Monday Morning Mania
When we will be jailing Ma Garland for obstruction of justice in the Biden Industries corruption scandal? Nixon AG John Mitchell went to prison for 19 months for similar charges. Of course, John may have just needed to get away from his wife Martha, for a little quiet time.
Former Baltimore Police Commissioner Darryl De Sousa went to Federal prison a few years ago for ten months for not paying $67 thousand in income taxes. The Justice Department wants Hunter Biden to get probation for not paying more than one million dollars in income taxes. The same dumbass Democrats who claim they want equal treatment for all, want a white guy to get out free while a black guy went to prison for a lesser amount of taxes. Where are all of the liberal voices for equity? What happened to equal justice? Why aren't the television networks all over this? No one wants to point out the obvious!!
So, at the end of the day, the question is this, are they giving Hunter Biden a free pass because he is Joe Biden's son or they doing it because he is white? Asking for a black friend.
Why doesn't Congress look at tax cases and see how many people got no prison time for failing to pay more than a million dollars in income taxes? Ask your Congressman.
Democrats want everyone to pay their taxes and obey gun laws. For liberals, everyone does not include people with the last name of Biden.
Cornel West is a Democratic candidate for President. Wikipedia describes him as a "public intellectual". Who writes that shit on Wikipedia? Wikipedia is for those people who lost their copy of Encyclopedia Moronica. But back to my story. Cornel West wants to raise taxes to heights no working person would suggest. West is obviously a liberal as he owes the IRS more than half a million dollars in unpaid taxes. Yep! The guy who wants higher taxes has not actually paid his own taxes.
I picked up a Udall For President pin/button the other day. Before that brain fart overwhelms you, let me help you. Morris Udall was a Democrat who ran against Jimmy Carter in 1976.
Memo to the Justice Department: Former President Jimmy Carter is on video saying that Donald Trump did NOT win the election of 2016. Hurry up and indict him before he dies.
If you are old enough to remember the empty cans sold in tourist traps as cans of "Florida Sunshine", you are old enough to appreciate my newest product. I will be hustling empty cans as "Filled with the products of Biden Industries". On second thought, maybe some horse manure in each can would be more accurate? Coming to a Cracker Barrel near you. If you disagree with this, just tell me what product the Bidens are selling.
Closing thought, what would politics in America be like if Howard Cosell was still around to cover politics instead of sports? Imagine Cosell describing Biden's fall off a bicycle. How about Cosell covering an announcement by Biden? "Will the President find his way off the stage today? Is the Secret Service prepared to walk him off? What is your thought Dandy Don?"
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