RMOL Rates Hate?
It's not easy being the chief loon at Random Moments of Lunacy. Actually, since it is a one man show, it's really pretty easy to be the loon. I am fascinated by the left who label everyone with whom they deal as "haters." Am I a hater? Yes, but aren't we all? Liberals hate everyone and everything conservative, but they claim that they are not haters. It is funny how that works. It reminds me of an employee years ago who had a bumper sticker on her car that read "Mean People Suck". I asked her "Isn't it mean to tell someone they suck?". She tried to argue with me but failed. After that day, she never came back to work.
So, today's post is about groups of people who profess to love but call everyone else haters. We will start with the big haters.
1. The Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC is the gold standard for hate groups. You know this is true because they are busy labeling every conservative or religious group in America as a "hate group". They have labeled so many organizations as "hate groups" that "hate groups" has lost all meaning.
The Southern Poverty Law Center actually has nothing to do with "Poverty". They operate in a building referred to as "The Poverty Palace" by their own employees. They have assets of more than $475 million. They abhor racism everywhere but in their own organization. They may be more serious about sexual issues since they fired their founder, Morris Dees. There are rumors that Morris took too many dips in the secretarial pool.
The SPLC is basically a training ground for liberal extremists. At the SLPC, they learn the phrases that will excite leftists to give their money to the SPLC and add to their huge endowment. Before you blow off that idea about fundraising, I should tell you that Morris Dees was the king of direct mail marketing. He and his business partner, Millard Fuller used it in their businesses in their college days and afterwards. They were also in the church cookbook printing business. Morris may have been a degenerate, but he knew how to raise money and he instilled that knowledge at the SPLC, His college business partner Millard Fuller went on to found Habitat for Humanity. Morris Dees may actually have done some good work against the KKK in the early days, but like my hair, those days are long gone.
2. The DOJ The DOJ is America's largest hate group. Their funding is almost unlimited as is their capacity to violate the laws that they are charged with enforcing. Their enforcement group, the FBI, plays the role of the Gestapo to Biden's role as Hitler. Biden wants to exterminate conservatives. The only problem is that Dementia Joe can't remember why. Ma Garland is reportedly in charge at the DOJ, but he repeatedly denies any knowledge of what is happening there. The FBI routinely kills those who oppose their message. Ask the folks at Waco or Ruby Ridge. How about the 75-year-old guy they killed last week for issuing threats against Biden. Their M.O is to use heavily armed SWAT teams in a pre-dawn raid. Then when the terrified homeowner pulls out a gun, they kill him to avoid the trouble of a trial. When they raided Roger Stone's house a few years ago, they even had a scuba diver in the water in case Stone tried to swim away. Yes, that's overkill, but that's how the FBI operates. They are supposed to enforce the laws, not violate them.
It is probably just a coincidence, but the DOJ and the KKK both came into existence in the same time frame.
3. The Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is busy right now trying to destroy one of their own. They are trying to censor a challenge to King Joe by Robert Kennedy Jr. Kennedy's father and uncle were both assassinated in their political careers. That's ancient history for modern day Democrats as they cry "What have you done for us lately?" Kennedy's big problem is that he believes in freedom of speech. Those who support Biden, the Halfwit Hitler, are opposed to free speech for anyone other than themselves.
Nobody can hate like a liberal. Nobody can lie about hating like a Democrat.
4. Liberal Media Sources. I realize that "liberal media" is redundant, but I will say it anyway. Whether it is MSNBC, NBC, CBS, CNN, or ABC it is all leftist swill. When Trump decide to run for President in 2016, these media outlets gave up even the pretense of objectivity. It Trump said it or did it, it must be wrong. These guys are so one sided in their reporting that I find myself missing Dan Rather. In the old days on television, an editorial would be clearly labeled as such. Now it would be easier just to tell us which stories aren't editorials. The answer to all of this was found with Joe Friday on Dragnet, "Just the facts, Ma'am. Just the facts."
So where does all of this end up? It's hateful to label other people as "hate groups". By labeling others as hate groups, you are doing the same thing to others that you allege to despise. Mean People Suck?
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