Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Wisdom from the Road

 My wife and I recently returned from an extended trip to practice my travel trailer towing skills and improving my set up times at the KOA. 

A few thoughts from the road must start with this tidbit for drivers everywhere.  FYI, that thing sticking out of the left side of your steering column is your turn signal, trust me. Forget about visualizing "world peace". Visualize yourself using that damned turn signal!! I promise you that it won't hurt to use it. One more thing, if you are driving down the road and the turning signal is blinking and you are not turning, turn it off!! Leave any questions in the comments section.

In an recent interview, John Fetterman described Joe Biden as "sharp". The alleged reporter failed to ask him "As compared to what?" There are also reports that Fetterman described Diane Feinstein as "hot". I am pretty sure that last comment won't make the video.

In World War 2, the government urged citizens to plant Victory Gardens to make sure that we had plenty of vegetables. Today, we plant our vegetables in Washington, DC. In 2023, we have a bumper crop of vegetables holding office. How have we managed to elect such a group of losers?

In other "news", Donald Trump was indicted by a Washington, DC grand jury for trying to change election results. First, an indictment of a Republican by a DC grand jury is not news. Since the population of DC is dependent upon the federal government for their existence, they vote Democrat at a rate of greater than 90%. A Republican simply cannot get a fair trial in DC.  Second, an old guy with dementia who campaigned from his basement after Democrats changed all of the election rules, won the election with a record number of votes. Could there possibly be anything wrong there? 

Democrats keep denying election fraud saying that there are no issues. Fraud, by definition, is not obvious. Democrats refuse to make the thorough investigation required to find fraud. How many US attorneys have been commissioned to find issues with the election? One, the guy who had Trump indicted in DC.

In a real democracy, the Department of Justice would be indicted for obstruction of justice. It's time to fire everyone at the DOJ and burn their buildings to the ground. 

The House needs to move to impeach Merrick Garland tomorrow.

Welcome to the world's largest banana republic!!


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