of stupidity. 

Letitia James. the New York Attorney General, ran for office claiming that she was going to get up every morning suing Donald Trump. First, we need to strike any concept of her being fair and impartial from the entire discussion. So, while one cannot walk the streets of Manhattan safely, she strives to make sure that banks in New York make substantial profits from doing business with Donald Trump. She claims that Trump kept banks from making more profits by manipulating the value of his properties. While Biden tells us that hidden bank fees are the biggest financial demon we are facing, James fights for banks to make more money. Yes, Democrats really are that stupid.

"Jawbone of an Ass" James is a classic case of politicians not knowing anything about business. She claims that Trump overvalued his properties for some purposes and undervalued them for others. Welcome to free enterprise! She claims that Trump overvalued his properties to get better rates on loans. If a bank takes a borrower's word on property values, they are too stupid to stay in business. Someone needs to introduce James to the concept of "appraisals". Rest assured that if Donad Trump wanted to borrow $100 million on a piece of property, the bank had an appraisal done. If not. they are as stupid as James. If you know anyone in this country who has received a tax bill and called the government claiming that their property was undervalued and undertaxed, call me immediately! What government asks the property owner to set their own property values? 

I live in historic Caswell County, North Carolina. At no point in the last thirty years has the tax department asked me to tell them the value of my property. They have their own appraisers who do this. If I disagree with the appraisal, I am free to appeal this decision. How does the New York system work?

Let's get this out of the way early. There is no correlation between "tax value" and the retail sales price. Why not? Because retail sales price includes constantly changing factors that the tax man doesn't know or understand. So, the idiot Democratic Congressman in Florida wanting the tax department to appraise Mar-A-Lago at the value Trump stated is obviously an idiot. Why don't we have the tax department start with the Congressman's house and go from there? 

There are a couple of good things to come out of the court proceedings against Trump so far. First, we may have found the identity of Chuck "the Schmuck" Schumer's girlfriend. When a social media post asks, "Is this Chuck Schumer's girlfriend?" and the judge responds by issuing a gag order, the truth has been unearthed. This is a response so out of proportion that the statement must be valid. Second and the most important thing is that Trump does not have the worst men's hairstyle in the courtroom. The judge is the "combover king".  You can't look at that judge without the word "buffoon" entering your mind. What the hell are these guys thinking? It would save a lot of time to just own up to being bald. Look at Joe Biden. He did the hair plug thing on his head years ago and now it just looks like a bad crop of wheat. Embrace baldness!!

From the indictment to the trial, this is all just setting up a long appeal process where Letitia James will be shown to be a complete idiot and a political whore. More to follow.


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