Monday, October 02, 2023

Singapore in September??

 I have been writing this blog for more than 18 years. In the early days, I had to install a page counter on here to see how many viewers that I had. Since those early days things have been easier as Google tracks my statistics. 

Every day when I check my blog, the summary of visitors displays on the opening page. In late May, my page view count took a sharp uptick and May ended as my best month ever to that point. In June, July and August, my page views continued to take large increases. Finally in September, my page views peaked at a number that was 2000% higher than my average for the previous 18 years. In October, page views are back to May levels. 

So why am I writing this? Because the stats also show the country where readers are located. The huge surge in page views came from Singapore. As I have never mentioned Singapore before on this blog, I am more than a little curious about what brought people here. But I doubt that it really matters. I am just always appreciative of those who take their time to read this swill. Since all of this is free, I am sure that you got your money's worth!!

I have never had any readers from Mexico or Central America. I have an occasional reader from Brazil. Other than that, I have no readers in South America. I have a few views a year from Hong Kong. So, what are the Top Ten countries for pageviews here? Obviously, first is the United States. I would love it if they could break it down by states, but they don't. The rest of the Top Ten in order is Singapore, France, Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Poland, Netherlands, Romania, and Israel. What's fascinating about the rest of the list is that I had more views from the United Arab Emirates than from the United Kingdom. Resting somewhere in about the number twenty spot is the Peoples Republic of Canada. "Little Fidel" Trudeau probably has me blocked. 

What is my most read post? It is "Memo to Kathy Manning for Congress". Just as a matter of full disclosure, she was a frequent customer at a restaurant that I managed for years. "Personable" would not be on my list of words to describe her.

So, what's the point of all this? If you are in Singapore, thanks for reading. Hell, if you are anywhere, thanks for reading. Feel free to leave a comment. 

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.


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